Unmatched Dominance/C500 The Request of the Merchant Guild
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Unmatched Dominance/C500 The Request of the Merchant Guild
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C500 The Request of the Merchant Guild

The expansive dwelling was resplendent with jewels and lavish decorations, adorned with intricate carvings of dragons and phoenixes that seemed to pulse with an abundance of spiritual energy.

The unassuming manager of the Babel Chamber of Commerce sat serenely on a white jade lotus throne, her smile warm and her eyes shimmering with an extraordinary hue.

She was curious about how Yu Yuan had managed to arrive at the door with such ease and familiarity.

As Chiang Yurong ushered the two visitors inside, she prepared to inquire.

But before she could voice her question, Yu Yuan greeted them with a radiant smile and a respectful bow. "I am Yu Yuan, of the Medicine Clan from Darkmoon City. I apologize for not disclosing my identity before boarding the ship. I hope you'll forgive the oversight."

Yuan Lianyao was taken aback by his introduction.

She whipped her head around, her gaze fixed on Yu Yuan, her beautiful eyes clouded with bewilderment: Why reveal your true identity so soon?

Yet, almost immediately, understanding dawned on her.

Both the manager seated on the white jade lotus throne and Chiang Yurong, who had led them in, remained remarkably composed and detached after Yu Yuan's revelation.

She wasn't foolish; she realized in an instant that the Babel Chamber of Commerce had been aware of everything all along.

"You're quite astute, kid," Zhu Peining acknowledged with a nod, gesturing for him and Yuan Lianyao to sit on the adjacent white jade chairs. "You figured out we knew who you were when Yurong extended the invitation, didn't you?"

Yu Yuan replied with a smile, "A mere offshoot of the diminished Lee family wouldn't have the clout to meet the true power behind the Pirate Ship."

"Since you're so clever, try to guess why I've asked to meet with you," Zhu Peining said, her interest piqued.

"Is it because I encountered Old Monster Zu on Rosy Island?" Yu Yuan replied coolly, guiding a somewhat bewildered Yuan Lianyao to her seat. He nonchalantly picked up a pastry from the array of delicacies on the table between them and took a bite of the silky-smooth treat, savoring the dispersing Spiritual Qi. "Sister City Lord, there's no need for formalities with the Babel Chamber of Commerce."

Without a hint of guest-like restraint, he began to indulge in the food as soon as he sat down.

Zhu Peining couldn't help but laugh.

Throughout the years, she had welcomed many guests into this room.

Whether they were young people of noble birth or cultivators of profound skill, all initially behaved with restraint upon taking their seats. Yu Yuan, however, was the exception, boldly helping himself to food and drink as soon as he entered.

Yu Yuan and Yuan Lianyao arrived together. The celebrated figure from the Red Devil Sect and the Lord of Darkmoon City seemed somewhat out of place.

Yet, this young upstart acted more like the owner of the place than she did, nonchalantly eating and drinking as if he were alone.

"Aren't you worried those pastries and spiritual snacks might be poisoned?" Chiang Yurong asked with a light chuckle.

Her curiosity about this young man, dubbed the 'God of Plagues' by the Chamber of Commerce, had grown; despite his reckless demeanor, she sensed he was quite astute.

"This is the Pirate Ship of the Babel Chamber of Commerce, on the fifth floor," Yu Yuan said with a smirk, polishing off the pastry in his hand. "If I were to die here after being invited by the host, it would tarnish the Babel Chamber of Commerce's millennia-old reputation. Haha, I trust you wouldn't want to shoulder that burden, right?"

Chiang Yurong nodded in agreement. "Our Chamber has always operated openly and honorably, never resorting to such tactics."

"Sister Yuan, you'll enjoy this. It's tasty and perfect for nurturing the soul, especially now that you've solidified your realm," Yu Yuan said, pushing a plate of emerald Zhu fruits toward Yuan Lianyao, then turning his gaze to Zhu Peining.

The manager of the "Pirate Ship" simply smiled back, taking her time before responding.

"It's not because of Old Monster Zu?"

Yu Yuan raised an eyebrow in mild surprise. "Is it due to my actions in the Ember Waters? Or did the Demon Palace and Devil Palace send you after me?"

Zhu Peining maintained her smile. "Keep guessing."

"You startled me," Yu Yuan said, feigning shock as he patted his chest. "It's a relief it's not about the Demon Palace or Devil Palace seeking me out. Since you're aware of who I am, you've probably heard that I possess the Evil Cauldron. My fear was that the Demon Palace would go to any lengths to claim it, even if it meant ending my life."

"No," Zhu Peining replied, shaking her head.

"It's not because of Old Monster Zu, nor is it because of the Demon Palace or Devil Palace searching for someone..." Yu Yuan pondered for a moment and then shook his head, "I'm stumped."

"I just complimented your intelligence, and now you're playing dumb?" Zhu Peining said with a light chuckle. "Think about it, what's our Babel Chamber of Commerce known for?"

"Trading in spiritual materials," Yu Yuan replied.

"Exactly. Our bread and butter is the trade of spiritual materials." Zhu Peining's eyes rested on the Mustard Seed Bracelet in his hand, her smile genuine. "I invited you here to propose a deal."

"Giant Beast Amber!"

Yu Yuan and Yuan Lianyao exclaimed together.

Chiang Yurong's eyes sparkled.

"Exactly!" Zhu Peining was forthright with her request. "Word has it that you've collected some Starry Behemoth blood essence in the Ember Waters. Such an item is an extraordinary treasure, unseen in the Boundless Land. Several influential figures have entrusted our Chamber to notify them immediately should any news of Giant Beast Amber arise."

"Their desire for Giant Beast Amber runs deep. Two of them have previously rendered great services to our Chamber. That's why, upon discovering Lee Qi was none other than Yu Yuan, I extended this invitation."

"The Babel Chamber of Commerce is looking to purchase two pieces of Giant Beast Amber from you. You're well aware of our reputation; we don't coerce sales, and we assure you the price will be to your satisfaction."

"Two pieces are the minimum we require. However, if you're willing to part with more, we're prepared to acquire all of your Giant Beast Amber!"

The ship's master was visibly animated as he spoke of the Giant Beast Amber.

A sliver of his consciousness slipped into the Mustard Seed Bracelet, and Yu Yuan took a quick glance before responding, "At most, two pieces."

Zhu Peining's smile widened, "Yu Yuan, if you trust us, hand over the two pieces of Giant Beast Amber first. We can negotiate the exact price and your needs at leisure."

"No," Yu Yuan shook his head. "I'll hold onto them. Once we arrive at the Crack Archipelago, I'll let you know what I'm after."

He gave a light snort and added, "Senior, are you suggesting that I might not survive the Crack Archipelago, and that's why you're pressing for the Giant Beast Amber now?"

"That's absurd!" Zhu Peining exclaimed with a piercing stare.

Yu Yuan chuckled, "I've already agreed to reserve two pieces of Giant Beast Amber for you. Let the Babel Chamber of Commerce inform potential buyers to get ready and decide on the treasures they wish to offer in exchange."

Once Zhu Peining had his promise, she pondered momentarily before raising her hand. A delicate mask, as thin as a cicada's wing, drifted towards Yu Yuan.

"If you're going to assume a new identity, take it seriously," Zhu Peining chided with a roll of her eyes. "This mask will allow you to impersonate Lee Qi convincingly. Unless someone scrutinizes it closely before reaching the Yang God Stage, they won't detect the facade. It's quite a rare item, consider it a down payment from the Chamber of Commerce."

Yu Yuan snatched the mask, and it vanished into his Mustard Seed Bracelet with a flick of his wrist. "Much appreciated."

"I'm exhausted," declared Zhu Peining.

"Very well. Once we arrive at the Crack Archipelago, I'll resume discussions with the Chamber," Yu Yuan replied, rising to his feet. He cleared the table of pastries and spiritual food with a sweep of his Mustard Seed Bracelet. "Sister Yuan, it's late. We should retire for the night."


Shortly thereafter.

"How did you come to know Rosy Island's customs? And how were you certain that man would meet his end?"

"Did you truly encounter Old Monster Zu on the mountain? Moreover, how are you so well-informed about the Babel Chamber of Commerce?"

"I was under the impression that the Babel Chamber of Commerce had invited me specifically to meet with you! That wretched old lady, she never once gave me a proper glance!"

"It turns out she was interested in meeting you from the start, and I was merely an afterthought!"

Back in his room, the fiery red lotus burst into a frenzy, like a lit keg of gunpowder, with flames furiously lashing out. Yu Yuan's arm bore the brunt of the fiery assault, with pinches and twists that left him gritting his teeth in frustration.

Yu Yuan quickly bowed in apology, "Rosy Island is named after Old Monster Zu's late wife. It was also her chosen place of cultivation."

"They ventured together beyond the stars, and after her passing, Old Monster Zu laid her to rest on that small hill."

"Old Monster Zu had his eccentricities. He kept the reason for the tribute a secret, hoping to have the unfortunate souls who perished unwittingly honor his wife. A fragment of her soul, devoid of consciousness, lingers in the eerie space within the hillside, sporadically drawing on soul essence to sustain its existence."

"Old Monster Zu has been a benefactor to this realm. His methods, while unorthodox, haven't caused any real harm, and nobody takes much issue with them."

"It's only the unaffiliated cultivators, ignorant of the true situation, who stir up trouble on Rosy Island. And when they die, their passing goes unnoticed."

"Old Monster Zu's Yin God resides at Ascension Peak, his Yang God at Outer Star River, and his true form has long been stationed in the Heavenly World."

"Whether it's the Upper Sects, the Devil Palace, or the Demon Palace, even the Babel Chamber of Commerce shows him respect. For centuries, he's been a guardian of the Outer Star River, protecting a vital part of our world."


Yu Yuan revealed the inner workings of Rosy Island to her, gently soothing her concerns.

They spoke deep into the night until Yuan Lianyao finally grasped the full picture. "So, Old Monster Zu is actually quite the romantic."

"He's definitely passionate, but his wife, before her death, was responsible for countless lives. She had blood on her hands." Yu Yuan furrowed his brow. "If Old Monster Zu weren't so powerful and hadn't contributed so much to the Outer Star River, the Upper Sects would've eliminated his wife long ago."

"I always thought Old Monster Zu had a profound capacity for love. That's a real man for you!" Yuan Lianyao huffed.

Yu Yuan chuckled, choosing not to contest her point.

Soon after, the "Pirate Ship" embarked on another voyage. Many of the unaffiliated cultivators who had ventured onto Rosy Island failed to make it back.

Those who didn't return had mostly met their end on the island.

Several days later.

As Yu Yuan was practicing the Evil Body Refining Skill to strengthen his physique, he was interrupted by a knock at the door. He was about to answer it when Yuan Lianyao beat him to it.

He then overheard Chung Mann's timid voice from outside, "Um, our time on the second floor is up, and we've been ousted by the Babel Chamber of Commerce. We sisters have run out of Spirit Stones..."

Yu Yuan's expression turned icy. He realized that Chung Miao from the Bright Sect was like a bad penny, fixated on him.

Now, even as he was with Yuan Lianyao, the two sisters had the audacity to seek him out?

At the doorway.

Yuan Lianyao's eyes glinted with a hint of danger. She paid no attention to her puppet sister, nor to her pleading words, focusing instead on the visibly distressed Chung Miao, who was nervously clutching the hem of her garment.

Feeling her stare, Chung Miao subtly lifted her gaze, locking eyes with her.

The fear and anxiety that once swam in Chung Miao's eyes slowly faded away.

They were replaced by a look of defiance and an icy chill.

She resembled a venomous snake lurking in the shadows, poised to strike and sink its fangs into its prey.


Yuan Lianyao huffed, slamming the door shut, her petite frame quivering with rage. "Is that wretched girl looking for death? She's pushing me too far! She's driving me insane!"

Libre Baskerville
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