Unmatched Dominance/C529 The Rebound of the Heroic Soul
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Unmatched Dominance/C529 The Rebound of the Heroic Soul
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C529 The Rebound of the Heroic Soul

Lee Yuchan turned her head and caught sight of Yu Yuan and Lee Yu at the stairwell, their gazes fixed on her.

In the moment her eyes met Yu Yuan's, the former imperial female general's expression turned icy.

But it was fleeting; a chill swiftly enveloped her entire being.

"Chi! Chi!"

Her injured Yin God showed signs of tearing apart within her Niwan acupoints.

Her face paled with fear, nearly losing her soul in terror.

For reasons unknown, Yu Yuan appeared to her as a monstrous demon, ravenous and terrifying.

A formidable force radiated from him, one that clearly overpowered and oppressed her, making even the use of her "Martyr Spell" extremely uncomfortable.

Simultaneously, Yu Yuan felt a slight jolt.

The Evil Cauldron within his own realm of Qi and blood flared up with demonic light at the sight of Lee Yuchan, its brilliance intensifying.

The Evil Cauldron seemed eager to escape the acupoints, as if to dominate Lee Yuchan or undertake some other action.

The cauldron soul's thoughts chimed in timely: "That woman! She possesses something I covet! The spell she practices is peculiar. It appears she has drawn in an immense amount of baleful qi into her soul sea. Yet, she can't refine or expel it, allowing it to accumulate and increasingly harm her soul and sanity."

Yu Yuan was taken aback.

The cauldron soul, sounding somewhat agitated, continued to elucidate.

After a moment of contemplation, Yu Yuan grasped the meaning of the cauldron soul's words.

Lee Yuchan's Spiritual Spell, derived from the Sky Shocking Emperor, harnessed the "Martyr Spell" to draw power from the souls of soldiers who had perished in battle. These souls, steeped in the most brutal of wars, were saturated with emotions like despair, violence, madness, and a thirst for blood.

As Lee Yuchan refined her strength through the "Martyr Spell," these potent emotions were inevitably absorbed.

Unlike the Aura Altar's Soul Altar, which purified the soul by removing impurities, evil thoughts, and bizarre emotions into the Muddy Devil Embryo, the "Martyr Spell" retained only the purest essence of soul power for the Outland Devaputra to consume.

The "Martyr Spell" lacked the power of purification, instead absorbing everything indiscriminately.

Ultimately, this led to the downfall of the Sky Shocking Emperor, its creator, whose mind was consumed by various malevolent and bloodthirsty forces. He descended into the Devil Dao, transforming into a "tyrant" who incited wars across numerous empires, resulting in the deaths of countless soldiers.

Due to his brutal actions, the Sky Shocking Emperor was eventually confined within the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, and the "Martyr Spell" was destroyed and its practice strictly prohibited.

Lee Yuchan began to experience the drawbacks of the "Martyr Spell" after advancing to the Yin God Stage.

The resentment and malevolent energy of the soldiers she had slain and absorbed began to corrupt her Yin God, slowly consuming her from within.

During this ordeal, she lacked the time and energy to address the hidden dangers plaguing her Yin God.

Pursued relentlessly by enemies like Chiu Jihai, her only option was to engage in fierce combat.

This led to a sudden and catastrophic backlash from her Yin God during battle, rendering her unable to wield her sophisticated spiritual techniques.

In her final escape to Babel Island, she resorted to a forbidden technique of the "Martyr Spell," which, while aiding her escape, also compounded her injuries.

"So that's the story."

After discussing with the cauldron soul, Yu Yuan gained a general understanding of the events and glanced at the Soul Accumulating Pills. He shook his head and remarked, "The pills she's interested in merely address the symptoms; they won't resolve her underlying issues."

"Then what?" Lee Yu asked, taken aback.

"This isn't the place for such discussions. Your aunt seems to harbor quite a few misconceptions about me," Yu Yuan mused internally before saying, "Go tell her that I can help with her injuries and the dangers she faces. Alright, I'll head outside and wait for you there."

With that, he offered Lee Yuchan a distant smile and a subtle nod before turning to make his way downstairs.


At the entrance of the Pill Hall on the first floor, a woman's eyes sparkled with recognition. "It's you!"

"Fate has a way of bringing enemies together," Yu Yuan said with a wry smile, facing the sisters Chung Miao and Chung Mann who had just entered. He shook his head gently and addressed Chung Miao, "What's the plan? To continue your vendetta against me on Babel Island? You're quite bold."

Many onlookers were fascinated by the sisters.

Chung Miao, in the presence of others, remained shy and well-concealed, avoiding conversation with Yu Yuan.

Chung Mann challenged, "What are you insinuating? What have we done to you?"

Yu Yuan chuckled dismissively, striding past the sisters to the door and exiting.

Once he was gone, Chung Miao turned her gaze after him, her eyes darkening with coldness.

"Keep in line while you're on the island," Gao Qin advised languidly from the side, eyeing Chung Miao. "It would be wise not to overstep."

Chung Miao replied in a hushed tone, "I wouldn't dare violate the Chamber's rules."

Gao Qin nodded, "Good to hear."

The sisters were no strangers to Babel Island. While their origins and backgrounds might be a mystery to others, Gao Qin was well aware of their story.

"Is Lee Yu upstairs?" Chung Mann inquired with a sly smile. "Lee Yu and I go way back, even before our arrival at the Crack Archipelago. I've come specifically to see her."

Gao Qin paused, quickly piecing together the situation.

With the Lee family's downfall, Lee Yu was left without support and turned away by the Profound Sky Sect, making him a prime target for the Bright Sect sisters.

The sisters had likely set their sights on Lee Yu already but had hesitated for some reason. Now, with the knowledge of Lee Yu's rejection by the Profound Sky Sect, any lingering doubts they had were likely dispelled. Furthermore, with Lee Yuchan injured and unable to fend for himself, the younger sister lurking in the shadows grew bolder.

"As for Lee Yu..." Gao Qin furrowed his brow, "I wasn't going to get involved, but it seems he's quite close to the man who just left."

Chung Miao's expression chilled.

An irritated Chung Mann exclaimed, "Not him again!"


Upon exiting the Pill Hall, Yu Yuan's first sight was Chiu Jihai, huddled close to Old Cash, murmuring in hushed tones.

Chiu Jihai looked up, startled to see Yu Yuan emerge so swiftly.

After a brief moment, Chiu Jihai respectfully bowed to Yu Yuan.

Without a backward glance, he departed.

Old Cash beckoned cheerily, his face alight with a grin. "Yu, you've finally emerged! I've been on this island waiting for an eternity. You can't imagine my agony!"

"I intended to seek you out after my exit, but I ran into an acquaintance along the way, which held me up," Yu Yuan explained.

"Was it that lad from the Lee family?" inquired Old Cash.

Yu Yuan confirmed with a nod, approaching him with a question, "What did Chiu Jihai have to say to you? Are you two acquainted?"

"I'm familiar with his deadbeat master, so Chiu Jihai is somewhat of a junior to me," Old Cash revealed candidly. "He was inquiring about you. He also wanted me to pass along a message, hoping you wouldn't shield Lee Yu and Lee Yuchan."

"Why should I do him any favors?" Yu Yuan smirked.

Old Cash chuckled. "He's ready to pay for the lives of Lee Yu and Lee Yuchan. If you turn a blind eye, he'll hand over a thousand spirit jades to you."

Yu Yuan's smile widened. "His vendetta against the Lee family runs as deep as the ocean."

A thousand spirit jades was no trifling sum; it could secure an Earth Level Spirit Weapon on Babel Island, suitable for those in the Penetrating Stage and the Yin God Stage.

Chiu Jihai was clearly going to great lengths, sparing no expense, to see Lee Yu and Lee Yuchan dead.

"Lee Yu and Lee Yuchan are no ordinary members of the Lee family; they're worth the price," Old Cash said with a smile. "But I made it clear to him that I can't sway your decisions."

"Let's discuss the favor you want to ask of me," Yu Yuan prompted.

"Not the best place for that conversation," Old Cash glanced around before adding, "I've got a temporary spot rented here on Babel Island."

"Got it," Yu Yuan nodded, about to suggest they wait when he caught sight of Lee Yu exiting the Pill Hall, his face a mask of icy disdain.

Chung Mann was trailing behind him, chattering incessantly.

Yu Yuan's eyes narrowed as he muttered, "Those sisters are truly exasperating!"

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