Unmatched Dominance/C546 The Dignity of the Goddess
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Unmatched Dominance/C546 The Dignity of the Goddess
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C546 The Dignity of the Goddess

"Giant Beast Amber!"

The moment those words were uttered, Blood God Island erupted into a frenzy.

Yu Yuan noticed that each disciple of the Blood God Cult, upon hearing "Giant Beast Amber," had their eyes instantly blaze with an intense, greedy longing.

Even Lin Yue's heartbeat noticeably quickened at the mention of the Giant Beast Amber.

The other disciples, of varying realms and statuses, suddenly found their Qi and blood agitated and unstable.

Even the Yin God, a figure wrought from congealed blood, seemed to stir restlessly when Uncle Han spoke of the Giant Beast Amber.

As he spoke of how his Soul Arts could greatly aid Ann Ziqing, he stepped away from the "blood well," poised like a hawk swooping down on its prey.

A sharp pain suddenly pierced Yu Yuan's brow at the Niwan acupoint.

This sensation alerted him to the fact that Uncle Han, with his subtle Soul Arts, had stealthily locked onto him, ready to strike at any moment.

"Qi and blood anomaly..."

Narrowing his eyes, he remained vigilant, quietly tuning into his senses.

Suddenly, he felt an extraordinary sensitivity to the Qi and blood of every Blood God Cult disciple.

He cast a glance at Lin Yue, detecting the exquisitely refined Qi and blood hidden within his chest's Xuanmen acupoint.

The essence of Qi and blood in Lin Yue's veins, the resilience of his organs and bones, and any vulnerabilities were all perceptible to him with acute clarity.

He even discerned that Lin Yue's spine had once been fractured and had yet to be fully restored.

Filled with astonishment, Yu Yuan continued his observations...

A female disciple at the late Yellow Court Stage had a primary vein in her left arm that had ruptured and not fully healed.

Another disciple at the Profound Break Stage had his head tilted to one side, the result of a severe neck injury that left unhealed fractures in the bone.

Yet another disciple at the Penetrating Stage had a damaged liver with unprocessed blood clots.

And there were more...

His gaze swept over each disciple of the Blood God Cult, assessing their internal organs, bones, and veins. He could instantly discern their injuries, chronic conditions, areas of strength, and deficiencies. With just a glance, his insights were nearly flawless.

Such a feat was beyond anything he had ever experienced before.

Even with the use of the Soul Forging Technique to open his so-called "insightful eye," he could not have perceived the hidden aspects of an opponent's flesh and bones so clearly.

"Could it be..."

After a moment's thought, his eyes began to shine with realization. "The Blood Sacrificial Altar!"

The sole change from before was his assimilation of the Giant Beast Amber, which had forged a Blood Sacrificial Altar within his own microcosm of vital energy and blood!

Yet, no significant breakthrough had been reached in his cultivation level, nor had he made any substantial leaps.

He hadn't spent time in the gloomy hall practicing the Soul Forging Technique, nor had he reached out to the peculiar small space deep beneath the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area.

"His gaze is unsettling," remarked a Blood God Cult disciple at the Profound Break Stage, frowning as he hefted a crimson spear. "It makes one uneasy."

His words resonated with the other disciples who had felt discomfort under Yu Yuan's stare, prompting nods of agreement.


Han Ling emerged from a 'blood well' and landed respectfully behind Ann Ziqing, bowing deeply before exclaiming, "You must have heard from the Patriarch about the immense value of the Starry Behemoth's blood essence for our Cult's practitioners! This boy has likely fused the Giant Beast Amber into his own realm of vital energy and blood!"

"Otherwise, the island's Origin Blood Array wouldn't have activated on its own upon his arrival!"

In his fervor, he implored her further, "Miss, while the guardians are preoccupied with the escaped Starry Behemoth, I can assist you..."

A flash of deadly intent glinted in his eyes.

Yu Yuan's face tensed as he stood among the Blood God Cult disciples, gazing at the suspended sea of blood and sensing Han Ling's murderous intent, he inwardly gasped.

"I am here."

The voice of the cauldron soul emanated from the Purple Palace acupoint on his chest.

The Blood Sacrificial Altar's occupation of his Middle Dantian had caused a conflict of energies, preventing the Evil Cauldron from returning to his microcosm of Qi and blood.

The Mustard Seed Bracelet could not contain the Evil Cauldron, now of Divine Level status.

With no other option, the Evil Cauldron had settled within the Purple Palace acupoint in Yu Yuan's body as a temporary refuge.

The Purple Palace, carved out by the Evil Cauldron, was devoid of the spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth, as well as any vital energy and blood, serving merely as a transient resting place.

"The situation is precarious. If anything goes awry, unleash the Evil Cauldron to cover my escape!"

Yu Yuan was ready, having shared his plan. If Ann Ziqing so much as nodded in agreement to strike, he'd use every ounce of his power to break free from Blood God Island.

Armed with the Evil Cauldron and a subtle influence over the island's Origin Blood Array, he felt a surge of confidence.

"Junior Master Han, return to your cultivation."

Ann Ziqing, standing amidst the Blood God Cult disciples in her purple divine armor, commanded with an authoritative air, "Do not show yourself without my command."

Her words were a blunt rebuke.

Junior Master Han, formed of Yin God essence, fell silent for a few seconds before responding, "Miss, I had good intentions."

"I've taken note."

Ann Ziqing's expression chilled as she addressed Lin Yue and the gathered disciples, "I've merely invited a guest to the island, which triggered an anomaly in the Origin Blood Array. That's all there is to it. There's no need for alarm. Continue your practices and studies as usual!"

"Should anyone else roam the island without my consent, prying into my guest's affairs with their soul or Qi, they'll have no one but themselves to blame for my response."

Her gaze fixed on Han Ling as she issued the warning.

Taken aback, Han Ling dared not contradict her, nodding in acknowledgment, "I overstepped my bounds."

He then retreated back into the blood well.

The other disciples, Lin Yue included, respectfully bowed to Ann Ziqing and departed, each steering their artifacts away.

Ann Ziqing hovered midair, glancing at the blood sea before her hands swiftly formed seven bizarre seals.

Drenched in blood, the seals plunged into the sea.

The sea of blood appeared to rip open, dividing into shards of bloody light that cascaded into the seventy-two blood wells, dispelling the enigmatic Origin Blood Array.

"You must find this amusing."

Ann Ziqing offered an apologetic smile and gestured to Yuan Lianyao above, "Sister Yuan, it's safe to descend now. Rest assured, having openly invited the young master to Blood God Island, I have no intention of foul play."

"Young Master, please follow me."

She swiftly descended and positioned herself on a corridor laid with red stones, guiding Yu Yuan forward.

Yu Yuan, ready to confront any betrayal and summon the Evil Cauldron if needed, cleared his throat and said with a grin, "I just knew you wouldn't mean me any harm."

"Young Master, to put it bluntly, if I really wanted to harm you, I would have done so back in Darkmoon City," Ann Ziqing stated earnestly.

"I'm quite curious about your time with the Yu family," Yu Yuan remarked.

"I'll fill you in later," Ann Ziqing replied.

"I want to hear this too!" Yuan Lianyao exclaimed, suddenly appearing beside them.

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