Unmatched Dominance/C555 Forbidden Area Restricted Area
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Unmatched Dominance/C555 Forbidden Area Restricted Area
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C555 Forbidden Area Restricted Area

Three Roam Ships, laden with various ores, fine gold, and exquisite jade, materialized above Spider City.

Within the city, cultivators eagerly anticipated their arrival.

"The Babel Chamber of Commerce establishing a branch here in Spider City is a momentous event!"

"It signifies that the Babel Chamber of Commerce recognizes the untapped potential of the Absence Relic. They understand that with the resurgence of Spiritual Qi, this once resplendent realm will reclaim its former glory!"

"Exactly! The influx of Demonic Beasts and the arrival of numerous cultivators are clear omens of what's to come!"


Cultivators from the seven lower sects, visitors from the Quietus Continent, and many independent practitioners engaged in fervent discussions.

Weixian of the Cold Yin Sect emerged from his chilly abode and stepped onto the balcony. Gazing up at the three Roam Ships, he turned to the young disciples behind him with a smile, "The excitement is building. Wherever the Babel Chamber of Commerce decides to establish a branch, it naturally becomes a hub of activity."

A striking woman with icy eyes stared at the once again frozen Lim Hanyu and questioned, "Uncle-Master, why do you continue to keep him?"

This woman, who had reached the Middle Period of the Penetrating Stage, had always harbored a dislike for Lim Zhuyun during her time in the Cold Yin Sect.

Her mentor, the warden of Cold Yin Island, had slain Lim Zhuyun when she became possessed by the Devaputra and turned vicious.

"Uncle-Master, that traitor Lim Zhuyun has long been devoid of her senses," another frigid man chimed in. "Capturing her father to leverage against her is pointless. She's not the true Lim Zhuyun, merely a demon. Why would she care for his life or death?"

The rest of the Cold Yin Sect disciples shared the sentiment of confusion.

"I have my reasons," Weixian said with a smile.


"Sister Zhu, I've been looking forward to your arrival for quite some time."

Liu Xiao, tasked by Taoist Chongxiao with overseeing the space teleportation array, warmly welcomed Zhu Peining into the tower the moment she emerged from the array. "Ever since I heard the Chamber of Commerce assigned you to Spider City, I've been eagerly awaiting your arrival."

Accompanied by Gao Qin and Chiang Yurong, Zhu Peining made her way to the Spirit Void Sect's tower.

Three Roam Ships had been dispatched to Spider City from other divisions half a month prior, tasked with a special assignment.

Zhu Peining, in fact, had been a last-minute replacement, called in to drop everything and spearhead the construction of the Babel Chamber of Commerce's new branch in Spider City. Initially, the chamber had someone else in mind for the job.

The decision to switch to Zhu Peining, with the assistance of Gao Qin and Chiang Yurong, likely stemmed from the chamber's knowledge of her previous dealings with Yu Yuan and her familiarity with him. The chamber had undoubtedly done their homework on the close relationship between Yu Yuan and Yu Zhu.

"I've been ordered to establish the chamber's branch here in Spider City," Zhu Peining said with a smile to the Spirit Void Sect cultivator she had met previously. "As for whether I'll be stationed here long-term, that remains to be seen."

Liu Xiao, also in the guise of an elderly woman, expressed her wish, "I'd love to witness Spider City's transformation into a bustling hub alongside you."

"Spider City will thrive with or without me," Zhu Peining remarked, glancing at the busy teleportation array. "Just look at this space teleportation array, constantly active, bringing in cultivators from all corners. This alone foreshadows the city's promising future."

"Where's Yu Yuan?" inquired Gao Qin, who had been lounging nearby.

"He entered the city about ten days ago with Yuan Lianyao and Old Cash," Liu Xiao replied, somewhat sheepishly. "I didn't recognize him then and didn't think much of it. By the time I realized who he was, he had already left Spider City. After being away from Darkmoon City for so long, he's probably returned to the Yu family with City Lord Yuan by now."

As their conversation flowed, the three Roam Ships were moored in the vast expanse just outside the city.

"The Yu family, huh..." Zhu Peining mused, then turned to Gao Qin and Chiang Yurong, "Yurong, take charge of procuring materials. Let's get our chamber's buildings erected on the site we've selected. Gao Qin, make a trip to Darkmoon City and meet with Yu Yuan."



With a respectful bow, Jiang Yurong and Gao Qin departed.

"Sister Liu, there are a few words I'd like to share with you in private," Zhu Peining whispered.

Catching the cue, Liu Xiao coughed discreetly and announced, "That's all for now, everyone. Dismissed."

Curious members of the Spirit Void Sect, sensing the situation, quickly made themselves scarce.

"Sorry for the intrusion."

Zhu Peining swept her sleeve, planting small flags between herself and Liu Xiao. "It's not that I distrust the Spirit Void Sect; I'd just rather not have eavesdroppers."

The flags settled, casting a faint glow that shrouded both her and Liu Xiao.

"A soundproofing array," Liu Xiao acknowledged, nodding. "Even if you hadn't set this up, I would've used our sect's formation to block out external sounds and soul perceptions."

"Since we're old acquaintances, I'll get straight to the point," Zhu Peining said directly. "Is it true that Liang Jingyin, the independent cultivator, has been taken in by the Spirit Void Sect? And that he's to become a guest elder after achieving the Yang God stage?"

"Sister Zhu, why bring up this man?" Liu Xiao asked, clearly surprised.

"In all honesty, Liang Jingyin is on the Babel Chamber of Commerce's most wanted list," Zhu Peining said, her expression turning grave. "He's raided our merchant ships three times, seizing two Roam Ships and one Pirate Ship, all laden with spiritual materials. He's also responsible for the deaths of our members."

Liu Xiao was taken aback. "Is that so? He's audacious to the extreme, isn't he?"

"Our company has been pursuing him for quite some time, but he's slipped away twice," Zhu Peining said with a steely tone. "Just before I left, we received word that he had brazenly shown up at Yellow Mountain in the relic area! After hiding for so long, who emboldened Liang Jingyin to act so recklessly?"

"Sister Zhu, please calm down. I was unaware of his issues with the company. Moreover, I'm not privy to any private dealings he may have with the Spirit Void Sect," Liu Xiao hurriedly replied.

"Would you do me a favor and relay the issue between Liang Jingyin and the Chamber of Commerce to Taoist Chongxiao? Since you're overseeing this space teleportation array for him, you must have a way to reach him," Zhu Peining requested, gathering up the small flags. "I won't impose any further. Farewell!"


An ice-blue phantom was in hot pursuit of a Fifth Level gold-stripped beast.

The gold-striped beast, with its leopard-like form, roared as it became shrouded in a glimmering frost mist.

The "Evil Demon," with the upper body of a woman and the lower body of a scorpion, slowly encased the gold-striped beast in ice within the depths of the cold fog, transforming it into a statue of ice.

Elsewhere, Yu Yuan, wielding the Evil Cauldron, vanquished a Fourth Level cold serpent and hauled its carcass into the cauldron.

The Evil Cauldron then soared out, seizing the frozen gold-striped beast as well, before whirling back into the palm of Yu Yuan's hand.

"This will suffice." With a slight stir of his consciousness, Yu Yuan sensed the three Demonic Beasts within the cauldron and strolled leisurely toward the lake.

Shortly after, Qin Yun arrived, breathless. "Young Master, I've delivered the message of your return and the items you entrusted to your grandfather."

Yu Yuan smiled. "Everything's alright there?"

"With City Lord Yuan present, the Yu family is in good hands." Qin Yun paused, then added, "Elder Ning Ji is also stirring, wanting to come here."

"Let him wait a bit longer. No rush." Gazing at the lake veiled in a rainbow miasma, Yu Yuan continued, "I'm nearly ready. Join me, and I'll tend to your wounds as well."

Qin Yun's excitement surged. "Young Master, have you been concerned about my injury all this time?"

"Soul injuries are somewhat complicated," Yu Yuan acknowledged with a nod.

Taking a deep breath to steady himself, Qin Yun spoke again, "With Miss Yu Zhu absent, this lake and the mid-lake island are the most restricted zones of the relic. It's forbidden for outsiders, and they cannot gain entry."

"I'll take you in," Yu Yuan declared.

Qin Yun nodded emphatically. "I have faith in your power, Young Master!"

Holding the Evil Cauldron, Yu Yuan stood by the lake's edge and commanded, "Let's go!"

His words still hanging in the air, the cauldron enveloped both him and Qin Yun, soaring into the colorful miasma cloud. It burst through layers of hidden seals and descended upon the island, long concealed from the world.

"You, you're still alive?!"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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