Unmatched Dominance/C561 Teach You the Rules!
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Unmatched Dominance/C561 Teach You the Rules!
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C561 Teach You the Rules!

Lu Qingyu gave a flick of her sleeve, and a large dark green fish tank emerged, floating before the assembled crowd above the lake's surface. A peculiar sensation washed over everyone as the lake appeared to rise slightly, its waters seemingly drawn toward the hovering tank.

Yu Yuan's expression grew cool, but he refrained from immediate comment, curious to witness the intentions of Treasure Lake's formidable Demonic Fish.

The fish tank's mouth tipped downward, and streams cascaded into the lake like shimmering waterfalls. Within these falls, lively fish with gleaming scales transformed mid-descent into armored warriors.

With a whoosh, as they touched the lake, the warriors reverted to their original piscine forms. And just like that, the once barren lake teemed with hundreds of fish, infusing it with a newfound vibrancy.

Lu Qingyu's earlier mention of bringing her family was no jest. She had indeed awakened the sentience of Demonic Fish from the depths of Treasure Lake—creatures of the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Levels—and transported them here without seeking permission from the lake's master.

This island-dotted lake was the private domain of Yu Zhu, the relic's guardian. Its waters, brimming with abundant Spiritual Qi, were ideal for nurturing the growth and evolution of the Demonic Fish.

The Demonic Fish frolicked in the lake, blowing bubbles and eagerly drawing the lake's spiritual energy into their beings.

Treasure Lake, vast and deep, paled in comparison to the spiritual richness of this smaller body of water.

This unnamed lake, revitalized by the relic's spiritual energy and Yu Zhu's presence, had become one of the Profound Sky Continent's most precious sanctuaries for water demons' cultivation.

Lu Qingyu, aware of this, knew she needed a new sacred site for her own advancement. To ascend from the Seventh to the Eighth Level, she had set her sights on this very place as her new haven.

Standing by the water's edge, Lu Qingyu, who had an affinity for water, could barely contain herself after sensing the lake's powerful spiritual presence. Having released her Demonic Fish, she turned toward the mid-lake island, shrouded in a colorful miasma cloud, and with a hint of formality, she pleaded, "Please forgive me!"

Deep within her heart, Lu Qingyu was convinced that she had found the place of her dreams, and she had faith that Yu Zhu would surely welcome her.

A Seventh Level Water Demon pledging allegiance while cultivating in Treasure Lake was an offer few could refuse.

Moreover, her arrival promised benefits for the relic, the lake, and Yu Zhu herself!

"It seems quite improper to bring the fish into the lake without the Master's consent, doesn't it?" Old Cash remarked gravely.

He noticed that Yu Yuan, emerging from the Evil Cauldron, wore a chill in his demeanor.

Having dealt with Yu Yuan for some time, Old Cash was well aware that the Yu family's young master, despite his modest level of cultivation, was quick-tempered and had a repertoire of cruel tactics at his disposal.

Gao Qin, taken aback, also commented, "It does seem to breach protocol!"

"I'm aware," Lu Qingyu acknowledged with a gentle nod, her gaze fixed on the mid-lake island shrouded in miasma. "I regret having to meet the relic's owner in such a manner. Yet, my hope is that the Master might emerge from the fog, grant me an audience, and recognize the legitimacy of my arrival."

Her approach was an unconventional plea for acceptance, a silent appeal to Yu Zhu's sense of recognition.

Huoluo and a formidable man known as Lei Jiao also watched the mid-lake island with eager anticipation.

Yu Yuan, however, was not a concern for them.

They were convinced that even if Yu Zhu had been summoned back to the Quietus Continent by the Demon Palace, some part of the Demon Soul would still be stationed on the island, the only explanation for Weixian's escape.

They were of the firm belief that it was Yu Zhu who, with the relic's frigid power and the overwhelming Heavenly Might, kept Weixian's people at bay!

"You really don't understand decorum, do you, outsider?" Yu Yuan scoffed, maneuvering the Evil Cauldron towards the colorful miasma cloud above. Addressing Lu Qingyu, he declared, "Having taken human form, you ought to abide by human customs. Since you seem ignorant of such etiquette, allow me to enlighten you."

Lu Qingyu didn't even deign to glance his way.

Regardless of your rapport with the master of the relic, you are not the master, nor are you anointed by the Demon Palace. What authority do you have to instruct me?

Mulling over her next move, the Great Demon from Treasure Lake flicked her sleeve, causing the tranquil waters before her to ripple suddenly. Wisps of water vapor, each infused with pure water spirit energy, rose gently from the lake's surface.

With a graceful wave of her hand, she drew out tendrils of this water spirit energy, directing them into the green and black fish tank.

"Gathering the lake's pure water spirit energy right in front of the Master is a bit excessive," Huoluo remarked, shaking his head in disapproval. "Even if you're trying to coax the Master into appearing, surely there's a better way?"

Huoluo's words were cautious, not wishing to offend Yu Zhu or to escalate the situation.

"I've repeatedly sought an audience with the Master in earnest, only to be ignored. I'm left with no choice but to resort to more drastic measures," Lu Qingyu said, her gaze fixed on the mid-lake island. Her eyes, clear as mirrors, flashed with anger at the perceived slight and insult. "I ask for the Master's forgiveness in advance!"

"Huff! Huff! Huff!"

The dense, colorful miasma cloud that enshrouded the mid-lake island suddenly surged toward the lake below.

From within the miasma's glowing barrier, streaks of colorful flames, reeking of acidic and corrosive juices, burst forth and showered down upon the lake like a deluge.

Gao Qin's face drained of color as he let out a piercing scream, "Ghosts Poisoning Array!"

At that moment, he understood the hidden dangers within the colorful miasma cloud, why the mid-lake island was deemed off-limits, and why no one had dared to venture there.

"Ghosts Poisoning Array!" Huoluo's face contorted as he swiftly retreated a hundred meters.


Lei Jiao, his arms writhing with lightning snakes, panicked and transformed into a bolt of lightning, fleeing the eerie lake in the blink of an eye.

Gao Qin and Old Cash likewise scrambled to safety.

A burst of bright red flames was the first to touch down on the lake, igniting upon contact with the water. It intelligently sought out a Demonic Fish and, within seconds, the fish disintegrated into a cloud of blood in the water.

More flames, in a spectrum of colors, continued to pour from the colorful miasma cloud, raining down upon the lake.

The Demonic Fish, which Lu Qingyu had released to swim joyfully at the lake's bottom, were suddenly struck by disaster, falling victim to the lethal acidic poison.

In the blink of an eye, over a dozen Demonic Fish lay dead.

Lu Qingyu's heart skipped a beat as the first fish dissolved into bloody water.

Though she had never heard of the Ghosts Poisoning Array, the retreat of Huoluo and Lei Jiao told her all she needed to know about its fearsome power.

With a hiss, flames burst upon the large greenish-black fish tank.

The inscribed Demonic Array and the branded demonic blood within began to disintegrate.

Realizing the gravity of her situation, Lu Qingyu made a desperate plea toward the mid-lake island, "I admit my mistake, little Demonic Fish Qingyu begs for mercy! Please, master of the relic, forgive me and cease your actions!"

She dropped to her knees by the lake's edge, her forehead touching the ground repeatedly.

With each bow, she implored, "I came to you with a true heart, seeking acceptance. Henceforth, I pledge my loyalty to serve under your command, never to waver again!"

Yu Yuan stood within the cauldron, a sneer playing on his lips.

He watched the relentless fire toxin flames hunt the Demonic Fish and heard Lu Qingyu's pleas, yet remained unmoved. "I warned you about the consequences of ignorance. You must learn that stealing without the owner's consent invites severe punishment."

Lu Qingyu looked up at Yu Yuan, her eyes wide with fear.

Meanwhile, Huoluo and Lei Jiao seemed to grapple with a startling realization. The one wielding the Ghosts Poisoning Array was not the fabled owner of the relic, but rather the young master of the Yu family.

"Weixian, who had been skulking in the shadows causing mischief, never dared to approach the lake," Yu Yuan said with a chilling smile. "Even with his advanced Soul Wandering Stage abilities, he wouldn't dare to touch the water. Yet you, with your mastery of the Water Great Dao, recklessly sought your own demise."

Had Weixian been so bold as to intrude upon the island, the Ghosts Poisoning Array would have inflicted more than mere scratches on the Cold Yin Sect elder.

"I was wrong, truly wrong," Lu Qingyu finally admitted in a panic, no longer able to meet Yu Yuan's gaze. She continued to kowtow, pleading, "I beg for your forgiveness. I earnestly seek refuge with the master of the relic!"

The thunder snake, a creature of legend, was said to be a guardian of the Demon Array, its body coursing with fire toxin, a lethal substance capable of incapacitating those in the Late Period of cultivation. Only those who had reached the Soul Wandering Stage, a realm of spiritual enlightenment, could hope to navigate the treacherous waters and uncover the secrets of Treasure Lake.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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