Unmatched Dominance/C568 The Resolute Journey!
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Unmatched Dominance/C568 The Resolute Journey!
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C568 The Resolute Journey!

Beneath Yellow Mountain lay a curious formation that harnessed spiritual energy and forged the power of gold metal. Liang Jingyin, an independent cultivator, had chosen this spot. With assistance from the masters of the Spirit Void Sect, he seized control of the subterranean ore vein using both his body and a pagoda.

In combat, Liang Jingyin would siphon spiritual energy from the ore vein, enhancing the pagoda with its power and the unique force of gold metal. This vein, continuously drawing spiritual essence from the relic, ensured Liang Jingyin's energy reserves remained inexhaustible during battle, like an undying pool of water.

The five-tiered pagoda, hovering above Yellow Mountain, radiated a ceaseless golden divine glow. Even under the relentless assault of Zhu Peining and the Yellow Old Devil, its brilliance never waned.

Despite having provoked the Babel Chamber of Commerce, Liang Jingyin boldly continued his cultivation on Yellow Mountain, his confidence rooted in these advantages. He aimed to harness the mountain's rich iron ore vein to further refine his pagoda and ultimately transform his Heavenly Soul into a Yang God.

Zhu Peining, the Yellow Old Devil, and Old Cash were powerless against him. Other factions, constrained by the Demon Palace's regulations, couldn't deploy a Yang God to intervene, leaving them at a loss.

Yet, everything stood to change with Yu Zhu's return. As the ruler of the Land of Buried, Yu Zhu could redirect the flow of spiritual energy, drying up the mountain's ore vein and compelling Liang Jingyin to leave the Land of Buried.

Liang Jingyin's only recourse was to quickly refine the Yang God and flee before Yu Zhu's arrival. Otherwise, he faced certain doom.

"You, and you!" Xu Zixi, from within the cauldron, lightly gestured toward the gold-stripped beast and the golden bird perched on the peach branch. "If you're plotting something involving Yellow Mountain, you'll need to enlist a greater demon."

The bird, its feathers ablaze with golden flames, chirped a coy laugh. "We appreciate the heads-up, Python Queen. We're well aware."

With that, the bird gracefully descended onto the colossal gold-stripped beast. Perching on its shoulder, tiny as a fly, it added, "Now that we're aware this rogue cultivator has powerful backing, we're more than prepared."

The gold-stripped beast's eyes cleared instantly as it touched down.

It seemed the golden bird had the power to soothe the gold-stripped beast's savage soul, endowing it with intelligence at all times.

"In the relic, we will follow the rules established by the Demon Palace!" the gold-stripped beast declared, its thunderous voice echoing across the sky. "Python Queen, consider this a warning: it's in your best interest not to inquire about the Great Swamp."

Thump! Thump! Thump!

The gold-stripped beast strode into the distance, each step quaking the earth and mountains.

Perched on its shoulder, the golden bird glanced back at the Evil Cauldron and spoke in a melodious tone, "When the Desolate God rages, no creature can bring it peace."

Slowly, the gold-stripped beast transformed into a sphere of golden light and departed from Yellow Mountain.

Zhu Peining's brow furrowed. "Xu Zixi, are you considering a journey to the Desolate Swamp?"

The Babel Chamber of Commerce, always privy to the latest news, was aware of the turmoil in the Great Swamp and equally curious about the events unfolding within. Those they had dispatched met their demise in mere moments.

Zhu Peining was acutely aware of the Desolate God's formidable presence in the Great Swamp, particularly when it was in a state of unbridled fury.

"It's not me," Xu Zixi replied, shaking her head before turning to Yu Yuan with an embarrassed chuckle. "The Demon Palace has requested his presence in the Desolate Swamp. He's yet to reach the Soul Wandering Stage. As long as he doesn't unleash the cauldron, his presence there shouldn't provoke the Desolate God."

"Absolutely not!" Old Cash exclaimed in alarm.

Zhu Peining shook her head at Yu Yuan, "It's far too risky."

"I've given my word," Yu Yuan responded.

"Brother Yu, what will we do if you venture into the Desolate Swamp and can't return?" Old Cash expressed his concern. "Without you, the master of the relic won't give me the time of day."

"I'll pass along a message to Miss Yu Zhu," offered the Python Queen.

"You?" Old Cash's skepticism was palpable.

"Enough, I've already made my commitment," Yu Yuan said, feeling no need to explain further to Old Cash or Zhu Peining. He watched as the solitary practitioner, Liang Jingyin, retreated back into Yellow Mountain. "You two keep trying to drive him out. My affairs needn't trouble you."

After uttering those words, the Evil Cauldron took flight once more.

En route from the mid-lake island to the Desolate Swamp, Yu Yuan witnessed numerous formidable demons and countless skirmishes.

Cultivators from the seven lower sects, like Liang Jingyin, were locked in combat with both high- and low-tier Demonic Beasts of the Desolate Swamp.

Xu Zixi made it clear that the Demon Palace took pleasure in the clashes occurring across the fractured landscapes of the Absence Relic.

Creatures such as the gold-stripped beast and the Blazing Sun Toad, once subordinates of the Desolate God, were now regarded as kin by the Demon Palace.

The Demon Palace had no intention of expelling the Demonic Beasts that roamed the Absence Relic, for they were seen as powerful allies.

The Demon Palace also harbored the belief that upon Yu Zhu's return, the rightful owner of the Relic, even the most defiant Demonic Beasts could be subdued and recruited.

Snatching a few formidable demons from the grasp of the Desolate God was not beyond the realm of possibility.

Thus, regardless of their origins, any Demonic Beast was warmly welcomed by the Demon Palace, free to engage in the relentless struggle for power and rich spiritual lands against the seven lower sects.

Xu Zixi informed Yu Yuan that while the Demon Palace had rules prohibiting Yang Gods and Eighth Level Demonic Beasts from entry, any great beast that evolved within the Relic and swore fealty to Yu Zhu would be embraced as one of their own.

Any great Demonic Beast that pledged allegiance and ascended to the Eighth Level would be accepted by the Demon Palace.

However, this invitation did not extend to the Human Clan.

Several days later, the Evil Cauldron departed the Absence Relic and made its way to the Divine Might Holy City, the nearest city to the Relic within the Divine Might Empire.

Previously, Yu Yuan had soared above the Divine Might Holy City aboard the Silver Rainbow Magic Shuttle, whisking away Su Yan from a secluded village to join him on a trial in the Ember Waters.

Now, he found himself passing by the Divine Might Holy City for a second time.

The Evil Cauldron didn't brazenly streak across the sky of Divine Might Holy City. It merely passed by, as the Desolate Swamp lay to the east of the Divine Might Empire.

From within the Evil Cauldron, Yu Yuan glanced out and noticed many cultivators from the city gathering, seemingly ready to join a battle outside the walls. "A formidable demon has taken up residence in the forest outskirts, wounding many," he was informed.

The Python Queen, noting his astonishment, elaborated, "Only nine Seventh Level Great Demons reside in the Absence Relic. The others wander through the various empires and numerous peculiar locales. Not all Great Demons are suited for life in the Absence Relic. Some are innately savage and struggle to restrain themselves, often stirring up trouble."

Yu Yuan nodded in understanding. "Seventh Level Great Demons on the move must be quite the headache for the emperors," he mused.

Indeed, dealing with a Great Demon of the Soul Wandering Stage, especially one hailing from the Desolate Swamp and obeying a fearsome master, required the empires of the Profound Sky Continent to employ considerable tact.

Xu Zixi sighed softly, "You're telling me. They're all pleading with the Demon Palace to intervene and rein in those wandering Great Demons. But the Demon Palace lacks the resources to chase down every demon from the Desolate Swamp. To them, the Great Demons heading to the Absence Relic are actually the preferable outcome."

As they conversed, the Evil Cauldron drifted away from the Mighty Heavenly City, its course set towards the Desolate Swamp.

Over the next stretch of time, Yu Yuan witnessed a succession of Demonic Beasts wreaking havoc. These were merely Fifth and Sixth Level Demonic Beasts, emerging in villages and clashing with the cultivators from various cities and clans.

Trouble brewed in the Desolate Swamp, prompting an edict for the Demon Clan and Demonic Beasts to vacate, which in turn sparked a beastly uprising across the Profound Sky Continent.

Days later, Xu Zixi urged Yu Yuan to halt. She gestured towards the distant Great Swamp and cautioned, "This is as far as we go. Any further, and I'm a goner."

Yu Yuan glanced over and gave a slight nod.

"Take care," Xu Zixi said before leaping off the cauldron.

With a smile, Yu Yuan stored the Evil Cauldron in the Purple Palace cavity and strode forward.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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