Unmatched Dominance/C576 Legend of Charm Spirit
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Unmatched Dominance/C576 Legend of Charm Spirit
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C576 Legend of Charm Spirit

Chung Miao, the younger sister, was no longer the timid and elusive figure she once was in this world.

She still had the habit of standing behind Chung Mann, signaling for her to speak on her behalf, yet her presence now carried a hint of fierceness.

Perhaps, with everyone here aware of her background, she felt no need to conceal herself.

"Lee Qi..."

The old lady from the Bright Sect, leaning on her cane, smiled subtly, as if she had overheard the sisters' conversation about him. She gave Yu Yuan a slight nod and introduced herself, "From the Bright Sect, I am Zhao Jie. I look forward to your guidance."

"Zhao Jie!"

Faang Chun of Hidden Dragon Lake and Qiao Xu of the Qiao family both looked startled.

Yu Yuan, with a respectful bow, replied, "Senior Zhao, you honor us with your presence."

"Zhao Jie..."

Lee Yuchan's face took on a shade of concern as he regarded the elderly woman with the white jade cane. After a moment's hesitation, he ventured, "Senior Zhao, were you once known as the Charm Spirit?"

"To think that even General Lee has heard of my old moniker," the old lady said with a smile.

"Charm Spirit!"

"It's really her!"

The Dragon Servitors, the Qiao family members, and the three women under Tan Yuan's command who were tasked with protecting this place were all visibly shaken.

It seemed that the name "Charm Spirit" carried a notorious reputation.

Only Yan Qiling, who had fled from the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, and Yu Yuan, reborn into this life, were unaware of the Charm Spirit's infamy and Zhao Jie's significance.

"A century ago, the Profound Sky Continent, after a long period of peace, was plunged into war by a woman of ethereal beauty. The conflict between the Kingdom of Driliwyr and the Kingdom of Rewia soon dragged the other four empires into the fray. The resulting war engulfed the entire continent, with six empires locked in a bloody struggle."

"This war claimed the lives of millions of soldiers and left countless cities in ruins."

"The woman, rumored to bring calamity upon nations, managed to throw the continent into chaos using nothing but her fragile persona. Her ultimate fate, however, remains a mystery; she vanished without a trace."

"She was known as the Charm Spirit."

Lee Yuchan inhaled sharply. After recounting this history, he regarded Zhao Jie with a newfound wariness.

Without wielding any martial power, the Charm Spirit had emerged, inciting a cascade of bloody conflicts across the Profound Sky Continent, leading to a devastatingly brutal war.

Then, just as mysteriously, she withdrew into the shadows, her whereabouts unknown.

The title of Charm Spirit was steeped in legend, revered by women across the globe.

One had to wonder, what extraordinary woman could single-handedly stir such a tempest?

"The rumors are wildly overstated," Zhao Jie said with a laugh, shaking her head. "The six empires were already a hotbed of conflict. All I did was fan the flames and let them roar."

"A century ago, freshly accomplished in my cultivation, I was sent by the Bright Sect to hone my skills in the mortal realm. The uproar I caused then was proof enough of my mastery of the Bright Sect's enchanting arts. To apply them so adeptly, on the fly, was nothing short of breathtaking. You can't help but admire it."

Qiao Xu of the Qiao family was filled with wonder as he gazed at Zhao Jie, his mind swirling with questions.

How had the Charm Spirit, once a figure of awe-inspiring beauty, become this wrinkled old crone in just a hundred years? The beauty that once shook the world had faded with time.

Cultivators have the power to preserve their youth, and Zhao Jie exuded an inner vitality that belied her appearance. It didn't make sense for her to look this way.

What woman would willingly forsake her beauty, aging herself on purpose?

"Where's Tan Yuan?" the crowd murmured in astonishment, but Zhao Jie, leaning on her cane, seemed unfazed as she glanced towards the mist-enshrouded area.

"Just a moment," responded a woman clad in vibrant attire. "She's seeking permission and will be out shortly."

"Seeking permission for what?" Zhao Jie inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"I wish to bring Lee Qi with me into the sect, but Tan Yuan objected, saying it was against the rules. She's consulting with the authorities," Yan Qiling stated, her tone icy.

Hailing from the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, Yan Qiling's origins were enigmatic, and he held little regard for minor factions like the Bright Sect.

No matter how renowned the Charm Spirit was on the Profound Sky Continent, or how exquisitely she had honed the art of allure, it meant little to Yan Qiling.

"Lee Qi..." Zhao Jie, aware of Yu Yuan's true identity, murmured to herself and nodded. "We'll wait, then."

Qiao Xu and Faang Chun alternated their gazes between Yan Qiling and Zhao Jie, utterly baffled.

The deference with which Yan Qiling and Zhao Jie treated Yu Yuan was even more cautious than their approach to Lee Yuchan. What was it about this young man, claimed to be from a fallen branch of the Lee family, that set him apart?

Moments later, Tan Yuan emerged step by step from the thick mist, having honed her skills in the Ancient Desolate Sect's secret arts, and rejoined the group.

"There you are."

Tan Yuan's face lit up with a genuine smile as soon as she caught sight of Zhao Jie.

"Yeah, got held up a bit on the road, so I'm a tad late," Zhao Jie admitted, her familiarity with Tan Yuan evident, "Everything okay in there?"

"All's well for the moment," Tan Yuan replied, offering no further details before her gaze shifted to Yu Yuan.

Her eyes sharpened suddenly, like twin blades of crimson intent on piercing through to the marrow of Yu Yuan's bones and the depths of his soul, leaving him rigid and uncomfortably on edge.

A jolt of realization hit Yu Yuan – Tan Yuan must have uncovered his true identity.


A bitter smile crossed his face as he thought of potential adversaries like Shen Feiqing and Du Jing lurking within the fog. He regretted asking Yan Qiling for assistance.

"Master Lee, if you would," Tan Yuan said, stepping aside and gesturing towards the enshrouded area without sparing Yan Qiling a glance. Her invitation was earnest, "Our master insists on your presence, eager to extend every courtesy. He mentioned that you'll find many acquaintances inside."

Charm Spirit Zhao Jie, along with the sisters from the Bright Sect, watched Yu Yuan with amused smiles.

Lee Yuchan sensed trouble brewing and began, "This disciple of our clan..."

Tan Yuan cut her off with a smile, "The master's invitation is explicit and it doesn't concern whether or not he belongs to the Lee family. Even if your sister were here, it wouldn't make a difference."

Lee Yuchan felt a weight in her chest. "May I come in, then?"

"Not just yet. Without the master's word, you're not permitted entry," Tan Yuan said crisply, pointing again towards the fog and cheerfully telling Yu Yuan, "After you."

By now, it was clear to all of Driliwyr's entourage that Yu Yuan was no ordinary individual.

Qiao Xu was still alright, having harbored no particular malice towards Yu Yuan along their journey.

Fang Chun of Hidden Dragon Lake, recalling the targeted events, had a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes.

"Go ahead, enter if you must."

Yu Yuan steeled his resolve and abruptly pointed at Fang Chun. "Elder Tan, I can't stand this man. Take him out for me. If he lives, I won't enter willingly—I'll create chaos."

As he spoke, the purple palace acupoint on Yu Yuan's chest radiated the presence of the Evil Cauldron.

Yan Qiling stepped between Tan Yuan and Yu Yuan, facing Tan Yuan squarely. "A Dragon Servitor is inconsequential. If he dies, he dies. Why make a fuss?"

Fang Chun's face paled as he protested, "It doesn't matter who that kid is, you can't kill me!"

Tan Yuan appeared conflicted, but after a moment's consideration, she gave a slight nod.

"Buzz! Buzz!"

Strands of spiritual power, laced with dragon's breath and coursing with Qi and blood, surged through Fang Chun's veins.

Sensing impending doom, Fang Chun didn't contemplate escape. Instead, he launched himself at Yu Yuan with the velocity of a bullet.

A dragon shadow, woven with bolts of lightning, burst forth from Faang Yao's brow, wielding the power to obliterate souls, and thrust directly at Yu Yuan's mind, intent on slaying him instantly.

Faang Chun was well aware that escape from Yan Qiling and Tan Yuan was futile.

His last-ditch effort was to take Yu Yuan down with him, ensuring Yu Yuan would die first.

"A speck of light dares to compete with the sun and moon?"

Yan Qiling scoffed lightly, effortlessly pinching the diminutive lightning dragon between his fingers.

With a forceful squeeze, he crushed the lightning dragon to nothingness.

Tan Yuan swept her sleeves, unleashing a domineering punch that filled the heavens and earth, causing the void to crackle. It ensnared Faang Chun and his immediate vicinity.

The punch, like an implacable cage, rapidly constricted.

The Dragon Servitor, who had ascended to the Yin God Stage and pledged fealty to Hidden Dragon Lake, had his bones crushed and flesh burst under the relentless grind of the punch, ultimately dissipating into a mist of blood.

The remaining Dragon Servitors, witnessing Faang Chun's swift execution, shuddered in fear, yet none dared to intervene or even question the act.

"I will provide answers to the dragons, not to you."

With a graceful flick of her sleeve, Tan Yuan further dispersed the blood mist and extended a serene invitation, "Please, proceed."

At Hidden Dragon Lake, it was the dragons and those who raised them who held esteemed status, not the Dragon Servitors.

Those who, as humans, practiced the secret Dragon Clan Spiritual Spells and served the dragons as their masters were never regarded by the likes of Tan Yuan.

She inherently despised the Dragon Servitors, treating them as nothing more than contemptible slaves.

"If he dies, I'll be relieved. Let's go in!"

Yu Yuan let out a hearty laugh, his heart free of fear. Embracing a 'come what may' attitude, he confidently marched forward.

Libre Baskerville
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