Unmatched Dominance/C581 Art of God
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Unmatched Dominance/C581 Art of God
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C581 Art of God

The host of the place was refreshingly decisive. Upon seeing Yu Yuan nod in agreement, he harbored no doubts and immediately set things in motion.


Golden bolts of lightning burst forth from Chen Qingyan's forehead, nostrils, and ears.

Each bolt, a fusion of spiritual power, vital blood, and soul essence, possessed the ability to soar through the skies, pierce metal, shatter stone, and even obliterate souls. They could rend bones, tendons, and meridians, boasting many enigmatic and elusive powers.

Yan Qiling, a master of spatial secrets, doubted he could fully purge such lightning from his body if it struck him.

"Truly divine art," murmured Yan Qiling in awe.

In an instant, the golden lightning transformed into graceful, alluring women.

These vividly dressed women varied in appearance—some slender and fragile, others seductive and voluptuous, and a few brimming with youthful vigor.

Remarkably, they shared a similar essence and demeanor with the three women who had appeared alongside Tan Yuan and Lee Yuchan.

The host, clad in an ethereal white robe, smiled with ease.

Then, the women, once golden lightning, joyfully linked arms and floated towards Yu Yuan, like a throng of goddesses descending upon him.

"Giggles! Teehee!"

More than a dozen women approached, and upon closer inspection, Yu Yuan could sense the life in each one—their bodies radiated with the warmth of flesh and blood, spiritual energy pulsed through them, and ripples of consciousness emanated from their souls.

Flesh, spirit, and soul—these were the three pillars of life, the quintessential markers of existence.

As they drew near, Yu Yuan could even detect a faint fragrance wafting from them!

Whether through his own perception or the Blood Offering Altar of his microcosmic domain, it was clear—they were no mere phantoms!

They were beings of flesh and blood, intelligence, and soulful thought—creatures as real as he was!

Suddenly, Yu Yuan's mind wavered, and he began to question his sight.

He pondered whether the women had emerged from the golden lightning or if the lightning had taken their form.

Lightning or woman—which was the true original state?

As Yu Yuan grappled with his confusion, the Blood Offering Altar, gleaming like a radiant ruby within his vital energy domain, surged with a powerful vibration!

Centered around Yu Yuan, a magnetic pull specific to blood and Qi sprang to life in an instant!

With a sharp hiss, more than a dozen lively girls encircled Yu Yuan, engaging in animated discussions and laughter among themselves. Each one spoke to Yu Yuan in a variety of tongues, yet their forms suddenly twisted and blurred.

Then, strands of golden bloodlight were violently ripped from their bodies!

These strands, more than a dozen in number, were brimming with the essence of highly refined blood and Qi, far more concentrated than that of a Fourth Level Demonic Beast!

"Thankfully, I refrained from using this technique on you."

The white robe floating nearby was clearly taken aback by the anomaly within Yu Yuan, remarking, "Had I used this technique to bind you, it would have been a futile effort, like throwing a meat bun to a dog—gone without return."

No sooner had he spoken than the golden bloodlight, which was being drawn toward the blood sacrifice altar within Yu Yuan's body and about to merge with his own Qi and blood, whizzed back into the robe!

With a resounding pop, the more than a dozen vibrant and alluring women vanished without a trace.

Their spiritual energy spent, clusters of soul particles shrank and, like the golden bloodlight, faded into the white robe, leaving not a trace behind.

"Brilliant! To use one's own spiritual energy, blood, and a thread of soul to conjure flesh and blood creatures."

Yan Qiling applauded enthusiastically, "To master the art to such a degree that those women each believe themselves to be the sole, independent being with complete intelligence—this finesse in manipulating Qi, blood, and soul is truly commendable."

Near the small hill, Tan Yuan, Zhao Jie, Chung Miao, Shen Feiqing, Du Jing, and the enigmatic woman in the hovering sedan were all taken aback.

The extraordinary technique demonstrated by the master of this place was indeed awe-inspiring. Upon reflection, they realized the true extent of his formidable abilities.

From his own spiritual energy, blood, and a wisp of soul, he crafted numerous women with meticulous precision.

These women were not mere lifeless puppets but vividly alive, conversing amongst themselves and casting flirtatious glances at Yu Yuan, each expressing their own affections...

This brought to mind the other three brightly dressed women outside the mist, their demeanor and actions.

Chung Miao, the prodigy of the Bright Sect, felt a chill run down her spine, her heart pounding with trepidation.

She had always believed those three women who led them were genuine living beings, fellow cultivators like herself, and she could even faintly sense their realms of cultivation.

They were akin to her, concealing their strength and soul power within, akin to the hidden might of a Yin God!

It was only at that moment that Chung Miao understood the three women were nothing more than figments conjured by the master of this place.

These women were extensions of the master, diminutive avatars crafted from her vital energy, spiritual power, and consciousness.

If these tiny avatars were the three Yin Gods, what heights had their master's cultivation and power reached?

Chung Miao even began to question whether Lee Yuchan, who stood with them, was another illusion. Could she, too, be a fabrication by the master, a figment for them to believe in?

"There's always a higher sky, always a greater person," Chung Miao whispered to herself.

"Yu Yuan!"

Chen Qingyan, now unbound, glided over to him.

She stood there, a picture of grace, her smile lighting up her impeccable features—a visage so perfect, it seemed the crowning achievement of creation itself.

As if untouched by the ordeal she'd just endured, she asked with genuine curiosity, "How did you manage such a swift breakthrough?"

Yu Yuan, who prided himself on having seen his share of stunning beauties across his lives, couldn't deny that Chen Qingyan's beauty and poise were beyond compare. Merely gazing upon her was a delight, an experience that soothed the soul.

Chen Qingyan's otherworldly allure gave him the sense that she belonged not to the tangible world but to the fantastical realm of youthful dreams.

"My talent is one in a million, surpassing even yours, and my diligence is unmatched. It's only natural that I progress rapidly," Yu Yuan boasted unabashedly. "Well, since I've made a promise, it's off to the Sword Prison I go."

"You say that, but you're taking me with you," Chen Qingyan insisted, her eyes curving into crescents, radiating innocence and charm. "The Sword Prison is, after all, under the watch of our Sword Sect."

She looked up abruptly at the white robe. "Once I'm inside, I'll leave none alive!"

"If you're capable, then by all means," the master responded.

Yu Yuan inhaled deeply, casting a glance at Yan Qiling.

"I'd love nothing more than to break free from this space with you and lass Chen, to take you both away from here," Yan Qiling admitted with a helpless shake of his head and a shrug. "But it's beyond me."

Above the Sword Prison, another elder adept in the art of spatial power flashed a toothy grin.

In this bizarre world, if Yan Qiling truly wished to take Yu Yuan and Chen Qingyan away, all it would take was the manipulation of the strange forces of the void to dissolve his very essence.

Yan Qiling knew that even if he tried to extricate himself, it might not be possible. To attempt escape with two others in tow was tantamount to seeking their own demise.

"Mr. Yan, once Yu Yuan steps into the Sword Prison, I'd appreciate it if you could keep an eye on the space before me, the one riddled with sword intent," the soul concealed within the white robe requested with a slight smile. "Collaborate with me just once, and you'll come to understand who I am. I assure you, you won't be disappointed."

"I've chosen you, Mr. Yan, because I'm aware that you hail from the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area. That place, much like the Sword Prison, may be celestial in location but shares the same essence."

"In time, you, Yu Yuan, and I are destined to be allies. Any current misunderstandings are just that—temporary."

"I'll handle it," Yan Qiling responded.

"That will suffice," the owner of the soul replied, content to leave it at that. He then waited for Yu Yuan and Chen Qingyan to make their preparations for the Sword Prison.

Meanwhile, Tan Yuan, Shen Feiqing, Du Jing, Zhao Jie, and the rest were visibly anxious, urging Yu Yuan to hasten his departure.

"Let's just hope he doesn't meet his end in there."

Yu Yuan extended his hand to Chen Qingyan, flashing a grin that revealed teeth as bright as the daylight.

Adorned with the sword sheath and imbued with the sword soul, he was the very key to the Sword Prison's gates.

Chen Qingyan, a practitioner of the Sword Dao True Spell from the Sword Sect, required his guidance to enter the Sword Prison unscathed. It was his hand that she needed to grasp.

Libre Baskerville
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