Unmatched Dominance/C584 Second Fiend Demon
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Unmatched Dominance/C584 Second Fiend Demon
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C584 Second Fiend Demon

In the cramped stone cave, a pool of blood lay on the ground, giving off a pungent stench of iron and death.

Yu Yuan dragged Chen Qingyan inside, and upon their entry, the Blood Sacrificial Altar within his vital energy's microcosm sprang to life with a jolt!

"Eh?" Chen Qingyan exclaimed, her eyes wide with alarm as she turned to him. "Your profound acupoints are in such turmoil—how can this be?"

Before Yu Yuan could utter a word, the pool of blood surged toward them like a living thing!

Throughout his journey in the Sword Prison, Yu Yuan had encountered numerous forbidden cultivators trapped within its caves, yet none had possessed the strength to launch an attack on an intruder.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

In the midst of the stone corridor, razor-sharp sword lights split into dozens, each one striking the serpentine stream of blood with lethal precision. The blood was severed into segments under the onslaught of the sword lights.

Once it hit the ground, the blood began to slither and merge, reforming into a single mass.

Undeterred, the blood surged forth once more, relentlessly aiming for Yu Yuan.

Strands of sword light darted from various angles along the corridor, slicing through the reformed blood without Yu Yuan lifting a finger, severing it into pieces yet again.

The blood regrouped and launched itself at Yu Yuan, only to be met with the same fate.

The cycle repeated.

"It seems this entity has lost all sense of consciousness, acting purely on instinct," Chen Qingyan mused, her brow furrowing as she observed the persistent blood. "It's a Yang God, a practitioner of the Blood God Cult's secret arts, forged from blood and spiritual energy..."

"Yang God!" Yu Yuan gasped in realization.

Chen Qingyan gave a slight nod. "Indeed, this is a Yang cultivator of the Blood God Cult. Unlike other practitioners, their Yang Gods are a mix of blood and spiritual energy, the very essence of the Heavenly Soul's transformation—the Yang Gods."

Yang Gods differed from Yin Gods, which were born from the Earth Soul and existed as ethereal entities.

Yang Gods, on the other hand, were solidified by the Heavenly Soul, existing tangibly in the physical realm.

In the upper sects, such as the Devil Palace and the Red Devil Sect, most Yang Gods were crafted from pure spiritual energy, refined with a blend of vital blood.

The Blood God Cult, however, forged theirs solely from blood and spiritual energy.

"Let me examine this more closely!"

Yu Yuan's mind stirred within the confines of the Sword Prison, and he ceased all concealment. Silently invoking the Soul Forging Technique, he commanded inwardly, "Open the eyes of wisdom!"

It was as though a divine eye had burst open, piercing through the minutiae of all that lay hidden.

The darkness was abruptly banished by light!

Yu Yuan's gaze fell upon a pool of blood, now shimmering with innumerable tiny crystals.

Within this sanguine pool, the myriad crystals twinkled like distant, cold stars.

From these minuscule lights, he discerned the scent of demonic blood, glimpsed the fleeting forms of Heavenly Devils, and caught the dissipating light of unknown alien races.

A tapestry of foreign essences was interwoven with the blood, rendering its power chaotically potent and unlike anything seen before.

The Yang God Stage cultivator from the Blood God Cult had his soul so cluttered with blood that his consciousness and intellect were shrouded.

"He has succumbed to the Blood God Cult's secret arts," Yu Yuan concluded swiftly. He let the "eyes of wisdom" close and, ignoring Chen Qingyan's astonishment, explained, "The Blood God Cult's Spiritual Spell requires the refining of blood from fellow cultivators, Demonic Beasts, and Outland Devaputras."

"Yet, this one was overly ambitious, not fully refining the blood before greedily engulfing more, pulling it into his being in a hasty swallow."

"The consequence is a maelstrom of foreign blood within him, not yet fully assimilated, which has gradually eroded his reason, robbing him of his self."

Such missteps were not uncommon among those on the path of cultivation.

Many cultivators from the Evil Sect, Devil Palace, and Red Devil Sect have been overwhelmed by their inner demons, losing themselves forever to become malevolent spirits driven by base instinct to kill.

Such individuals would face the ruthless justice of the three upper sects, the Devil Palace, and the Demon Palace.

The fact that this Yang God Stage cultivator from the Blood God Cult was not executed but rather confined within the Sword Prison was unexpected.

After a moment's contemplation, Yu Yuan offered an insight, "He must have amassed significant achievements in the Outland Star River, bringing about the demise of numerous Heavenly Devils and Outland Devaputras. Despite his indoctrination into the Blood God Cult and the excessive, unrefined blood that led him astray, his considerable merits likely spared him from death, resulting instead in his imprisonment."


The pool of blood that had splattered on the ground coalesced and shot toward him once again.

In that instant, the Evil Cauldron, concealed within the Purple Palace, burst forth unbidden by Yu Yuan.

As soon as the Evil Cauldron emerged, the blood recoiled in instinctive terror, attempting to turn tail and flee.


The Evil Cauldron pursued, its mouth facing downward, and inhaled the blood into its inner microcosm.

The cauldron soul's voice, brimming with delight, reached him immediately, "Master, this entity's consciousness is in disarray, its lifeblood a jumble, with a myriad of conflicting powers. It's ripe for refinement! The second Evil Demon will be this one!"

This practitioner, who had delved into the forbidden arts of the Blood God Cult, had been confined within the Sword Prison after succumbing to demonic possession. He had assimilated the blood of numerous foreign races, Demonic Beasts, and Devaputras to become what he was now.

The Sword Prison had sapped most of his strength, leaving him exceedingly feeble.

The microcosm within the Evil Cauldron, capable of engulfing even the more turbulent alien energies of the Blue Devil Clan's Muddy Devil Embryo, would surely consume him.

"He can become the second Evil Demon?" Yu Yuan inquired, intrigued.

"Nothing could be more fitting!" exclaimed the cauldron soul, "Master, once he's purified and refined, there's a chance he may regain the remnants of his consciousness and achieve a more coherent awareness!"

"Marvelous!" Yu Yuan burst into jubilant laughter.

He pondered that once this Blood God Cult's powerhouse was transformed into an Evil Demon by the Evil Cauldron, should he regain his consciousness, it would be an opportune moment to ascertain why he had instinctively launched an attack on him.

He had a sneaking suspicion that the Blood God Cult's formidable figure, who once reigned over the Outer Star River, had been driven to madness by the Blood Sacrificial Altar.

Why did the Blood Sacrificial Altar, crafted from Giant Beast Soul Amber, bear a resemblance to the Devaputra Race's Aura Altar?

Why had it mysteriously formed within his own small world of Qi and blood, and what secrets and purposes did it hold? These mysteries continued to haunt him.

He was determined to unravel the enigma and provenance of the Blood Sacrificial Altar.

This Blood God Cult adept, who had ingested the blood of various tribes and succumbed to madness, was likely privy to the secret!

"And the blood?"

Yu Yuan, leading Chen Qingyan towards the next cavern, noticed the Sword Sect's prodigy looking bewildered. "How did it suddenly... disappear?"

"Haha, no need to be alarmed," Yu Yuan chuckled. "As you're aware, at the ocean floor of the Ember Waters, I managed to refine an Evil Cauldron. It just so happens to be the nemesis of that very thing."

"The Evil Sect's treasured cauldron? I've heard of it, but I never imagined it was that formidable," Chen Qingyan remarked.

As they conversed, Yu Yuan led her into another cavern.

In one corner, a short, stocky, bald old man flashed a grin at Yu Yuan. His hands, hanging past his knees, were larger than any Yu Yuan had seen before, with joints that seemed exceptionally sturdy.

Despite his muscular frame appearing shriveled from depleted vitality, making him look somewhat lean, Yu Yuan had encountered numerous demonic cultivators and members of the Demon Clan on his journey. At first glance, he knew none of them could match the robustness of this old man's physique.

A thought struck him, and he ventured a guess at the old man's identity. "Could you be a senior from the Ancient Desolate Sect?" Yu Yuan inquired cautiously.

"Hahaha! I practice the Void True Spell of the Ancient Desolate Realm, and Shen Feiqing is my disciple," the bald elder laughed heartily, giving Yu Yuan a discerning look. "To cultivate the Body Refining Technique of the Evil Sect to such an extent is truly impressive. I didn't expect that after my departure from the Boundless Land, there would still be someone who could achieve such a formidable level of physical strength at the Profound Break Stage!"

With those words, the elder rose to his feet and bellowed, "Let me give you a hand once more!"

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