Unmatched Dominance/C585 Fists Rained down
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Unmatched Dominance/C585 Fists Rained down
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C585 Fists Rained down

The elder with the gleaming bald head approached at a leisurely pace.

"Hu! Hu!"

Inside the cave, the confined space felt as if it were being crushed by an immense force, leaving everyone within gasping for air.

Yu Yuan's face turned pale with shock!

He noticed that the dense curtain of sword light between the caves remained motionless!

Throughout his journey, as he navigated the various caves, any ill-intentioned individuals were swiftly subdued by the formidable sword intent.

A disciple of the Blood God Cult, reduced to a mere puddle of blood, launched attack after attack, only to be repeatedly cut down.

Clutching the sword sheath, his very being infused with the sword soul, he was naturally guarded by the sword intent and light within the Sword Prison.

It was this very confidence that emboldened him to delve deep into the Sword Prison, weaving through the different caves without fear of ambush.

Yet now, as the domineering elder from the Ancient Desolate Sect advanced, the protective sword light and intent, including the sword sheath in his grasp, showed no sign of reaction.

The sword intent and light bequeathed by the Chopping Moon cultivator seemed to have turned blind in this moment.

Despite the onslaught, they offered no retaliation!

The bald elder flashed a grin and launched a punch. "Kid, I've gone to great lengths and meant well for you. Take it!"


The fist intent that permeated the space surged in like a breached dam.

This fist intent was powerful and majestic, as if it could warp space and alter the passage of time.

As the fist intent materialized, Yu Yuan felt his head spin, as though he were traversing a spatial tunnel, crossing different dimensions and epochs, enduring the crushing force of time and space upon his flesh.

Before him, in his mind's eye, he saw countless fists, large as fans, hammering towards him from every direction.

The space around him was already crammed with fists; escape was impossible, evasion futile.

Before he could muster a response, Chen Qingyan grunted and was the first to be blown away by the punch.

Their hands, once clasped, were now forcibly parted.

He glanced back, only to find Chen Qingyan as if she were in a different realm altogether, her presence completely vanished.

In a state of utter shock, a barrage of "Bang! Bang! Bang!" echoed through the air.

A relentless onslaught of fists engulfed him completely!

The instant the first fist struck Yu Yuan, he couldn't contain his agonized roar.


He felt as though he was being relentlessly pummeled by a multitude of colossal hammers.

Simultaneously, he imagined himself as a piece of glowing red iron, relentlessly forged under the hammer's weight.

"The Evil Body Refining Skill you've been practicing works by causing internal damage and is honed from within," the bald elder chuckled as he threw punches in rapid succession. "Throughout the Profound Break Stage, you've yet to face a truly equal adversary, to endure a grueling battle, or to feel the pressure exerted from the outside world."

"Without these experiences, it's difficult for you to push past the limits of your physical form, to advance to the Penetrating level, or to unlock the Niwan acupoints!"

"Let me give you a hand. I'll help you solidify your flesh and blood from the outside, ensuring your resilient physique, your very sinew and muscle, becomes seamless."

The elder's fists rained down like a torrent.

The cave was awash with the shadows of his fists, each one relentlessly targeting Yu Yuan.

Yu Yuan's space was smothered by boundless fist imprints, leaving him no room of his own.

Passively, he endured the bombardment of fists, howling with the ferocity of a vicious beast at death's door, his cries shaking the very earth.

His face twisted into a grotesque mask of terror, with bloodlight streaking from the corners of his eyes and fragments of light spraying from within him.

In a corner of the cave, Chen Qingyan, who had been cleaved aside by a fist, felt the fluctuations of space and time under the influence of the "Ancient Desolate Realm True Spell," with time itself seeming to decelerate. Her eyes sparkled with astonishment.

She acutely perceived that with each punch from Shen Feiqing's master, the fabric of space and time contorted.

As space and time underwent constant, chaotic shifts, the sword lights and sword intents scattered throughout the stone passageway failed to find their mark on the elder.

The fists hurtling towards Yu Yuan, with their ability to warp space and time, became enigmatic, leaving the sword lights and sword intents of the Chopping Moon cultivator without an opportunity to strike.

Unable to lock onto a target, they were left without a sense of direction.

Within the confines of the stone cave, the enigmatic and domineering Desolate True Spell of the Ancient Desolate Realm was unleashed to its full, fierce potential.

Even with his battle power reduced to less than a tenth of his peak, the old man's prowess still left Yu Yuan without a chance to retaliate.

Yu Yuan could only endure the relentless barrage of punches, doing his best to adjust and withstand the overwhelming onslaught of fist intent.

"In the Sword Prison, among the many formidable Big Devils, this one is truly an anomaly!" Chen Qingyan observed intently, taking in his strength and feeling a sense of awe.

Hand in hand, she and Yu Yuan traversed the caves, encountering numerous ancient cultivators whose Qi, blood, and soul forces were nearly depleted, barely clinging to life.

Yet, this elder from the Ancient Desolate Sect was able to continuously throw punches, relentlessly hammering away at Yu Yuan!

What was even more unexpected was that this bald elder had no intention of dealing a death blow to Yu Yuan.

True to his word, he was aiding Yu Yuan in tempering his body, helping him transition smoothly from the Profound Break Stage to the Penetrating Stage.

"Why would he help Yu Yuan?"

No sooner had this question formed in her mind than the bald elder ceased his assault.

The flurry of punches that filled the sky vanished in an instant.

Yu Yuan lay curled up on the ground, his body quivering as shards of light burst forth, expelling the impurities of his flesh and blood.

He was spitting blood, and within the crimson flow were specks of variously colored foreign matter—the refuse of his body.

Before collapsing, Yu Yuan was a towering figure of strength, but the ordeal seemed to have refined him, even shrinking his stature by an inch or two.

"Why help him?" she wondered.

The elder chuckled, as if privy to Chen Qingyan's inner musings, and explained with renewed vigor, "He entered with the sword sheath and carries the residual sword soul of the Divine Sword, marking him as its direct disciple. The lingering sword intent and radiance require this young man to assimilate them if we are to have any hope of freeing ourselves."

"Don't be fooled by my appearance; I may seem to have some strength left, but I'm confined to this cave. To leave, I'd have to encounter those sword beams, which would pierce my flesh and spirit."

"I practice the 'Desolate True Spell of the Ancient Desolate Realm,' which has its unique wonders. Inside the cave, I can slow the passage of time, allowing me to conserve a bit of my strength. Yet, I remain unable to escape, doomed to be imprisoned here without a glimpse of daylight."

"I long to be free, to see those sword beams and their intent vanish or be withdrawn by him. But without a refined spiritual consciousness, I struggle to grasp the essence of the sword intent, making it nearly impossible for him to shatter the Sword Prison's confines."

The bald elder paused, leaning forward with a smile as he regarded Yu Yuan.

Yu Yuan, spitting blood, pushed himself to sit upright and met the elder's gaze. "Senior, were you the first to discover the Absence Relic and identify the secret realm within?"

The elder's eyes twinkled as he gazed at the sword sheath, his smile radiant. "Indeed, it was me."

"Shen Feiqing and the Silvermoon Queen are attempting to awaken the Asura within the Absence Relic," Yu Yuan said, gripping the sword sheath, attuned to the subtle shifts within his body. "What exactly are they planning?"

"Ha! I'll fill you in once I've left the Sword Prison," the bald elder replied, his expression turning to one of astonishment as he fixed his gaze on Yu Yuan. "Young man, your rate of recovery is astoundingly quick! Even those at the Profound Break Stage, Yin God Stage, or Soul Wandering Stage—demons known for their body refining prowess—can't match you!"

He looked at Yu Yuan as if he were a creature of legend. "No, this isn't the condition someone of your current level should be in!"

Suddenly, a thread of vital blood shot out from the Xuan Gate acupoint in his chest.

That thread of vital blood reached Yu Yuan's blood domain in a flash.

And there, he beheld the Blood Sacrificial Altar, crafted from Giant Beast Amber.

"My heavens! What have I just witnessed?"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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