Unmatched Dominance/C593 Standing with the Sword
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Unmatched Dominance/C593 Standing with the Sword
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C593 Standing with the Sword

In the dead of night, within the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, the landscape was pockmarked with countless craters, each a testament to the meteors that had plummeted from the heavens. Now, these celestial stones began to emit a faint, otherworldly glow.

From deep within the forbidden land, a muffled rumbling resonated, signaling something stirring beneath the surface. The Soul Transformation Pool, ever elusive and shifting beneath the earth, now came alive with a surge of dark soul energy. The interwoven sword marks etched along its walls seemed to awaken with sudden vigor.

With a thunderous roar, the Soul Transformation Pool burst forth from the earth, suspended in the chill of the moonlit sky.

The moon's luminous rays, reminiscent of cascading water, showered down from the celestial sphere, touching each meteor that had descended from above. The Soul Transformation Pool, now aloft, caused the dark soul energy at its base to swirl slowly, generating a powerful, innate pull.

The alien souls that lay hidden and shackled within the forbidden area, now wailed in despair as they were inexorably drawn into the pool's voracious maw.

For millennia, innumerable souls and bizarre entities had been exiled and suppressed beneath the earth's surface. Furthermore, the Divine Soul Sect, during the era of the bronze coffin, had deliberately opened subterranean channels, allowing the Outland Devaputra to enter. These celestial demons served as a means to hone the sect's disciples, providing those who had not yet formed their Yang God, and thus unworthy of venturing beyond, with the opportunity to cultivate the sect's enigmatic Soul Arts.

The Earth Demons, alien souls, and Outland Devaputra were scattered throughout the forbidden area. Two years prior, Yu Yuan had ventured here for his trial, resulting in the demise of many, while others were set free. Yet, countless more remained confined in the depths, imprisoned throughout the year.

At this moment, numerous weaker Alien Soul Evil Spirits, having previously evaded disaster by hiding well, found themselves targeted by the Soul Transformation Pool. They were drawn out by the formation's focal point and vanished into its depths.

The Soul Transformation Pool, suspended in the void, consumed the souls and evil spirits, giving rise to an ever-increasing flow of black soul energy.

After some time, the heavens dimmed, the brilliance of stars and moonlight no longer able to pierce the gloom. The ancient and enduring Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation, having feasted on a bounty of soul energy and gathered its strength, prepared to unleash its might once more in an even more formidable display.

Deep beneath the ground, in the region abandoned by the Soul Transformation Pool, there lay a space shrouded in darkness and mystery.

The four ancient black characters, "Wisdom Brings Sorrow," burst into a radiant glow, resembling a colossal black sun.

A demonic howl, hoarse and desperate, emanated from an unnamed corner of this space. The malevolent and mournful cries, filled with boundless resentment towards life and a deathly fixation on eradicating all beings, reverberated through the void.

The Outland Devaputra, in an unprecedented fit of rage and madness, fought furiously to break through, intent on making the Boundless Land suffer the consequences.

And the price they demanded was nothing less than the annihilation of all mortal creatures!

Those four ancient black characters, flickering with an eerie light, were once a bulwark against the demons below, a safeguard against any spatial anomalies.

As the Soul Transformation Pool ascended and the sword scars blazed with blinding light, the words "Wisdom Brings Sorrow" in the space below swelled in a frenzied echo, expanding wildly.

With every ounce of their ancient power, the four characters relentlessly suppressed the forces beneath.

The earth trembled with the roars of the Outland Devaputra, a sound that shook the very heavens.

In an instant, the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area was plunged into darkness, the sky imprisoned, and the Nine Underworlds cut off from the world above.

The fully unleashed "Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation" had locked down the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, preventing even the celestial light of stars and moon from filtering through.

This sealed realm had become an inescapable cage, impenetrable to outsiders, invisible to the eyes and souls of those within, and from which no one inside could escape.

With a swift motion, a white figure, the Yin God, traversed a thousand miles and arrived at the entrance to the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area at Jade Peak.

This visitor was none other than the White-robed Imperial Advisor, Zhou Cangmin.

Having returned to the Red Devil Sect, the Yang God had refined a formidable Magic Tool, preparing to soar into the heavens for the customary battle with the Devaputra. Yet, his physical form and Yin God remained within the Rainier Empire.

His incorporeal Yin God had effortlessly made the journey here, arriving in no time at all.

Upon arrival, Zhou Cangmin extended his divine senses only to discover that the entire Fallen Moon Forbidden Area was under a seal. Even if his Yang God and physical form were to arrive in person, penetrating this barrier would prove impossible.

"The full might of the Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation has been invoked. The Forbidden Area is locked down, impenetrable from the outside and inescapable from within."

Zhou Cangmin's expression was grave as he peered into the distance, his voice heavy with concern. "Something earth-shattering must have occurred within the forbidden area. In these tumultuous times, the Desolate Swamp has erupted into chaos without warning, and now the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area is affected too. What in the world is happening?"

He paused, then added, "The only one capable of manipulating the Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation is Yu Yuan!"

With a jolt, Zhou Cangmin exclaimed in alarm, "Could it be that rascal, Yu Yuan?"


Deep within the Great Swamp.

Yu Yuan, lost in his sword enlightenment, drifted aimlessly through the Alien Realm.

In an unnamed sector of the Outland Star River, the cold and dark expanse was littered with massive boulders, remnants of shattered stars.

The remains of alien races from the Outer Star River lay about—enormous carcasses of warships, stretching thousands of feet, suspended silently in the void.

Golden like rivers of molten metal, the bodies of dead alien beasts stood out starkly against the backdrop of the galaxy.

Gargantuan alien creatures, akin to crocodiles, lay with their heads severed by keen blades, their bodies dismembered.

The jagged teeth of these crocodiles glinted with an icy gleam amidst the starry expanse.

Giants, hewn into segments, lay scattered like broken mountain peaks.

Bodies of alien races, mountainous in size, floated through space, disregarded like cosmic debris.

To the cultivators of the Boundless Land, these remains would be coveted treasures, sought after with reckless abandon for the enhancement of their own cultivation.

Yet, these invaluable corpses now drifted aimlessly through the stars.

The scene shifted.

Amidst a sea of star fragments, a lone figure flickered, unleashing a relentless barrage of sword strikes.

Each strike conjured a vast river of sword light, a confluence of gleaming energy.

The Dao Laws within the sword light thundered, slicing through every visible and invisible entity with unparalleled sharpness.

Matter, blood, flesh, soul, and even the ephemeral fabric of thoughts and memories—everything was rent asunder by the celestial river of sword light.

The Green Incubus, towering like a mountain and surging like the sea, advanced towards him. Yet before they could draw near, they were reduced to dust.

A host of surviving, bizarre alien races—some as tall as mountains, others as diminutive as human children—charged at him in an imposing tide.

With a single flourish of his blade, the myriad stars seemed to suddenly fade, leaving behind only a luminous river of sword light that eradicated countless beings from the outer realms.

The swordsman appeared to be protecting something, standing alone against a relentless onslaught of powerful alien warriors, fearless and undaunted in their attacks.

Beneath his feet lay a small, gleaming silver mountain.

It was none other than the Sword Prison!

In the instant that Yu Yuan glimpsed the Sword Prison, his mind, deeply immersed in thought, snapped to a realization.

The swordsman was none other than the Chopping Moon cultivator, the inaugural Guardian of the Sword Prison!

As this fact dawned on him and he recognized the identity of the swordsman, his spirit and consciousness seemed to be instantly drawn into the swordsman's body.

Suddenly, he felt as though he had become the swordsman himself, facing the myriad creatures from beyond with the swordsman's body and blade.

The sword soul hummed low, resonating with him, spurring him on, fueling his resolve.


He brandished his sword in a fluid motion, the sword spell asserting itself, as the sword intent seamlessly coursed through his body and hands.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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