Unmatched Dominance/C620 Extremely Aggrieved
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Unmatched Dominance/C620 Extremely Aggrieved
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C620 Extremely Aggrieved

A gleaming silver vessel, crafted in the likeness of a blade, hung suspended in the void, its curves strikingly elegant. From every sword that formed the ship, a fierce sword intent emanated, piercing to the eye and soul, discomforting to any onlooker.

Atop the blade-ship stood a cadre of Sword Sect cultivators, each either at the Yin God Stage or the Soul Wandering Stage, their presences sharp as the swords they commanded.

A formidable man, broadsword in hand, stood resolute on the deck, his face a mask of fury as he bellowed, "Who is this upstart that dares to address the Great Sword Immortal by name?"

Sword intent hissed from his knuckles, a clear threat that Yu Yuan might be cut down should his response falter.

The title of Great Sword Immortal was not one to be uttered lightly.

Even from a distance, Yu Yuan could acutely sense the man's animosity.

In this era, the name "Jee Ningshuang" was not to be spoken casually by just anyone. Only those of equal cultivation and stature could address her without formality, and even then, with a tone of deference.

But who could claim parity with her?

As Yu Yuan called out "Jee Ningshuang," he was jolted by the realization that times had indeed changed...

Today, he was merely a fortunate scion of a minor family in Darkmoon City, not the revered master of the Medicine God Sect, nor the cherished friend of Jee Ningshuang.

He was not Hong Qi, the object of Jee Ningshuang's affections, whom he had avoided out of timidity, never daring to confront.

Jee Ningshuang now stood as a late-stage practitioner of the Unrestrained Stage, the fourth-ranked Great Sword Immortal of the Sword Sect!

The chasm between their stations was vast and seemingly insurmountable.

For him to address her so informally, given his current status, was indeed a breach of propriety.

With this thought, a bitter smile crept upon his lips, and he shook his head in self-derision, murmuring, "I nearly forgot... the sands of time have shifted; nothing remains as it was."

When he uttered "Ji Ningshuang," he was hit with the realization that he hadn't yet emerged from the shadows of his past life.

This wasn't the same brazen confidence he had in the Yu family's grand hall, facing Lim Hanyu with a sense of superiority—it was sheer impulsiveness.

Facing a Great Sword Immortal in the late period of the Unrestrained Stage, even with the sword sheath in hand, the sword soul within, and the Evil Cauldron—an Artifact—Yu Yuan lacked any standing to confront this figure from his past.

The gulf between their realms and combat prowess was too vast, beyond the reach of any artifact to bridge.

Lee Yuchan, bound by the "Starfrost Sword Intent," dared not so much as twitch a finger. Her icy gaze fixed on Yu Yuan, she couldn't help but think: He's truly incorrigible, not even realizing who he's up against, and yet he dares to address her by name.

To her, Yu Yuan's behavior was beyond reason.

Who was Ji Ningshuang?

For nearly a century, she was the Sword Sect's most illustrious practitioner!

Where the Starfrost Sword passed, demons fled, trolls hid away, and even the formidable beings from the Outland Star River wouldn't confront its edge head-on!

The number of people across the entire Boundless Land who dared to address this Great Sword Immortal so casually could likely be counted on one hand!

Has Yu Yuan lost his mind?

Lee Yuchan mused to herself.


Chen Qingyan, too, was taken aback by Yu Yuan's rashness. Her mind raced, and she quickly cast a beseeching look, imploring for leniency.

Ji Ningshuang's expression registered shock; she hadn't anticipated anyone would dare to speak to her with such audacity, especially from such an inferior realm.

It took her a few seconds to collect herself before she turned to the swordship behind her and commanded, "Keep your distance."

The imposing man resting on his broadsword let out a sigh and, at her word, the swordship beneath him swiftly retreated dozens of miles.

In the instant Ji Ningshuang turned back, Yu Yuan leapt into the air with a "swish!"

Fine lacerations spread across his skin in an instant. By the time she faced him again, Yu Yuan, who had boldly used her personal name without any honorifics, was already riddled with wounds.

Yu Yuan, with his finely honed physique, was left with only his clothes to preserve his modesty around his waist.

The remnants of his clothing, shattered by the sword's intent, left Yu Yuan's body largely exposed, as if carved by countless knives. His skin was a canvas of densely woven, spiderweb-like bloodstains.

Ji Ningshuang's eyes narrowed as she watched Yu Yuan ascend, his body increasingly marred by fresh wounds.

"Master!" Chen Qingyan's voice rang out again, tinged with frustration, pleading for her to cease.

"In the last century, not a soul who dared address me so has lived to tell the tale," Ji Ningshuang declared, unfazed. With masterful precision, she painted Yu Yuan's body with her strokes, observing the blood splatter with icy detachment, watching as Yu Yuan's brow contorted, enduring the agony without a cry for mercy.

"So you've inherited that sword technique and think you're guaranteed a place in the Sword Sect?" she said, her voice dripping with scorn. "Do you honestly believe that after Van Heqing saved your life with his sword in the Crack Archipelago, the Sword Sect will regard you more highly? That they'll be clamoring to recruit you because you've refined the Yellow Court?"

"And do you think, just because you had the good fortune to use the Giant Beast Soul Amber to forge that altar and caught Zhongli's eye, the Sword Sect will hold you in high esteem?"

Ji Ningshuang spoke, her head shaking in disbelief.

Yu Yuan's bare skin was streaked with blood. Feeling the sting of his wounds and the 'Star Frost Sword Intent' coursing through his organs and bones, he remained silent, his gaze steady and serene.

He had so much he wanted to say, but the timing was all wrong.

He longed to speak with a light-hearted tone, to tease her by calling her "Shuang-er," to reveal his true identity to the Great Sword Immortal.

But he couldn't... not here, not now. His frustration was palpable.

The one who tormented him with the sword's intent was the same person who had pined for him in his past life, whom he had failed.

He was acutely aware that even if he were to one day match or surpass Ji Ningshuang in power and status, he could never reclaim what was lost.

He couldn't take his frustrations out on Ji Ningshuang's disciple or her old friends and relatives.

The real agony was that no matter how Ji Ningshuang treated him, he had no choice but to swallow the bitter pill and couldn't retaliate in kind.

That was the most frustrating and helpless part.

"Sword Immortal Ji, please show some leniency for the sake of the Demon Palace," boomed the voice of the Golden Elephant Ancient God from the distance.

"Don't worry, I'm only administering a mild punishment," Ji Ningshuang responded with a detached tone, steady as an undisturbed ancient well. "He once saved my disciple's life deep in the Great Swamp. I won't kill him, but I will make sure he learns his lesson through pain."

"That's a relief," replied the Golden Elephant Ancient God.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Just then, Kong Banbi of the Sword Sect emerged from the Desolate Swamp, leading several Sword Sect trialists.


As Kong Banbi burst forth, he caught sight of Yu Yuan suspended in the air before Ji Ningshuang, his bare skin marred with fresh wounds, and he couldn't help but cry out in shock.

He had witnessed from a distance Yu Yuan's fierce battle within the Great Swamp, wielding the Evil Cauldron.

He could never have anticipated that upon leaving the Great Swamp, Yu Yuan would find himself in such dire straits.

Wasn't Yu Yuan supposed to be under the protection of their sect?

After a moment's hesitation, Kong Banbi steeled himself and implored, "Elder Ji, Yu Yuan once saved my life in the Ember Waters. I beg of you..."

"Remember, stay away from my disciple from now on," Ji Ningshuang said with a slight squint of her eyes. With a mere thought, she enveloped the bloodied Yu Yuan with a white silk ribbon and sent him towards the Demon Palace. "If I learn that you've bothered Qingyan again, the consequences will be more than just flesh wounds."


As the white silk ribbon made its way, a towering, resplendent red dharma figure hundreds of feet tall reached down with its hand.

"My apologies for the intrusion."

The dharma figure acknowledged Ji Ningshuang and enveloped Yu Yuan in a void. It then moved the white silk ribbon aside and addressed the Gold Mountain of the Demon Palace, "This young man was once possessed by the malevolent spirit of a divine statue. I believe it's necessary to examine his Niwan Palace thoroughly to ensure no remnants have been left behind."

"Tang Zheng, your grandson Tang Cann's death wasn't his fault," Ji Ningshuang stated with displeasure.

"It was merely to avoid any potential problems down the line," the man replied.

No sooner had he spoken than a soul thought surged toward Yu Yuan's Consciousness Little World, unstoppable as a force of nature.

Yu Yuan's face turned ashen in an instant.


Libre Baskerville
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