Unmatched Dominance/C648 Exquisite Yang God
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Unmatched Dominance/C648 Exquisite Yang God
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C648 Exquisite Yang God

In the gloomy chamber, a palm-sized Ice Thunder Mark spun gracefully, its icy aura shimmering translucently. Within the seal twinkled countless star-like specks of light.

With a faint hiss, a single point of light stealthily emerged from the seal. As it met the air, it almost seemed to vanish like smoke.

The Evil Cauldron drifted in, its mouth facing downward, capturing the fleeting light.

Within the cauldron, the Ice Concubine's detached gaze locked onto the light, feeling the disconcerting electricity emanating from it.

She subtly contracted her form, edging towards a secluded corner of the miniature world inside the cauldron.

Beneath the seal, Xie Binn sat with rigid attention, his eyes fixed on the light. Sweat beaded on his forehead and palms.

"This is it—the first step!" His breath was as laden as his heart. The success of reuniting his Heavenly Soul hinged on this critical moment.

From the dark cauldron, bizarre waves of soul energy pulsed, drawing forth the remnants of his soul that had been sealed for over a century.

"Hold!" Yu Yuan commanded softly, his eyes intensely focused on the light within the cauldron.

In that instant, his spiritual consciousness and the cauldron's soul were in perfect harmony. His thoughts poured into the Evil Cauldron, and the Demonic Marks on its inner walls flowed like liquid.

"Soul Consolidating Formation!" His spiritual consciousness seeped into a cluster of Demonic Marks, understanding instinctively the significance of the patterns etched into the cauldron's side.

"Soul Soothing Formation!"

"Soul Gathering Formation!"

Streams of spiritual consciousness navigated through various Demonic Marks, and ancient Soul Formations silently imprinted themselves onto his Earth Soul, becoming an indelible part of his memory.

He had an epiphany that since acquiring the Evil Cauldron, his understanding of this treasured artifact had been superficial—limited by his previous level of cultivation.

Before, when he observed the Evil Cauldron with his mind, he saw only its surface, unable to fathom its mysteries.

His practice of the Soul Forging Technique had refined his Heavenly Soul, sharpened his senses, and cleared his intellect, yet it hadn't produced Spiritual Consciousness.

Without Spiritual Consciousness, he was blind to the Evil Cauldron's deepest secrets.

It was like the sword marks engraved on his arm bone; he knew they were the Sword Dao True Spells left by the Chopping Moon cultivator, but until now, they remained an enigma beyond his grasp.

The intricacies of the Evil Cauldron could only be grasped by Yu Yuan once he had reached the Penetrating Stage and his Spiritual Sense had fully coalesced.

The realm acted as a natural barrier; without achieving that crucial step and forming his Spiritual Sense, he would be unable to perceive further.

His Spiritual Sense streamed along the Demonic Marks lining the cauldron's interior, tuning into the array's marvels as he concentrated on a pinpoint of light.

In a mere moment, his vision sharpened a hundredfold.

It was then that he recognized his role as the new master of the Evil Cauldron. As its master, with the cauldron soul echoing his presence, he could discern the subtle details of the light and the inner workings invisible to the average eye.

He observed the speck of light, composed of innumerable glistening lightning particles.

Upon magnifying the view a thousand times, he saw thousands of minuscule crystals, each one etched with lightning techniques and brimming with formidable electrical energy.

Among these crystals were interspersed specks of grey-brown soul thoughts—fragments of Xie Binn's shattered Heavenly Soul.


With a mere flicker of his intention, the Demonic Marks surged with power, guided by the cauldron soul, and collectively pressured the luminous speck.

The light burst forth with a resounding boom inside the Evil Cauldron.

Thousands of strands of lightning, each ten times finer than a strand of hair, erupted from the light, lashing against the cauldron's walls with a hissing sound.

Startled, the Ice Concubine and the second Evil Demon swiftly concealed themselves at the periphery.

That speck of light was Xie Binn's Yang God Fragment, his Yang God essence, meticulously refined through the purest lightning and divine thunder.

The numerous crystals were charged with lightning, each harboring the might to obliterate souls.

In his prime, Xie Binn was a Yang God, perhaps less formidable than the Ice Concubine and the second Evil Demon, before their transformation by the Blood God Cult.

Now, however, the Ice Concubine and the second Evil Demon were mere Evil Demons.

Such aberrant creatures were inherently vulnerable to the might of lightning and thunder, which could diminish their cultivation upon impact.

As the lightning dispersed, even tinier grey soul thoughts emerged within the Evil Cauldron, imperceptible to the unaided eye.

Yu Yuan, as the cauldron's master, could sense them. He could faintly make out about a dozen grey soul thoughts, quietly converging under the influence of the cauldron's Demonic Mark array.

Dozens of soul thoughts converged, merging into an entity still too minuscule to be seen.

"How, how did it go?"

Xie Binn, with the Ice Thunder Mark atop his head, fixed his gaze on the Evil Cauldron, his voice quivering.

The brilliance in Yu Yuan's eyes faded a touch as he inhaled deeply and declared, "It's feasible! The Yang God Fragment's detonation causes the lightning power within to scatter, yet the tiny soul thoughts inside haven't vanished within the cauldron!"

"It truly is the Evil Cauldron!" Xie Binn exclaimed with fervor.

Without the Evil Cauldron, the Yang God Fragment would not be contained. Upon detonation, the minute soul thoughts within would have dissipated into nothingness.

More likely, his own soul thoughts would have been obliterated alongside the fragment.

The Evil Cauldron shielded the fragment as Yu Yuan and the cauldron soul exerted their powers, manipulating the specialized formations aimed at the soul spirit, masterfully overseeing the Yang God Fragment's explosive demise.

"Let's do it again!"

Yu Yuan rallied, channeling his strength anew to extract an even larger Yang God Fragment from the Ice Thunder Mark.

This fragment, the size of a fingernail, entered the cauldron gleaming like a pristine diamond, its radiant luster captivating.

Within the shard lay tens of thousands of minuscule lightning crystals and soul thoughts.

"The Yang God, upon closer inspection, is just like this."

A smile crept across Yu Yuan's face as he observed.

With the Evil Cauldron, he could directly perceive the essence of Xie Binn's shattered Yang God Body.

In his past life, he had encountered numerous Yang Gods and even more advanced cultivators.

Yet, not having embarked on the path of cultivation nor having refined his spiritual consciousness, he could never truly discern the inner workings of the Yang God Body.

Now, through Xie Binn's Yang God Fragment, he uncovered many wonders.

This insight would immensely benefit his future cultivation.

In this moment, as he stimulated the Demonic Mark with his spiritual consciousness, absorbing the intricacies of the array, assisting Xie Binn in reassembling his Heavenly Soul, he was engaging in an alternative form of cultivation.

Suddenly, with a resounding boom, the diamond-like Yang God Fragment burst apart, lightning scattering in all directions.

Tiny wisps of soul thoughts, exposed within the cauldron by the shattering of the Yang God, began to coalesce.

Assisted by the array within the Evil Cauldron, these soul thoughts swirled and merged, forming a unified mass.

As the pre-existing and newly emerged soul thoughts slowly amalgamated, Yu Yuan could discern a faint gray mist through his eyes—

That was a fragment of Xie Binn's Heavenly Soul.


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