Unmatched Dominance/C652 Blood Hybrid
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Unmatched Dominance/C652 Blood Hybrid
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C652 Blood Hybrid

As night fell, a chill swept through the vast desert.

Atop a towering dune, seven practitioners from the Thunder Sect stood vigil. Leading them was Qi Jinghai, the same man Yu Yuan had encountered not long ago in the courtyard of the Clouds Sect.

The six others, taking their cue from Qi Jinghai, arranged themselves into a formation, encircling a group of otherworldly beings, all bearing human shapes.

Bursts of eerie green lightning erupted from the artifacts wielded by the Thunder Sect cultivators, enveloping the humanoid figures and methodically eradicating their souls.

Under the relentless assault of the lightning, the skin and flesh of the creatures split open, revealing bones of a striking golden hue. Their wails filled the air as golden blood seeped from their wounds.

Qi Jinghai's face was a mask of solemnity, his eyes devoid of any flicker of emotion. At his behest, the humanoid beings were reduced to heaps of charred remains, leaving behind nothing but golden skeletons.

In a sudden shift of attention, Qi Jinghai looked up and beheld the renowned Fallen Star Eyes, crafted from fragments of the moon, shimmering in the night sky.

"Junior Sister Lau," Qi Jinghai called out softly.

Lau Ying emerged from the Fallen Star Eyes, her eyes sparkling with an innocent clarity. A gentle smile played upon her lips as she greeted, "Greetings, Senior Brother Qi. And to all the Senior Brothers and Sisters, hello."

Despite the covert strife among the seven lower sects, they maintained a facade of camaraderie, often addressing each other with the respectful titles of Senior Brother or Sister.

"We've come across some mixed-blood riffraff," Qi Jinghai remarked, gesturing toward the charred golden bones. He explained to Lau Ying, "These are remnants of the Golden Bone Race from the depths of the Outland Star River, leftovers in our Boundless Land from the time when the ancient Demon Race and the Nagas ruled. They were not formidable enough to prevent some of the Golden Bone Race from infiltrating the Boundless Land."

The mention of the ancient Demon Race and the Nagas elicited a subtle sneer from the Thunder Sect practitioners.

Before humans discovered how to draw upon the spiritual essence of Heaven and Earth, to refine it within the Yellow Court Little World, to amass Qi and blood at the central dantian, and to solidify the soul at the Niwan acupoint, the Nagas reigned supreme. They joined forces with the Demon Phoenix and other formidable ancient demons to safeguard the Boundless Land.

During that time, the Boundless Land was far from being the universe's focal point, its vast expanse of starry sky devoid of any renowned might. This very vulnerability invited frequent invasions by Outland Devaputra, such as the formidable Asura Clan and Demon Phoenix, who could effortlessly shatter the celestial barriers and set foot upon this realm. It was in this tumultuous era that many of the mixed-blood descendants came into being.

Qi Jinghai was of the human race, as were the practitioners of the Thunder Sect. They often ridiculed the Boundless Land's bygone days, deeming it a period of weakness. Standing atop the Fallen Star Eyes, Yu Yuan, now in his true form, went unrecognized by Qi Jinghai. Previously, at the Clouds Sect's courtyard, Yu Yuan had complied with Xie Binn's request to remain indoors, peering out only from a window—a figure too insignificant for Qi Jinghai to bother with.

Yet now, Yu Yuan stood at the Fallen Star Eyes alongside Lau Ying, discreetly sizing up Yu Yuan's origins. "The offspring of the Golden Bone Race and humans..." Yu Yuan mused, his eyes narrowing as he observed the golden skeletons left behind after being smitten by lightning.

The Thunder Sect's disciples wielded their finely crafted knives, stripping away the flesh from the golden bones and preserving only the skeletal remains, which they then stored in their Mustard Seed Bracelets. Clearly, these golden bones held some value.

Yu Yuan recalled from his past life that there were individuals of mixed heritage with the alien races in the present-day Boundless Land. They concealed their identities, living among the great empires or secluded on remote deep-sea islands and in obscure locations, surviving in their own unique ways. Yet, he had little interaction with such individuals in his previous life, and they seldom made public appearances.

They dared not reveal themselves openly, for the upper sects, along with the leading factions of the Demon Palace and Devil Palace, regarded them as tainted. They believed these mixed-bloods could be easily swayed by alien races to oppose them, viewing them as potential threats. In essence, the native cultivators of the Human and Demon Races in the Boundless Land harbored little fondness for these mixed-blood individuals.

Yu Yuan hadn't anticipated the sudden emergence of these mixed-bloods from secluded regions and hidden places, all converging on the Crimson Desert.

Lau Ying had just mentioned that the five greatest sects had made it clear: entry into the Crimson Desert was forbidden.

Those who flouted the rules and dared to trespass would face death, no questions asked.

Yet, despite the decree, hybrids, Earth Demons, and malevolent entities from all corners continued to flock to the Crimson Desert.

Both Lau Ying and Yu Yuan were at a loss for the reason behind this influx, but Yu Yuan sensed there was more to the story.

"Junior Sister Lau, I don't recognize this junior brother. Is he a new recruit from your Silver Moon Sect?" Qi Jinghai inquired with feigned indifference.

The Fallen Star Eyes were Lau Ying's private possession, off-limits to others, even her own sect members, except on rare occasions.

The appearance of this unfamiliar face within Lau Ying's Fallen Star Eyes piqued Qi Jinghai's curiosity, prompting his question.

With a warm smile, Lau Ying glanced at Yu Yuan, pondering the right introduction.

"I'm not affiliated with the Silver Moon Sect. My name is Yu Yuan, hailing from Darkmoon City in the Devil Moon Empire."

Yu Yuan saw no point in disguising his identity, especially since it would soon be apparent to Lin Yue, Kong Banbi, Zhan Tianxiang, and the rest. He introduced himself openly and without reservation.

He then confidently moved closer to Lau Ying, standing nearly shoulder to shoulder with her.

Their proximity was such that anyone who saw them would immediately sense an unusual closeness between the two.

Lau Ying was taken aback.

Throughout her long acquaintance with Yu Yuan, she had never seen him deliberately seek such closeness in public.

It was she who had extended the olive branch in the Absence Relic, inviting him to join her in the Ember Waters when he had the courage to venture there.

What was different about today?

Lau Ying's curiosity was piqued, yet deep down, she had never been averse to Yu Yuan. His affectionate gesture stirred a flutter of anticipation within her.

"Yu Yuan!"

"Yu Yuan of Darkmoon City!"

"It's actually him!"

Below, the young disciples of the Thunder Sect, having collected the golden skeletons, looked up at the Fallen Star Eyes suspended in midair and at Yu Yuan standing above. Their faces betrayed a flicker of recognition and unease.

Yu Yuan's name had effortlessly echoed across the vast expanse, resonating throughout the Boundless Land!

Despite his youth, without the backing of a sect or formidable combat prowess, he managed to astonish all the disciples of the Thunder Sect who were present.

In this realm, only Yu Yuan could claim such a status and achieve such feats!

"Qi Jinghai of the Thunder Sect, at your service," said Qi Jinghai with a commanding presence. He introduced himself with a slight bow, then gave Yu Yuan a respectful fist salute. "Your reputation precedes you."

His demeanor remained unchanged, his gaze steady, betraying no hint of emotion.

Yu Yuan inwardly scoffed, maintaining a composed exterior. He nodded and replied with a grin, "I've heard about you too—the appointed successor to the Thunder Sect's leadership."

While speaking, he nonchalantly took hold of Lau Ying's fair arm and gently pulled her away from the brink of the Fallen Star Eyes. "Zhao Yafu, Kong Banbi, and I have plans, and since we've exchanged pleasantries, let's not delay any further."

With a sweet smile, Lau Ying nodded in agreement.

She turned and gracefully walked alongside Yu Yuan toward the Fallen Star Eyes, her slender waist swaying like a sprite from the mountain streams. "Brother Qi, we shall meet again another time."

Without looking back, she continued speaking with her back to Qi Jinghai.

The Fallen Star Eyes soared into the high skies, transforming into a streak of silver luminescence.

"Brother Qi?"

A Thunder Sect disciple privy to the situation bit back his words, uncertain.

Qi Jinghai's eyes lingered on the vanishing Fallen Star Eyes.

"Let's not forget why we came to the Crimson Desert." Regaining his composure, he addressed the others with an even tone, "Clear the battlefield, then we resume our search."


"Did you know Qi Jinghai has feelings for you?"

In the heart of the Fallen Star Eyes, upon a moon-white stone platform, Yu Yuan presented Lau Ying with a dish of glistening fruit from his Mustard Seed Bracelet. "I promised to cultivate these for you two years ago in the Absence Relic."


Lau Ying plucked a cluster of purple grapes, examining them with squinted eyes, her voice bubbling with delight. "These taste even more delicious than the ones I had before, and they're brimming with even more spiritual energy."

Yu Yuan chuckled, "Naturally."

"Did you plant these just for me?" Lau Ying's eyes twinkled like crescent moons.

"Indeed, I planted them especially for you near the island at the heart of the lake by the Absence Relic," Yu Yuan said with a smile.

Lau Ying beamed, popping a grape into her mouth and savoring the burst of sweet juice. Her eyes sparkled before she remarked, "Qi Jinghai is such a bore. His affection for me is his own concern, not mine. He's too reserved, always calculating—like an old man in a young man's body. I don't care for him."

Yu Yuan watched her devour a cluster of amethyst grapes in no time and couldn't help but chuckle.

"What's the matter? What did he do to you?" Lau Ying asked as she took a vibrant red persimmon and began peeling it. "Using me to get under his skin, aren't you worried he'll come after you?"

Her keen intelligence saw right through the situation; she knew Yu Yuan's closeness was a ploy to irk Qi Jinghai.

"Before Qi Jinghai arrived at the Crimson Desert, he tried to strong-arm the Ice Thunder Mark from Xie Binn of the Clouds Sect in Luan Bird City," Yu Yuan said, his mouth curling into a wry smile. "I was there, incognito. He didn't give someone like me a second glance."

"You're acquainted with Xie Binn?" Lau Ying asked, surprised.

"Let's just say we have a bit of a history," Yu Yuan replied, leaving out the details. "I simply can't stand Qi Jinghai, and I have no intention of making things easy for him."

"You're quite the schemer. With you setting your sights on him, Qi Jinghai's journey through the Crimson Desert is bound to be anything but smooth," Lau Ying laughed merrily.

"Lau Ying!"

"Fallen Star Eyes! Save us!"

From below, desperate cries for help rang out.

Yu Yuan looked down to see a group of Cloud Water Sect cultivators encircled by three demonic shadows.

The shadows wove between them, causing those with weaker cultivation to collapse, their eyes rolling back in terror.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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