Unmatched Dominance/C661 Devil's Counterattack
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Unmatched Dominance/C661 Devil's Counterattack
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C661 Devil's Counterattack

The demise of the Taiyuan Sect members seemed to confirm Tan Junshan's suspicions: it was merely a harbinger of the Evil Demons' counteroffensive.

Shortly thereafter, a new image emerged within another moonstone prism. A group of the Golden Bone Race burst forth from beneath a sand dune, ambushing another contingent of the Thunder Sect's cultivators. Radiating a blinding golden light, the Golden Bone Race warriors showed no fear of the lightning. As they closed in, they cut down the Thunder Sect's members with the precision of golden blades. It appeared to be an act of retaliation.

Another battle unfolded before the moonstone prism. Seven murky demonic shadows encircled a group of disciples from third-rate sects on the Heavenly Source Continent. The shadows, tightening like nooses, soon left eight cultivators from the Profound Break and Penetrating Stages lifelessly sprawled on the ground. Their vacant, wooden stares revealed that their souls had been consumed by the shadows, leaving their fleshly bodies as nothing more than worthless husks.

"Hmm?" In one of the prisms, Du Huang of the Ancient Desolate Sect was seen laughing heartily as he pummeled five of his sect mates into an unrecognizable pulp with his powerful fists. Standing amidst the five bodies, Du Huang's aura pulsed with the ferocity of a blood-soaked deity.

"Du Huang! Isn't he a disciple of the Ancient Desolate Sect?" Lau Ying, bewildered, clutched her forehead, shocked by the scene revealed within the moonstone prism.

Yu Yuan's face darkened. "Du Huang, along with Shen Feiqing and Tan Yuan, ventured deep into the Desolate Swamp. Shen Feiqing and Tan Yuan were there to follow Zhongli's lead."

The man claiming to be Tan Junshan nodded, "Du Huang is likely of Zhongli's lineage. Not long ago, Zhongli returned to the Ancient Desolate Sect and challenged the current Sect Master. Zhongli emerged slightly victorious, aiming to claim the Sect Master's title. However, the sect's disciples and elders largely refused to acknowledge him."

"Outraged, Zhongli proclaimed that the Ancient Desolate Sect would split in two. He took some of the sect's elders and began to establish his own faction. Du Huang's alliance with Tan Yuan and Shen Feiqing indicates that he and his master have sided with Zhongli."

Yu Yuan's eyes widened in shock. "Could it really be a time of change?"

"The Devaputra are on the offensive, and the starry sky's various races are stirring, ready to act. Moreover, those who departed from the Boundless Land years ago are plotting their return," Tan Junshan said with a grave tone. "We're facing a challenge like no other. A single misstep could topple the dominion of the five greatest powers over the Boundless Land."

"Uncle Master Tan, is the threat truly that dire?" Lau Ying gasped.

"The Profound Sky Continent has been thrown into disarray with the reappearance of the Divine Statue that can alter destiny," Tan Junshan elaborated. "Trouble has arisen in the Desolate Swamp, and the spatial channel sealed by the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area has burst open, unleashing forbidden evil spirits and Devaputra to wreak havoc."

"Places like the Nether Abyss, Horror Land, and Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea, which even the five supreme sects can't control, are in turmoil. And beyond our world, the cosmos is rife with conflict. The Boundless Land has weathered many crises, but few as perilous as this one."

Tan Junshan squinted, his expression turning peculiar.

"But then again, the last era was also marked by upheaval, a time when the three upper sects seized the moment and established their rule. Keep in mind, those sects were nowhere near as formidable as they are today," he said, his face a mix of concern and veiled expectation. "For those sects that are prepared, seizing the moment amidst chaos could redefine the future, turning the world on its head."

In that bygone era, upper sects fell, minor sects ascended to lower sect status, and lower sects climbed to the ranks of the upper sects.

Times of change breed countless dangers, yet they also usher in opportunities.


A prismatic moonstone suddenly burst into a point of ghostly light.

The light, seemingly deep beneath the earth's surface, was enveloped by a massive demonic shadow. Only after the Fallen Star Eyes shattered the surrounding soul strands and spiritual energy did it reveal itself.

Within the light, a hazy figure of an old man sat cross-legged, a necklace of woven leaves adorning his neck.

"The Spirit Void Sect, Taoist Yeyin!"

Tan Junshan needed only a single glance to recognize the old man seated cross-legged within the dim glow.

"Taoist Yeyin!"

Lau Ying exclaimed, instantly realizing that the soul-like leaves attacking Yu Yuan originated from the old man concealed underground, enveloped in the faint light.

"He's been located by an Earth Demon. Taoist Yeyin, in the late stages of the Soul Wandering Stage, is a master of stealth and assassination—his skills in evading detection are unparalleled," Tan Junshan expressed in surprise. "Given his expertise, he wouldn't have revealed himself unless he was executing an assassination."

"He made an attempt on my life," Yu Yuan interjected.

At that moment, it was the Earth Demon, previously given Chen Liangquan's beast skin, that was assaulting the mysterious light. The demon must have burrowed underground in search of Taoist Yeyin after the attack, eventually tracing him down and initiating the assault.

The Earth Demon's onslaught shattered the protective glow, and the commotion was significant enough to be sensed by the Fallen Star Eyes.

Without the Earth Demon's interference and the subsequent collapse of the shielding array, even an artifact as powerful as the Fallen Star Eyes might have failed to detect Taoist Yeyin's presence.

"Taoist Yeyin made a move against you? And you survived?" Tan Junshan looked into his eyes, seemingly incredulous. "The Chaos Roc launched an attack on you from afar, and so did Taoist Yeyin. Yu Yuan, is your luck simply that formidable, to have escaped death in both instances?"

With a shrug, Yu Yuan replied, "Perhaps I am just that fortunate."

"Ah, but Taoist Yeyin is a confirmed member of the Spirit Void Sect. Now that he's been marked by such a vicious Earth Demon, I can't stand idly by," Tan Junshan said, his face etched with concern.

"Uncle-Master, you mustn't assist him!" Lau Ying protested.

"If I don't help, then I... I can't linger in the Crimson Desert; I'd have to act as if I'd never witnessed this," Tan Junshan reasoned.

"Uncle-Master, it's as if you were never here!" Lau Ying declared emphatically.

"Well then, okay."

Tan Junshan hesitated briefly, but in that moment, he chose to align with his own kin. Suddenly, his body radiated moonlight.

In a flash, he transformed into a tiny crescent and vanished from sight.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

Shortly after Tan Junshan departed, a prismatic crystal resembling a starry eye suddenly showed fractures.


In an instant, Lau Ying coughed up a small amount of blood.

She stared at the prismatic crystal with its emerging cracks, and after a brief hesitation, she smeared the blood from her lips onto it.

"This star eye must have detected an anomaly and attempted to lock onto it," Lau Ying quickly explained. "But the entity it sensed is so incredibly powerful that the star eye couldn't withstand it and shattered. I'll try using my own blood essence to see if I can reveal the other side."

"You could die—don't act impulsively!" Yu Yuan exclaimed in alarm.

He was uncertain about the limits of what the Fallen Star Eyes could reveal. Yet, he understood that if a crystal sensed something it couldn't project, causing it to shatter instead, it must be a force far beyond Lau Ying's current level, something even the Fallen Star Eyes shouldn't meddle with.

He didn't want Lau Ying to gamble with her life.

Regrettably, Lau Ying ignored his plea and proceeded to trace a series of peculiar star maps on the increasingly fissured crystal with her bloodied hand.

Once the six star maps solidified, Lau Ying commanded, "Open!"


The six star maps drew upon the star energy stored within the Fallen Star Eyes, interlinking to form a grand star map. Within it, a shadow abruptly materialized.

A figure stood amidst the vast expanse of the Crimson Desert.

Surrounded by numerous Earth Demons and malevolent entities of unknown origin, akin to the hybrid members of the Bone Race.

The person appeared to have recently arrived in the desert, carving out a small domain underground, seemingly inquiring of the Earth Demons and the mixed-blood creatures.

To Yu Yuan's astonishment, he recognized the individual.

—His dear friend from a past life, Zu Ann!

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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