Unmatched Dominance/C664 Want More!
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Unmatched Dominance/C664 Want More!
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C664 Want More!

"Fallen Star Eyes! Lau Ying!"

The desperate cries for help echoed, not from the Sword Sect disciples below, but from the opposite direction.

Yu Yuan, perched on the meteorite's edge and scanning the horizon, spotted a group of Cold Yin Sect disciples under assault by rocks glowing as if forged in fire.

These rocks moved like sentient slabs, pulsing with a rhythm all their own.

The fiery red stones, seemingly alive, would scatter and then converge, wielding their formidable force and scorching heat to inflict excruciating pain on the Cold Yin Sect disciples.

Those who had mastered the Cold Yin Spiritual Spell were struck repeatedly by the rocks, their bones shattering almost instantly as the intense flames penetrated them.

Innately attuned to the cold, the searing heat was agony for them, akin to being boiled alive, a torment so severe they longed for death.

Before long, some succumbed, perishing where they fell.

Beneath the dozens of rocks that tumbled across the ground and through the air, stood another figure, his body sheathed in red fur and as solid as the stones themselves.

His skin, visible beneath the fur, was a deep crimson rock.

Shorter in stature yet more robust, his face was the only part devoid of fur, etched with red stone patterns.

He seemed to be the puppeteer of the relentless rocks hunting down the Cold Yin Sect disciples.

Meanwhile, the golden-furred giant, encircled by Kong Banbi and the Sword Sect disciples within their sword formation, remained composed, as if biding his time.

His plan was clear: eliminate the Cold Yin Sect disciples first, then, alongside his ally, annihilate the Sword Sect's contingent led by Kong Banbi.

"Lau Ying! Save us!"

"Take us with you!"

Pursued by the relentless dark red stones, the Cold Yin Sect disciples, upon spotting the Fallen Star Eyes hovering in the distant sky, cried out in sheer desperation.

"These are members of the Rock Clan from beyond the Star River. The Rock Clan, though not among the most powerful in the first echelon of the extraterrestrial races, are said to draw upon the power of the land, growing stronger within the Boundless Land," Lau Ying whispered, sharing her knowledge. "My master told me that the Rock Clan's arrival in our realm could wreak havoc on our mountains and rivers."

"Rock Clan," Yu Yuan whispered to himself.

Zu Ann was at the zenith of the Boundless Land, atop Ascension Peak, within the highest mountain range in this world—the Ascension Mountain Range.

At the Unrestrained Stage, his presence was synonymous with Ascension Peak, but in truth, it encompassed the entire mountain range. Perhaps that's why his true form resided in the Outland Star River, overseeing a fortress to prevent the Rock Clan from breaching that critical juncture into the Boundless Land.

His assignment there was likely due to his ability to subdue the Rock Clan's leader.

Now, with pure Rock Clan members—more than one—appearing in this world, and Zu Ann deep underground, did it signify that Zu Ann had truly forsaken the Boundless Land?

Zu Ann was his closest ally, the Desolate God of the Great Swamp, who had aided him in eluding the watchful eyes of the five supreme beings.

Yu Zhu, under his guidance, had become the sovereign of the Absence Relic, destined to ascend as a Demon God.

Whose side should he take?

Contemplating this, Yu Yuan was beset by a headache, uncertain of his future path.

In that moment, Lau Ying's brow creased slightly. Displeased with the Cold Yin Sect, she sought Yu Yuan's counsel: "What's our move?"

Yu Yuan glanced down at Kong Banbi, who was directing his followers without yet revealing his full power. After a brief pause, he suggested, "Let's wait a bit before we intervene."

He believed Kong Banbi had the resilience to endure a while longer without exerting his full strength.

"Right, I'm not fond of the Cold Yin Sect either. They can fend for themselves," Lau Ying agreed, her thoughts aligning with his. The Fallen Star Eyes then sliced through the sky, vanishing like a bolt of lightning.

"Lau Ying!"

The calls from the Cold Yin Sect members morphed into jeers, fading into silence.

Shortly thereafter, Lau Ying, aboard the Fallen Star Eyes, located Zhao Yafu, Zhan Tianxiang, and the envoys from the Demon Palace.

Zhao Yafu was visibly grief-stricken, crouching next to a white tiger in its true demonic form, its body marred by a web of deep bloodstains, her expression one of utter desolation.

The Fallen Star Eyes came to a halt, and Yu Yuan descended swiftly.

"Yu Yuan!"

Zhan Tianxiang's waist was still smeared with fresh blood, indicating a recent battle. "How did you find me? Yu Yuan, something's off in the Crimson Desert. Have Lau Ying from the Silver Moon Sect get you out of here fast. You're not bound to any sect, nor do you owe any loyalty to the Demon Palace. Better head back to the Absence Relic!"

Zhao Yafu looked up to see it was indeed Yu Yuan arriving. She managed a weak smile and gestured towards the lifeless white tiger, "The one who led us to the Crimson Desert was slain by a spiritual crane. The Demon Palace folks say that crane's tribe turned their backs on them a long time ago."

"Brother Yu, he's right. You're not one of us from the Demon Palace. With the Crimson Desert turning dangerous, you need to get out now."

Perched atop the Fallen Star Eyes, Lau Ying gazed down at them with an odd look on her face.

Yu Yuan had come in a rush, intent on urging Zhan Tianxiang and Zhao Yafu to make a quick exit, but before he could speak, they were already urging him to retreat.

Yu Yuan had assumed they were unaware of the dire straits within the Crimson Desert and worried they might rush in recklessly.

It was now clear that many had sensed the unrest in the Crimson Desert.

"A spiritual crane..."

In a flash, Yu Yuan recalled a graceful white crane from the Ember Waters and its flutist rider. That crane and the Raven Lord were sworn enemies.

Here in the Crimson Desert, a white crane that had once served the Demon Palace before turning traitor had slain the progeny of the White Divine Tiger and seemed intent on methodically exterminating all from the Demon Palace.

What deep-seated grudge did this white crane hold against the Demon Palace?

"It's not the same one from the Ember Waters. If it were, they'd all be dead by now," Lau Ying murmured from above the Fallen Star Eyes, "It's from the same tribe, but not the same crane."

Yu Yuan nodded, silently contemplating as he observed the Demon Palace clanspeople before him.

Lau Ying spoke up once more, "My Fallen Star Eyes can't transport everyone from the Demon Palace. If I do, I'll have a hard time explaining it to my sect. Later, if the sect learns I didn't rescue the Cold Yin Sect but instead helped the Demon Palace escape, I'll be in quite a predicament."

"Yu Yuan! We won't be torn apart. I'll guide them through the Crimson Desert!"

At that moment, Zhan Tianxiang stepped forward, taking on the responsibility. "Before I entered the desert, I made a vow to my master that I wouldn't let his people down!"

"Big Brother Yu, we're going to leave, but we'll do it together," Zhao Yafu stated earnestly. "You don't have to worry about us; you can go ahead. I know you have the Fallen Star Eyes and the Evil Cauldron at your disposal."

"Perhaps we should leave first?" Lau Ying suggested quietly.

The underground scene she had witnessed earlier revealed a chilling truth—the evil beings swarming around Zu Ann held an overwhelming advantage over the surface sect disciples.

Given Zu Ann's status, power, and strength, he disdained to act personally.

If he had chosen to strike, all the sect disciples who ventured into the Crimson Desert would have perished long ago.

But even without his intervention, if those subterranean evil spirits and devils were to burst forth, everyone who came to purge the Crimson Desert of evil would meet their end.

And it would be swift.

Yet, the devaputras beneath the Demon Palace seemed in no rush.

A sudden realization dawned on Lau Ying, sending a shiver down her spine.

The devaputras, subservient to Zu Ann, hadn't surged to the surface to slaughter en masse. Instead, they were gradually amassing their strength.

It seemed they were biding their time, waiting for the sects to dispatch increasingly powerful elders and guests.

Then, they would leisurely consume each newcomer, one by one.

Their appetite for destruction was insatiable!

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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