Unmatched Dominance/C665 Thunder War Chariot
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Unmatched Dominance/C665 Thunder War Chariot
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C665 Thunder War Chariot

Yu Yuan found himself in a quandary.

He longed to lead Zhan Tianxiang and Zhao Yafu out of the Crimson Desert after discovering through the Fallen Star Eyes that the orchestrator was none other than his past life's dear friend, Zu Ann.

He was well aware of Zu Ann's formidable prowess. At the late Unrestrained Stage, wielding the Skywatch Mirror atop Ascension Peak, Zu Ann was a force to be reckoned with.

Even the sect masters of the seven lower sects might struggle to gain the upper hand against Zu Ann, let alone these young upstarts.

The most prudent course of action seemed to be to swiftly guide Zhan Tianxiang and Zhao Yafu out of the desert's clutches.

Yet, bound by their grave responsibilities to the Demon Palace, they firmly resolved to lead the palace's disciples out of the Crimson Desert together, alive, politely declining Yu Yuan's well-meant offer.

Lau Ying, constrained by her sect's strictures, was likewise unable to involve the Demon Palace's numerous disciples with the Fallen Star Eyes.

The Evil Cauldron under his command was not like the Fallen Star Eyes; it wasn't an artifact meant for transport.

While the Evil Cauldron could manage with just him and perhaps one or two others, any more would severely compromise its function.

After all, the cauldron, designed to absorb evil spirits and transmute them into Evil Demons, prioritized the capacity of the souls it bore—souls that, lacking physical bodies, bore no weight.

Above the Fallen Star Eyes, Lau Ying's captivating eyes twinkled like celestial bodies as she whispered, "Yu Yuan, I need to speak with you."


Yu Yuan's silhouette lifted and settled back onto the gleaming extraterrestrial rock, inquiring, "What's on your mind?"

With a casual flick of her pristine, jade-like hand, Lau Ying shielded their presence from external senses and soul probes. "I sense that the Crimson Desert is turning into a vast vortex, poised to engulf an increasing number of formidable souls. That individual..."

Lau Ying was exceedingly careful, opting not to utter Zu Ann's name to avoid alerting the Skywatch Mirror. "His tactic of incrementally unleashing the malevolent entities beneath the sands seems designed to compel Chu Jing, Qi Jinghai, and Zhao Yafu to send out distress signals. It's a ploy to alert the major sects to the peril within the Crimson Desert, prompting them to dispatch more experts."

"Then, with the Crimson Desert as his maelstrom, he intends to consume every last soul that follows."

Beneath us, only a Tenth Level Demon God or someone at the Primordial Spirit Stage could possibly challenge him. Otherwise, not even the leaders of the major sects could touch him if they came alone."

"My master mentioned that the pinnacle beings of the Boundless Great World each have their own rivals, deeply entrenched in the starry skies, unable to make rash moves in the short term."

"Looking at it this way, he's nearly invincible, capable of both offense and defense."

Lau Ying voiced her concerns, her face etched with worry.

Yu Yuan listened intently, mulling over her words, and soon recognized the likely truth in her speculation.

"Zu Ann holds an extraordinary and unique position within the Boundless Land," Lau Ying added. "Why would someone of his stature manipulate evil spirits and target the disciples of the sects? He's supposed to be overseeing the outer realms, warding off the Rock Clan invaders, yet he's the one who has allowed them into the Boundless Great World."

No matter how Lau Ying racked her brain, she couldn't fathom why Zu Ann would forsake the Boundless Land.

Then, a spark of insight flashed through Yu Yuan's mind.

He vividly recalled his last encounter with Zu Ann, when he had revealed his identity and requested the red copper key, and Zu Ann had in turn asked for a piece of "Giant Beast Amber."

"Rosy Island, the home of Zu Ann's cherished love, must be where he has sealed her, striving with all his might to cling to a thread of life. For her reincarnation, Zu Ann would need a divine pill capable of capturing the essence of heaven and earth, as well as assistance in reconstituting her soul. And the first place that comes to mind for such a task is the Divine Soul Sect!"

"It must have been a titan from the Divine Soul Sect who approached him with a promise!"

"Given Zu Ann's nature, as long as his beloved could be revived, he wouldn't care if the Boundless Land fell or if all life perished. With his advanced cultivation at the late Unrestrained Stage, he could live freely with his revived love in any corner of the infinite galaxy."

In that moment, Yu Yuan believed he had uncovered the reason behind Zu Ann's betrayal of this realm.

All for the love in his heart!

Crackling and snapping, a colossal war chariot, woven from dense lightning, sped across the sky from afar.

Broad and forged from azure gold, the chariot shone brilliantly against the backdrop of the night.

Beneath the colossal war chariot, a veritable pool of lightning seemed to lurk, constructed from innumerable lightning crystals brimming with divine electricity potent enough to obliterate souls.

"Thunder War Chariot!"

Lau Ying, taken aback, gazed at the suddenly emerging chariot from a distance, her heart stirring with emotion.

Yu Yuan peered intently and could make out over a dozen cultivators of varied attire standing atop the massive "Thunder War Chariot," hands clasped behind their backs. These cultivators engaged in lofty discussions, exuding an air of arrogance, all bearing the visage of middle-aged men.

From dozens of miles away, Yu Yuan's eyes felt a faint discomfort as he scrutinized them. It dawned on him that these cultivators, arriving on the "Thunder War Chariot," were of a different caliber than the sect disciples currently in the Crimson Desert.

Nearly all of them were at the Soul Wandering Stage, with some even at the Yang God Stage! Clearly, they were sect elders and distinguished guests with profound cultivation, roused by news from various channels, sensing that something was amiss, and concerned about the excessive casualties among their disciples.


Among them, Yu Yuan recognized the familiar figure of Weixian.

Weixian, from the Cold Yin Sect, was in the late period of the Soul Wandering Stage and had been at the Absence Relic. Unexpectedly, he too had boarded the Thunder Sect's crafted "Thunder War Chariot," descending upon this place alongside his peers.

The high-ranking elders from various sects conversed amongst themselves in midair, yet none took action. The mere presence of the "Thunder War Chariot," periodically unleashing bolts of lightning, was enough to instantaneously annihilate any encountered spirits, malevolent entities, or demons.

With a whoosh, a wisp of ethereal green lightning burrowed into the desert sands, reducing a bat-like devaputra to dust, dead beyond death. The group of cultivators paid no heed to the vanquished demon, their expressions steely and detached.

As the "Thunder War Chariot" drew closer and caught sight of the Fallen Star Eyes, the electrically charged chariot abruptly picked up speed and came to a halt in the sky.

"Yu Yuan!"

Atop the "Thunder War Chariot," Weixian from the Cold Yin Sect, upon spotting Yu Yuan and Lau Ying together, called out in surprise. Yu Yuan looked up to see Weixian flashing a grin and nodding in acknowledgment—a silent but warm greeting.

"Yu Yuan!"

"Zhao Yafu, Zhan Tianxiang."

Arriving on the Thunderbolt Chariot, the cultivators from various major sects took sudden notice of Yu Yuan and his companions, prompted by Weixian's words. These individuals were indifferent to Yu Yuan's feelings, their probing soul thoughts reaching across the space between them.

"Hmph!" Lau Ying's stunning visage twisted with rage. With a graceful sweep of her hand, she conjured a gossamer veil of starlight that enveloped both her and Yu Yuan.

Swoosh! Swoosh! The invading soul thoughts collided with the barrier, only to be repelled by the power of the Fallen Star Eyes, unable to touch Yu Yuan.

In that moment, Yu Yuan observed that, aside from Weixian, the Thunder Sect had the largest presence. Three figures clad in the sect's garb stood out, all seemingly at the Soul Wandering Stage. Additionally, members from the Cloud Water Sect, Ancient Desolate Sect, and Taiyuan Sect were present.

The Spirit Void Sect was represented by a solitary figure. His hair was neatly gathered into a bun, secured with a white jade trident. His waist bore a jade belt, his wrists jade bracelets, and around his neck hung a jade necklace. His love for exquisite jade was evident in the numerous accessories adorning his person, each piece pulsating with spiritual energy. Some even emitted the muffled roars of captive, formidable souls.

He stood among the crowd, stoic and unsmiling, seemingly apathetic to Yu Yuan. Yet, Yu Yuan could feel the man's gaze and attention fixed upon him since his arrival, an unsettling sensation.

"Taoist Qiyu," Lau Ying whispered, drawing in a deep breath. Of all those present, Taoist Qiyu carried the most significance. Among the Spirit Void Sect's seven great Taoists, he stood as one of the most revered and esteemed.

Taoist Qiyu, like Taoist Chongxiao, possessed the cultivation of the Yang God Stage. Specifically, he was at the Middle Period of the Yang God Stage. Though he ranked last among the seven great Taoists, it merely reflected his youth, for he had only recently ascended to the Yang God status, younger than his counterparts.

"The real person has arrived, and set his sights on me first..."

Yu Yuan's mind stirred, and he suddenly suspected that the predestined eighth Taoist, Taoist Yeyin, had been slain by Zu Ann at his behest.

Only with Taoist Yeyin's death would the Spirit Void Sect be sufficiently rattled to send Taoist Qiyu immediately.

"Lau Ying pays her respects to Taoist Qiyu, Elder Hu, Elder Wei..."

Atop the Fallen Star Eyes, the maiden greeted the elders from various sects across the Heavenly Source Continent with neither arrogance nor servility, bowing to those who had arrived in the Thunderbolt Chariots.

She made a point to acknowledge those whose names she knew, and offered a polite bow with a slight smile to the unfamiliar faces.

Ranked just below the Spirit Void Sect among the seven lesser sects, the Silver Moon Sect had a profound heritage, and the strength it concealed was the envy and fear of many.

Lau Ying, proclaimed as the next successor of the Silver Moon Sect, wielded the Fallen Star Eyes as proof of her status.

Since everyone was on the Heavenly Source Continent, with the sacred lands of their sects in close proximity, they were all well-acquainted. Thus, the visitors were courteous to Lau Ying, nodding in acknowledgment of her greetings.

"I have some questions I'd like to discuss with Yu Yuan in private."

Taoist Qiyu, whom Lau Ying had addressed first, requested her audience with a tranquil gaze and a natural tone.


A look of discomfort crossed Lau Ying's face.

She was aware of Taoist Yeyin's covert assault on Yu Yuan and was certain that while Yu Yuan might be oblivious, Taoist Qiyu was undoubtedly in the know.

As a Taoist and a core member of the Spirit Void Sect's ruling elite, Taoist Qiyu was privy to the inner workings. What could he possibly want with Yu Yuan?

The fact that they sought Yu Yuan for questioning upon arrival at the Crimson Desert was telling.

Lau Ying felt an ominous premonition; if she consented and released Yu Yuan into the custody of Taoist Qiyu from the Spirit Void Sect, she feared she might never see Yu Yuan again.

The thought of such an outcome filled her with urgency, and she objected, "That won't be possible."

"I merely wish to ask a few questions," Taoist Qiyu insisted, his brow furrowing slightly, a clear sign of his growing irritation.

"My Martial Uncle Tan also needs to speak with him, and I've already delayed too long. I can't keep Martial Uncle Tan waiting!" Lau Ying hastily concocted an excuse, unconcerned with whether Taoist Qiyu found it credible.

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