Unmatched Dominance/C683 The Night's Howl
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Unmatched Dominance/C683 The Night's Howl
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C683 The Night's Howl

The moment Yu Yuan laid eyes on the phrase "Spirit Demon Soul Ferrying Technique," he reached a firm conclusion—this Ghosting Arts did not originate from the Evil Sect. The contents of the book no longer piqued his interest, as he had already deemed the Spiritual Spell within to be incomplete. Besides, the Ghosting Arts he was currently practicing was intricate and profound, and he had personally experienced its numerous advantages.

Regardless of the sect from which the Ghosting Arts hailed, Yu Yuan had already decided to adopt this Spiritual Spell as his primary method for refining his soul and eventually achieving the transformation into a Yin God.

The Evil Sect was renowned for their body refining secrets, not soul cultivation. Thus, Yu Yuan believed that even a complete version of the Spirit Demon Soul Ferrying Technique would not match the caliber of his Ghosting Arts.

"How many Spirit Stones?" he inquired, his voice steady, as he clutched the aged, yellowed tome.

"A mere trifle, three hundred Spirit Stones will suffice," Ma Jianjiang responded with a chuckle.

Yu Yuan nodded, caressing his Mustard Seed Bracelet before withdrawing a series of luminous Spirit Stones and arranging them neatly on the display counter. "Does the Babel Chamber of Commerce possess any secret methods for communicating with the outside world?"

The sum of three hundred Spirit Stones was trivial; Ma Jianjiang didn't bother to count them meticulously, nor did he seem overly concerned.

He listened intently to Yu Yuan's query, then hesitated before replying, "Young Master Yu, as you're aware, typically, the operation of a large formation can disrupt communication between the inside and the outside."

"I'm well aware," Yu Yuan replied, his smile tinged with mischief. "However, I'm also aware that the Babel Chamber of Commerce, bearing 'Babel' in its name, must certainly possess extraordinary means of communication. While others may be cut off from the outside, I suspect your company is not."

Most often, when a high-tier formation is fully operational, it naturally severs internal and external connections.

During the operation of the Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation within the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, cultivators on the outside were unable to use their soul awareness or spiritual consciousness to peer inside, nor could they employ their artifacts to remotely view the inner realm.

Masking perception and spying are the most fundamental functions of a high-level formation like this.

Yu Yuan was well aware of that.

He had posed the question because he was uncertain about the rank of the grand formation protecting Luan Bird City.

If it wasn't a high rank, the Babel Chamber of Commerce, with its resources, could likely establish contact with headquarters using certain clandestine artifacts.

They might even be able to communicate with another branch, such as the one in the Absence Relic.

"The Ascension Array of the Divine Luan straddles the Fifth and Sixth Levels. Once activated in full, even our Chamber has no recourse," Ma Jianjiang said with a reverence when discussing the protective array of Luan Bird City. "The protective arrays of lower sects like Spirit Void Sect, Silver Moon Sect, and Thunder Sect are all at the Sixth Level. The Ascension Array of the Divine Luan is rated between the Fifth and Sixth Levels because of one individual."

"Depends on whom?" Zhao Yafu asked, taken aback.

Ma Jianjiang inhaled deeply, checked for eavesdroppers, and whispered, "The Luan Bird Queen!"

Yu Yuan's expression shifted. "So, you're saying if the Luan Bird Queen is present, the Ascension Array's rank is at the Sixth Level? And if she's absent, it falls to the Fifth Level?"

"Exactly," Ma Jianjiang confirmed with a nod.

Zhao Yafu pondered briefly before her eyes sparkled with realization. She gasped, "The foremost figure of the Profound Sky Continent, her level of mastery?"

Yu Yuan felt a jolt of shock and turned to Ma Jianjiang, seeking confirmation with his gaze.

Ma Jianjiang nodded once more, lowering his voice, "The latest intelligence from the Chamber suggests that she has indeed ascended to the Unrestrained Stage. Few are privy to this information. And the entity she chose to merge with for her breakthrough to the Unrestrained Stage was none other than Luan Bird City itself!"

The Unrestrained Stage, the point of merging with the Dao, could be a unique location, a mountain, a city, an object, or even an emotion.

Heixun merged with the Dao at Ember Waters, Zu Ann with Ascension Peak, and astonishingly, the Luan Bird Queen chose Luan Bird City.

This city, crafted by the Luan Bird Empire with all its might, is etched with innumerable secret Spiritual Arrays both inside and out, forming the very foundation upon which the Chen family stands.

From the moment of its creation, it was clear that the Luan Bird Queen intended to use this city as a means to merge with the Dao.

"Luan Bird City, the epitome of ultimate freedom!" Zhao Yafu's heart surged with emotion, her eyes shining with awe and reverence.

She held deep admiration for the emperor of the Luan Bird Empire, a figure of such stature that she ranked among the top three in the annals of history.

When it comes to female emperors, she is second to none—truly unparalleled!

It's possible that her like may never be seen again.

"If she is present within Luan Bird City, the level of the Ascension Array is Sixth Level, on par with the formations of the Spirit Void Sect and the Thunder Sect," Ma Jianjiang reiterated. "Without her, the Ascension Array automatically downgrades to Fifth Level."

"So, is she actually here?" Yu Yuan inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Ma Jianjiang simply shook his head, his smile holding back words.

Yu Yuan understood the etiquette; he recognized that Ma Jianjiang's willingness to divulge so much was a testament to their solid relationship, hinting that the Luan Bird Queen had secretly united with Luan Bird City and ascended to the Unrestrained Stage.

But the rules of the Babel Chamber of Commerce and the Wind Chanter constrained further disclosure of information.

"Thank you," Yu Yuan expressed his gratitude with a formal bow, clutching the fragmented scripture. He and Zhao Yafu continued to peruse the Chamber of Commerce's offerings.

No longer confining themselves to the Scripture Tower, they explored pavilions selling pellets, artifacts, and formations.

Ma Jianjiang remained by their side, eagerly providing detailed explanations whenever Yu Yuan showed interest in an item.

Regrettably, due to the pervasive Darkness Dust Mist, practitioners had nearly cleared out the branch's stock of valuable spiritual materials and pellets in preparation for what lay ahead.

What remained were only the lower-grade pellets and items, which Yu Yuan found unimpressive.

With the Ascension Array activated and the Darkness Dust Mist engulfing the outside, the branch was cut off from the outside world, unable to receive additional supplies of spiritual materials and pellets from the main headquarters.

Ma Jianjiang spoke frankly, predicting that soon even the lowest grade pellets and items would be completely sold out.

When that happened, the Babel Chamber of Commerce's branch in Luan Bird City would be deserted, no longer a destination for cultivators to browse and shop.

After exiting the branch, Yu Yuan considered visiting the Dao House of the Clouds Sect.

He had been accompanied by Zhao Yafu. Along the way, her Mustard Seed Bracelet emitted a sudden burst of radiant light. Sensing something with her spirit, she apologized, "Brother Yu, the Demon Palace needs me. I'm heading back to the Blue Sky Shrine. If you need me, just ask around there, and they'll point you in the right direction."

"Mm-hmm," Yu Yuan replied with a smile, bidding her farewell.

He had always seen the girl who left Darkmoon City with him as a younger sister. Ever since he had assisted Zhao Yafu with her 'Dragon Swallowing' success, her family and the Zhao family had grown close to his own. He was well aware of the Zhao family's care for his kin in his absence.

Watching the once naive girl become the direct disciple of the White Divine Tiger Demon God at the Demon Palace filled him with genuine joy. He resolved that, should he have the means within Luan Bird City, he would ensure her complete safety.

As they parted ways, dusk fell.

The day's heat receded, and under the shelter of the Ascension Array, Luan Bird City was bathed in a mystical green glow, lending the entire cityscape an ethereal quality.

"The Ascension Array of the Divine Luan."

Yu Yuan occasionally gazed skyward, fixated on the green luminescence, half-expecting to see a majestic green Divine Luan poised to soar from its mystical confines.


Out of the blue, a piercing scream echoed from a distant alleyway.

Night had enveloped the city. Here in the heart of Luan Bird City, whether it was the Luan Bird Empire or the major sects, bloodshed was strictly prohibited; unity against external threats was paramount.

So what could a sudden, anguished cry signify in such a place?

Thud! Thud! Thud!

The thunderous sound of hooves pounding the earth abruptly filled the air.

Yu Yuan stood on the expansive street, witnessing soldiers clad in heavy armor atop majestic steeds burst forth from neighboring streets. They charged towards the source of the screams without hesitation.

"Ah! Help!"

Soon after, calls for help echoed from other residential quarters.

Yu Yuan's face paled as a wave of intense anxiety surged within him.

With the Divine Luan's Ascension Array in place, the Dusk Dust had been kept at bay, unable to permeate anew. The city's cultivators, commoners, and soldiers remained unaffected by the Dusk Dust, and no Sky Demons, Earth Demons, or beings from other races had breached the Ascension Array to infiltrate the city.

What could be causing such disturbances within the walls of Luan Bird City?

Before long, additional pleas for aid arose from various streets and districts.

It wasn't just the homes of the common folk; even the sector housing the Dao House of the Little Clouds Sect began to resonate with piercing shrieks that sent shivers down the spine in the dead of night.


Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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