Unmatched Dominance/C697 Cold Battlefield
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Unmatched Dominance/C697 Cold Battlefield
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C697 Cold Battlefield

In Luan Bird City, the southern gate stood wide open, with a thick, greenish light curtain arched in front of it like a forcibly inserted eggshell.

Inside the city, Chen Langzhi, Weixian, Jin Xiaolie, Ann Ziqing, Han Ling, and others from the Blood God Cult stood facing outward. Through the shimmering curtain, they could see the dense "Dark Ember Dust" to the south, where lightning streaked across the sky, illuminating artifacts that sparkled with an entrancing brilliance.

A colossal demon clashed with a powerful cultivator, their forms ablaze with energy. Massive orbs of lightning, as if distilled from an otherworldly thunder pool, burst forth with blinding intensity.

Qi Jinghai of the Thunder Sect, with a firm grip of his fist, bellowed, "It's Elder Kou from our sect!"

"Kou Potian! A Yang God Stage cultivator of great power!"

Stirred by Qi Jinghai's cry, Jin Xiaolie of the Babel Chamber of Commerce trembled slightly, his voice tinged with excitement, "Another Yang cultivator on par with Taoist Qiyu!"

The crowd buzzed with excitement. Kou Potian, surpassing Taoist Qiyu's realm, was a late-period Yang God Stage cultivator who had forged fearsome lightning orbs in the Outland Star River's thunderous realms.

His arrival signaled that reinforcements from the major sects were advancing on Luan Bird City. Those sheltering within, clinging to life by the "ascension array," were overjoyed at the sight of Kou Potian.

"With Elder Kou's arrival, it's clear that other sects' experts are close behind," declared Chu Jing of the Spirit Void Sect, his face set in a determined scowl. "I refuse to believe that those lost souls can stir up any real trouble in the Boundless Land!"

Taoist Qiyu, one of the seven esteemed Taoists of the Spirit Void Sect and a Yang God Stage cultivator, had perished to the south of the city. Chu Jing, who had long regarded himself as the sect's future leader, mourned Qiyu's death and was resolute in making the external threats pay.

Kou Potian's emergence was a beacon of hope. Both Chu Jing and Qi Jinghai were convinced that the dire situation of Luan Bird City, engulfed by the Dark Ember Dust, would soon be turned around.

Yet, in an unexpected twist, the colossal lightning orbs within the depths of the Dark Ember Dust were suddenly penetrated by strands of verdant stream water.

The thunderous roar of the exploding lightning balls was earth-shattering as they burst apart. Along with them, Kou Potian's Yang God Body, including his very essence, was obliterated.

"What is that?"

Kong Banbi of the Sword Sect, eyes wide with shock, gazed at the streams of green water and cried out in disbelief, "It's Lord Lvliu, the one who emerged from the Sword Prison!"

"The Lvliu of the Demon Palace! The formidable leader of the Demon Race from the far reaches of the cosmos!"

"He's a Ninth Level Great Demon! A being of such power is on par with a human Unrestrained Stage expert!"

"So it's Lvliu! Lvliu is the true mastermind behind the Crimson Desert, the chief of both the Heavenly Devils and the Great Demons!"

"It was Yu Yuan who freed Lvliu from the Sword Prison! Without Yu Yuan's venture into the Desolate Swamp, without his breaking the seals, how could a fiend like Lvliu have ever escaped?"

As the realization dawned that Kou Potian, a Yang God Stage cultivator from the Thunder Sect, had been slain by the Green Willow Demon, despairing howls filled the air.

Qi Jinghai, who had been so full of excitement moments before, now slumped against the city wall, his face ashen. "Elder Kou... he's just... gone?"

A late-period Yang God Stage cultivator, Kou Potian was a figure of great significance within the seven lower sects of the Thunder Sect.

The Thunder Sect, being a lower sect, did not possess the might of the Spirit Void Sect or the Silver Moon Sect.

Kou Potian's death was a devastating blow to the Thunder Sect, sending shivers of fear through Qi Jinghai. He was consumed by a mix of grief and anxiety for what lay ahead.


The crowd, previously buoyant with excitement, now found themselves once again cloaked in fear upon witnessing Kou Potian's demise and the emergence of the Green Willow Demon's trail.

"He was the supreme commander of the Demon Army! A Ninth Level Great Demon!"

Murmurs of dismay spread among them.

Slowly, the tide of opinion turned, and fingers began to point at Yu Yuan.

Had it not been for Yu Yuan's foray into the Desolate Swamp, his descent into the Sword Prison, creatures like Xi Quan, Zhongli, Loong Jie, and the nefarious Green Willow Demon would not have been set free.

Kou Potian would not have met his end.

Perhaps their dire situation could have been averted at this very moment.

Unwittingly, Yu Yuan had become a scapegoat, the focus of many people's resentment, secretly loathed in the shadows.

Amidst the crowd, Ann Ziqing from the Blood God Cult confirmed Lvliu's presence in the southern part of the city. Realizing that Kou Potian's demise was inevitable, she promptly turned and departed.


Yu Yuan, within the Evil Cauldron, utilized the Ghosting Arts to dissolve and refine numerous lesser devils. With the Earth Soul sufficiently refined, he smoothly advanced to the middle phase of the Penetrating Stage.

At this moment, the Evil Cauldron, adrift in the air, was nearing the city's southern edge.

He witnessed the detonation of lightning orbs and the flow of verdant streams.


Yu Yuan, who had personally freed Lvliu from the Sword Prison in the Desolate God Great Swamp, had seen Lvliu shield Zhao Yafu and Zhan Tianxiang and had witnessed Lvliu's divine abilities. He instantly recognized the fleeing Lvliu, now concealed within the "Underground Dust Mist" in the south of the city, methodically eliminating the supporting elders from various sects.

"It's surprising that this ninth-level Great Demon has ties with Zu Ann."

Yu Yuan, observing from a distance without grasping the finer details, knew that after such a lengthy separation, Lvliu must have regained substantial strength.

In the Sword Prison, Lvliu had been drained by an unusual cage and was left exceedingly weakened.

Upon his release, Lvliu was likely at his most vulnerable.

By vanquishing the Sword Prison's most formidable Evil Devils, Lvliu had gathered some strength. Given the time that had passed and Lvliu's capabilities, he likely slew numerous Great Demons in secrecy, possibly regaining up to seventy or eighty percent of his peak power.

With seventy to eighty percent of his peak strength, Lvliu could roam freely and act with impunity across the Boundless Land.

In the absence of a Primordial Spirit Stage cultivator or a Demon God's intervention, Lvliu had the liberty to come and go as he pleased in the Boundless Land, engaging in battle at will.

"With Zu Ann alongside Lvliu, Tan Junshan is likely at a disadvantage."

Yu Yuan stroked his chin, pondering for a moment before continuing to wait.

The fierce conflict in the city's south subsided gradually. The clashing of weapons ceased, the roars of Great Demons and Heavenly Devils silenced, leaving an ominous hush.

"Master, our time is running short," the cauldron soul finally blurted out, unable to contain itself any longer. "The southern part of the city, that's where the aura of death is thickest. After all, it was the site of two massive and brutal battles. Given that Zu Ann has granted you this time, and he's the one leading the charge, we should be safe heading to the south, right?"

Yu Yuan paused, a hint of hesitation in his demeanor.

"Master, is it the Heavenly Devils and Alien Race you're worried about? Or is it the possibility of a continuous influx of sect disciples?" the cauldron soul asked, coming to a realization.

Yu Yuan nodded, then declared with sudden resolve, "Fortune favors the bold!" With no further hesitation, he steered the Evil Cauldron firmly towards the city's south.

There, amidst the dense "Dark Ash Dust," a massive green serpent spanned the sky, its form winding like a mountain range. The demonic energy radiating from its body sent shivers down the spines of all the Heavenly Devils and Alien Race.

The serpent's emerald vertical eye blazed with light, piercing through the so-called "Dark Ash Dust" with ease. It watched as Yu Yuan, with unwavering determination, approached on the Evil Cauldron.

"In gratitude for your aid in our escape from the Great Swamp, and in recognition of your mastery of the Great Yin Soul Arts," Lvliu let out a piercing shriek.

At its call, Heavenly Devils, great demons, Alien Race, and Earth Demons retreated from the southern reaches of Luan Bird City like a receding tide.

Yu Yuan, piloting the Evil Cauldron, arrived to find a landscape littered with corpses, yet devoid of any living creatures.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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