Unmatched Dominance/C698 Change of Identity
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Unmatched Dominance/C698 Change of Identity
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C698 Change of Identity

Bodies lay strewn across the southern part of the city.

Many of the corpses were dismembered, some shredded by formidable demons, while others had been claimed by powerful Outland Evil Demons as trophies of war.

The souls of the deceased, always a delicacy for Devaputras, had been thoroughly consumed.

The acrid stench of blood was enough to unsettle even Yu Yuan as he surveyed the scene, noting that anything of slight value, including weapons and armor, had been stripped away.

He scanned the area, finding nothing of interest left to claim.

"These Outland Evil Demons and local demons sure know their loot," he muttered.

Yu Yuan shook his head in resignation, his hopes of scavenging some worthwhile items dashed.


The Evil Cauldron hovered, drifting through the dense "Dark Ash Dust," voraciously collecting the swirling "evil" energy.

The Evil Qi, rich and abundant, was drawn naturally towards the ascending cauldron from all directions.

"Ghosting Arts!"

With a focused intention, Yu Yuan multitasked, invoking the enigmatic Soul Arts from the Divine Soul Sect, attempting to absorb some little devils to enhance his Earth Soul.

His cultivation had smoothly progressed to the Middle Period of the Penetrating Stage. After several refinements of his Earth Soul, he found himself yearning for the power of the Devaputras.

But it seemed...

As if in the wake of Lvliu's departure, all the Devaputras and Outland Evil Demons had vanished.

When he deployed the "Ghosting Arts," not a single lower-tier demon was drawn by the magnetic field emanating from his Earth Soul.

This left him with a tinge of disappointment.

Thankfully, the Evil Cauldron, suspended in midair, was reaping wisps of malevolent qi.

"First, I'll boost the cauldron's strength," he resolved.

With that thought, Yu Yuan aimlessly wandered the Dark Ash Dust, inspecting the remains on the ground while remaining vigilant.

He kept an eye out for any sect disciples who might arrive from other regions to reinforce their ranks.


Within the city, at the southern gate, enclosed by a green light barrier.

Chen Langzhi, Jin Xiaolie, and Weixian, upon hearing that the battle to the south was subsiding, felt a profound sense of heaviness in their hearts.

The sudden emergence of the Green Willow Demon snuffed out the flickering flame of hope within their hearts, making it clear that the newly arrived reinforcements stood little chance of survival.

And indeed, that was the case.

Revealing his true form, Lvliu unleashed a piercing scream, leading the Devaputras, foreign powerhouses, and local demons, including the Earth Demons, into oblivion. The onlookers were left in a prolonged state of shock, unable to shake off the overwhelming fear and despair.

"Evil Cauldron!"

Out of nowhere, Chu Jing of the Spirit Void Sect, wielding the Spectral Umbrella, seemed to catch a glimpse of a dark cauldron fleeting through the depths of the Dusk Dust using some arcane method.

Chu Jing couldn't help but cry out in astonishment.

"Evil Cauldron!"

Following Chu Jing's lead, Chen Langzhi, Jin Xiaolie, and Lau Ying of the Silver Moon Sect, among others, employed their own secret arts to peer through the "Dark Dust Mist" and discern the shadowy form of the Evil Cauldron.

"Yu Yuan is still alive!"

"He's not just alive; he's been spotted on the southern battlefield! How did he escape the clutches of those Heavenly Devils and foreign adversaries?"

"Even with his Penetrating Stage cultivation, and possession of the Evil Cauldron, could he truly match the likes of Taoist Qiyu? Stand on equal footing with Elder Kou Po Shan of the Thunder Sect?"

"Yu Yuan must have struck a deal with the Outland Evil Demons! That's the only way he could have survived!"


The Evil Cauldron's sighting sent shockwaves through the survivors in Luan Bird City, who quickly accused Yu Yuan of fraternizing with the Outland Evil Demons.

They claimed that Yu Yuan had ventured to the Desolate Swamp and used a sword sheath to free the Evil Demons, including Lvliu, from the Sword Prison as a gesture of goodwill.

Some even speculated that Yu Yuan had been responsible for rousing the sealed entities within the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area.

Suddenly, Yu Yuan found himself the target of everyone's ire.

This time, not even Chen Langzhi, Jin Xiaolie, or Lau Ying could find the words to defend him.

With his meager cultivation level, Yu Yuan should have either been lucky enough to flee or perished long ago after departing Luan Bird City.

Yet days passed, and Yu Yuan had not left. He lingered just outside the city, very much alive, which was exceedingly peculiar.

Lau Ying let out a silent sigh. She realized that it was only through Zu Ann's protection that Yu Yuan had managed to remain unharmed.

Zu Ann, the leader of the Outland Evil Demons, had taken Yu Yuan under his wing and recognized his potential. Whatever his reasons, it was clear evidence of Yu Yuan's extraordinary nature.

"Must we truly align with the opposition?" Lau Ying pondered, her thoughts in turmoil.

As time swiftly passed, the seven-day deadline given by Zu Ann arrived in the blink of an eye. Yu Yuan found himself once again within the Evil Cauldron, adrift in the Dusk Dust, contemplating whether to head north to the space teleportation array and return to the Absence Relic.

With a whoosh, the Earth Demon, now in human form, arrived punctually. It spoke with deference, "My lord has instructed me to escort you."

"What will become of this city?" Yu Yuan inquired, gazing upon the grandeur of Luan Bird City through the swirling Dusk Dust, a frown creasing his brow. "Will the grandest city on the Profound Sky Continent stand tall?"

"The city is likely to endure, but many of its cultivators will perish," the Earth Demon confessed candidly. "Apart from those allied with us, the rest will meet their end. Ultimately, the fate of this city rests with the Luan Bird Queen."

"The Luan Bird Queen?" Yu Yuan exclaimed, taken aback.

"Should she choose to relinquish the throne to my master, many issues would be resolved. The city could be preserved in its entirety, spared from destruction," the Earth Demon explained. "But if she refuses, the outcome is uncertain."

"The succession of the throne!" Yu Yuan was profoundly shaken.

The Earth Demon's revelations were startling. He hadn't anticipated that Chen Liangquan, a member of the Chen family, would attempt to dethrone the Luan Bird Queen and claim the imperial title for himself within the Luan Bird Empire. Chen Liangquan's abilities might not seem extraordinarily profound, yet his power was undeniably enigmatic.

But did he truly possess the might to confront the Luan Bird Queen?

Moreover, hadn't Chen Liangquan and the Luan Bird Queen jointly constructed the entirety of Luan Bird City?

Luan Bird City was also the chosen site for the Luan Bird Queen's ascension to the Unrestrained Stage. To cede the throne would mean surrendering everything, including Luan Bird City. Could she possibly concede to such terms?

Yu Yuan was well aware of the rumors surrounding the female Emperor; she was not one to tolerate disobedience. Furthermore, through his exchanges with the cauldron soul, Chen Liangquan had come to understand that this individual likely possessed the blood of an alien race—a mixed lineage scorned by the three great upper sects. How could someone so disregarded and constantly guarded against ever ascend to the throne of the Boundless Land, the preeminent empire of the world?

Moments later, at the space teleportation array in the city's northern sector, Yu Yuan encountered Zu Ann once again.

Sitting solitarily before the array, Zu Ann lifted his head slightly. His gaze shifted from the Skywatch Mirror to rest upon Yu Yuan, his expression tinged with a cool detachment. "Have you mastered the Divine Soul Sect's secret arts?" he inquired.

"Yes," Yu Yuan acknowledged with a nod.

Confronted by his past comrade, Yu Yuan's mind brimmed with unspoken words and uncertainties, yet the peculiarities of their present circumstances forced him to hold his tongue.

"With the legacy you've received, you ought to focus on perfecting the art of alchemy. You're destined to become a person of significant influence in this realm. There's no need to delve into the Divine Soul Sect's arcane techniques," Zu Ann remarked with a hint of disdain. "Don't you realize? If you simply reveal your profound gift for alchemy, acknowledging you as his disciple, you'll be welcomed with open arms, regardless of what the future holds."

Yu Yuan reflected briefly before responding, "I seek greater strength."

He hesitated, then added, "If my practice of the Divine Soul Sect's techniques troubles you, then why do you associate with them? You've made your choice to join their ranks; I've merely practiced the Soul Arts. What of it?"

"You've practiced the Ghosting Arts!" Zu Ann retorted sharply.

"And what difference does that make?" Yu Yuan challenged.

"The difference? You'll soon understand the full implications of cultivating the Ghosting Arts," Zu Ann replied, taking a deep breath. "You can no longer return to the Absence Relic. The three upper sects, along with the Devil Palace and Demon Palace, will regard you as a thorn in their side!"

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