Unmatched Dominance/C704 Zu Ann's Arrangements
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Unmatched Dominance/C704 Zu Ann's Arrangements
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C704 Zu Ann's Arrangements

In a mere five years, the Profound Sky Continent witnessed the rise of two empires and the crowning of new rulers—a phenomenon never seen before.

As Chen Liangquan, flanked by a multitude of mixed-bloods, entered Luan Bird City as its new emperor, Yu Yuan was struck by the absurdity of the situation. The shock still reverberated in his heart, leaving him unable to find peace.

Chen Liangquan's rescue of the Silvermoon Queen led Yu Yuan to speculate that she, too, must be aligned with Chen Liangquan, possibly even sharing the same mixed-blood heritage.

Lee Yupan's actions in the Absence Relic had provoked the ire of the five supreme sects, resulting in the downfall of the Lee family and his own capture.

With the Silvermoon Empire rechristened as the Devil Moon Empire, it was clear that Lee Yupan's schemes had come to naught.

Despite the Luan Bird Queen siding with Chen Liangquan, her defeat was inevitable.

Yet, Chen Liangquan, with a show of dominance, compelled the Luan Bird Queen to abdicate, seizing control of the mightiest empire on the Profound Sky Continent. He boldly declared that all mixed-bloods were welcome within the city walls.

This grand act cemented Chen Liangquan's unique status in the annals of this realm.

For millennia to come, the bold moves he made today would be etched deeply into history, impossible for anyone to overlook.

"If I hadn't disrupted the Silvermoon Queen's plans in the Absence Relic back then, what might have been?" Yu Yuan mused, a wry smile accompanying the shake of his head.

The enigma of Shen Feiqing and Lee Yupan's desire to aid the Asura from the Dark Domain in reassembling his soul, and the reasons behind his awakening in the Absence Relic, remained a mystery that baffled him. He resolved to seek clarity from the empress herself when they next met.

The "Dusk Dust Mist" gradually receded towards the Crimson Desert, and with it, the Sky Demons, Great Demons, Earth Demons, and other races ebbed away like a receding tide.

"Luan Bird City, Luan Bird Empire, you are free to make your home here," Zu Ann declared with a smile. "The five great sects are too preoccupied to exert pressure on the Luan Bird Empire."

He gestured towards several elderly mixed-bloods and continued, "Once Chen Liangquan reconfigures the city's defensive matrix, Luan Bird City will truly be his to command. With him and those elders present, it would take a Primordial Spirit Stage powerhouse to breach these walls."

"I see," Yu Yuan acknowledged with a slight nod.

"There's no need for you to return to the Devil Moon Empire," Zu Ann mused, seemingly contemplating a suitable place for Yu Yuan's next step. His eyes brightened suddenly as he fixed his gaze on the Evil Cauldron beneath Yu Yuan's feet. "I know of a place perfect for your cultivation—a place to enhance your power and advance your cultivation level. Yes, it's an excellent spot for you at this moment!"

"Where might that be?" inquired Yu Yuan, his curiosity piqued.

The Boundless Land was engulfed in turmoil. The Divine Soul Sect's aggressive invasion, coupled with the arrival of numerous devaputras and foreign races, had set the stage for conflict, plunging many areas into relentless warfare.

Standing alongside Zu Ann and Chen Liangquan, Yu Yuan found himself against a backdrop of thick Darkness Dust Mist—a scene now etched in the minds of Chu Jing, Qi Jinghai, and others, who had marked them as foes.

In the days to come, regardless of his explanations, the formidable factions led by the three upper sects, the Demon Palace, and the Demon Palace would inevitably target him. This was an unalterable truth.

Given these circumstances, Yu Yuan knew he must tread carefully with his future movements in the Boundless Land. Should he achieve a breakthrough to the Yang God Stage, he would no longer wish to linger in the Boundless Land. Instead, he would venture into the vast expanse of the galaxy beyond, steering clear of the upheaval within.

Remaining here meant confronting Zhao Yafu, Chen Qingyan, Zhan Tianxiang, Lau Ying, and others—familiar faces who would see him as an adversary due to differing allegiances. Departure offered an escape.

Regrettably, his cultivation level was nowhere near the Yang God Stage.

"I'll take you to Horror Land," Zu Ann offered with a smile.

"Horror Land!" Yu Yuan's heart jolted, and his face paled.

Rumored to be a nexus for Earth Demons, Horror Land, situated on the Quietus Continent, was infamous for its intense concentration of Yin Qi, making it inhospitable for the living.

In the Boundless Land, few places dared to defy the five great sects. The Desolate Swamp was one such place, and Horror Land was another.

Even the mightiest of Primordial Spirit Stage practitioners cannot bend the rules of Horror Land to their will!

Legend has it that only when a human cultivator forms a Yin God and can project it from their body, can they dare to tread into Horror Land.

Flesh and blood beings who venture there are relentlessly assaulted by innumerable malevolent ghosts and strange souls!

He is merely in the Middle Period of the Penetrating Stage, far from forming a Yin God.

Isn't venturing into Horror Land tantamount to seeking death?

"You're aware of your concerns."

Zu Ann remained unfazed. "You wield the Evil Cauldron and have mastered the Ghosting Arts. I'm convinced that the various souls in Horror Land should be more worried about you. While others must reach the Yin God Stage and navigate Horror Land with their Yin God, you, Yu Yuan, have no such need."

"Horror Land is well-suited for your current state. There, you can achieve a breakthrough to the Yin God Stage and successfully condense your Yin God!"

Zu Ann spoke with a hint of excitement, as if he couldn't help but feel that Horror Land was the perfect place for him at this moment.

He paused, his gaze shifting to the Evil Cauldron as he pondered.

"Can the Evil Cauldron and the Ghosting Arts really help me gain a foothold in Horror Land?" Yu Yuan was momentarily taken aback. "These tools and arts can deter spirits and even the Ghost King? I'm aware that the Evil Cauldron and Ghosting Arts exert some control over spirits, but my own realm is so weak. I can't help but worry..."

"With the Evil Cauldron and your practice of the Ghosting Arts, these are your amulets of protection," Zu Ann declared calmly.

"Amulets of protection?" Yu Yuan echoed, surprised.

"Do you know the reason behind the fall of the Evil Sect?" Zu Ann shifted the conversation.


"The Evil Sect had deep ties with the Divine Soul Sect," Zu Ann explained with a wry smile. "That connection was their undoing. After the fall of the Divine Soul Sect, the five supreme sects took their revenge in secret, gradually leading to the demise of the Evil Sect. Those sects that had once firmly aligned with the Divine Soul Sect and later chose neutrality or defected were also slowly erased from existence."

He disclosed a secret that had been concealed for many years.

Yu Yuan was no fool. With just a few words, he pieced together the context and grasped the full picture.

The Evil Sect, along with other sect powers, had likely aligned with the Divine Soul Sect in the past or, at the very least, remained neutral.

It was only after realizing that the Divine Soul Sect could not resist the united front of the five great sects, and their strongest members had fled to the Outland Star River, that factions like the Evil Sect acknowledged the supremacy of the five great sects.

Previously, those sects were probably loyal to the Divine Soul Sect.

Ultimately, the coalition led by the five great powers exploited the extraterrestrial situation and the civil wars on two continents to gradually erase sects like the Evil Sect from the Boundless Land forever.

This was another form of settling scores after the fall.

"The Evil Cauldron symbolizes the Evil Sect, while the Ghosting Arts are emblematic of the Divine Soul Sect," Yu Yuan mused, his eyes brightening. "Are you suggesting that the malevolent spirits and ghosts within Horror Land, such as the so-called Ghost King, were once allies of the Divine Soul Sect, akin to the Desolate God?"

Zu Ann nodded, his smile affirming. "The most powerful among them were once considered honorary external elders of the Divine Soul Sect. They operated independently, confining their activities to Horror Land. Even with the disappearance of the Divine Soul Sect, as long as they remain within Horror Land, the five supreme forces can't touch them."

"Take me, for instance, akin to Ascension Peak, Horror Land is their sanctuary, their haven. Within it, their power ascends a level. The five supreme sects are aware of their unique status and have tacitly sanctioned their existence."

Yu Yuan stroked his chin, pondering briefly before declaring, "If that's the case, I'll head to Horror Land to continue building my strength."

"The Ghosting Arts you practice and the Evil Cauldron you wield will both bolster your combat prowess," Zu Ann confirmed, then stepped off the Chen family's space teleportation array and gestured for Yu Yuan to approach. "With Chen Liangquan ascending as the new emperor, he surely won't object to us using the Chen family's space teleportation array."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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