Unmatched Dominance/C708 Like a Fish in Water!
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Unmatched Dominance/C708 Like a Fish in Water!
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C708 Like a Fish in Water!

Yu Yuan could still clearly see the ghostly spirit without relying on his "Insight Eye."

Amid the biting cold wind, countless minuscule ghost spirits swirled, invisible to the naked eye. Only by activating the Soul Forging Technique and opening his "Insight Eye" could he catch glimpses of their elusive traces.

This was akin to a human practitioner who had just ascended to the Yin God Stage. The Yin God they had formed would often be imperceptible to the naked eye.

But as the Yin God became more refined, reaching a certain potency, it would manifest visibly.

At that point, even laypeople could see it with their own eyes.

A Yin God that could materialize or vanish at will indicated that its master's cultivation was significantly more formidable.

The same principle applied to ghost spirits.

The ghost spirit, resembling a green-eyed monkey, emerged unexpectedly at the base of a grey mountain range, letting out a low, eerie chuckle at him, alerting Yu Yuan to its likely complexity.

It was, at the very least, of the rank known as an Earth Ghost.

The monkey-shaped ghost spirit let out a few odd laughs before swiftly retreating into the grey mountains.

Inside, there seemed to be a wondrous secret, perhaps the lair of a formidable ghost.

This monkey-shaped ghost spirit was likely just one of its inhabitants.

"It's a ghost spirit of the Spirit Level. Master, there's no need for concern," the cauldron soul chimed in quietly, "In Horror Land, ghost spirits of this caliber wouldn't dare to challenge you. I forgot to mention that here in Horror Land, ghost spirits grow stronger, and so will I."

The cauldron soul's words were filled with assurance.

Yu Yuan nodded slightly, contemplating, "I have this inkling that the Ghosting Arts I practice become even more domineering and vicious here in Horror Land. Any lesser ghost or spirit that dares to cross me is unlikely to come out ahead."

"I, too, sense that the Ghosting Arts Master practices are eerily potent," the Artifact Soul murmured.

And so, Yu Yuan and the Artifact Soul continued their exchange, their thoughts shifting like the wind.


The shadowy Evil Cauldron moved of its own accord, drawing nearer to the mountain where the monkey-shaped ghost had vanished.

At the base of the grey mountain, the Evil Cauldron hovered exceedingly close. Yu Yuan, bracing himself against the cauldron's mouth, hesitated briefly before stealthily extending his Spiritual Sense outward.

A wisp of spiritual consciousness drifted out from his Consciousness Little World like a tendril of smoke, reaching out to touch the grayish-white mountain. The moment his spiritual consciousness made contact, he felt a subtle jolt.

A thick Yin Qi emanated from the mountain, now tinged grayish-white. The mountain's hue subtly shifted in response to the touch of his spiritual consciousness. This wisp of consciousness keenly detected that this seemingly mundane mountain was exceptionally well-suited for a soul's residence.

As his spiritual consciousness mingled with the grayish-white mountain, it was nourished and moistened by the Yin Qi, bringing an ineffable sense of peace and refreshment. It seemed that merely by allowing his spiritual consciousness to merge with the mountain, without any conscious effort to strengthen or temper it, the Yin Qi would refine and purify his consciousness, rendering it agile and wondrous.

What if a soul were to dwell within?

"Eh?" Yu Yuan mused, a hint of astonishment in his thoughts. He instinctively scratched his head, "Just an ordinary mountain, yet it harbors such rich Yin Qi. Yin Qi is naturally conducive to the cultivation of ethereal entities like soul spirits. It's no wonder that for millions of years, countless soul spirits have been drawn to delve into Horror Land."

In a flash of insight, he realized that should he reach the Yin God Stage, entering the mountain with his Yin God would allow him to better solidify his Yin God through this unassuming grayish-white range.

Horror Land was dotted with such mountains, each connected to form an extensive range. If each mountain was infused with Yin Qi as rich as this one, did that not imply that every peak was a prime spot for soul spirits to cultivate?

In his past life as the Medicine God, he hadn't delved into the path of cultivation, and this place, being particularly suited for soul spirits, didn't warrant his in-depth exploration. It offered no benefits for his alchemical pursuits, nor could it aid in his cultivation.

Now, however, at the Penetrating Stage, with just a wisp of his spiritual consciousness, he had perceived the marvels of Horror Land. He understood why, after reaching the Yin God Stage, many disciples from the great sects would seek out Horror Land to refine their Yin Gods.

The Yin God could swiftly advance his cultivation in Horror Land, solidifying his realm and even mastering intricate Soul Arts.

"The Boundless Land is truly a place of marvels," Yu Yuan marveled, unable to contain his wonder. "It's no surprise that the Devaputra Race from other realms and the starry sky's alien races are so eager to delve into it. The Horror Land alone offers immense benefits to the Devaputra. Being born as soul spirits, they're perfectly suited to merge seamlessly into the depths below."

The cauldron soul concurred, "That's absolutely true."

"I'll give it a go and practice the Great Yin Soul Arts," Yu Yuan said, recalling his reason for being there. With a slight shift in his mindset, he traced the pathways of the Great Yin Soul Arts, channeling the memories within the ethereal soul's spiritual consciousness.

A curious rhythm began to emanate from the earth soul, identical to the one he experienced while practicing the Great Yin Soul Arts amidst the Dark Dust Mist outside Luan Bird City, surrounded by numerous devils.

And now, it surged with even greater ferocity!

If the rhythm from his practice outside Luan Bird City could be likened to a tidal river, the rhythm in Horror Land was akin to an abyssal maelstrom, a volcano erupting with force.

Intense vibrations that nearly overwhelmed his senses burst forth from the earth soul!

A wave of energy, originating from the miniature cosmos within his consciousness, suddenly rippled outwards!

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

In an instant, Yu Yuan witnessed a host of ghostly spirits emerging from the ashen mountain!

These Soul Spirits, lacking corporeal form and composed of spectral essence, needed no exit to emerge; they simply glided through the rock, endowed with the ability to penetrate stone.

Among them was the soul spirit that had previously mocked him with a low chuckle, and now, hundreds more of these peculiar and varied ghostly beings had suddenly appeared!

Scattered around the gray-white mountainous terrain, the soul spirits and ghosts, varying in size, gazed upon him with eerie green eyes full of insatiable greed and wild craving.

They bore an uncanny resemblance to the little devils outside Luan Bird City.

Yet, the soul spirits and ghosts here were undeniably far more formidable!

In a flash of insight, Yu Yuan grasped that the "Ghosting Arts" weren't just effective against the Devaputras; they worked wonders on the Soul Spirits and ghosts haunting Horror Land as well!

Moreover, this Yin Desperate Wonderland, a haven for ethereal souls, significantly amplified the impact of the "Ghosting Arts"!

As he deployed the "Ghosting Arts," Yu Yuan experienced an inexplicable sense of harmony, as if he were a fish gliding through water.

It seemed that by practicing the "Ghosting Arts" within Horror Land, he could deftly navigate among the multitude of Soul Spirits and ghosts, harnessing the potent souls of this realm to forge his Yin God with greater speed and ease!

"No wonder Zu Ann sent me here!"


Suddenly, his head throbbed with a dizzying intensity.

The hundreds of ghost spirits had unleashed a piercing wail audible to his soul.

The wails battered the three souls within his consciousness, overwhelming him.

He then saw the ghost spirits shrieking manically as they lunged at him in a frenzy.

The swarm of ghost spirits converged on him like swallows swooping home, their numbers and ferocity intensifying the stabbing pain in his mind to an almost unbearable level, threatening to shatter his soul.


The Evil Cauldron, having received no communication from him, had already made a swift retreat from the ashen mountain, wailing through Horror Land.

Behind him, the relentless pursuit of ghost spirits of varying strength continued unabated, their mindless state intent on consuming him.

Yu Yuan's thoughts drifted to the time outside Luan Bird City, where he had used the "Ghosting Arts" to ensnare and refine each little devil.

A bitter taste crept into his mouth as he realized the folly of recklessly wielding the "Ghosting Arts" near the gray-white mountain in Horror Land.

The ghost spirits that emerged from the mountain were far more formidable than the little devils he had encountered in Luan Bird City—and there were far too many of them.

Instinctively sensing danger, he knew that if he truly absorbed hundreds of such ghost spirits into his Consciousness Little World with the "Ghosting Arts," his Earth Soul would be overwhelmed and instantly shatter.

"Stop! You must stop immediately!"

As the most formidable Soul Spirits and ghosts closed in on the cauldron with alarming speed, the cauldron soul urgently transmitted a plea.

Yu Yuan jolted awake, his senses snapping into full clarity. He ceased his practice of the "Ghosting Arts" at once.

In a remarkable turn, the multitude of Soul Spirits and ghosts that had been relentlessly pursuing him came to their senses the moment he halted the "Ghosting Arts."

Hundreds of Soul Spirits and ghosts hovered in place, seemingly stunned.

Their gaze was fixed on the Evil Cauldron, as if they were struggling to comprehend the events that had just unfolded.

Confusion reigned as they couldn't fathom how they had been transported from within the mountain to the outside, fixated on a large cauldron.

A ghost with the appearance of a monkey led the pack, its eyes ablaze with a green flame, flickering with the light of intelligence.

This ghost appeared to grasp the gravity of the situation; fear flashed through its emerald eyes as it emitted a low shriek and abruptly turned back.

Taking their cue from its cry, the other Soul Spirits and ghosts swiftly retreated.

In just a moment, the area was cleared of the hundreds of Soul Spirits and ghosts.


Libre Baskerville
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