Unmatched Dominance/C711 The Source of Yin Meridians
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Unmatched Dominance/C711 The Source of Yin Meridians
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C711 The Source of Yin Meridians

Darkmoon City.

In the deep silence of the night, only the buzz of insects could be heard.

Moonlight poured down like liquid silver, illuminating the alley across from the Yu family estate. There, a graceful figure materialized, a vision in purple, like an ethereal fairy.

She stood quietly, her gaze fixed on the Yu family's iron gate, firmly shut.

Moments later, Qin Yun, the former sect master of the Seven Divine Sect, rose into the air from the Yu residence and glided into the alley without a sound. Catching sight of the woman in purple, he felt a jolt in his heart and whispered, "Miss Ann."

Ann Ziqing, sans her purple divine armor and draped in a flowing cloak, smiled with a slight purse of her lips, "Greetings, Elder Qin."

"I'm not worthy of such a title."

Qin Yun cast anxious glances around, fearing that other members of the Blood God Cult might have the Yu family encircled. "The rumors of Young Master Yu's involvement with the Outland Evil Demon... the Yu Family..."

He rushed to explain.

"It's not a rumor," Ann Ziqing cut him off, her smile unwavering, "I witnessed it myself in Luan Bird City. There's no mistake."

Qin Yun paused, deflated, and asked, "What is it you want, Miss Ann? Have you come in the dead of night to act on behalf of the Blood God Cult against the Yu family?"

The rumor that Yu Yuan had forsaken the Boundless Land to collude with the Outland Evil Demon had spread from Spider City.

Lately, the Yu family had been living on edge, fraught with unease.

The Devil Moon Empire and the Rainier Empire continued their conflict, while the Divine Might Empire, Kingdom of Driliwyr, and Kingdom of Rewia's clashes persisted unabated, despite the sects' interventions.

The Profound Sky Continent was in utter turmoil.

Amidst this chaos, the damning news about Yu Yuan traveled fast. Gao Zhengxing, the current Lord of Darkmoon City, had caught wind and was contemplating a move against the Yu family.

Years ago, this priestess of the Blood God Cult had infiltrated the Yu household, posing as a maid. Her covert machinations nearly brought ruin to the entire city.

Her schemes, along with Faang Yao's and Yu Yuan's, had been thwarted, preventing a cultist from manifesting a Yin God.

Qin Yun couldn't shake the feeling that Ann Ziqing's sudden return to Darkmoon City was driven by a desire for vengeance.

Qin Yun was unaware of the covert ties between the Blood God Cult's An family and the Evil King, Yu Xi.

"Tonight, all members of the Yu family must evacuate to Elfview and never return to Darkmoon City," Ann Ziqing commanded, her eyes flashing dangerously.

"I'll be escorting the Yu family out this evening. Once we arrive at Elfview, Xu Zixi from the Demon Palace will handle the subsequent matters tomorrow."

"Miss Ann?!" Qin Yun gasped.

"Inform the patriarch that we leave tonight, right now, without delay," Ann Ziqing urged with impatience. "By tomorrow morning, the Yu family won't be safe in Darkmoon City."

At her words, Qin Yun's face turned pale. "Miss Ann, what are you suggesting?"

With a slight nod and a dismissive wave, Ann Ziqing said, "Just go and make it happen."


Qin Yun bowed swiftly and hurried off.

That night, a dense blood-red light shrouded half of Darkmoon City.

Every member of the Yu family, whether in meditation or slumber, was roused and stealthily exited the city under the veil of the crimson light.

By the next morning, Yu Cann, the elder, informed City Lord Gao Zhengxing that the Yu family had formally severed ties with Darkmoon City.

Two days later, the rich spiritual energy from the Absence Relic seeped into Elfview, quietly blanketing the town.

This influx of spiritual energy from the Absence Relic into the town was a distinct signal from the Demon Palace.

From then on, Elfview became a small town on the fringe of the Absence Relic's domain—belonging to and protected by the Demon Palace.


In Spider City, within the secret chamber of the Chamber of Commerce branch, Zhu Peining, Python Queen Xu Zixi, and Ann Ziqing took their seats.

"Miss Ann, we owe you our thanks for taking the initiative to lead the Yu family out of Darkmoon City," Xu Zixi said earnestly. "We were a step behind when we learned of Gao Zhengxing's plans against the Yu family. Without your preemptive action, the fallout could have been catastrophic."

The thought of Yu Zhu seeking retribution if the Yu family had perished deepened her sense of profound gratitude.

Ann Ziqing's smile was tranquil, "Misfortune should not extend to the family. Yu Yuan's actions should not reflect on the entire Yu family."

"The Demon Palace will watch over the Yu family due to Yu Zhu's unique position," Xu Zixi mused, then added, "She's about to return to Spider City. Once she does, many issues will be effortlessly resolved."

The Python Queen interjected after a brief pause, "Except for Yu Yuan's betrayal of the Boundless Land."

That was a problem beyond anyone's ability to fix.

Zhu Peining, taken aback, asked, "She's reached the Eighth Level?"

"Yes, she's now an Eighth Level Great Demon," confirmed Xu Zixi with a nod. "Upon her return, she will preside over the Absence Relic. Even Unrestrained Stage cultivators won't find it easy to gain the upper hand there. With her in command, this spiritually rich land should remain safe from the incursion of evil beings."

Ann Ziqing, equally astonished, commended, "Congratulations to the Demon Palace for nurturing such an extraordinary talent."

"The Demon Palace only brought her from Jade Peak because of Yu Yuan. It was his persuasion that convinced her to join and vow to protect the Yu family and Elfview Town," Xu Zixi clarified.

"Miss Ann, do you possess the Ice Thunder Mark?" Zhu Peining inquired abruptly.

Ann Ziqing's bright eyes narrowed slightly, "How did Babel Chamber of Commerce come by this information?"

"Qi Yunhong," Zhu Peining revealed.

"Him," Ann Ziqing murmured with a light chuckle, nodding, "Indeed, the Ice Thunder Mark is with me."

"The Thunder Sect is prepared to make a generous offer for it," Zhu Peining said, visibly energized.

"If I had any intention of selling the Ice Thunder Mark, I would've approached the Thunder Sect directly. Why would I need your involvement?" Ann Ziqing's smile radiated, "The Blood God Cult has significant plans for the Ice Thunder Mark."

"What does the Blood God Cult want with the Ice Thunder Mark?" Zhu Peining wondered aloud.

Just as Ann Ziqing was about to respond, her body shivered subtly, her skin bathed in a gentle, blood-hued glow. Her captivating eyes turned a deep crimson.

With a playful lick of her lips, she smiled and remarked, "What a curious twist of fate."

As the divine priestess of the Blood God Cult and the one who bestowed the blood-colored token upon Yu Yuan, she immediately sensed its presence when it flew from Yu Yuan's Mustard Seed Bracelet and embedded itself into the disciple's armor. This confirmed her suspicion that Yu Yuan had, without realizing it, reached the dreaded Horror Land.

"What a coincidence?" Xu Zixi inquired with curiosity.

"It's nothing," Ann Ziqing replied, rising to her feet and heading for the door. As she moved, she explained, "The Ice Thunder Mark is devastatingly effective against all manner of soul spirits and ghosts. Its destructive force is somewhat diminished against higher-level devils that have formed their physical bodies. But against the ghosts of Horror Land, the Ice Thunder Mark is without fail."

"The Devil Palace has allied with a Ghost King from Horror Land. And our Blood God Cult? We've struck a secret deal with another Ghost King. With the Divine Soul Sect's arrival imminent and the ghosts of Horror Land stirring, our Blood God Cult must also support our allies and take action." With these words, she departed from the chamber of commerce's secret room.

Stepping out, she swiftly made her way to the grand space teleportation array constructed by the Spirit Void Sect in Spider City.

"Take me to the teleportation array nearest to Horror Land."


In the dark brown peaks of Horror Land, Yu Yuan, guided by the Heavenly Ghost Liu Linzhi, steered the Evil Cauldron into a cave midway up the mountain. The cauldron soul's thoughts echoed in his mind.

"Every mountain and hill in Horror Land is known as Dark Mountain. Aptly named, they are shaped by the abundance of Yin Qi. Soul spirits and ghosts draw upon this Yin Qi within the mountains to fortify their souls, much as humans and Demonic Beasts gather Qi for cultivation. Soul Spirits and Ghosts rely on Yin Qi to refine their souls."

"At the summit of Dark Mountain, Yin Qi is at its thinnest, growing denser with descent."

"Each mountain's king refines Yin Qi at its base, for deep beneath the earth here lies the world's most extraordinary Yin Vein. Its source lies within Horror Land, yet it traverses the entirety of this realm."

"There's a belief that when the Boundless Land is most tumultuous, when wars rage and death tolls soar, that's when the Yin Qi of Horror Land is at its most potent. Such as during the fierce battles between the empires of the Profound Sky Continent, or the great wars between the cultivators of the Heavenly Source Continent and the Quietus Continent."

"All souls that have vanished, be they mortals or cultivators, ultimately converge upon the Yin Vein. This wellspring of the Yin Vein lies deep beneath the land known as Horror Land. The Yin Qi that ascends from this place seeps into the peaks, imbuing every Dark Mountain with its essence and spawning an abundance of Soul Spirits and Ghostly entities."

"At this moment, the Boundless Land is engulfed in utter turmoil, with innumerable souls having perished. Such times are a boon for Horror Land!"

"It is also an era eagerly awaited by all Ghost Kings and Nether Ghosts for countless years!"

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