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The "Roam Ship" moored midway up the mountain was a size smaller than the one that had sailed into Spider City. Yet, from a distance, it was clear that it was brimming with spiritual materials and pellets.

The Babel Chamber of Commerce had managed to extend its trade all the way to Horror Land, profiting even from the coin of ghosts and spirits.

Yu Yuan shook his head, marveling at the thought, when suddenly, Jiang Xingwen's soft call reached his ears.

With a broad grin, he bowed with clasped hands before the dark cauldron, saying, "Yu Yuan, just a young upstart, has the honor of greeting Senior Jiang. Upon your return to the Taiyuan Sect, and when you see Su Yan, kindly pass along my regards."

This mysterious Yin God, having arrived from the Taiyuan Sect and already acquainted with Ma Jianjiang, had effortlessly mentioned his nickname. She must certainly know who he was.

His subsequent encounters with Su Yan in the Ember Waters were likely known to Jiang Xingwen as well.

No point in hiding; he decided to be open about it.

"I'll be sure to have a good talk with her about you once I'm back," she said with a gentle smile, taken aback to discover that the cauldron was none other than the fabled Evil Cauldron. She hadn't expected the youth who had rescued her from Liu Linzhi to be her disciple's friend from the Devil Moon Empire.

Before her disciple had set foot in the Taiyuan Sect, she had endured the trials of the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area and had indeed shared tales of the young man before her.

But she had been so focused on her own cultivation in Horror Land, and considering her disciple's own modest level of cultivation, she had assumed that the boy, being a companion, would be of a similarly low level. She hadn't given it much thought, dismissing it as mere child's play.

Little did she know that two years later, in Horror Land, after her Yin God had suffered grievous harm and was captured by Liu Linzhi, it would be that very same boy she hadn't taken seriously who would rescue her.

"Master, she... has grown much stronger, incredibly so!" the cauldron soul conveyed through Yu Yuan's Consciousness Little World. "This Jiang Xingwen is certainly not at the middle stage of the Soul Wandering as she claims! She's at least at the pinnacle of that stage, just one step shy of condensing the Yang God! There's even a chance that her true form has already started condensing the Yang God, while her Yin God practices other Soul Arts in Horror Land!"

"Moreover, when she donned Liu Linzhi's armor, she must have been at her most vulnerable."

"The teal jade belt cinched around her waist is no ordinary piece—it's an incredibly potent Soul Artifact! Anyone in possession of such an artifact within Horror Land is a formidable opponent."

"It's odd, though, that the belt wasn't with her earlier."


When the cauldron soul once again came face-to-face with Jiang Xingwen, it was as if bracing for a formidable foe.

Conversely, he scarcely mentioned the four Yin Gods from the Babel Chamber of Commerce, including Ma Jianjiang.

"Is that Yu Yuan?"

Next to Ma Jianjiang, an old man clad in a yellow vest, his form that of an ethereal Yin God, smirked peculiarly. "Shouldn't he be in Luan Bird City?"

The man's head shone brightly, with sparse strands of hair trailing down the sides—a stark bald man.

Typically, a Yin God resembles its corporeal counterpart. Many female practitioners expend extra soul power and effort to refine their Yin Gods' appearance, enhancing their elegance without impacting their combat abilities—it's purely for aesthetics.

Men, however, are less inclined to invest additional soul power and effort to alter their Yin Gods' appearance, so male practitioners' Yin Gods often mirror their physical form.

Only those who practice unique techniques might transform their Yin Gods into different shapes. Non-human forms are not uncommon either.


Ma Jianjiang gave a slight nod and a wry smile. "The last time we met was in Luan Bird City, three or four months ago. Since then, Boundless Land has seen earth-shattering changes."

"Manager Ma," Yu Yuan interjected, his expression shifting, "what's the current situation outside? Could you enlighten me?"

"Why should a traitor who has abandoned Boundless Land need such information?" The bald elder huffed, his eyes ablaze with a flickering soul fire before he swiftly took flight from the group, including Jiang Xingwen and Ma Jianjiang, heading straight for Yu Yuan.

"Aligning yourself with Zu Ann, the Green Willow Demon, and the Outland Evil Demon, you, Yu Yuan, have forfeited your right to cling to life." The bald elder fixed his gaze on the Evil Cauldron, taunting, "Relying on a Soul Artifact, you've boldly come here in your true form to Horror Land. I wouldn't dare such a thing, yet you've got quite the nerve."

"Who are you? Are you also from the Babel Chamber of Commerce?"

Yu Yuan stroked his chin, eyeing the bald elder who had abruptly appeared, intent on calling him out. With a sardonic grin, he retorted, "Whether I've betrayed the Boundless Land is not for you to decide. Besides, even if I have, it's hardly the Babel Chamber of Commerce's place to interfere, is it?"

The Babel Chamber of Commerce had always maintained neutrality, steering clear of the disputes within the Heavenly Source Continent and the Quietus Continent.

This non-intervention policy was a foundational principle established at the inception of the Chamber.

"I am an esteemed guest of the Chamber; my name is Faang Yingzi!" declared the bald elder. "Young man, while the Babel Chamber of Commerce refrains from meddling in the sectarian strife of the Heavenly Source Continent and the Quietus Continent, your alliance with devils and demons marks you as a universal foe of both the Heavenly Source Continent and the Boundless Land!"

"The Chamber is more than willing to exert effort against the Outland Devaputra, devils, and demons!"

Faang Yingzi spoke with a tone of moral conviction, yet his gaze remained fixed on the Evil Cauldron.

The Soul Artifact, renowned across the world, was now in Yu Yuan's possession—a fact that many considered a tragic squandering of a divine object.

"Ma Jianjiang, what brings you here?"

Dismissing the man before him, Yu Yuan's attention shifted to the Roam Ship's manager, whom he had encountered in Luan Bird City. "I've always had a cordial relationship with the Babel Chamber of Commerce. Zhu Peining, Chiang Yurong, Gao Qin, and the esteemed Fong Zhong from Babel Island."

"I'd appreciate it if you could keep your external guests in check and spare the Chamber any unnecessary trouble."

He addressed these words to a distinguished elder with a white beard and silver eyebrows standing before Ma Jianjiang.

It was clear to him that this silent figure was the true leader of the Babel Chamber of Commerce delegation.

"Elder Lin? Your thoughts?"

Ma Jianjiang, following Yu Yuan's remarks, gave a respectful bow, seeking guidance from the elder with the silver eyebrows.

"The Chamber was on good terms with you in the past because you were one of our own," the elder with the white beard and silver eyebrows said, his brow furrowed. "Now, you stand against the three great upper sects, the Devil Palace, and the Demon Palace. The Chamber need not concern itself any longer. The Demon Palace, Red Devil Sect, and Sword Sect will surely hold the Chamber accountable in due course."

He made his stance clear.

Ma Jianjiang's face subtly shifted.

Yu Yuan gave a slight nod and uttered, "Good, very good!"

In the next instant.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The Ice Concubine, wreathed in a frigid breeze, and a blood shadow formed by the second Evil Demon emerged from the Evil Cauldron in quick succession.

The Ice Concubine, with her scorpion-like form, landed with a sharp "CRACK" on the solid ground.

Streaks of icy light and frosty breath streaked across the ground of Horror Land like bolts of lightning.

As they neared Faang Yingzi, the icy light and frosty breath abruptly shot straight up into the sky, targeting Faang Yingzi.

"Ice Despair."

A voice as ancient and demonic as if it echoed from another realm emanated from within the Ice Concubine's crystalline form.

Only Yu Yuan, through the interpretation of the cauldron soul, could grasp its meaning.

In an instant, the small world where the bald Faang Yingzi resided was transformed into a desolate expanse of ice, frozen for eons. The cold was so intense that it could turn flesh and soul alike to dust.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The eternally fierce cold winds of Horror Land poured into the icy microcosm with wild abandon.

Yu Yuan gasped in amazement.

He hadn't anticipated that the Ice Concubine could harness the Horror Land's biting winds to amplify the chilling force within her icy domain.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

A crystalline square of ice materialized in a flash, entrapping Faang Yingzi from the Babel Chamber of Commerce within it, his Yin God rendered immobile.

His ethereal Yin God appeared as if encased in amber.

"Master Lin?"

Yu Yuan's gaze returned to the white-bearded, silver-eyebrowed visitor. "You're here in Horror Land to turn a profit for the Chamber, and that's your prerogative. But if you insist on interfering where you're not wanted, that's where you're mistaken."

The elder with the white beard and silver eyebrows wore a stern look, taking his time before responding.

He turned to glance at Jiang Xingwen.

It seemed he was seeking Jiang Xingwen's opinion and stance on the matter.

"Don't look at me. I have no desire to mete out punishment to traitors on behalf of the Boundless Land while here in Horror Land," Jiang Xingwen said, emphatically shaking her head.

"Your true form resides within the Chamber of Commerce!" the elder with a white beard and silver eyebrows declared.

"I've already paid with Spirit Stones," Jiang Xingwen retorted, her face clouding with displeasure. "The Chamber of Commerce operates by its own set of rules. They've accepted my payment and are thus obliged to look after my true form. You're not the head of the Chamber of Commerce; you lack both the authority and the power to disregard its regulations!"

"Let's not argue, please!" Ma Jianjiang interjected, attempting to defuse the situation.

"Manager Ma, please step aside; this matter doesn't concern you. Rest assured, I'm only seeking out that individual with the surname Lin. I'm quite curious to see what he can possibly do, even if I were to forsake the Boundless Land," Yu Yuan huffed, mentally issuing his second command, "It's him!"

Libre Baskerville
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