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C733 Kill!!

As Yuan Lianyao was about to offer further persuasion, she noticed the Evil Cauldron bearing Yu Yuan was already hurtling toward the Roam Ship.

With a soft sigh, she wisely chose silence, refraining from uttering another word.


The Soul Split, a swirling mass of Evil Devils, resembled a mysterious black hole deep within the galaxy.

These Evil Devils, brimming with extreme malevolence and insane fixations, were like a torrent of Heavenly Devils, arraying themselves in battle formation to cast spells upon the Roam Ship from a distance.

Before the Soul Split even reached it, the Roam Ship's flags, crafted specifically for Horror Land and adorned with colorful rainbows, began to snap and crackle in the wind.

Suddenly, the rainbow-laden banners burst apart.

Lin Yue and Faang Yingzi's faces turned ashen.

Witnessing the rainbows' destruction, Ma Jianjiang's complexion grew deathly pale. "Why did you have to provoke him?" he lamented.

Lin Yue and the others found themselves at a loss for words.

At last, the enigmatic Soul Split array loomed over the Roam Ship, casting a shadow like another canopy of Horror Land, or a dark demonic cloud drifting overhead.

A tremendous suction force emerged from the Soul Split array.

Ma Jianjiang, Lin Yue, and Faang Yingzi, the three Yin Gods wandering Horror Land, were powerless against the pull and were drawn toward the formation.

One by one, the banners, each depicting a rainbow staircase imbued with mysterious soul energy, disintegrated.

With a swift whoosh, the three Chamber of Commerce guests were yanked into the Soul Split.

Upon entry, their souls were violently shredded, threatening to tear them asunder—a terrifying sensation that immediately gripped Ma Jianjiang's heart.

Ma Jianjiang lamented his fate, internally cursing Lin Yue and Faang Yingzi for their foolishness. Their greed for Yu Yuan's Evil Cauldron had led them to needlessly provoke trouble.

"You two may wish for death, but why drag me into your misfortune?" he thought bitterly, entertaining the idea of ending their lives himself.

Then, in a flash, Ma Jianjiang felt his Yin God seized by an immense force and was abruptly pulled out, only to land squarely on the Roam Ship.

Ma Jianjiang was taken aback.

It was only then that he saw the Evil Cauldron had already made its way to the front of the Roam Ship.

Yu Yuan stood there, offering a smile and a nod of apology. "Sorry," he said, "I haven't quite mastered the Soul Formation of the Evil Cauldron, and that's why you were inadvertently caught up in it."

Ma Jianjiang, having narrowly escaped with his life, spoke in bewilderment, "Yu Yuan, I... I'm part of the Chamber of Commerce too. Doesn't that concern you?"

"Don't you fear I'll report today's deeds to the Chamber?"

He left the threat unspoken, yet its implication hung in the air, crystal clear.

"The Babel Chamber of Commerce has always maintained its neutrality, steering clear of the Boundless Land's conflicts. It's been our way," Yu Yuan said with a smile. "Lin Yue and Faang Yingzi aren't official members of your Chamber. They're merely guest elders who were brought in later. We both know they've been gunning for me, coveting the Evil Cauldron in my possession."

Ma Jianjiang offered a wry smile and nodded in agreement.

"Given that, why should I extend them any courtesy?" Yu Yuan said, his sleeves fluttering with a nonchalant flick. A speck of crimson flame began to ascend silently, bursting forth like a series of suns before plummeting into the heart of the Soul Split formation. "To the sects of the Boundless Land, I'm already a renegade! With my reputation thus tarnished, what more do I have to fear?"

A fierce and savage glint flickered and vanished in Yu Yuan's narrowed eyes.

"Should the Babel Chamber of Commerce dare to harass the Yu family over the deaths of Faang Yingzi and Lin Yue, then..."

With a sizzle, the Sun Essence Fire, a concentrated form of solar energy, erupted within the Yin Gods of the two men, unleashing a searing blaze upon their souls.

Had they not been ensnared by the Soul Split, Faang Yingzi and Lin Yue could have easily shrugged off the Sun Essence Fire's scorching and made their escape.

But now, their Yin Gods were not only caught within the Soul Split but also being shredded into fragments by it.

At this juncture, the Sun Essence Fire, bestowed upon Yu Yuan by the Chaos Roc, was able to manifest its most formidable might.

Before the Yin God fragments could be further torn asunder within the Soul Split, they were incinerated into oblivion by the relentless Sun Essence Fire.

The Yin Gods were extinguished, eradicated beyond the possibility of death.

The cauldron soul, however, did not seize the chance to claim the Yin Gods for itself. It harbored no desire to draw them into the cauldron to be transformed into Fiend Demons, allowing them instead to perish utterly.

Not every soul or specter among humans can transform into an evil spirit, nor can every Yin God of a cultivator become an Evil Devil.

Only those who are extreme, like the second Evil Devil who mastered the Blood God Cult's secret arts, steeped in malice and with a penchant for slaughter, or those consumed by deep-seated obsessions, harboring hatred and a desire for vengeance against the world, or akin to the unique Heavenly Devils, are suitable for the Evil Cauldron.

"If the Babel Chamber of Commerce is looking for trouble, they should know this is just the beginning. Feel free to relay that to your boss when you get back to the Chamber," Yu Yuan said to Ma Jianjiang with a detached tone after Faang Yingzi and Lin Yue met their demise.

"The Yu family is where I come from, but it doesn't define or intimidate me. If the Chamber dares to overstep, considering my current predicament, alone as I am, I'll repay their folly tenfold, a hundredfold."

With those words, the Soul Split Formation recoiled and resumed its consumption of Gray Granny Ghost's minions.


Ma Jianjiang stood there, his expression rigid, unable to articulate a response.

Meanwhile, the White Bone Ghost and Jiang Xingwen were engaged in hushed conversation.

Yu Yuan, wielding the Evil Cauldron, drew near the Roam Ship, oblivious to the fate of Faang Yingzi and Lin Yue.

Inside her purple divine armor, Ann Ziqing's eyes sparkled with fascination, her smile unwavering.

She made no attempt to conceal her appreciation for Yu Yuan's current course of action. "That's the lord I serve."

In the vast expanse of the Boundless Land, few sects dared to cross the Babel Chamber of Commerce.

Branded a traitor and at odds with the world, Yu Yuan now boldly chose to antagonize the Babel Chamber of Commerce, unhesitatingly eliminating two of its guest elders. Such decisiveness and ferocity earned the genuine admiration of Ann Ziqing, the priestess of the Blood God Cult.

Her mind drifted to a night years ago when Yu Yuan poisoned Yinn Jue, methodically bringing about his end.

The moon shone brightly that night as she witnessed the scene from the shadows.

From that night on, Yu Yuan, the "young master" she had served as a mere figurehead, truly captured her earnest attention and regard.

For years, Yu Yuan wandered through life in a fog, but upon awakening, he underwent a profound transformation that became her greatest source of delight in the days to come.

She covertly observed Yu Yuan's every move, watching as he threw caution to the wind in the face of danger, acting with a recklessness that defied reason.

Yet, without fail, Yu Yuan emerged victorious.

"If Old An's words hold truth, and the Yu family descends from the Evil King Yu Xi, then this young master might just be the one who most resembles the Evil King," Ann Ziqing mused deep within her soul.

Ann Wen, the leader of the Blood God Cult whom she privately referred to as Old An, had revealed the Yu family's origins to her.

Ann Jieshan had even insinuated that Yu Yuan was the husband Ann Wen had selected for her.

The revelation left her restless for a long time. Her thoughts would drift to Yu Yuan during her meditations, replaying their interactions, fluctuating between irritation and melancholy.

Initially, while incognito within the Yu family, she regarded Yu Yuan as nothing more than a puppet. Even after his sudden awakening, she treated him as a mere diversion.

But the notion of Yu Yuan as the husband chosen by Old An shattered her equilibrium, leaving her unable to reconcile with the idea.

She harbored a deep-seated resistance and dissatisfaction with Ann Wen's plans.

Driven by this turmoil, she couldn't pinpoint her own feelings. In Luan Bird City, she deliberately provoked Yu Yuan, curious to see his reaction upon discovering her machinations.

In her own way, she continued to silently scrutinize him, trying to discern the true nature of Yu Yuan's character.

Yu Yuan, undaunted by the Babel Chamber of Commerce's pressure and unafraid of Elfview being leveled, even dared to slay Faang Yingzi and Lin Yue, compelling her to reassess him with newfound respect.

"It should be this way, only this is fitting..." she whispered to herself.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

In that instant, streams of verdant light burst forth from the souls of the ghosts under Jiang Xingwen's control, rejoining the Soul Crossing River.

The ghosts' ranks plummeted, their inflated statuses stripped away, reverting to their original forms.

Yet nearly half of these ghosts, having preyed upon the minions of the Gray Granny Ghost and devoured their souls, seized the opportunity to bolster their strength, their soul shadows becoming either more tangible or more immense.

Yu Yuan's mind flickered with the concept of Soul Split, and he summoned a multitude of Evil Devils, using the formation to ensnare numerous lingering spirits and draw them back.

"White Bone Lord, I shall take my leave now to claim dominion over Granny Gray's lands," Jiang Xingwen announced.

"My forces in Granny Gray's territory are fully prepared. They understand my intentions; you'll find everything you desire upon your arrival," the White Bone Ghost replied.

Yu Yuan was inwardly astonished.

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