Unmatched Dominance/C748 Tragic Defeat
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Unmatched Dominance/C748 Tragic Defeat
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C748 Tragic Defeat

Luohou stood like a deity of seven-colored glass beneath the distant sky, unmoving.

The white bone giant, encircled by stars, cast a strange light that cleansed the world's filth, pounding relentlessly, immovable as a mountain.


Rivers of seven-colored neon light surged against the white bone giant like an upward cascading waterfall.

The soul fused with the glassy mountain and transformed into a human form. The Luohou Ghost King now possessed a body akin to a Yang God, her spirit concealed within, impervious to the light's erosive purification.

The white bone had substance, and so did she. In direct confrontation, she not only held her ground but emerged superior.

Yu Yuan focused his mind and activated his "wisdom eye," observing intently before letting out a deep sigh. "You're right," he murmured, "the white bone is likely no match for him."

"The white bone's path of cultivation lies in fearless combat; he has no other option."

While Jiang Xingwen spoke, specks of green light twinkled within the "Soul Crossing River" at her waist, and a spark of wisdom ignited in her eyes. "The Artifact Soul of the Soul Crossing River has revealed to me that the white bone's journey to Ghost King status is through relentless battle."

"Before becoming a ghost, he used the same approach, challenging Heavenly Ghosts of equal rank, paving his path with their demise."

"The white bone cannot afford to retreat. The moment he sounds the retreat, his chance to become a Ghost King vanishes."

"Hence, despite knowing he's outmatched and facing certain death, he must fight. If he were to yield, to turn and walk away, his quest for Ghost Kinghood would be thwarted."

"Alas, such a shame."

From a distance, Jiang Xingwen, communicating silently with the Artifact Soul of the "Soul Crossing River," understood the white bone's predicament and anticipated the outcome.

"Long ago, White Bone was aware that Luohou had refined the Dark Mountain. His request for your aid was merely to create a vulnerability in Luohou's form. The fragments that fell were part of Luohou's body, leaving him incomplete, with a slight imperfection."

"His plan was to exploit that weakness, to defeat Luohou, and thereby fulfill his own ambition."

"Yet, he hadn't anticipated that Luohou would ascend to the throne of the Ghost King. Even with its imperfections, the transformed body of Luohou as the Ghost King was beyond the White Bone's ability to contend with."

Jiang Xingwen disclosed the harsh reality.

Yu Yuan's eyes narrowed, and he let out a wry smile. "Just as I thought."

The Ghost King Luohou, resplendent in seven colors like a deity of old, seized the white skeleton and yanked with both hands.


The skeleton's arms were violently broken off, detaching from the torso.

In mere moments, the spectral rainbow hues had transformed into brilliant arcs of divine lightning, ensnaring the white skeleton and rendering it immobile.

"You sought your own demise; I'm not to blame."

Luohou huffed dismissively, his god-like form surging with power once more.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Following the arms, the skeleton's legs and skull were successively torn asunder.

As the severed limbs and head fell to earth, they shrank instantly.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

In short order, the white bones were vivisected by the Luohou Ghost King, reduced to gleaming fragments that formed a mound upon the ground.

The bones retained their lustrous, jade-like sheen, with an eerie essence still coursing through them.

Yet, to Yu Yuan, the small mound of bones appeared tragically forlorn.

Silver-white stones clattered down, encircling the diminutive heap, as if to fashion a grave for the infamous ghost of Horror Land.

The Luohou Ghost King, anchored to the earth, was shrouded in an enigmatic glow akin to a multicolored mist, obscuring her true visage.

"And then there's the two of you."

From thousands of meters away, the enigmatic Luohou Ghost King cast her gaze in their direction.

"Yu Yuan, best of luck to you. I'm making my exit now!"

Jiang Xingwen, sensing danger, triggered the Soul Crossing River she had at the ready. The greenish glow, speckled like stars, flared brightly.

She was engulfed by a surge of green light.

And in a blink, she was gone.

With the Soul Crossing River at her disposal, Jiang Xingwen could teleport across Horror Land, eluding even Luohou's grasp with ease, her departure swift and decisive.

Luohou beckoned, "Guests from the Divine Soul Sect, do come over for a conversation."

Beneath the Evil Cauldron, the Dark Mountain suddenly burst into a display of rainbow hues. In a mere moment, it seemed to forge a connection with the Luohou Ghost King's vibrant, seven-colored form.

"Damn it!"

Yu Yuan sensed trouble brewing. Glancing down, he saw the Evil Cauldron ensnared by strands of rainbow light, binding it like chains.

An overwhelming force emerged out of nowhere, pulling the dark cauldron toward Luohou with the rainbow light guiding it like a leash.

"There's no escaping it. Even if the Evil Cauldron were to deplete its energy, it would be futile."

After a brief attempt, the cauldron soul resigned itself to the situation, advising Yu Yuan to conserve his efforts. "Her power has surged since merging with the seven-colored treasure mountain, leaving her virtually flawless. Master, there's no point in continuing with the sword spell. It won't make a difference."

"Fine." Yu Yuan responded grimly.

The white bone's defiance of Luohou had ended in defeat. As her accomplice, Yu Yuan could only watch as Luohou's soul entered the treasure mountain, finding a vessel and leaving him with no recourse.

With a whoosh, the dark cauldron, now ensnared by the rainbow light, was brought before the Luohou Ghost King.

The light danced around Luohou's divine form, her features shifting too rapidly to discern clearly.

Soon after, the frail Luohou that Yu Yuan first encountered reemerged, basket in hand.

The seven-colored Dark Mountain behind her had diminished only slightly in height.

Once again, the soul detached from the peculiar body, as if this was the only way to maintain her power at its peak.

"Bone, I'm sticking to my principles. I won't kill you; I'll let you live," she declared, approaching the small mound of bones with her basket. Inverting the basket, she covered the bones, "I'll keep a strand of your soul as a trophy, adding another spectral presence to my collection of ghosts."

A pale shadow was drawn from the pile into the basket.

Luohou glanced at the new white shadow at the bottom of the basket and nodded in approval. "Bone, don't take it hard. If I hadn't become the Ghost King, if I didn't possess this extraordinary form, your 'White Bone Holy Spirit' techniques and the flames and light you wield would be too much for my soul to bear."

She still had the spirit to console the skeletal ghost. "As I said, it's unfortunate you're a step behind."

Luohou shook her head.


The rainbow light entwined around the Evil Cauldron swiftly transferred into the basket in her hand, freeing Yu Yuan in an instant.

Inside the cauldron, Yu Yuan refrained from any hasty actions. With a furrowed brow, he gestured to the small mound of bones. "What price must I pay to exchange for him?"

"He can no longer become a Ghost King," Luohou interjected unexpectedly.

Yu Yuan was taken aback.

"If he can't become a Ghost King, then he's merely a ghost, hardly worthy of the Divine Soul Sect's attention, right?" Luohou said with a light smile, pointing to herself with an open hand. "I am the nascent Ghost King, and I harbor aspirations to challenge the realm of ghosts and gods! Moreover, I hold your sect in high esteem. Should you truly seek a representative, I, Luohou, am eminently fit for the role."

She offered herself proactively.

Yu Yuan paused, then gradually grasped the implications of her words.

"I believe I've demonstrated my power," Luohou said with ease. "Given that you practice the Divine Soul Sect's secret soul arts, you must have a mentor. I'm convinced that a master from the Divine Soul Sect is observing me through your eyes at this very moment."

A peculiar smile curled at the corner of Yu Yuan's mouth.

He realized that the Luohou Ghost King had misconstrued his abilities. The "Soul Forging Technique" he employed to refine his "慧眼" merely enhanced his ability to perceive souls, to discern the flow of soul thoughts within Luohou, and to identify the source of her extraordinary physical power for accurate judgment.

The "慧眼" was indeed unusual. Luohou must have detected it and let her thoughts wander.

"I, Luohou, aspire to be the Divine Soul Sect's envoy in Horror Land!"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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