Unmatched Dominance/C752 Second Healing
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Unmatched Dominance/C752 Second Healing
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C752 Second Healing

"Innate?!" Yu Yuan was deeply shaken.

"His path to becoming a Ghost King will be fraught with obstacles," Luo Yue mused, gazing in a particular direction. "The Black Staff, Cold Abyss, and other Ghost Kings might even intervene directly."

Yu Yuan's face paled. "Could that really happen?"

"There's a problem with Bai Gu's origins," Luo Yue stated gravely.

"What kind of problem?" Yu Yuan asked, taken aback.

"Bai Gu isn't from Horror Land, and it's possible he's not even from Boundless Land," Luo Yue said with a heavy tone. "The white flames that burn from his bones are unlike anything I've ever heard of. His skeleton is also different from normal people; it doesn't quite resemble anyone from our realm."

Her words couldn't be clearer.

"A visitor from beyond the stars!"

Yu Yuan inhaled sharply, his realization dawning swiftly. Following Luo Yue's insights, he considered that the white skeleton emerging from the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area could very well be an Evil Spirit Great Owl, akin to the Green Incubus, which had somehow escaped the Fallen Moon and found refuge in Horror Land.

"In my perception, he's a force of destruction," Luo Yue continued, her brow furrowed. "His very existence disrupts the order of Horror Land! The flames he ignites seem poised to purge all the evil creatures here, to cleanse this place entirely."

"The implications of such a being becoming a Ghost King are uncertain."

Luo Yue's voice betrayed her concern and fear. She cast a glance at the Dark Mountain behind her, now transformed into a prism of seven-colored glass, drawing a measure of confidence from its presence.

Once Luo Yue learned that Yu Yuan was her "junior brother," she spared no detail in sharing her knowledge with him.

Later, Yu Yuan learned through Luo Yue that the imminent upheaval in Horror Land had unsettled the forces associated with the Ghost Kings. They all wished for a Ghost King aligned with them to seize the moment and rise to dominance in Horror Land—ascending to the realm of ghosts and gods.

Ghosts and gods are the most revered entities in Horror Land, rumored to communicate with the source of Yin and subtly influence the cycle of life and death in Boundless Land, wielding the power to govern reincarnation.

Every sect and power desired a Ghost King from Horror Land who would align with their interests as closely as they breathed.

And behind the Black Staff Ghost King, the Devil Palace provided its clandestine support.

The Kalpa Ghost King originated from the soul of a formidable demon, which explains his innate affinity for the Demon Palace.

The Initial Spirit Ghost King and Ann Wen, the father of Ann Ziqing, were the closest of friends, followed by the Blood God Cult in their circle.

Rumors linked the Cold Abyss Ghost King to the Cold Yin Sect of the Heavenly Source Continent, but he never personally acknowledged such a connection.

Among the five great Ghost Kings, the Tianzang Ghost King was shrouded in the most mystery. He seemingly had no prior dealings with any sect or force. Born in the desolate Horror Land, he ascended from the most insignificant of spirits, undergoing a metamorphosis step by step until he emerged as the formidable Tianzang Ghost King.

Four out of the five Ghost Kings had ties to various sects.

After ascending to her role as a Ghost King, Luo Yue pondered aligning with a sect to find a breakthrough on her path of ghosts and gods.

She had taken note of Yu Yuan's practice of Soul Arts from the Divine Soul Sect and entertained some strategic thoughts.

Regrettably, Yu Yuan confirmed that his presence in the Horror Land was not on the behest of the Divine Soul Sect to secretly select a spokesperson.

Luo Yue was mildly disappointed, yet she didn't let it dampen her spirits.

Shortly thereafter, she led Yu Yuan to a Dark Mountain, even loftier than her own training ground. "The female general is inside the Dark Mountain. I've made some arrangements in advance, so it's unlikely for ordinary ghosts and spirits to detect her," Luo Yue elaborated.

With a gentle shake of her flower basket, a section of the dark brown mountain's wall burst into a spectrum of colors.

A small cave entrance, just big enough for one person, emerged, its entrance shimmering with dazzling light.

"In truth, I'm not as well-acquainted with her as you might assume," Yu Yuan admitted with a hint of embarrassment.

"I've heard her mention that the Martyr Spell she practices could rebound on her," Luo Yue said with a slight smile. "We hit it off, so I made arrangements for her to cultivate there in seclusion. I've set up an extra barrier to keep her undetected, especially since her current state is less than ideal."

Luo Yue spread her hands helplessly, "Yet, there's nothing I can do to help."

Yu Yuan paused, concerned, "Is she facing trouble again?"

"The Martyr Spell, such a sinister Soul Art... Even its creator, the Sky Shocking Emperor, suffered from its backlash in his later years, leading to madness and mental disarray. How could she possibly escape unscathed?" Luo Yue's expression suggested this was to be expected. "Upon entering the Horror Land, she was like a great shark thrown into the sea, voraciously consuming numerous lower-tiered souls and spirits, substantially nourishing her own soul."

"Sadly, the Martyr Spell is just that—a Martyr Spell, not the more sophisticated Soul Arts practiced by the Divine Soul Sect."

Luo Yue gave a slight shake of her head and gestured toward the cave entrance. "Go inside, and you'll see for yourself."

"What about you, Senior Sister?" Yu Yuan inquired with curiosity.

"I'll stay out here," Luo Yue replied, settling down at the base of the mountain. "I have some things to ponder. Meanwhile, you should go and lend her a hand. She mentions your name more than anyone else's, Yu Yuan. I've always wondered why, despite her words being laced with resentment when she speaks of you, she still brings you up time and again."

With a playful purse of her lips and a wink, she teased, "Little Junior Brother, you seem to have quite a few romantic entanglements."

"It's not at all like you imagine."

Yu Yuan felt a headache brewing. Realizing further explanation would be futile with his half-disciple from a past life, he maneuvered the Evil Cauldron into the Dark Mountain cave, shrinking it down as he went.

Descending into the depths.

Before long, the Evil Cauldron dropped into a vast, luminous stone hall where Lee Yuchan was immediately visible.

Lee Yuchan sat with her Yin God in meditation, her regal and icy Yin God at the heart of a swirling vortex of souls. Within this maelstrom, hundreds of souls wailed.

Their screams were shrill and grating, filled with loathing, resentment, and murderous intent towards all living things.

The souls, varying in size and shape, were swept along by the vortex.

Lee Yuchan's Yin God, towering and valiant, stood at the center of the whirlpool, occasionally casting out strands of soul essence.

Her face, stern with coldness, was etched with agony, as if her soul was being eroded by the vortex's relentless churn.

From within the Evil Cauldron, Yu Yuan looked down and understood that the ex-general of the Silvermoon Empire was employing the Martyr Spell to purify the impurities from her soul.

She must have already experienced a backlash, realizing that continuing would jeopardize her Yin God, leaving her no choice but to undergo the cleansing.

"The accumulation of malevolent thoughts and impurities in the soul by the Martyr Spell is quite suitable for forming evil spirits," the voice of the cauldron soul echoed in Yu Yuan's mind. "This woman, Lee Yuchan, her practice of the Martyr Spell can be put to good use by me. She seeks to purge these malevolent thoughts from her soul. Even if they can't be solidified into evil spirits, they remain a most nourishing delicacy for the Evil Cauldron. Leave it to me!"



Within the Evil Demon Cauldron, a flurry of refined Evil Demons burst forth, clawing and gnashing their teeth as they lunged at Lee Yuchan.

In the midst of her cultivation, Lee Yuchan's Yin God turned a ghastly shade, and upon looking up, she was so terrified she nearly lost her soul.

"It's me, Yu Yuan!"

Upon hearing the name, Lee Yuchan's turbulent Yin God miraculously settled.

Standing at the vortex's core, her slender eyes, initially clouded with confusion, gradually brightened.

She gazed deeply at the silhouette within the cauldron, her lips parting as if to speak, yet ultimately she remained silent.

The Evil Demon Cauldron was adept at purging the malevolent thoughts and forces from the Martyr Spell.

Soon, the Evil Demons, sated by the cauldron soul, retreated one by one back into the cauldron, leaving the Silvermoon Empire's female general free from the torment of the evil backlash.

"Take good care."

Inside the cauldron, Yu Yuan bowed with a fist in palm, bidding farewell before steering the Evil Demon Cauldron back into the sky.

Lee Yuchan was left alone in the stone hall, her expression a complex tapestry of emotions.


Much later, the female general, renowned alongside Yuan Lianyao, hung her head and whispered a curse in her Yin God form.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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