Unmatched Dominance/C757 Cauldron Soul Initial Condensation Form
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Unmatched Dominance/C757 Cauldron Soul Initial Condensation Form
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C757 Cauldron Soul Initial Condensation Form

"Why are you here?"

Upon recognizing the visitor as Su Yan's master, Yu Yuan instinctively glanced back at the departing palace, "Weren't you here for Cao Jiaze?"

Jiang Xingwen hailed from the Taiyuan Sect, and Yu Yuan had previously noticed other practitioners from her sect within the palace, which had materialized from a Heaven Palace Seal.

Considering their common origin, shouldn't Jiang Xingwen have sought them out?

Yu Yuan harbored numerous suspicions about this enigmatic woman, who possessed the Soul Crossing River. He kept a watchful eye on her, eager to uncover her true intentions in Horror Land.

He didn't dwell on her retreat during the skirmish with Luo Yue. Given that there was no formal pact between them, and she had intervened to restrain the Styx, her actions had already shown him considerable respect.

"No, no, I have no interest in meeting with Cao Jiaze or anyone from the Taiyuan Sect," Jiang Xingwen said, shaking her head emphatically. After a brief pause, she added, "At least, not at this moment."

"Cao Jiaze is far stronger than either of you imagine," she said gravely. "What intrigues me is that after meeting you, he refrained from outright conflict. With his formidable power and the Yin Gods from the Heavenly Source Continent at his disposal, you'd struggle to oppose him, even with the Evil Cauldron in hand."

Yu Yuan huffed dismissively.

"You seem to have a knack for pulling off miracles," Jiang Xingwen said with a light laugh. "Take, for example, the last time I left the domain of the Luohou Ghost King. I doubted I'd ever see you or the white bones again. Yet, not only did both of you survive, but you also managed to earn Luohou's trust."

She marveled, her gaze fixed intently on Yu Yuan's eyes.

It was an enigma that baffled her.

Lately, the many spirits of Horror Land, including the five great Ghost Kings, had been speculating about the conversation between Yu Yuan and Luo Yue beneath the multicolored canopy.

The outcome of their talk was the white bones reassembling and returning to their domain for cultivation.

The survival of the white bones had left many Ghost Kings sorely disappointed.

"Senior Jiang, what brings you here?" Yu Yuan inquired.

"I've come to inform you of something," Jiang Xingwen replied with composure. "The surviving specters of Horror Land have united and are marching toward the domain of the white bones—including the You Chuan specters within your territory. They all fear the white bones more than Luohou."

"The white bones have sustained grave injuries, a fact well-known among the mighty spirits. They're eager to prevent his recovery."

"The injury the white bones sustained during the gray mama's incursion was certainly a ruse. But this time, his wounds are genuine. If he fails to overcome this ordeal, he can forget ascending to the rank of Ghost King."

"I've delivered the message; what you do next is beyond my control." With that, the woman governing the Soul Crossing River vanished as swiftly as she had appeared.

"Yu Yuan, what's your plan?" Lee Yuchan asked quietly.

"Right now, the white bones' territory must be teeming with an endless horde of souls and specters!" A battle-hungry gleam shone in Yu Yuan's eyes. "While I may not be able to shake the Ghost King, if it's merely specters, I'm not without the strength to fight! I'll harness a wealth of energy for the Evil Cauldron right in the heart of the white bones' land!"


In the depths of Horror Land, the Initial Spirit Ghost King stood leisurely atop his towering Dark Mountain, contentedly remarking, "That white bones fellow can dodge the bullet once, but he can't hide forever."

At the mountain's base, Ann Ziqing, clad in purple divine armor, gazed up at the sky with a frosty demeanor.

"White bones doesn't belong in Horror Land; he should've departed long ago," the Initial Spirit Ghost King said with a hint of chill in his eyes. "I had my forces warn him, hoping he'd extricate himself from this place. The vast world beyond suits him better, especially with his corporeal form. Outside Horror Land, he'd be even mightier than in his white robe."

"Do you harbor a deep fear of white bones?" Ann Ziqing asked, taken aback.

"It's not just me. Every Ghost King who has witnessed the might of white bones would prefer him dead," the Initial Spirit replied candidly. "The remaining specters have already set out for the white bones' domain. He may be able to handle a Gray Granny or defeat a lone specter, but against several allied specters, his chances are far from certain."

"Moreover, he's still recovering from serious injuries."

The Initial Spirit Ghost King's demeanor suggested he had little faith that the White Bones would achieve their usual ultimate victory.

"Oh, that Yu Yuan you're concerned about has ventured into the White Bone Territory again," the Initial Spirit Ghost King said, massaging his forehead. "This time, you're free to roam as you please; I won't hinder you. The specters in the White Bone Territory wouldn't dare confront you. Just steer clear of provoking Luohou, and you'll be fine."

With those words, a tumultuous wave of soul energy burst forth from within the Initial Spirit.

It seemed the Initial Spirit was using the Ghost King's mystical arts to communicate with other formidable ghostly beings.


The domain of the Duanchuan Ghost was a great distance from the White Bone territory.

Yu Yuan, piloting the Evil Cauldron, spared no ghost fit to be refined into an "evil" spirit.

Throughout the journey, he frequently conversed with the cauldron soul.

After another group of ghosts was pulled into the cauldron's miniature world, Yu Yuan turned to Lee Yuchan in astonishment. "You've used the Martyr Spell to consume many ghosts. By all accounts, it's time for another cleansing of your soul."

He had been watching and knew that Lee Yuchan was nearing a critical threshold after devouring the souls of dozens of earth-level ghosts.

He even noticed that the Yin God physique of the female general was starting to show fissures.

It was a clear sign of an impending backlash.

Previously, she wouldn't have waited this long. Lee Yuchan would have already retreated to the cauldron's inner sanctum, where the cauldron soul would perform incantations to purge the malignant thoughts, restoring her mental clarity.

But this time, Lee Yuchan seemed resistant.

"I can endure a bit longer; there's no rush," Lee Yuchan said, her voice tinged with anxiety.

The thought of the cauldron soul's vague form made her soul shiver with cold.

Instinctively, she was reluctant to enter the cauldron's inner realm, unwilling to face the partially materialized young girl once more.

"Are you really going to wait until you're on the brink of collapse?" Yu Yuan asked, his tone laced with concern. "If we encounter stronger ghosts next, I won't pause our journey to perform a rescue spell just for you."

Lee Yuchan's gaze turned icy. "I never asked for your help in the first place!"

"Good deeds taken for granted, like a donkey's liver and lungs!" Yu Yuan shook her head, no longer interested in engaging with her. "Do as you please. If you run into trouble, you have only yourself to blame."

"I don't need your concern!" Lee Yuchan's mood soured further.

"Utterly nonsensical!" Yu Yuan huffed in exasperation.

Over the next four hours, they traversed several Dark Mountains without a single ghostly encounter.

They were in a region not claimed by any ghostly powers, a secluded area eerily silent, which made Yu Yuan uneasy. She discreetly reached out to the cauldron soul.

"Master, there's no need for alarm. That individual with the chilling presence we encountered earlier in the palace has conspired with a ghost to lay a trap for us. They're lying in wait," the cauldron soul informed her from the highest step of the miniature world within the cauldron, its voice steady and composed.

"There was no need to alert you earlier, Master, as the situation is well within my control."

The cauldron soul, in the form of a little girl, glanced down at the Ice Concubine, a smirk playing on her lips. "The one with the icy aura will make a fine meal for the Ice Concubine. As for the titleless ghost attached to some Ghost King, I'm considering whether he could be refined into a demonic fiend."

Yu Yuan felt a jolt run through her. "You can take form now?"

She momentarily set aside the cauldron soul's words, her mind racing as she shrank down to an infinitesimal size and entered the cauldron's inner realm. She looked up at the youthful, somewhat indistinct form of the cauldron soul.

"Yes, but it's not quite finished. Please, Master, stop staring!" the cauldron soul implored, a touch of shyness in its voice.

The contrast in its demeanor was stark compared to how it interacted with Lee Yuchan, as if it were two different entities altogether.


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