Unmatched Dominance/C764 The Abnormality of the Mountain
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Unmatched Dominance/C764 The Abnormality of the Mountain
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C764 The Abnormality of the Mountain

Upon their reunion, Yu Yuan immediately noticed the "Roam Ship" was worse for wear.

In Horror Land, the spirits and phantoms that reached a certain level could wield artifacts.

The battered state of the "Roam Ship" suggested it had been assaulted by an extraordinarily formidable ghost—likely one of the Netherworld rank.

Yu Yuan had witnessed the Yellow Old Devil's combat prowess in Absence Relic and was aware of his mastery in soul secret arts. In Horror Land, the devil thrived effortlessly.

Given the Yellow Old Devil was barely clinging to life, it was clear their adversary was inconceivably powerful.

A golden cotton ball drifted from a hidden compartment within the ship. Upon his emergence, the Yellow Old Devil quickly produced the yellow gourd, offering refuge to the golden orb.

Settling in the gourd's center, the golden cotton ball transformed into a diminutive version of Jin Xiaolie, resembling a flickering golden flame.

Known for his fiery temper within the Babel Chamber of Commerce, Jin Xiaolie was surprisingly composed. He gazed at his Yin God, no larger than a hand, and gave Yu Yuan a slight nod, saying, "Our visit was initially motivated by a desire to seek justice for Faang Yingzi and Lin Yue."

Yu Yuan's expression soured, and he let out a cold snort in response.

"Don't be upset; we later discovered the truth," Jin Xiaolie said with a wry smile. "It turns out Faang Yingzi and Lin Yue were the ones who wronged you first. I'll make sure to set the record straight with the Chamber upon my return."

Yu Yuan's demeanor softened slightly at the explanation. "If it happens again, I won't hesitate to kill."

The Yellow Old Devil had been morose since laying eyes on Yu Yuan, fearful of Jin Xiaolie's potential blunders. With tensions easing, he interjected anxiously, "Yu Yuan, are you planning to enter the domain of the White Bone Nether Ghost?"

Yu Yuan nodded in confirmation.

"I'd advise against it," the Yellow Old Devil cautioned with a furrowed brow. "Crossing through the White Bone territory, we witnessed innumerable spirits and ghosts in a frenzied battle. It's become the most tumultuous region in all of Horror Land."

Jin Xiaolie also urged caution, "Countless titled specters have gone mad, swarming into the White Bone Nether Ghost's domain with their minions!"

"Yu Yuan, heed our advice—don't go there!" Ma Jianjiang implored.

The three remaining visitors from the Babel Chamber of Commerce all joined in, trying to dissuade Yuan Lianyao, who was within the Evil Cauldron, from venturing into the White Bone Nether Ghost's territory. She paused, her eyes clouding with concern. "Yu Yuan, perhaps we should steer clear of the White Bone Nether Ghost's affairs?" she suggested tentatively.

She was well aware of the White Bone Nether Ghost's ties to Faang Yao of the Red Devil Sect.

Yet, her concern for Yu Yuan was paramount. The news of the chaos engulfing the White Bone Nether Ghost's lands, coupled with Jin Xiaolie and the Yellow Old Devil's warnings, filled her with dread that Yu Yuan might recklessly plunge into danger.

"I must go to the White Bone Netherworld," Yu Yuan declared firmly, then inquired with a hint of curiosity, "What kind of evil ghost attacked you? In Horror Land, all the Ghost Kings and notable specters should be welcoming you, eager for interaction."

"It wasn't a familiar spirit," Yellow Old Devil replied, his face darkening, eyes brimming with bewilderment. "Yu Yuan, I strongly advise against visiting the White Bone Netherworld. In fact, it might be wise for you to leave the area for now. I'm well-acquainted with Horror Land and have several formidable ghostly allies, but..."

He paused, gathering his thoughts before continuing, "The entity that ambushed us is one I've never even heard of—unnaturally powerful and completely unknown to me!"

"How powerful are we talking?" Yu Yuan asked, taken aback.

"They may not rival the Ghost Kings, but they're certainly on par with Netherworld Ghosts. Yet, they seem to have emerged from thin air, never before mentioned or seen," Yellow Old Devil said, his brow furrowed in concern. "These mysterious, unseen ghosts appeared out of nowhere to strike at us, and I can't shake the feeling that something's amiss."

Jin Xiaolie and Ma Jianjiang, recalling the recent harrowing incident, exchanged glances, their faces etched with residual fear.

"Where were we attacked?" Yu Yuan inquired once more.

"Near the territory of the White Bone Netherworld. It was originally the domain of the Gray Granny Netherworld Ghosts, but now... Jiang Xingwen of the Taiyuan Sect has taken over," Ma Jianjiang responded. "However, the ghost that ambushed us definitely wasn't connected to Jiang Xingwen. After all, it was Jiang Xingwen who ultimately stepped in and helped us out of our predicament."

"Had she not appeared, I doubt any of us would have made it out alive."

Yu Yuan felt a stir in his heart, "Jiang Xingwen..."

He refrained from probing further, instead exchanging a few pleasantries with Jin Xiaolie and the Yellow Old Devil before parting ways with the Roam Ship. Taking control of the Evil Cauldron, he continued his journey toward the White Bone Territory.

Half an hour later.

The Blood Jade-like "Life Altar" within his Heart Aperture began to vibrate with increasing intensity.

Howls and gusts filled the air!

Peering into the distance, he observed numerous ghostly spirits swirling around a small Dark Mountain in a frenzied whirl.

These spirits encircled the Dark Mountain, which was gradually diminishing in size, as though sinking into the bowels of the earth.

"It looks like they're consuming the Dark Mountain!"

Yuan Lianyao watched in utter disbelief, her face a mask of incredulity. Shaking her head, she remarked, "Dark Mountains are known to accumulate Yin Qi from the Yin Vein's source, allowing ghosts to draw upon it to refine their souls. I've never heard of them being devoured by ghosts."

"The mountain is undergoing a transformation," Yu Yuan stated gravely.

"A transformation?" Yuan Lianyao echoed, confused.

Yu Yuan held off on responding, his mind deep in conversation with the cauldron soul, Yu Yiyi.

Leveraging Yu Yiyi's insights into the Horror Land and her exceptional knowledge of Yin Qi, he slowly came to understand that only certain Dark Mountains within the White Bone Territory were experiencing these peculiar changes.

They had encountered other Dark Mountains along their path, yet none exhibited any abnormalities.

Even Yu Yiyi couldn't pinpoint the exact nature of these changes, only that a portion of the Dark Mountains within the White Bone Territory had undergone some sort of anomaly.

Following these transformations, the ghostly spirits were able to consume chunks of stone to forge their corporeal forms.

"Look, those ghosts feasting on the Dark Mountain have numerous pebbles embedded within their souls," Yuan Lianyao observed after a moment, noticing the unusual detail. "It seems they've indeed consumed parts of the mountain, ingesting the very stones themselves."

"Stones, pebbles..."

Yu Yuan's mind raced as he recalled the image of White Bone skillfully using small stones in attack—a vivid memory from many battles where White Bone would envelop himself with the rocks, shining brightly like stars encircling him.

"Could it be because of White Bone? Perhaps it's due to his cultivation on certain mountains, or the transformation of those he's refined, that such anomalies have arisen? These peculiar occurrences in White Bone's domain must surely be his doing!"

He had a sudden realization: the frenzied Ghosts of the Netherworld, in their desperate incursion, might also be drawn by this very mutation!

"Are those apparitions that ambushed Jin Xiaolie connected to this incident?"

Thought after thought surfaced in his mind.

After discussing with Yu Yiyi and ensuring that the shrinking hill ahead posed no threat from any ghostly entities, they confidently approached aboard the Evil Cauldron.

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