Unmatched Dominance/C774 The Turning Point!
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Unmatched Dominance/C774 The Turning Point!
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C774 The Turning Point!

Cao Jiaze stood tall and proud on the balcony of the grand and expansive floating palace.

His eyes shone brightly, as if capturing the vastness of the starry heavens, brimming with endless mystery.

Dressed in a simple green robe with a dragon-shaped Universe Ring adorning his finger, Cao Jiaze's appearance was unremarkable except for his striking eyes.

"Yu Yuan..."

The palace, a manifestation of the Heaven Palace Seal, continued to roar through the air. Leaning against the white jade railing, he murmured, "I never expected the little witch from the Blood God Cult to come to my rescue at such a crucial moment."

"I was surprised as well," Chu Yao said, his brow furrowed.

This disciple of the Medicine God, who had recently parted ways with Ann Ziqing, had utilized a divine technique to locate this suspended palace after departing from Dark Mountain. Upon arrival, he was warmly welcomed by Cao Jiaze.

As the future son-in-law of Zhong Chichen, a divine-level alchemist and the likely successor to the Medicine God Sect's leadership, Chu Yao was met with respectful bows from all the powerful Yin Gods present.

The Medicine God Sect enjoyed amicable relations with many factions across the Heavenly Source Continent.

Zhong Chichen's name resonated with great renown throughout the continent, earning high praise from even the most exalted figures at the Primordial Spirit Stage.

Chu Yao was widely regarded as the next Sect Master of the Medicine God Sect, and everyone sought to ingratiate themselves with him.

Cao Jiaze was no exception, treating him with nothing but the utmost respect.

Cao Jiaze understood that winning Chu Yao's favor could bring immense benefits, both now and in the future.

Turning with a slight smile, Cao Jiaze inquired, "Senior Chu, what about the Black Sickle Ghost?"

"I must clarify that the Medicine God Sect does not have a close association with the Black Sickle Ghost," Chu Yao explained earnestly, under the watchful eyes of the onlookers. "Our sect merely sold some pills to the Black Sickle Ghost. We neither nurture nor support him."

"Of course, I'm aware that the Medicine God Sect doesn't hold the Black Sickle in high regard," Cao Jiaze responded with a gentle nod. "The ghost that your sect is truly interested in must be the one in the White Robe, correct?"

Among the five great Ghost Kings, the first spirit was linked to the Blood God Cult, Black Staff had connections with the Devil Palace, and Qianjie had already advanced by harnessing a demon soul.

Cold Abyss shared some connections with the Cold Yin Sect, while the enigmatic Tianzang showed no deference to any faction.

The Medicine God Sect, looking to bolster their power in Horror Land, had to select from among the Ghosts.

Their initial choice was White Robe, but he showed no interest in the sect, his heart set on leaving Horror Land to wander the outside world.

The Black Sickle Ghost's reputation in Horror Land was less than stellar. The Medicine God Sect maintained a covert association with him, publicly disavowing any connection.

Thus, when Cao Jiaze inquired, Chu Yao neither confirmed nor denied, choosing instead to remain silent.

"I'll take half of the 'Essence of Yin Sunflower' hidden within Dark Mountain," Cao Jiaze declared unexpectedly.

After a moment's thought, Chu Yao gave a slow nod. "I require only thirty percent."

"Agreed," Cao Jiaze said with a smile.

"What about Yu Yuan?"

A practitioner from the Spirit Void Sect probed cautiously.

Unfazed, Chu Yao replied, "A junior at the Penetrating Stage should think twice before approaching the bone cultivation grounds of Dark Mountain after seeing this palace."

"I admire him," Cao Jiaze stated earnestly. "He reminds me of my younger self, yet he has surpassed my early achievements. He's managed to create such turmoil single-handedly, and the fact that he's still alive is no small feat. As long as he doesn't interfere with the white bones, I genuinely hope he continues to thrive."

His words prompted thoughtful looks from the assembled powerhouses of the Heavenly Source Continent.

Could it be that Yu Yuan had earned Cao Jiaze's favor and high esteem?


Inside a Dark Mountain devoid of the Yin Sunflower Essence, Yu Yuan emerged from the Evil Cauldron, settling into a hermetic cave. There, his Earth Soul practiced the "Ghosting Arts," while his Heavenly Soul underwent the purifying wisdom of the Soul Forging Technique.

In his palm, luminous spirit jade absorbed the Spiritual Qi and disintegrated into jade powder.

Within his organs, a radiant pellet pulsated with life force, diffusing through his veins and gently nurturing his desiccated body, guiding the energy towards the mystical gate at his central dantian.

With an unconscious swing of his sword, he nearly depleted the power within his body and was forced to find a quiet place to meditate and recover.

No matter how urgently he wanted to rescue Bai Gu, he had to ensure he retained enough combat strength.

Outside Dark Mountain.

Ann Ziqing sent Yuan Lianyao to try and convince him to abandon his plans to cultivate at Dark Mountain and to avoid clashing with Cao Jiaze.

Yuan Lianyao gave a wry smile and shook her head, acknowledging she knew Yu Yuan's stubborn streak all too well.

Ann Ziqing, feeling equally powerless, muttered, "Let him be," before she drifted off, vanishing without a trace.

Several days later.

A ghost, taking the form of a monkey, emerged leisurely from the earth beneath Yuan Lianyao's feet.

The ghost scanned its surroundings with extreme caution, terrified of drawing any attention.

"It's you!"

Yuan Lianyao's face shifted with recognition at the sight of it, immediately identifying the monkey-shaped ghost as one of Bai Gu's most capable lieutenants. "What brings you here? How is Bai Gu faring?"

"The master is trapped. His followers have either perished or fled in disarray," the monkey-shaped ghost lamented, still glancing around nervously. "Most companions have abandoned the master's domain, with only a handful remaining hidden in the shadows."

Intelligence shone in the ghost's green eyes, a testament to Bai Gu's trust and its unwavering loyalty.

"What are you doing out here?" Yuan Lianyao inquired.

"I overheard Yu Yuan mentioning his intention to proceed to Dark Mountain, where the master is cultivating," the ghost replied, its eyes reflecting a deep sense of gratitude as it gazed upon the very mountain where Yu Yuan was practicing his craft. "I felt compelled to act on behalf of the master, but I am too weak. I need to draw upon Sir Yu's strength."

"You?" Yuan Lianyao expressed her astonishment.

She hadn't detected any anomalies during her conversation with Ann Ziqing and Yu Yuan, despite Ann Ziqing having attained the Soul Wandering Stage and Yu Yuan wielding the Evil Cauldron. The fact that neither had picked up on this ghost's presence suggested it possessed some extraordinary quality.

Yet, as far as she could tell, the ghost's rank was, at best, that of a Ghost Spirit.

Could such a creature, despite its intelligence and lowly cultivation level, truly be of any assistance?

The Black Sickle Ghost commanded several Heavenly Ghosts and had a retinue of dozens of Ghost Spirits. Yet, with its formidable power, the Black Sickle Ghost could crush a lesser Ghost Spirit as easily as one might squash an ant.

Moreover, there were others like Chu Yao from the Medicine God Sect, Cao Jiaze from the Profound Sky Sect, and a host of titled ghosts.

Given the current circumstances, any attempt to rescue the White Bone Ghost and aid in its liberation seemed like a fool's errand, a mere fantasy.

"I need your strength!" the monkey-shaped ghost implored with gravity, "Please, enter and convey my plea to Brother Yu."

Yuan Lianyao reflected for a moment before responding, "We'll wait for his full recovery."



Deep beneath the domain of the White Bone Ghost, a hundred meters underground.

Guided by the monkey-shaped ghost, Yu Yuan navigated the Evil Cauldron through a fissure at the base of the Dark Mountain. Peering into a slender stone crack, he queried in bewilderment, "What's this?"

"The White Bone Lord instructed me to seek you out and bring you here should he be ensnared," the monkey gestured towards the gleaming crevice. "He needs you to shatter that stone and widen the crack as much as possible."

Yu Yuan examined the lustrous, silver-like stone, sensing the potent Yin Qi within. "Yet, there's no trace of Yin Sunflower Essence."

"Lord Yu Yuan, I'm merely executing orders; I'm in the dark as much as you are," the monkey lamented.

"What could be inside?" Yuan Lianyao scrutinized the crevice, which appeared unremarkable. Her soul consciousness detected only a faint chill, nothing extraordinary. "Could this be White Bone Lord's contingency? What change could possibly come from fracturing this stone and opening the crevice?"

She was skeptical that such an action could alter the White Bone Lord's dire straits.

"White Bone Lord is shrouded in mystery; perhaps he does possess a method to extricate himself," Yu Yuan mused, stroking his chin. He didn't rush to act but instead sought insight from Yu Yiyi, the cauldron soul, "Yu Yiyi, can you detect anything amiss within the crevice?"

"Certainly," Yu Yiyi acknowledged.

After a brief pause, Yu Yiyi reported, "Master, a thick Yin Qi obscures the deeper reaches of the crevice, eluding my perception. I suspect that shattering the stone may dispel the Yin Qi, potentially revealing something concealed beneath. We're still quite distant from the Yin Meridian's source. It's peculiar—what could lie ahead?"

Her curiosity was piqued.

Yu Yuan turned his gaze to the ghost with the civet monkey visage. "White Bone, didn't you explain in detail?"

"I didn't, I'm clueless."

"Well, given that things have already gone south, I might as well give it a shot."

The civet monkey ghost's emerald eyes sparkled with anticipation. "Go ahead, please!"

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