Unmatched Dominance/C777 The Soul Condensing!
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Unmatched Dominance/C777 The Soul Condensing!
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C777 The Soul Condensing!

The silvery-white Dark Mountain gleamed with a purity and sanctity akin to fresh snow, radiating a blinding brilliance.

Under the command of the titled Horror Ghosts, tens of thousands of ghostly spirits amassed, layer upon layer, sealing the mountain so tightly that not even water could penetrate.

Their cries thundered across the land, echoing far and wide.

Any being who had attained the level of Horror Ghost could sense the tumultuous and fearsome activity from anywhere within Horror Land.

Even those ghosts and spirits with no grudge against the White Bone or who had never ventured to this place were drawn by the commotion, converging upon the site.

Suddenly, the Dark Mountain within the White Bone domain became the center of all eyes.

"Bones! Bones! Bones!" the multitude of ghostly spirits shrieked, desperately rushing toward the silvery peak.

With a hiss, the weaker spirits disintegrated into ash upon contact with the mountain's surface.

The Dark Mountain, a place of many years of cultivation for the White Bone, had transformed into a lethal grinder of souls, slaughtering the unwitting ghosts and spirits.

A faint silver luminescence emerged, revealing within the rock walls the Yin Sunflower Essence, as vast as a galaxy, swirling in a specific pattern, bolstering the strength of the light screen.

"The Yin Sunflower Essence endows this mountain with boundless power! Yet, it is diminishing!"

"Bones shall not claim kingship in Horror Land!"

"Kill! Slay them all!"

The chilling commands of the Horror Ghosts acted like a death warrant, spurring countless ghosts and spirits to throw themselves at the silvery peak, only to be swiftly eradicated.

Miles away, even more souls and spirits were being rallied.

These ghosts, deemed expendable by the Horror Ghosts, were used as fodder to weaken the silver stronghold of the White Bone.

As the souls and spirits perished one by one, time slipped away silently.

And within the silver mountain, the once-abundant Yin Sunflower Essence that had sustained the White Bone's cultivation was now slowly depleting.

"He won't last much longer," Chu Yao of the Medicine God Sect declared from his vantage point high above the Dark Mountain. Gazing at the silvery expanse, he said to Cao Jiaze, "Once the formation breaks, the White Bone will surely perish."

Cao Jiaze's demeanor was as still as an ancient well, his voice equally detached: "Death is his predetermined fate."

Roar! Roar! Roar!

The titled Nether Ghosts nearby cried out, frenziedly unleashing their malevolent soul energies.

Like a tidal wave, the ghosts screeched hysterically, rushing forward to meet their end.

The Nether Ghosts here had either caught subtle cues from Cao Jiaze and Chu Yao or had been instructed by the Ghost King, and they had received a terrifying message.

Should the skeletal remains ascend to Ghost King, Horror Land would be plunged into a dark age unseen for tens of thousands of years!

This news, once disseminated, sent the myriad ghosts into an uproar.

Determined to prevent the skeletal remains from claiming the throne, they sought to grind it down to death within the confines of Yin Mountain.


In the dimly lit cavern.

A diminutive skeletal ghost sat with its back against the rock wall, its luminescent white bones fractured in several places, now enveloped in a ghostly glow.

The skeleton's jade-green eyes rolled about, occasionally glancing at the earth beneath its feet.

A delicate, silvery filament extended from the vertebrae on its back, penetrating deep into the bowels of Dark Mountain, like the tendrils of its soul, sensing the world a hundred meters below.


It manipulated a joint, realigning the misshapen bone.

That minor adjustment caused the light in its jade-green eyes to fade slightly.

It was aware of the gravity of its injuries. Without a miracle, given its current state and relying solely on the Yin energy of Dark Mountain, it was unlikely to heal swiftly.

Outside, the relentless assault of the ghostly spirits continued, eroding the defenses like a relentless sea.

"Would Yu Yuan dare to enter my domain under these circumstances?"

The white skeleton pondered in silence.

Now, Yu Yuan represented its final, sole hope.

It was acutely aware that with Yu Yuan's aid, there was a faint possibility of overturning the dire situation.

"The faintest flicker of hope," the white skeleton whispered, its gaze growing dimmer.

Time passed, and then the slender thread reaching into the depths of Dark Mountain quivered ever so slightly.

The white skeleton, which had been seated for ages, caught the subtle vibration, and within the depths of its dim eyes, a vibrant green light suddenly burst forth.

Like twin green suns rising from the horizon, they illuminated the gloomy chamber with their brilliant radiance!

"Yu Yuan!"

The skeletal form of Yu Yuan suddenly rose, his bones emitting a series of sharp cracks as they shook within his luminous frame.

He was aware that the scales of victory had begun to tip ever so slightly in his favor, as Yu Yuan initiated his move.


In the silvery-gray expanse, Yu Yuan alternated his gaze between Yuan Lianyao and the delicate, handsome figure, his face etched with contemplation. "Advancing to the Yin God..." A glint sparked in his eyes.

Refining the Yin God proved to be much simpler than forging the Yang God. The latter required an array of spiritual materials and extensive time and energy due to its physical form, making the process far more demanding and prone to failure.

Cultivators approached the Yang God's refinement with the utmost caution, leaving no room for error. In contrast, transforming the Earth Soul into the Yin God often only needed a soul-enhancing pellet and a unique setting.

Upon its initial formation, the Yin God was exceedingly fragile, susceptible to the slightest disturbances until it stabilized. Typically, a protective formation was necessary for those seeking to refine the Yin God.

Ideally, the presence of a senior with formidable cultivation would secretly safeguard the process, ensuring the cultivator remained unharmed by natural forces during their transformation.

Within that small silver-gray realm, Yu Yuan engaged in silent conversation with Yu Yiyi while observing Yuan Lianyao and the ghost in the form of a monkey.

Yuan Lianyao was purifying her Yin God with the rich Yin Qi of the area. Meanwhile, the monkey-shaped ghost embarked on its progression towards the Heavenly Ghost.

Yu Yiyi's insistent voice echoed in the recesses of his mind. Attuned to his inner sensations, Yu Yuan watched as his Earth Soul harnessed the Yin Qi with the techniques of the Ghosting Arts, refining his spirit.

The Yin Qi of this small realm was significantly more concentrated and pure than any he had encountered in the Dark Mountain, each wisp flowing into his Consciousness Little World and being absorbed by his Earth Soul. He could distinctly sense his Spiritual Sense being tempered by this process.

Having reached the late Penetrating Stage, he was already qualified to surge towards the Yin God Stage. The environment here was naturally conducive to the condensation of the Yin God. With no outside interference, he was free from concern.

"A Ghost King devoid of its soul shouldn't just snap awake, right?" he pondered.

"The white skeleton beckoning you here likely harbors no ill will," Yu Yiyi reassured him, not bothering with other concerns, and once again enticed him, "I have this strong hunch that this peculiar realm is the perfect place for you to forge your Yin God!"


Yu Yuan was not one to waver. With a resolute mind, he stopped his deliberations and firmly seated himself.

He held his breath and concentrated, exerting all his might to draw in the Yin Qi of this miniature world.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

As he began the process, the rate at which the Yin Qi flooded into his Niwan acupoints surged, increasing more than tenfold!

All of a sudden, the thick Yin Qi in his Consciousness Little World became so dense that it shrouded all three of his souls.

During the frenzied operation of the Ghosting Arts, a vast majority of the Yin Qi, like an overwhelming tide, infused into his Earth Soul.

His Earth Soul, within the Consciousness Little World, swelled as if being inflated, expanding rapidly!

Libre Baskerville
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