Unmatched Dominance/C783 The Source of the Yin Meridians!
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Unmatched Dominance/C783 The Source of the Yin Meridians!
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C783 The Source of the Yin Meridians!

The once parched Styx now murmured with flowing water.

At the riverbed, countless minute thoughts zipped by like streaks of lightning.

An icy will, devoid of human sentiment, abruptly descended upon the Styx.

These myriad, minuscule thoughts were the will's own musings, the luminescence of its intellect.

"The origin of the Yin Meridian!"

Yu Yuan's heart trembled with the realization that an ancient will, enigmatic and profound, had emerged from the void in the Boundless Land.

He had long been aware that the source of the Yin Meridian beneath Horror Land spanned the entirety of the Boundless Land. Possessing superior intelligence, it represented a form of life distinct from flesh-and-blood beings.

The source of the Yin Meridian was endowed with thought, consciousness, and wisdom, marking it as the most ancient entity in this realm.

Its origins were shrouded in mystery; no one knew when the source of the Yin Meridian came into being or when it first developed consciousness. Yet, it was universally acknowledged that it predated all living creatures.

The source of the Yin Meridian existed before the Demon Clan, Human Clan, animals, white birds, and insects.

Some even believed that without the source of the Yin Meridian, the Boundless Land could never have fostered life.

Each Styx was its boon. Only with its blessing and approval could a Styx extend from the source of the Yin Meridian, allowing souls and ghosts of the Nether Ghost Realm to evolve into Ghost Kings.

Its will permeated the Horror Land.

Any life that ventured into the Horror Land could be perceived by it instantly, should it so desire, with the ability to discern all.

Every Styx acted as a conduit for its soul, effortlessly transmitting its thoughts and consciousness, even materializing them.

Inhaling deeply, Yu Yuan maintained his meditative stance and spoke with reverence, "My name is Yu Yuan, from the Profound Sky Continent. I..."

A tendril of thought drifted from the Styx, "You have come here once before."

Yu Yuan paused, taken aback.

The thought from the source of the Yin Meridian carried no voice, nor any unusual soul vibrations, yet its message was crystal clear: "Your first visit was over three hundred years ago, when you were but a novice on the path of cultivation, skilled only in the art of alchemy."

The consciousness at the source of the Yin Meridian emerged from the Styx, declaring, "You were once known as Hong Qi."

Yu Yuan was thunderstruck.

This was his most guarded secret! Throughout his life, not a single soul had pierced this veil of mystery to uncover his origins!

Yet, a tendril of awareness from the Yin Meridian's source had descended to reveal the truth to him!

"Your rebirth, too, was orchestrated by me. Every creature born into the Boundless Land must traverse my domain," the source of the Yin Meridian informed him in a tone devoid of emotion, as if a machine were speaking, "The Youling of your past life and the white bones of this one are no exception."

"It's not just you; every soul that seeks to return through the endless Time River requires my consent."

"I govern the cycle of rebirth for all living beings within the Boundless Land."

The will at the source of the Yin Meridian imparted this fact, well-known to all Peak experts, with the tranquility of a still ancient well.

Once Yu Yuan overcame his initial astonishment, he swiftly steadied his breath and regained his composure before speaking again: "As Hong Qi in a past life and now Yu Yuan, I offer my deepest respects to the enforcer of reincarnation in the Boundless Land!"

His demeanor, voice, and gestures were steeped in reverence.

For such a wondrous and ancient being to extend a fragment of its consciousness and engage in conversation through the Yin Meridian was an immense privilege!

In his former life as the leader of the Medicine God Sect, he had encountered Primordial Spirits and Demon Gods, yet he had never had the fortune to perceive the source of the Yin Meridian.

Let alone engage in direct dialogue with it.

As the most ancient living will in this vast cosmos, the entity that commands the cycle of life and death, it has borne witness to the flourishing of the Nagas, the evolution of the Demon Clan, the emergence of humanity, and the onslaught of the Outland Devaputra and other races.

It has observed for countless years in silence, devoid of emotion, joy, or sorrow.

Why would such a being suddenly bestow its favor upon him and reach out with a conscious thought?

"I am amassing more Yin Qi here to aid in the refinement of your Yin God. In return, you will help me slay Mingdu," the consciousness from the Yin Meridian conveyed from the Styx. "You possess the sword sheath left by another, and within you dwells that person's sword soul. Upon your arrival in Horror Land, I took notice and have since been watching you from the shadows, to see if you truly are as the outside world proclaims."

After watching for quite some time, I've come to believe in you. Perhaps you do possess such a capability. However, it seems I must lend you a hand once more."

"That's precisely why I've initiated this formal conversation with you here on the Styx," stated the source of the Yin Meridian, with a tone of detachment.

Yu Yuan's face took on an indescribable eeriness as he fixated on the river where light and lightning danced. "Mingdu? Are you referring to... the Mingdu Ghost King?!"

"Yes, him."

Yu Yuan's brow furrowed deeply.

He had heard tales of the Mingdu Ghost King, a legendary figure in Horror Land, known to be its sole sovereign throughout history.

Before Mingdu's time, Horror Land often had several Ghost Kings reigning simultaneously, none of whom would submit to the others, each ruling independently.

It was only during Mingdu's reign that all Ghost Kings were united under his command.

Even after Mingdu soared beyond the skies, Horror Land reverted to its old ways, with multiple Ghost Kings, each defiant and autonomous.

Ancient legends claimed that the Mingdu Ghost King originated from the Styx of the Yin Meridian, and some even believed he was an integral part of the Yin Meridian itself!

His command over the many Ghost Kings stemmed from his peak ability to control each Styx that sprang from the Yin Meridian source.

The power and combat prowess of each Ghost King were intimately linked to their respective Styx from the Yin Meridian. Mingdu's control over the Styx made him far more formidable than any other Ghost King!

Naturally, the other Ghost Kings stood no chance against him and were compelled to submit.

Yet, why would the source of the Yin Meridian consider Mingdu a threat to be eliminated?

Yu Yuan struggled to comprehend.

"I sense your confusion. Indeed, Mingdu came into being because of me and can be seen as an extension of myself. I won't delve into the details of what transpired. Since you were once an alchemist and a master of poisons, I'll explain it in terms you'll understand."

"Mingdu has become like a toxin that has accumulated within me."

"He's long been beyond my control. In his Late Period, he even sought to enslave me and alter the immutable laws of reincarnation. He audaciously took the Soul Crossing River from Horror Land to the realms beyond."

"This time, he seeks to ascend to the ranks of ghosts or gods within Horror Land. Should he succeed, the ancient laws that have stood for millions of years in Horror Land will be shattered! I will aid you in forging your Yin God. In return, you must swiftly locate him and strike at the Soul Crossing River, annihilating Mingdu who lurks within."

"Even now, within the Soul Crossing River, his soul is eroded by lingering sword energy. If his body, yet to be delivered from beyond the heavens, perishes before arrival, he ceases to be a threat."

The origin of the Yin Meridian meticulously revealed the secrets of the Mingdu Ghost King to Yu Yuan.

He explained that although the Mingdu Ghost King was vanquished by the Chopping Moon cultivator, his corpse was abandoned in the Outland Star River, with a fragment of his soul concealed in the Soul Crossing River, only to return to Horror Land.

Years later, it seems his remains have been discovered.

Amidst the turmoil of the Boundless Land, a mysterious figure, allegiance unknown, is currently escorting Mingdu's remains toward the Boundless Land.

Previously, such a feat would have been nearly impossible.

Beyond the stars, the Unrestrained Stage and Primordial Spirit Stage cultivators of the five greatest powers would have ensured his destruction.

But now, as the supreme forces are preoccupied, the remains of Mingdu stand a good chance of reaching Horror Land unimpeded.

Should Mingdu's soul and body reunite there, bolstered by the land's abundant Yin Qi and his own familiarity with the terrain, once healed, he may become unstoppable. Even the other Ghost Kings might capitulate as they once did.

If Mingdu seizes this chance to ascend as a ghost god, seizing control of the Yin Meridian's source, chaos will engulf the world.

Such turmoil could prove more unmanageable than the Divine Soul Sect's invasion or the influx of the Outland Devaputra!


With a grave expression, Yu Yuan pondered before abruptly inquiring, "Youling, where do the white bones stand now?"

"Beside you, united in the quest to slay Mingdu," the thought from the Yin Meridian's source conveyed once more. "The flames ignited by the white bones can purify Mingdu's soul. Together, you two can ensure that Mingdu is erased from Horror Land."

"White Bone, have you already communicated with him?" Yu Yuan demanded.

"Essentially," responded the origin of the Yin Meridian.

Without hesitation, Yu Yuan declared, "I accept!"

The moment his words fell, the overwhelming Yin Qi within the Styx, boundless as the ocean, was drawn by the power of the Yin Meridian's source, furiously rushing into Yu Yuan's Consciousness Little World.

"There's no need to worry about a shortage of Yin Qi. Your Heavenly Soul can draw upon it to its heart's content."

Yu Yuan concentrated and saw his Consciousness Little World brimming with the foggy Yin Qi. "Then I shall accept with gratitude!"


Yuan Lianyao and Luohou continued their discussion about Yu Yuan, occasionally glancing at the Evil Cauldron.

White Bone remained steadfastly blocking the stone crevice, motionless as a mountain, his green pupils devoid of any flickering light, as if deep in meditation.

After some time, both the White Bone King and Luohou Ghost King trembled slightly.

White Bone turned to look behind him, while Luohou Ghost King's gaze was fixed on the stone crevice behind his skeletal form, appearing even more astonished. "Is it... is it that?" Luohou inquired with a strained voice.

White Bone nodded. "Yes, it's that. It's in the small space inside, communicating with Yu Yuan."

"Who is it?" Yuan Lianyao demanded.

"The source of the Yin Meridian," White Bone replied coolly.

"Ah!" Yuan Lianyao, concerned for Yu Yuan's safety, was shocked to learn that the source of the Yin Meridian was actually from Horror Land.

At that moment, the stationary Evil Cauldron began to shake violently.

Yu Yiyi, the Artifact Soul within, was clearly eavesdropping on the outside conversation. Upon learning of the arrival of the Yin Meridian's source, Yu Yiyi became frantic, uncertain of what was unfolding inside.

"White Bone, I agree to your proposal!" Luohou Ghost King declared without a moment's hesitation, "My true form will come forthwith from my domain to join you in battle. I will lend you my full support to ascend as a ghost in Horror Land! I trust you will honor our agreement."

The White Bone King nodded gently, "I shall."

Libre Baskerville
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