Unmatched Dominance/C790 Im Waiting for You!(1)
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Unmatched Dominance/C790 Im Waiting for You!(1)
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C790 Im Waiting for You!(1)

The souls and specters that had converged here were all abuzz with a message spread by the Ghost Kings—the White Bone Seal King was on the brink of annihilation!

Those who had ascended to the ranks of Heavenly Ghost and Nether Ghost had their flames of wisdom kindled. These beings were no less cunning than the human cultivators who descended as Yin Gods. So when they received the news from the Ghost Kings' minions, they didn't take it at face value.

They knew they had to verify it for themselves.

Without their own confirmation, they suspected the Ghost Kings had a hidden agenda, spreading false rumors to target the White Bone.

Yet, as the White Bone ascended, shrouded in sacred, bone-white flames, feeling the flames' formidable might...

To the onlooking specters, the White Bone truly seemed as the Ghost Kings had proclaimed—an Evil God capable of world destruction!

In that moment, the souls and specters came to a resolution.

If the opportunity arose, they wouldn't hesitate to strike a blow when the White Bone was vulnerable.

Many were natives of Horror Land, while others, outsiders, depended on it for survival. In the chaos of a collapsing world, if Horror Land fell to the White Bone, where would they turn?

With these thoughts, their internal scales tipped in favor of the Ghost Kings.

"Where is Yu Yuan?"

Mo Yan, perched upon the Kyara Demon Blade, suddenly grew audacious. Commanding the Devil Blade, he rose into a prominent position in the sky, gazing down at the mouth of the Evil Cauldron with a sly chuckle. "Still cowering inside? If you dare emerge with the cauldron, why not reveal yourself?"

Cao Jiaze caught sight of him and offered a knowing smile.

"What's gotten into the kid, suddenly showing his face?" Chu Yao wondered aloud.

From within the grand palace, Cao Jiaze's gaze pierced through the murky sky a hundred miles distant. "Black Staff has arrived."

Following Cao Jiaze's gaze, Chu Yao saw the sky, now smeared with darkness as if ink had blotted out all light.

"That explains it," Chu Yao nodded, comprehension dawning.

Indeed, following the Cold Abyss, the Black Staff Ghost King had made his entrance.

The Black Staff, the patron of Mo Yan from the Devil Palace, with his formidable power and inscrutable secret arts, could traverse a hundred miles in a flash, bolstering Mo Yan's newfound boldness.

Cold Abyss and Black Staff, once mortal enemies, had clashed innumerable times since ascending to the ranks of Ghost Kings.

Their battles seemed to sharpen their powers, with neither life nor death able to determine a victor, nor could one discern who was winning or losing.

This time, roused from his deep slumber by Mo Yan, Black Staff wasted no time in launching an assault on Cold Abyss's domain, clearly throwing down the gauntlet. Yet, the turn of events was unpredictably swift.

Surprisingly, the first to forge a secret alliance were these two Ghost Kings themselves.

Following Cold Abyss, the next to reach the White Bone territory was none other than Black Staff.

"Yu Yuan! The Evil Cauldron is mine!"

Mo Yan's gaze was fixed on the Evil Cauldron, and beside it, the Ice Concubine, whose beauty was so chilling and proud it inspired a sense of unworthiness. Her body radiated an intense cold, her figure as flawless as jade, captivating the high-ranking Demonic Seed from the Devil Palace.

"If such a Demonic Seed could regain her sentience in the future, it would be, simply... unimaginable."

The thought of the Evil Cauldron and the ethereal woman, akin to an ice goddess, who rightfully should have been his, kneeling before him for his touch and play, stirred uncontrollable dark desires within Mo Yan.

"It was always meant to be mine!"

His Yin God hovered over the Kyara Demon Blade, swaying fiercely.

He couldn't fathom why, despite knowing the Ice Concubine wasn't a true living being but a creation of the Evil Cauldron, her appearance had shocked him to his core.

The Ice Concubine met every one of his aesthetic ideals!

This entity, now a Demonic Seed, ignited a fervent longing in Mo Yan's soul, a powerful urge to claim her as his own!

"Years ago, I delved into the ocean's depths within the Ember Waters, studying the secret Devil Spell within the cauldron. She must have been in the sea too. Little did I expect her true form to be so exquisitely flawless!"

In Mo Yan's eyes, the Ice Concubine's icy form and her elegantly long scorpion tail were the epitome of perfection.

Ten meters away, Ann Ziqing, clad in her purple divine armor, had a tiny blood-red glint flickering deep within her eyes.

"What's with this jerk? Does he have some kind of issue? Some bizarre fetish?"

Ann Ziqing silently berated him. She couldn't fathom why Mo Yan's emotions had so drastically shifted, all because of an ice-cold Evil Demon emerging from the Evil Cauldron.

She monitored Mo Yan's soul vibrations intently while attempting to reach out to the Initial Spirit Ghost King.

Still, there was no definitive response from the Initial Spirit.

Feeling increasingly irritated, she glanced at Mo Yan, and an odd notion suddenly sprang to mind, "Could Yu Yuan be just like Mo Yan?"

As this idea took hold, her look towards both Mo Yan and the Ice Concubine became one of loathing and revulsion.

"Absolutely revolting!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The slender white bones transformed into streaks of ghostly white lightning, hurtling toward the ice behemoth that the Cold Abyss Ghost King had become.

In an instant, hundreds of white lightning bolts pummeled the giant's ice-shielded body.

Countless fragments of Ice Soul Crystals scattered from the impact of the white bones' assault.

Unflinching amidst the frigid tempest, the ice giant stood firm, allowing the white bones to hammer away while it cackled, "Bone, you're wasting your effort. I've already said you can't break through this meticulously crafted ice body of mine! Your purifying flames can't even graze my spirit!"

The white flames emanating from the bones wiped out numerous ghosts within the tempest.

Cold Abyss paid them no heed, indifferent to the fate of its minions. Without an order to withdraw, the ghosts, soon to perish in the chilling maelstrom, dared not flee.

"The ghosts, perishing in the cold windstorm due to the white bone flames, actually intensified the tempest," Cold Abyss noted with indifference.

Chu Yao, standing behind Cao Jiaze, furrowed his brow, sensing the underlying strategy. "Is Cold Abyss bolstering the storm's power with the deaths of its own forces?"

Cao Jiaze nodded in agreement, "The ghosts that Cold Abyss has brought from his own domain are merely sacrificial pawns meant to amplify the chilling storm. Once they perish, the storm will seize all the icy power within the White Bone Abyss. The result? A small region will become an expanse of extreme cold, akin to the Nether Abyss."

"The might of the Cold Abyss will soar without limit, granting it the power to freeze the very soul of the white bones."

"As the zone of absolute cold takes form, the white flames that burn within the bones will be encased in ice by the sheer force of the cold. Ignition will become an impossibility."

Upon hearing this, a flicker of concern crossed the faces of the cultivators from the Heavenly Source Continent.

"Cold Abyss..."

Murmuring softly, these cultivators, who prided themselves on their benevolence, began to reassess the Cold Abyss with a critical eye. Employing the lives of his ghostly minions to bolster the storm of coldness, all to make it potent enough for a lethal strike, was a strategy they found deeply unsettling.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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