Unmatched Dominance/C791 Im Waiting for You!(2)
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Unmatched Dominance/C791 Im Waiting for You!(2)
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C791 Im Waiting for You!(2)

The sects of the Heavenly Source Continent couldn't stomach such brutality.

"The Great Dao is heartless. Beyond the Heavenly Source Continent, in the vast expanse of the Boundless Land, and even beyond the stars, such actions are quite commonplace," Cao Jiaze remarked with a detached tone.

His companions exchanged puzzled glances at his words.

He's already accustomed to it...

That thought arose naturally among them.

Cao Jiaze remained stoic, offering no explanation, his face devoid of emotion.

A vast black cloud leisurely drifted from the distant sky.

Mo Yan looked on with exhilaration at the Ice Concubine next to the Evil Cauldron, offering a genial smile. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Mo Yan, hailing from the mightiest sect of this realm, the Devil Palace. By rights, you should be serving me; you were meant to be mine. Alas, that nuisance Yu Yuan delayed our meeting."

The black cloud, sprawling over a hundred acres, hung in the sky like an enormous dark tapestry.

The Black Staff Ghost King's taunts echoed from within, "Bones, is that the extent of your power? I've been waiting outside, expecting you to wield great strength. It appears that your haste to reincarnate as the Ghost King Youling was due to a lack of real talent, wasn't it?"

These words sent a shockwave through the spectral crowd.

"Youling? Bones was the former Ghost King Youling?!"

"The reborn Ghost King Youling has died again? And he's entered the Horror Land once more, this time as a skeleton?"

"Good heavens, Bones is the Ghost King Youling!"

The revelation from the Black Staff Ghost King set the gathered ghosts abuzz with excitement.

Their eyes gleamed with contemplation, pondering the significance of the title Youling and its bygone splendor.

Within the tumultuous cold storm, numerous ghosts under Cold Abyss's command were set ablaze by the ghastly white flames emanating from Bones and perished. Their disarrayed souls wailed pitifully, their cries echoing through the tempest.

Several formidable ghosts discerned Cold Abyss's scheme and sought to break free from the storm, only to find themselves trapped by the encircling chill.

Now, even in defiance of Cold Abyss, escape was no longer an option.

The Cold Abyss had unmistakably planned to sacrifice them to amplify the power of the storm, with the intent of annihilating White Bone in one devastating blow when the energy peaked.

"I think I'll stick to calling you White Bone," the Black Staff Ghost King's voice echoed from the expansive black clouds. "I came well-prepared, having heard of your formidable reputation, Ghost King Youling. Unfortunately, the strength you've displayed falls short of the legends, and I must say, I'm rather disappointed."

Within the palace, Mo Yan, Ann Ziqing, and a host of other ghosts and practitioners from the Heavenly Source Continent pondered deeply over the Black Staff Ghost King's words.

White Bone had been cast by the Ghost Kings as a heretical force poised to obliterate Horror Land. Such an entity had no place in Horror Land and must be eradicated with utmost force.

The Cold Abyss had arrived, as had the Black Staff, while other Ghost Kings either lurked unseen or were en route. The very White Bone that had caused such trepidation among the Ghost Kings, prompting them to consider a united front, couldn't possibly be this feeble, could it? Was it conceivable that just the Cold Abyss Ghost King alone could engulf and obliterate him?

High above, Luohou, her form as if crafted from the essence of a rainbow, gazed down upon the colossal cold current storm, sensing the Cold Abyss Ghost King's aura climbing steadily. With a furrowed brow and a look of concern, she whispered through a secret technique, "Do you require assistance?"

"No need," came the icy thought from White Bone below, piercing straight into her mind.

Luohou paused, releasing a sigh, "Very well, let me know when you do."

At that moment, unease flickered through the heart of Horror Land's sixth Ghost King. She questioned her decision, her alliance with White Bone, chosen because of Yu Yuan. Given the unfolding events, her choice seemed increasingly impulsive.

If White Bone couldn't withstand the Cold Abyss, what chance would he have against the Black Staff, Qianjie, and the others that followed, not to mention the even more formidable former ruler who remained poised yet still?

Fighting alongside White Bone and Yu Yuan against numerous Ghost Kings—had she been too hasty, too rash? Deep within, Luohou was reassessing the situation, contemplating the best strategy to extricate her Little Junior Brother Yu Yuan alive should their circumstances turn dire.

"He's the sole direct disciple from that generation—I need him alive!" Luohou mused to herself.

"I've been waiting for your arrival."

In the heart of the icy tempest, the white bones that had been relentlessly striking the millennia-old Ice Soul Crystal abruptly came to a halt. Suspended in the midst of the ferocious blizzard, the bones remained utterly still, regardless of the storm's swirling fury. A pair of deep green eyes showed not a hint of impatience, only a profound tranquility—as if they were a secluded pond undisturbed for eons, hidden within the folds of an ancient mountain range.

"Waiting for me?" The Black Staff Ghost King let out a dry chuckle. "Why wait for me? The Cold Abyss itself could take you down. From where I stand, I don't even need to lift a finger."

"I fear that if I were to slay the Cold Abyss first, you might reconsider your stance midway." The white bones pivoted, peering through the storm at the expanse of dark clouds. "But now, it's perfect. You've shown your true colors, filled with malice. That gives me all the reason I need to strike, in accordance with the laws set by Horror Land."

"It?" The Black Staff Ghost King exclaimed, taken aback.

"You know exactly who I'm referring to," the white bones replied, their tone even.

Upon hearing this, the Ghost King lurking within the black clouds felt a mix of alarm and doubt. "White Bone, stop with your ominous talk. If you're capable, then prove it to me!"

"As you desire."


Hundreds of miles away, the silver-white Dark Mountain that had concealed the white bones suddenly erupted from the earth! The towering Dark Mountain, wrapped in thick Yin Qi and radiating an unmatched ferocious divine might, shone with a sacred light that defied spatial laws and arrived in the blink of an eye.

The sight left all the spirits and human cultivators within the white bones' domain utterly speechless.

In the next moment, the silver-white Dark Mountain, now drenched in sacred radiance, materialized within the Cold Abyss Ghost King's icy maelstrom. As the Dark Mountain entered, the extreme cold laws of the Great Dao were forcefully subdued.

A torrent of silver-white brilliance burst forth, illuminating and extinguishing the remaining formidable ghosts. The light showered upon the Ice Soul Crystal, leaving the Cold Abyss Ghost King's icy form riddled with countless holes.

"Who gave you the audacity to think I couldn't shatter your icy shell?" White Bone shook his head gently, his neck emitting a series of crackles. With a swift motion, he slipped through an opening and into the frigid core of the ice giant.

"White Bone! How could you, White Bone?!"

The Cold Abyss Ghost King's cry of alarm, emanating from his icy form, was so piercing it made everyone's eardrums throb with pain.

Every onlooker, be they human or specter, watched in shock as their faces turned pale.


Libre Baskerville
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