Unmatched Dominance/C795 The Blessing of Divine Power!
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Unmatched Dominance/C795 The Blessing of Divine Power!
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C795 The Blessing of Divine Power!

Yu Yuan's sword danced ceaselessly.

Crimson beams of sword light, like a long, flowing rainbow, cleaved through the myriad of lightning and thunder with an unmatched ferocity, shredding each bolt into oblivion.

"Fallen Moon Slash!"

This technique, derived from the Chopping Moon cultivator's Optimus Nine Slashes, was renowned for its resilience!

As long as the triad of forces within him wasn't depleted, he could continuously execute this sword spell, delivering slash after relentless slash.

What was even more astonishing was that with each successive "Fallen Moon Slash," the ensuing crimson sword light seemed to grow incrementally more formidable than the last.

It was unclear whether this was due to Yu Yuan's growing mastery over the sword spell with each swing, or if it was the inherent essence and characteristic of the "Fallen Moon Slash."

The "Fallen Moon Slash" was all about slashing and cleaving.

Then, suddenly, a new vision blossomed in the recesses of Yu Yuan's mind.

This vision, a sword soul etched into his arm bone, was awakened by his repeated sword swings and instantly coalesced into another sword spell.

In it, he saw a figure swinging a sword, piercing the resplendent stars one by one.

At the sword's tip, it was as if a crimson sun had erupted!

In an instant, it unleashed a power so explosive that it turned the shining stars into meteoric fragments.

This new sword spell was named "Shattered Star Slash!"

Though called a slash, it was truly a piercing strike!

At the point of impact, the terrifying sword force concentrated and detonated, the soul, blood, and spiritual energy reversing their flows and exploding in unison, creating a burst of destructive power.

From that vision, it was clear that when the "Shattered Star Slash" was executed by a Chopping Moon cultivator, even the smallest star could be infiltrated by this explosive force in the blink of an eye.

A single thrust, and a star would crumble into a sky full of meteor shards.

If this sword spell were to strike the chest of a creature, targeting the heart of a great demon or an alien race, wouldn't it pulverize the organ into a cloud of blood and dust in a single breath?

With this thought, Yu Yuan's spirits soared.

Yet, just as he was poised to delve into the intricacies of the "Shattered Star Slash," the "Broken Soul Slash" that he had fortuitously grasped earlier resurfaced in his mind.

As if touched by divine inspiration, he instinctively altered his sword technique, wielding the unrefined "Broken Soul Slash" in a sweeping strike.

With the execution of this new sword move, a profoundly different insight flooded into his heart.

"It's different!"

Soul consciousness actively rallied spiritual energy and blood, merging seamlessly within the meridians.

Before the sword technique was even unleashed, his soul perception had multiplied several-fold!

His Heavenly Soul worked in harmony, making it seem as though he could detect every soul, thought, and whisper of intelligence within this silver-gray expanse.

He distinctly sensed the elusive will emanating from the Styx's Yin Meridian.

The Yin Meridian had conjured small worlds of Yin Qi, effectively intercepting the lightning that had assailed him from the Ice Thunder Mark.

Each enigmatic world of Yin Qi was imbued with its own will.

There was even a sliver of Xie Bin's consciousness, faint but discernible, entwined within the lightning and ice crystals.

Xie Bin's lingering thoughts, wrapped in Ann Ziqing's power, were being suppressed and sealed, not assimilated.

He could feel it!

This experience was utterly unlike his previous attempt at the Broken Soul Slash on solid ground!

"I understand now!"

In a flash of insight, he realized, "The Broken Soul Slash must advance to the Yin God level and forge soul power! Only then can the true might of this sword spell be unleashed!"

With this thought, he discovered that beyond his soul consciousness, a thread of Yin Qi intermingled with the essence of the Yin Sunflower in his seven chest apertures. This too was channeled into the Broken Soul Slash, coalescing into a vibrant crimson sword glow.


The sword glow swept through, obliterating all residual thoughts within the lightning and ice, including Xie Bin's suppressed remnants.

"Broken Soul Slash, Broken Soul Slash, it severs the soul's very thoughts, all souls and spirits, even the mind itself!"

Yu Yuan's eyes sparkled with a newfound fervor.

A tendril of the sword soul's intent intertwined with his own spirit.

He suddenly knew that his unique physical form, the seven apertures in his chest aligned like the Big Dipper, and the opening granted by the Yin Sunflower Essence, all aligned him with the grand laws of the soul path!

In Horror Land, his Broken Soul Slash was imbued with an extraordinary force!

A force that even the legendary Chopping Moon cultivator had never possessed!

In his grasp, the Broken Soul Slash became the bane of all ghostly and spiritual beings in Horror Land!

Each of his strikes bore the divine authority of the Yin Meridian's source, annihilating ghosts, erasing spirits, and meting out justice to all Yin Gods that dared enter this realm!

"You, the Yin God, have refined your essence in the Horror Land. Your sword technique is in harmony with the Ghost Path of this place!"

"This very sword technique was once wielded by a swordsman in the Outland Star River to vanquish Mingdu, making it the source of Mingdu's torment over a millennium!"

The consciousness at the origin of the Yin Meridian echoed in this microcosm, "Yet, the initial sword technique that aided your transcendence should be the foremost!"

It prompted Yu Yuan, suggesting that the Fallen Moon Slash would be a more efficient means to shatter the lightning tribulation.

"I've got it now!"

Yu Yuan regained his composure at once. He set aside the pursuit of understanding the Star Shattering Slash and ceased to employ the Broken Soul Slash, opting instead to repeatedly execute the Fallen Moon Slash.

In the domain of the Ash Tomb.

Mingdu, whose projection had materialized from the Soul Crossing River, continued conversing with the figure in white and his eight lieutenants.

Abruptly, numerous fine, almost imperceptible, crimson beams emerged from the riverbed of the Soul Crossing River.

The towering projection of the Mingdu Ghost King blurred, as if eviscerated by the swift crimson light!


A vicious, brutal wail emanated from the Soul Crossing River.

Hundreds of ghosts, both Earth Ghosts and those of the Spirit Level, were obliterated by his ferocious howl.

The uncontrollable, rending wail of the once supreme Ghost King instantly slew those weaker spirits.

The man in white and the eight ancient ghosts were also shocked and pale.

Their eyes were fixed on the strands of crimson light within the Soul Crossing River.

Simultaneously, an elder of the Taiyuan Sect, who believed he commanded the river, clutched his head, his face contorted in agony. His handsome features were etched with pain and struggle.

It was as though slender swords were piercing through her soul, inflicting unbearable pain.

Unbeknownst to her, this was due to the Ghost King having transferred a portion of the Chopping Moon cultivator's Broken Soul power to her through a secret method.

This allowed her to shoulder some of the Ghost King's suffering in his stead.

Without her, the Ghost King would have succumbed to a state of confusion and clouded consciousness.

Her support meant the Ghost King could retain his identity and his plans, avoiding a lapse into silence when it mattered most.

After some time had passed, Jiang Xingwen was still in excruciating pain. The visage of the Mingdu Ghost King materialized once again over the Soul Crossing River. "Yu Yuan, you have mastered the Broken Soul Slash."

"Broken Soul Slash!"

The eight ancient ghosts who had ventured with him out of Horror Land shrieked in unison.

The White Coat Mercurial observed that the mention of the Broken Soul Slash sent Mingdu and the eight formidable ancient ghosts into a state of panic, so much so that he himself felt utterly outmatched.

"This slash?" murmured the White Coat Mercurial.

"Countless souls, ghosts, Earth Demons, and even Heavenly Demons have been tormented by the Broken Soul Slash," Mingdu lamented. "This sword spell seems to have been forged specifically to counter the myriad ghosts of the cosmos. And yet, that youngster managed to forge a Yin God in Horror Land and even gained favor from this place."

"After grasping the essence of the Broken Soul Slash, Yu Yuan has become the fourth great nuisance, alongside Youling, White Bone, and Initial Spirit."


Deep underground.

Beyond a shimmering ring of silver light, the Initial Spirit Ghost King gazed at the crevice, disregarding both Yuan Lianyao and the cauldron soul's questions.

The youthful Initial Spirit stood with his hands clasped behind him, exuding an air of haughty arrogance.

Suddenly, he sensed an intense, soul-severing terror emanating from the crack, causing his eyes to widen with alarm.

"This, this presence..."

The aura seeping from the crevice was the very one Yu Yuan had unwittingly unleashed upon mastering the Broken Soul Slash—a subtle force captured by the Initial Spirit Ghost King.

"A sword spell that appears to carry the cosmic laws for disciplining all ghosts!" Initial Spirit was both astounded and perplexed. "In all of Boundless Land, there's only one entity capable of imbuing such an extraordinary and unique essence into the sword spell!"

As the most sagacious Ghost King of his era, Initial Spirit pondered briefly before his thoughts led him to the origin of the Yin Vein.

"Didn't His Highness Mingdu claim to represent it, to execute its will? His Highness can harness the Styx to extend his influence across its waters. But Yu Yuan, clearly aligned with White Bone, how has he also garnered its endorsement?"

The Initial Spirit Ghost King shook his head, unable to comprehend the situation.

He was aware that as the embodiment of Horror Land's will, the source of the Yin Vein couldn't take physical form. It was unable to manifest a corporeal body or a soul shadow, nor could it directly determine the fate of the spirits and ghosts within its domain.

The source of the Yin Vein wasn't a life form in the traditional sense; it depended on others to act on its behalf.

It appeared to have selected Yu Yuan, channeling a measure of its power through his sword spell. With Yu Yuan wielding his blade, it aimed to purify Horror Land.

Yet, according to Mingdu, Cold Abyss, Black Staff, and Qianjie, the arrival of the white bone with its pale flames signified the destruction of Horror Land.

Yu Yuan, aligned with the white bone, had somehow gained its favor. Why?

"The knowledge I possess now is likely far from the actual truth."

With a newfound realization dawning on him, the Initial Spirit Ghost King ceased his observation of the crevice. Turning away, he offered Yuan Lianyao a friendly nod and a smile.

In the next instant, he vanished alongside the Mindlock Diagram.

Yuan Lianyao, somewhat startled by the gesture, wondered, "What does the Ghost King imply by this?"


Down below.

Ann Ziqing of the Blood God Cult noticed that the suspended Ice Thunder Mark had ceased its barrage of lightning.

After a brief pause, she reached out to summon it.


The miniaturized Ice Thunder Mark settled back into her palm.

She sensed it with a thread of her soul and was thrilled to discover that one-third of the divine lightning from the Outland Star River had been drawn out to form a lightning tribulation against Yu Yuan.

Two-thirds of the divine lightning remained concealed within the Ice Thunder Mark, untouched.

"How odd, only a third," mused Ann Ziqing with a hint of confusion.

Suddenly, a thought from the Initial Spirit Ghost King echoed within her soul, "The Ice Thunder Mark's formidable power can obliterate even Demon Gods. That one-third of lightning could annihilate all existing ghosts in Horror Land! I myself would have to pay a price to escape it."

"Do you really think that using just a fraction of the Ice Thunder Mark's lightning to strike down a newly established Yin God is beneath us? Is the power insufficient?"

"Lord Initial Spirit, you've finally responded. What's your stance on Yu Yuan?"

"Yu Yuan, it's time for you to face the lightning tribulation. As for me, I'm staying neutral for now. But your dealings with the Blood God Cult? That's not my business to meddle in."

"I'll align with your stance!"

In the shadows, a man and a ghost swiftly formed an unspoken pact.

The next moment.

The chilling storm abruptly vanished, and the once towering ice giant diminished bit by bit.

It reduced to a mere meter-high Ice Stone Tombstone.

The pockmarked tombstone, ablaze with white flames, cleansed any impurities.

The Ice Stone Tombstone, too, was shrouded in flames emanating from within the white bones.

The white bones transformed into a glimmer the size of a grain of rice, escaping the confines of the tombstone and abruptly reverting to its original form.

His emerald eyes glanced upward at the dark clouds before swiveling towards the distant Dark Mountain.

"Black Staff, Qianjie, which of you will challenge me next?"

"Or perhaps, you'll join forces against me?"

The white bones boldly invited the confrontation.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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