Unmatched Dominance/C801 They Made Mingdu Personally Come!
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Unmatched Dominance/C801 They Made Mingdu Personally Come!
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C801 They Made Mingdu Personally Come!

A white robe soared through the sky.

Behind him loomed eight ancient specters, their massive soul-shadows yet to unveil their true forms or disclose their original identities.

Yet, the mere aura emanating from them commanded such reverence that the assembled ghosts bowed and paid their respects with utmost deference.

Many fierce spirits had long resisted pledging loyalty to the current Ghost King or the First Spirit, for they had sworn fealty to other masters long ago.

These masters had once joined the overlords of Horror Land on a conquest through the Outland Star River and had not yet returned.

In the depths of their being, they remained steadfast, considering themselves part of their absent masters' retinue.

Now, as their once-mighty leaders returned from the distant reaches of the Outland Star River, how could they contain their excitement in their vulnerable youth?



Numerous proud ghosts converged beside the eight ancient specters, declaring their loyalty anew.

Aboard the Roam Ship, Jin Xiaolie, Yellow Old Devil, and Ma Jianjiang from the Babel Chamber of Commerce, despite having been assaulted by the ancient ghosts, swiftly regained their composure after their initial outrage.

They recognized that these eight were beyond their capacity to confront.

In that moment, Jin Xiaolie and Yellow Old Devil came to the stark realization that their survival was due to their adversaries' restraint.

Had the eight exerted their full might, all members of the Babel Chamber of Commerce who ventured into Horror Land would have perished, with not even the Yellow Old Devil spared.

"You were attacked because you engaged in trade with the denizens of Horror Land without our consent," declared the White Coat Mercurial, exchanging a nod with Yu Yuan before swiftly appearing before the Roam Ship. "I represent the prince of Mingdu!"


"The Prince of Mingdu!"

At his words, ghosts scattered in every direction erupted into a cacophony of ear-piercing shrieks.

Jin Xiaolie's expression grew grim. "Wasn't the Mingdu Ghost King long gone?"

The White Coat Mercurial gently shook his head. "The Prince of Mingdu reigns supreme over this realm! The Babel Chamber of Commerce must secure his approval to conduct business in Horror Land. The deaths among you serve as a minor reprimand for your ignorance of the rules," he stated with unabashed audacity.

Even with the Babel Chamber of Commerce's robust foundation in the Boundless Land, they still required the nod from Mingdu's prince to conduct business in Horror Land. The issue was that the Mingdu Ghost King had never once revealed himself.

"I speak for the prince of Mingdu. From now on, your company can deal directly with me," declared the White Coat Mercurial, his gaze sweeping over the assembled ghosts and the palace crafted from a Heaven Palace Seal. "The same goes for all of you."

Chu Yao's expression turned icy.

The Yin Gods from the Heavenly Source Continent buzzed with conversation, spurred by the White Coat Mercurial's proclamation. They speculated about the Mingdu Ghost King—could he truly still be among the living?

Cao Jiaze of the Profound Sky Sect maintained a stoic face. After locking eyes with the White Coat Mercurial and reflecting for a moment, he stated, "Once the Mingdu Ghost King makes his presence known and ascends to ghosthood in Horror Land, I will, on behalf of the Profound Sky Sect, pay him due respect and engage in earnest dialogue."

He paused, then added, "Until he shows himself, nothing is settled."

"How fares Jiang Xingwen of the Taiyuan Sect?" Yu Yuan interjected abruptly.

Jiang Xingwen, Su Yan's mentor, had prior dealings with him in Horror Land. Yu Yuan was eager to learn whether she had survived Mingdu's unmasking.

"You're fretting over many things, young Yu," the White Coat Mercurial said with a light chuckle, gesturing towards the dark clouds. "Perhaps your concern should lie with those white bones caught within."

"The white bones? They don't concern me," Yu Yuan replied.

"In that case, perhaps you should spare some worry for yourself," the White Coat Mercurial suggested, waving his hand casually.

Behind him, an ancient ghost resembling a plump hedgehog began to shrink, its ominous eyes glancing at Yu Yuan as it commanded, "Destroy his soul!"

The two mercurial-level ghosts at his sides lunged at Yu Yuan without hesitation.

"They seem intent on killing you while the white bones are trapped," Yuan Lianyao realized instantly. "With you gone, the Mingdu Ghost King would have no further concerns."

Before emerging from underground, Yu Yuan had confided in her about a secret pact he'd forged with the will of the Yin Meridian source.

He was poised to assist the source of the Yin Meridian in eliminating the Mingdu Ghost King.

The Yin Meridian Source would aid him in the successful refinement of the Yin God.

Each time he executed the Broken Soul Slash, an additional surge of power would coalesce within the sword spell.

"I can tell the Mingdu Ghost King fears that sword spell, wary it might awaken the dormant sword force within the 'Soul Crossing River,'" Yu Yuan said with a light nod, signaling his clear understanding. Watching the two titleless ghosts draw near after receiving their orders, he remarked, "If I can't handle these two, there's no point in me staying here any longer."

"Yu Yuan!"

All eyes, both human and spectral, were once again drawn to Yu Yuan.

Having just ascended to the Yin God Stage after emerging from Horror Land, Yu Yuan had not yet revealed his true power.

The tales of Yu Yuan's prowess were widespread, yet many had only heard the whispers.

Was Yu Yuan truly as formidable as the rumors suggested?


Something plummeted from the overcast sky!

A dazzling burst of rainbow light erupted from a flower basket, transforming into beams that struck the two ghosts charging at Yu Yuan, piercing their spectral forms.

In a flash, the two netherworldly ghosts dissipated into wisps, on the verge of reassembling.

A small flower basket hovered before the Evil Cauldron, radiating a kaleidoscope of light.

"Luohou Ghost King!"

The sudden appearance of the flower basket drew many upward glances, revealing a diminutive figure amidst the clouds.

Luohou was known for always carrying that flower basket, her signature symbol.


The white-robed figure gazed coolly at the formidable presence who had consistently outranked him for a century.

"You, who have been defeated and turned to Mingdu, think you can ascend to Ghost King?" Luohou's voice, tinged with superiority, addressed the white-robed figure from the clouds. "Before you attempt to confront Yu Yuan, you'll have to contend with me."

Discarding the flower basket, she shattered the ghosts' souls, acting independently of Bai Gu's command.

Since recognizing Yu Yuan as Hong Qi's direct disciple, she had resolved to safeguard his passage through Horror Land, ensuring his safe departure.

She agreed to ally with Bai Gu because Yu Yuan's stance was pivotal.

Seeing Yu Yuan as her junior brother, she wouldn't let any ghost harm him through bullying.

"Why did the Luohou Ghost King save that kid, Yu Yuan?"

"What's her connection to Yu Yuan? Who was Luohou in her past life?"

Whispers filled the air as doubts arose among the crowd.

They felt a twinge of disappointment.

They had hoped to gauge Yu Yuan's combat prowess in Horror Land through the assault of the two ghosts, to strategize for what lay ahead. But Luohou's intervention was unexpected.

Yu Yuan, gazing at the flower basket radiating light and sharp soul force, smiled. He glanced at Luohou and gently shook his head, signaling it wasn't necessary.

A voice echoed in his heart: "Conserve your strength for Mingdu."

"Her presence will solve many issues," Yuan Lianyao mused, her eyes sparkling. "Your decision to hold back is smart. Without revealing your hand, the white-robed figure and the eight ancient ghosts can't gauge your true power. Mingdu can observe your every move through their eyes."

"Mingdu is likely lurking in the shadows, watching you closely, waiting for you to slip up."

After casting the flower basket from the sky, the Luohou Ghost King descended gracefully and came to a halt beside the Evil Cauldron.

She reached out, reclaiming the basket, and cast a glance at the white-robed figure and the eight ancient ghosts. "If you wish to kill Yu Yuan, Mingdu should come in person!"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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