Unmatched Dominance/C803 The Person with the Deepest Memories!
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Unmatched Dominance/C803 The Person with the Deepest Memories!
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C803 The Person with the Deepest Memories!

The Qianqiang Ghost's ethereal soul shadow loomed over everything, shifting and changing in myriad ways, as if he had mastered the art of transformation known to the Outland Devaputra.

His sinister laughter echoed as he morphed into various forms—a colossal grinding stone, a dark and bottomless void, a ghastly specter, and even a dazzling galaxy sprinkled with stars.

Lee Yuchan's icy Yin God had long been imprisoned within him, enduring his torturous whims.

In front of Yu Yuan and the Luohou Ghost King, he wrenched Lee Yuchan from her chest, his dark, claw-like hands tearing and slicing relentlessly.

The once formidable female general shattered in an instant.

The wonder of the Martyr Spell merely caused her fragmented soul to manifest into even smaller, delicate figures.

So frail and powerless they appeared.

Initially, her screams pierced the air, but as the Qianqiang Ghost's relentless assault continued, her consciousness was ground away bit by bit, until she could no longer voice her agony.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Beyond the Qianqiang Ghost, seven other phantoms, returned from the celestial expanse, were arrayed in a fan shape, their howls undulating through the sky.

The formation, unwavering, seemed poised to ensnare and crush the souls of all beings beneath its might.

"Kid, if there's even a flicker of her remaining consciousness, and you've got what it takes to save her, then that spark could reignite within her corporeal form, blazing anew, and once more forge the missing Yin God," the Qianqiang Ghost sneered as he shredded Lee Yuchan's Yin God, all the while baring his teeth in a wicked smile at Yu Yuan.

Above and below, a myriad of strange gazes converged on Yu Yuan.

Inside the cauldron, Yu Yuan's breaths grew labored, his expression darkening with surging rage.

The sword sheath, a relic of the Chopping Moon cultivator, now lay in his grasp. His fingers tightened around it, his grip growing firmer as a rage, impossible to contain, blazed within the depths of his mind.

He had never imagined that the female general, neither friend nor foe, would be taken captive by the Mingdu Ghost King's forces after their parting.

Memories of their past encounters flickered through his mind like scenes from a painting: from the entrance of the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, their initial animosity, to a gradual mutual respect and agreement. Then, due to his indirect actions, the Silvermoon Empire fell, the Lee family was decimated, and their relationship took a dire turn. Their subsequent meeting in the Crack Archipelago and the intervention of the Evil Cauldron to counteract the backlash... all these moments now haunted him.

The final scene lingered on a recent tender encounter between their souls.

His eyes blazed with reckless ferocity.

In a sudden impulse, he disregarded whether his vital energy and spiritual power had been restored. Clutching the sword sheath, he prepared to burst forth from the Evil Cauldron, intent on using the Broken Soul Slash to vanquish the Qianqiang Ghost in the treacherous Horror Land.

"Has he lost his mind?" scoffed an elderly Yin God from the Spirit Void Sect, observing Yu Yuan poised to leap from the Evil Cauldron with sword sheath in hand. "Has he forgotten that, despite ascending to the Yin God Stage, his flesh and blood form remains?"

"That young fool, enraged by the remnants of the Lee family, clearly aligns with the Outland Evil Demon!" An elder from the Thunder Sect huffed. "The Silvermoon Queen once wreaked havoc in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area! And her sister, what good could come from her?"

"Should he dare to step from the Evil Cauldron, the frigid winds here will strip flesh from bone!"

Visitors from the Heavenly Source Continent exchanged mocking jeers as if watching a farce unfold.

Cao Jiaze remained silent, his gaze fixed on the sword sheath piercing through the dark magic light shield.

Yu Yuan's hand was on the brink of leaving the protection of the light shield, risking exposure.

"Whether he's assimilated the essence of the Yin Sunflower into his flesh, whether he can traverse the Horror Land in his true form without any artifacts, like I can, we'll see in the next moment," Cao Jiaze mused to himself.


A flower basket appeared out of nowhere, halting the sword sheath's advance.

Through the translucent magic light screen, the Luohou Ghost King watched Yu Yuan's rage within the cauldron and spoke with a calm authority, "Don't step into their trap. You must see that it's not just the Qianqiang Ghost. He and seven other ancient spirits have covertly formed an array."

"This formation's depth eludes even me, its power unknown."

"I'm not entirely sure I could extricate myself easily once ensnared within that array."

With a gentle shake of her head, the Luohou Ghost King counseled her junior brother to maintain his composure, despite Lee Yuchan's suffering and the rending of her Yin God.

The Qianqiang Ghost King, along with the seven other Ghost Kings, were masters of numerous ancient Soul Arts from Horror Land. Having dwelled in the expansive world beyond for a millennium, they possessed a plethora of arcane techniques and divine powers.

These eight entities were mightier and more venerable than any current Ghost Kings, seasoned spirits steeped in the dark and intricate Soul Arts. The formidable array they had conjured was so daunting that even she, having ascended to the rank of Ghost King, hesitated to confront it head-on.

And if it intimidated her, what of Yu Yuan?

She had taken a liking to Lee Yuchan, offering him her protection for a time. The prospect of witnessing his Yin God being obliterated filled her with unease. Yet, what hadn't she seen in her centuries of existence?

Her composure remained unshaken, her wisdom guiding her to act appropriately at the crucial moment.

"Yu Yuan, their intent is to incite your rage, to cloud your judgment with fury," the Luohou Ghost King whispered, her voice a blend of patience and urgency, "Stay within the cauldron. Do not emerge. I understand your desire to leave on your own, to ensure the cauldron's protection over Yuan Lianyao, fearing she too might come to harm. So, I implore you, trust me and heed my advice."

"Don't leave. Please, won't you stay?" Yuan Lianyao pleaded softly, her vibrant red soul shadow flickering with concern for Yu Yuan, like a flame caught in a tempest. "I know you and the Yu family owe her a debt of gratitude. But even if her Yin God is shattered, it doesn't equate to true death."

Yu Yuan's turmoil subsided in the wake of Yuan Lianyao's final words. Lee Yuchan had been dispatched to Horror Land aboard the Roam Ship, her physical body secured elsewhere, while her Yin God perished here, leaving her main soul and Heavenly Soul intact.

With her main soul unscathed, Lee Yuchan's end was not absolute. There remained a possibility for her to one day reclaim her place in this realm.

Especially considering the Martyr Spell, which he had meticulously refined, boasted exceptional prowess in soul cultivation.

"You're quite the heartless one, aren't you, young Yu?" remarked the White Coat Mercurial, having long since rejoined the eight ghostly figures from the Roam Ship. His soul shadow, though appearing rather refined, shook its head in disapproval, "But it makes sense. It's precisely because you lack the backing of a sect that you've managed to rise above. Such a disposition is exactly what garners the recognition and favor of the Outland Evil Demon."

His words were laced with sinister intent, forcibly linking Yu Yuan with the Devaputra Alien Race.

"Little girl, it seems the person who occupies the most space in your soul's memories couldn't care less about whether you live or die."

The Qianqiang Ghost let out a chilling laugh, his illusionary giant hand pinching Li Yuchan's fragmented soul consciousness as if it were mere bubbles, popping them one by one.

Within the shattered remnants, one could still make out faint traces of Yu Yuan's soul.

A Yin God is an evolution from the Earth Soul, which bears all memories.

It's hardly surprising that fragments of memory would emerge when a Yin God is obliterated.

Yet, what's peculiar is that the Qianqiang Ghost claimed the predominant figure in the depths of Li Yuchan's memories was none other than Yu Yuan, the very person she deemed her adversary.

"Yes, it's me..."

Yu Yuan was thunderstruck, his mind a whirlwind of confusion.

He had never imagined that he would be the one deeply etched in the memories of that proud and icy female general!

The words of the Qianqiang Ghost pierced his heart like a blade.

"If I hadn't seen that you were the one most vividly present in the deepest recesses of her memories, do you really think I would have captured her to use as leverage against you?"

After obliterating Li Yuchan's soul remnants, the Qianqiang Ghost sneered, "Sadly, she misjudged. The person she so deeply cared for stood by as her soul was crushed, as I tore apart her Yin God, as she endured the excruciating pain of soul destruction, and yet, you remained unmoved."

The ancient specter shook his head in a sigh, his expression one of pity for Li Yuchan's misfortune.

"Qianqiang Ghost, you will endure a death as she did. But unlike her, your death will be absolute, with no chance of rebirth." Yu Yuan, struggling to contain his roiling emotions, pointed his sword sheath at the ghost. "Rest assured, your wait will be brief."

"Hahaha! Hahahaha!"

The Qianqiang Ghost's laughter boomed, "You impudent boy, what do you think you are? In the Horror Land, within Mingdu's domain, a mere human youth dares to be so bold?"

"You wish for my death? With just your status as a Yin God?"

"Moreover, are you truly ignorant of Mingdu's might here in Horror Land? Even if I were slain by the white bones or Luohou, as long as Mingdu lives, he can bring me back to life!"

He chuckled, and the other seven ancient ghosts, aware of the Mingdu Ghost King's legendary prowess, joined in the mockery.

The eight ancient specters unanimously declared Yu Yuan to be biting off more than he could chew, oblivious to the vastness of the cosmos, all while extolling Mingdu's might.

"Is that really the case?"

Within the celestial palace, practitioners from the Heavenly Source Continent engaged in spirited debate.

Cao Jiaze, who had remained silent for quite some time, finally weighed in, "Mingdu truly possesses such capabilities."

"If the Mingdu Ghost King himself were to perish in Horror Land, I'm curious—who else could bring you back?" Yu Yuan inhaled deeply, a fierce intent to annihilate the Mingdu Ghost King surfacing within his core.

This time, his motivation wasn't adherence to a pact, nor for the sake of the Yin Meridian source.

It was personal, a release for his seething rage!

"Mingdu, I'm aware you're watching. I'll stand my ground here, in this realm you know so well, and I'll obliterate your spirit!"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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