Unmatched Dominance/C805 Raksasa!
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Unmatched Dominance/C805 Raksasa!
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C805 Raksasa!

As the Evil Cauldron stirred, the white-robed figures of Mingdu, his eight lieutenants, and the Luohou Ghost King all sprang into action in unison.

A single motion set everything in motion!

Luohou, seemingly frail, beheld the soul formation brimming with infinite transformations. The urgent maneuvers of the eight ancient ghosts tore it open, igniting a spark of excitement in her eyes.

With a gentle smile, she stretched out her delicate, pale hand and nonchalantly tossed the flower basket.

The basket, radiating with a kaleidoscope of light, descended upon the lead Qianqiang Ghost like a sunburst.

Thousands of dazzling rays transformed in an instant into blades of lightning, enveloping the Qianqiang Ghost like a formidable army.

The Qianqiang Ghost let out a furious roar and morphed into the towering figure of a golden-armored giant, standing tall and fierce.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

Assailed by the myriad beams, the ancient ghost, who had previously shredded General Lee Yuchan's Yin God, found his seemingly impervious golden armor disintegrated by the multicolored light in a flash.

His golden form burst apart, and the armor shattered, leaving the Qianqiang Ghost wounded in a single exchange.

Luckily, the seven other ghosts of equal rank swiftly took his place. They howled and consumed the remnants of the multicolored lightning, giving the Qianqiang Ghost time to regather his soul and restore his golden armor to its original state.

Yet, his injuries were visible to all; the reformed golden armor still shimmered with the traces of the multicolored light.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Between Luohou and the eight ancient ghosts, the flower basket continued to burst forth with streams of resplendent light, shooting out in every direction.

This brilliant light, lacking the purifying power of the white bone, was sheer sharpness!

It seemed any ghost, spirit, or soul could be instantly pierced by the light.

The Luohou Ghost King, her slender figure poised between the flower basket and the dense black clouds, thwarted the ghosts attempting to pursue Yu Yuan.

"White robe, stop skulking and barking orders from the shadows. If you dare, step out and face me as you did before," taunted the Luohou Ghost King, her lips curled in a self-assured grin. "I'll even let you join forces with the other eight! Today, I'm eager to find out how many ghosts I can vanquish, even when outnumbered nine to one!"

Her proclamation was the epitome of arrogance. As she hurled the flower basket into the air, it shimmered like a radiant sun suspended in the sky, casting prismatic rays of light while it shifted, delivering varying degrees of assault and pressure to the specters around it. Observant onlookers could trace the basket's trajectory, discerning its pattern of attack against the ancient ghosts, a strategic move to prevent the eight spirits from reassembling into a fan-shaped formation.

Luohou, seizing upon the chaos sown by her impetuous act, had already exposed a flaw in the eight ghosts' formation and was determined not to let them regroup.

With just the flower basket in hand, the Ghost Queen had the eight Mingdu lieutenants tied up in knots, overwhelmed with frustration. Where would they find the leisure to "attend" to Yu Yuan, let alone thwart his approach to the black cloud?

"You—!" The man in white began to cry out, but his voice barely emerged before Luohou's piercing gaze silenced him, crushing the very essence of his soul's utterance, rendering him incapable of relaying any further commands.

Consequently, the ghosts once allied with the eight ancient specters found themselves cut off, unable to hear the commands of their former leaders. Many were terror-stricken by the sword intent of the Broken Soul Slash that emanated from within the scabbard.

Even those ghosts who had once served the eight could sense, on an instinctual level, the peril of intervening against the Evil Cauldron at this juncture—they would surely face the wrath of the sword intent. Death was the only fate that awaited them, and they feared it, unwilling to be senselessly sacrificed as cannon fodder.

With no new orders forthcoming from the white-robed figure or the eight ghosts, they feigned ignorance and could only watch helplessly as Yu Yuan drew ever nearer to the black cloud.

"Disciple Cao?" In a state of urgency, the elder from the Profound Sky Sect watched as Yu Yuan neared the black cloud and the eight ancient ghosts, including the man in white, were stymied by Luohou. He quickly sought guidance.

Cao Jiaze, who had been facing away, turned slightly, now facing Yu Yuan and the ominous cloud. He raised his hand in a gesture of reassurance, signaling for calm and continued observation.

With no other recourse, the elder fell silent once more. The rest, regardless of their sect affiliations, dared not contravene Cao Jiaze's silent command and resigned themselves to watch the unfolding events with bated breath.

"Kyara Demon Blade! Raksasa!"

Beneath the expansive black clouds, the serrated, broad Devil Blade—Mo Yan's hiding place for the Yin God—suddenly conjured a ghastly and malevolent vista as Mo Yan's soul-stirring chant echoed.

Countless evil ghosts, as if yanked from the deepest pits of purgatory, tugged at enormous, elongated chains of death.

The chains stretched from the void above to the infernal depths below, with ghastly figures—black-bodied, crimson-haired, and green-eyed—clutching or entwining themselves around these chains, their wails and howls accompanying their relentless pulling.

The gravitational field shifted, causing everything from physical objects in the heavens to souls and supernatural forces to irresistibly plummet.

Even the ominous black clouds, conjured by the Black Staff Ghost King's enigmatic powers, descended slightly.

Upon closer inspection, it was revealed that the so-called death chains were tethered to the Evil Cauldron in the sky!

Below, Mo Yan wielded the Kyara Demon Blade, invoking its mightiest Devil Spell to ensnare the Evil Cauldron, intent on dragging down both it and Yu Yuan.

"Raksasa, also known as the Kingdom of Death, the Kingdom of Evil Ghosts, and the Purgatory of Death."

Cao Jiaze of the Profound Sky Sect elucidated the arcane Devil Spell invoked by the Kyara Demon Blade with an air of expertise, his face etched with gravity. "Mo Yan's journey to Horror Land wasn't just for the refinement of the Yin God; more crucially, it was to supply the Devil Blade with Yin Qi energy, to summon a formidable Ghost King, and to manifest the potent Raksasa spell."

"The Kyara Demon Blade and the Evil Cauldron are both divine weapons, artifacts meant to be wielded together by Mo Yan as arranged by his father. United, they would render him invincible! In the race for the Demonic Seed, he was poised to eclipse his predecessors and emerge as the prime contender for the next Demon Lord."

"Regrettably, the Evil Cauldron fell into Yu Yuan's hands by sheer chance."

Cao Jiaze's lips curved into a faint smile as he continued, "Both the Evil Cauldron and the Kyara Demon Blade, demoted from their artifact status, are now on the rise. In Yu Yuan's possession, the Evil Cauldron is gradually regaining its past splendor, with the cauldron soul on the brink of awakening. Unexpectedly, the Kyara Demon Blade, notorious across the stars, has been roused to life by Mo Yan's meticulous refinement."

Throughout the vast history of the Boundless Land, a considerable number of divine artifacts have come into existence.

Yet, many of these divine artifacts suffered damage or were downgraded following the demise of their owners, or in the aftermath of fierce battles. Some were even destroyed beyond repair, shattering in the heat of combat.

Divine artifacts that have remained intact and retained their status are exceedingly rare, with the majority in the possession of the five supreme sects.

The Kyara Demon Blade and the Evil Cauldron are two such artifacts that were once elevated to divine status but fell from grace when their masters were defeated or perished.

The Kyara Demon Blade is more renowned than the Evil Cauldron in the Outland Star River, while the Evil Cauldron's infamy has grown within the Boundless Land due to the destruction of its sect.

Each artifact possesses its own wonders, and in the right hands, they could complement and strengthen one another.

Mo Yan was destined to wield these two fallen divine artifacts, poised to rise as the Devil Palace's most dazzling new star.

Yu Yuan's arrival in the Ember Waters and his acquisition of the Evil Cauldron dimmed Mo Yan's once-bright future, fueling his relentless antagonism toward Yu Yuan.


Ann Ziqing of the Blood God Cult, witnessing the strange spectacle beneath the black clouds and feeling the tumultuous surge of evil spirits below, her heart tightened with sudden concern for Yu Yuan.

As the heir-apparent to the Blood God Cult's leadership, she had learned from her father, Ann Wen, about the formidable power of the Kyara Demon Blade.

The blade's most horrifying ability was to conjure a realm teeming with malevolent spirits, akin to the mythic purgatories of legend—a veritable kingdom of death. Any creature ensnared within it would endure excruciating torment, their flesh and souls devoured by the spirits, leaving nothing behind, not even bone.

Mo Yan, having acquired and refined the Kyara Demon Blade in the Ember Waters, had yet to unleash the "Raksasa."

During his last confrontation with Yu Yuan, he failed to manifest the Raksasa and was consequently defeated, retreating to the domain of the Black Staff Ghost King.

With the Black Staff Ghost King's aid, Mo Yan invested additional time and finally succeeded in summoning forth the Raksasa.

"Can I really break free from those chains?" Ann Ziqing's confidence wavered as she watched the Evil Cauldron being yanked downwards, swaying unsteadily, its descent unceasing. She grew increasingly anxious, contemplating whether to unleash the Ice Thunder Mark and obliterate the Raksasa realm that Mo Yan had so meticulously forged.

"The Ice Thunder Mark in its current state can't shatter his Raksasa, since a third of the divine lightning has already been depleted," the Initial Spirit Ghost King's voice resonated once more, tinged with disappointment and regret. "Yu Yuan, if you can't overcome this obstacle, then perhaps it's his time to perish."


"Yu Yuan!"

Yu Yiyi and Yuan Lianyao, sensing the cauldron's plunge and the fluctuating gravitational field, along with the eerie essence emanating from the barely visible Raksasa, reached out to Yu Yuan.

Perched at the cauldron's rim, Yu Yuan gripped his sword sheath, poised to draw his blade. The newly condensed Yin God within his Consciousness Little World stirred to life.

Peering down, he saw a horde of identical evil ghosts, their green eyes glaring, manically pulling at the chains. Their mouths appeared to drool with a ravenous greed.

"Raksasa Country..."

Cao Jiaze's distant words, Yuan Lianyao's recent warning, and Yu Yiyi's vigilance all sharpened his awareness of the perilous nature of the deathly realm unleashed by the Kyara Demon Blade.

The cauldron soul, Yu Yiyi, had also warned that once the cauldron was ensnared within, it would fall under another's dominion.

Without entering the Raksasa, Mo Yan wouldn't dare to brandish the Kyara Demon Blade and step into the Evil Cauldron, let alone its inner sanctum, for both he and the Devil Blade would undoubtedly meet their end.

Yet, should Yu Yuan tumble into the deathly realm below, the cauldron would likely remain unharmed. However, Yu Yuan's soul and corporeal form would face the ghastly fate of being torn and gnawed upon by those malevolent spirits.

Even Yu Yiyi, amidst the sinister domain crafted by the Devil Blade, couldn't ensure his protection.

"Sink down!"

With a serene expression, Yu Yuan remained unflustered, a single resolute thought transmitting from his heart.


"Get down!"

As Yu Yuan and Yuan Lianyao cried out in alarm, Yu Yuan repeated the command.


Relying on years of trust, Cauldron Soul didn't hesitate to ask further. Yielding to the pull of the chains, it plunged swiftly downward.


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