Unmatched Dominance/C807 The Rotten Wood Cannot be Carved!
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Unmatched Dominance/C807 The Rotten Wood Cannot be Carved!
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C807 The Rotten Wood Cannot be Carved!

"Soul Transformation Pool!"

Aboard the Roam Ship, the Babel Chamber of Commerce and Sword Sect members, guests from across the Heavenly Source Continent, including Ann Ziqing, the eight ancient specters, and the White Coat Mercurial, all blanched in terror.

Deep within the Raksasa realm, malevolent spirits surged and wailed, as if they were rending the souls of all living creatures.

Initially, onlookers outside couldn't glimpse the scenes unfolding within Raksasa.

Just as they couldn't penetrate the Black Staff Ghost King's dark clouds to witness the fierce clash of the three mighty Ghost Kings, the intricacies of Raksasa eluded them.

Yet, when the enigmatic Soul Transformation Pool emerged within Raksasa, the so-called Kingdom of Death, crafted by Mo Yan and the Kyara Demon Blade, crumbled instantaneously like a fragile paper construct.

The moment the Soul Transformation Pool materialized, the sky instantly cleared, regaining its brightness!

It was as if a world, long obscured, had its shrouding veil torn away in a flash, revealing its true face once more.

The Soul Transformation Pool hadn't traversed the vast expanse from the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area; it was merely an ephemeral form, a projection that obliterated Raksasa!

All observers, their eyes and souls, were intently focused on the Soul Transformation Pool.

Even the soul battles between White Bone, Black Staff, and Qianjie were momentarily cast aside.

The Soul Transformation Pool, echoing through the Boundless Land, was shrouded in profound mystery.

As the Divine Soul Sect drew near, many ancient tales of the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area were dusted off and circulated by those keen to discuss them.

Many of these legends were intertwined with the Soul Transformation Pool!

Hovering ten feet above Yu Yuan, the Soul Transformation Pool flickered into existence, and Raksasa crumbled effortlessly before his gaze.

When the bottom of the Soul Transformation Pool began to exert its pull...

Countless evil spirits, forged by Mo Yan through the Kyara Demon Blade, disintegrated into nothingness.

Only their greenish-yellow lights, like glowworms, remained.

Then, they were ruthlessly swallowed by the Soul Transformation Pool.

In an instant, the once dark, oppressive, and ghostly realm vanished without a trace.

The Soul Transformation Pool, appearing out of thin air, gently rotated above Yu Yuan, exuding a fearsome presence capable of overpowering Demon Gods, sealing ancient despots, and eradicating all sentient life.

Not just Mo Yan, but even the eight ancient ghosts battling the Luohou Ghost King were seized by a profound unease.


Without hesitation, Mo Yan commanded the Kyara Demon Blade, intent on fleeing Horror Land with all possible haste.

It was clear to all that this Demonic Seed, ranked among the top three in the Devil Palace, was in a state of extreme distress and disarray.

Suddenly, a ripple in space-time emerged between the Soul Transformation Pool and the Devil Blade.

A mystical spatial corridor formed in an instant, bridging Horror Land and the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area.


In his escape, Mo Yan heard the Blade Soul's agonizing wails.

The wide, serrated Devil Blade, black as night, came to an abrupt halt in its flight.

Death Chains linked to the hilt appeared to be yanked by unseen forces.

Seconds later, the infamous Blade, known throughout the Outland Star River for its ability to warp gravity fields and spawn malevolent spirits, was uncontrollably dragged into the newly solidified spatial corridor.

History has a way of echoing itself!

"Mo Yan!"

A piercing cry from the Black Staff Ghost King cut through the thick black clouds.

This Ghost King, who had conspired with Qianjie to ensnare Bai Gu, seemed to sense Mo Yan's impending doom, aware that being dragged into the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area spelled grave peril.

The Black Staff Ghost King's shriek, imbued with a strange cadence, traveled through the Black Staff, reaching Mo Yan from afar.

Yu Yuan watched, his face a mask of detachment, as Mo Yan and the Kyara Demon Blade were both pulled into the ephemeral spatial corridor.

His eyes narrowed, sensing the actual Soul Transformation Pool suspended high above the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, despite the immense distance between them.

His spirit surged, his soul stirred.

With the Yin Meridian's source unsealed and subtly aided, his Yin God formed an unobstructed connection with the Soul Transformation Pool, high in the skies of the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area.

The pool's walls were crisscrossed with sword marks, their nurtured sword intent and power showing little sign of fading.

Yet, with his newly refined Yin God and a deep understanding of the Chopping Moon cultivator's sword spell, he keenly felt that the sword marks could no longer contain the Soul Transformation Pool.

The Soul Transformation Pool was forged in its early years without a single sword mark marring its walls—only an infinitely intricate Soul Array graced its structure. Serving as the focal point of the Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation, the pool was instrumental for the Divine Soul Sect in detaining the Outland Devaputra within the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area. This ensured that the Devaputra, entering through subterranean passageways, could not escape, effectively turning them into prey for the sect's disciples to hone their skills with various Soul Arts.

At the time, the notoriety and enigma of the Soul Transformation Pool were the talk of the world, its fame enduring through the ages.

Years after the fall of the Divine Soul Sect and their subsequent exile into the Outland Star River, the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area became a colossal prison, containing both the malevolent entities of the Boundless Land and those from beyond.

Eventually, the area was transformed by the Sword Sect's Great Sword Immortal, renowned for his unparalleled lethality. His celestial strike cleaved the moon, raining down meteors to forge a renewed Fallen Moon Forbidden Area. The Soul Transformation Pool, too, was marked by his sword, coming under his dominion.

But now...

The Soul Transformation Pool, having burst forth from the earth, hovered aloft in the forbidden zone. Amidst the turmoil of the Boundless Land and the relentless influx of Outland Devaputra, coupled with the fierce battles led by the Primordial Yang Sect, the pool had silently amassed an oceanic expanse of soul energy, priming it to return to its former glory.

With its reserves brimming, the Soul Transformation Pool now wielded its soul force to overpower the engraved sword marks and their energy!

Yu Yuan was astounded to witness the pool, now surging with soul energy, seemingly catalyzing a metamorphosis of the entire Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation. It was evolving from the Sixth Level to the Seventh Level—a tier of formation that only the most elite sects, such as the Devil Palace and the Demon Palace, could claim. Legends spoke of the Seventh Level's formidable influence over Primordial Spirit Stage cultivators and even Tenth Level Demon Gods.

"The Soul Transformation Pool, the Soul Transformation Pool..." Yu Yuan murmured, his eyes alight with wonder as he perceived the pool through the lens of the Yin God.

It was all so peculiar to him.

Back in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, it was only after receiving a strand of sword soul from the Chopping Moon cultivator that he was able to resonate with the Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation and command the Soul Transformation Pool.

At that time, the sword marks and the force of the blade etched into the walls of the Soul Transformation Pool were suppressing it, bending it to their will.

But now, the tables had turned.

It was the Soul Transformation Pool itself that rendered the sword marks and force left by the Chopping Moon cultivator uncontrollable.

Yet, he, who bore a sword soul and resonated with those sword marks and forces, why did he still find favor with the Soul Transformation Pool?

In fact, after the suppression of the sword marks and force on the pool's walls, he felt an even greater closeness to the Soul Transformation Pool!

This closeness gave him the sensation that the Soul Transformation Pool was jubilant, eagerly anticipating his presence.

"Could it be because I practice the Ghosting Arts and the Soul Forging Technique? The Soul Transformation Pool was originally crafted by the Divine Soul Sect, and the Soul Arts I practice are sourced from them. Is that the connection?"

He was at a loss for an explanation.

"My heavens!"

Suddenly, Yellow Old Devil aboard the Roam Ship lost his composure.

Yu Yuan experienced a stabbing pain in his mind, and blood spurted from the corner of his eyes.

He witnessed a slender, pale hand silently emerge within the vibrant, light-streaked spatial corridor leading to the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area.

Every finger's movement, every line on the palm, seemed to be in harmony with the laws of the cosmos.

That same hand gently grasped the Kyara Demon Blade, halting its momentum toward the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area in an instant.

In the corridor, streams of light struck the hand like bolts of lightning.

Unfazed, the hand remained still, impervious to the chaotic forces of spatial turbulence and the constant onslaught of strange energies.

The fingers relaxed slightly before tightening around the Devil Blade once more, and a mass of dark, ghostly light abruptly coalesced.

"Rotten wood cannot be carved."

A sigh emanated from the center of the hand.

The next moment, the hand descended into the spatial passageway, engulfing the dark light within.

The black light shrank to the size of a grain of rice and then vanished without a trace.

Countless eyes were fixed on the spatial corridor, watching the black light flicker out of existence. Beyond Yellow Old Devil's initial cry of alarm, no one, no ghostly entity, uttered a single word.

An eerie silence fell over the entire scene.

Yu Yuan, too, was uncharacteristically quiet, not uttering a sound.

When the hand materialized, everyone sensed an immediate challenge to the laws governing this realm.

The collision of different laws and their profound secrets created a tumultuous impact within the same space.

A sense of terror gripped everyone as they felt themselves sinking into an unseen, warped dimension.

Their souls, too, were plummeting from their Consciousness Little Worlds.

Countless frail souls and specters swarming near the dark cloud cascaded into the earth's depths like a deluge.

The Luohou Ghost King and eight ancient spirits tumbled from the void.


A majestic palace plummeted from the heavens, crashing to the ground.

The three Ghost Kings within the cloud also descended swiftly to the earth.

Such an event could only be wrought by Primordial Spirit Stage cultivators who have grasped the essence of the Heavenly Dao!

It was an eerie magnetic field where the Dao of Horror Land and the path of the Primordial Spirit Stage cultivator counterbalanced each other.

Once the hand appeared, it was as if the sky itself refused to allow any being or object to rise above it.

The identity of the hand's owner was clear.

"He is my own flesh and blood, after all."

Cao Jiaze gazed deeply at the spatial corridor, chuckling softly as the black speck vanished.

"The Devil Palace's second in command, Primordial Spirit Stage cultivator Zhu Zhen!"

Libre Baskerville
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