Unmatched Dominance/C813 If You Don't Get out You Die!
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Unmatched Dominance/C813 If You Don't Get out You Die!
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C813 If You Don't Get out You Die!

Hovering high above, the Soul Transformation Pool shone brilliantly, with Yu Yuan trailing behind it, a dazzling figure in the expanse.

Yet, as the Evil Cauldron roared into motion, clearly homing in on the Qianqiang Ghost, Yu Yuan was taken aback to find the gap between him and the ancient specter widening inexplicably.

It was as though a mysterious force was stretching the space between them.

The chase should have been straightforward, but as Yu Yuan pursued, the Qianqiang Ghost seemed to drift further away, almost as if blessed by some divine power.

In pursuit, Yu Yuan was overcome with an intense discomfort, a sensation that threatened to make him faint and retch.

"Mingdu!" intoned the Luohou Ghost King, his face etched with severity, not accompanying Yu Yuan on this venture.

In the Horror Land, the ability to alter spatial coordinates and teleport was unique to the Soul Crossing River.

Luohou hadn't anticipated that the Mingdu Ghost King could wield the Soul Crossing River to cast spells from afar, aiding his eight minions and the White Coat Mercurial in their effortless escape.

Squinting, she could see ripples forming in the space before Yu Yuan and the skeletal figure, each wave pushing them further from the Qianqiang Ghost and the White Coat Mercurial.

Yu Yuan and his skeletal companion could only look on in frustration, powerless as their quarry vanished from sight.

Before long, the eight ghostly beings and the White Coat Mercurial had vanished without a trace.

After a moment, the peculiar spatial force dissipated. Yu Yuan, with a scowl, turned the Evil Cauldron around, his mood sour.

"The power of Mingdu is on the rise. His ability to manipulate this realm's space through the Soul Crossing River suggests he's gained from the demise of Cold Abyss and Black Staff," the White Bone mused, hovering in the void, her emerald gaze tinged with concern.

"Mingdu grows stronger from the deaths of Black Staff and Cold Abyss?" Yu Yuan asked, puzzled.

The White Bone nodded. "I dealt the direct blow, so I garnered some of the power. Mingdu, however, is unique. He gains strength from the passing of others, without lifting a finger."

Upon hearing the exchange between Yu Yuan and the White Bone, the Luohou Ghost King and the other spectral beings present were plunged into contemplation.

As Yu Yuan drew near, White Bone cast an inadvertent glance at Ann Ziqing.

Beneath Ann, the Initial Spirit Ghost King, draped in the Mindlock Diagram, had her expression twist into something odd upon hearing White Bone's words.

At that moment, various Ghost Kings who had entered White Bone's domain, including Cold Abyss and Black Staff, had fallen in battle, with Qianjie fleeing for his life.

White Bone had emerged with a strength that took everyone by surprise, surpassing Initial Spirit, Tianzang, and Luohou, and was now recognized as the most formidable Ghost King in Horror Land.

The remaining onlookers now saw White Bone in a new light.

"Lord White Bone!"

"Lord White Bone, we wish to follow you and pledge our loyalty!"

Suddenly, numerous soulful spirits with remarkable presences came fawning over, bowing and scraping before White Bone.

Many of White Bone's former followers had been slain by various titled specters, and the survivors had scattered to other realms. The number of spirits still loyal to him was pitifully small.

These Heavenly Ghosts and Mercurial Ghosts, having witnessed White Bone's dominant rise, had reached a decision.

"Leave my territory."

A perilous fire blazed in the depths of White Bone's emerald eyes, his voice as cold as an Ice Stone Tombstone, "I am not like Mingdu. I have no need for sycophants."

The ghosts, contemplating pleas, were struck with terror at the sight of the flame in his eyes and lost all courage to speak. Fearing White Bone's wrath might turn on them, they dispersed in a rush.

"I have witnessed the might of Lord White Bone," Cao Jiaze of the Profound Sky Sect said with a slight smile, bowing respectfully to White Bone. "I eagerly anticipate your confrontation with Lord Mingdu."

With that, he strode off, unleashing the Heaven Palace Seal to transform once more into a grand palace.

Every Yin God from the Heavenly Source Continent entered the resplendent palace, which then soared away on the wind.

"He possesses great power."

White Bone watched the palace in the sky and spoke earnestly to Yu Yuan, "I sense he will be your greatest adversary. His vitality and energy are exceptionally refined and pure. If he so chooses, he could undertake the refinement of the Yang God at any moment."

A flash of icy lightning sparked in the depths of White Bone's verdant gaze. "Could he be planning to refine the Yang God here in Horror Land?"

As the words were spoken, the remaining members of the merchant guild aboard the Roam Ship, several from the Sword Sect, and Ann Ziqing all showed a sudden shift in their expressions.

With a whoosh, the Evil Cauldron settled, and Yu Yuan retrieved the massive Ice Stone Tombstone. He gestured to Chen Qingyan, "Come here. Carve out a part of the inscription and take it back with you."

Chen Qingyan's face lit up with delight. "Thank you, Brother Yu!" She then turned to Shen Yan.

After a brief pause, Shen Yan nodded, "Go ahead."

Chen Qingyan's lips curved into a smile as she swiftly departed the Roam Ship and made her way toward Yu Yuan.

Simultaneously, with a mere thought from Yu Yuan, Yuan Lianyao, whom he had left in the miniature world within the cauldron, emerged in a graceful float.

Informed by Yu Yiyi, the fiery red lotus was aware that the battle had ceased and was privy to the recent events.

Her eyes sparkled as she gazed at Yu Yuan with a silent, radiant smile.

At that moment, Chen Qingyan's Yin God and the Starfrost Sword approached.

"Sister Yuan, I'm relieved to see you're unharmed," Chen Qingyan said with a warm smile.

Yuan Lianyao responded with a cool nod, choosing to remain silent.

She could tell from Shen Yan's demeanor that, apart from this innocent young girl, the rest of the Sword Sect's lineage of the Starfrost Sword harbored no goodwill towards Yu Yuan.

Yuan Lianyao doubted that Chen Qingyan's affection for Yu Yuan would endure unchanged.

She had resolved that no matter Yu Yuan's future actions, even if he were to forsake the Boundless Land, she would stand by him.

"Can you wield the sword?" Yu Yuan inquired.

"Controlling the sword with the Yin God is challenging in the outside world, but here, it's feasible," Chen Qingyan replied cheerfully. As she drew the Cold Horn Sword she had tempered, a dazzling trail of starlight resembling a brilliant galaxy emerged, its sword intent brimming with joy. Yet, sensing another presence, its brilliance suddenly faded.

Off in the distance, Shen Yan of the Starfrost Sword lineage wore a look of deep displeasure.

Chen Qingyan's delicate face was a picture of astonishment. She glanced at the sword sheath Yu Yuan was holding and whispered, "Yu, you should put your sheath away."

The sword intent within her "Cold Horn Sword," which she used to study sword spells, was intimidated by Yu Yuan's sheath.

The profound sword intent concealed at the base of the sheath originated from the Chopping Moon cultivator, who had long oppressed the "Starfrost Sword" lineage within the Sword Sect.

It wasn't until the era of Ji Ningshuang that the "Starfrost Sword" lineage began to flourish.

"Is the sword intent in your Cold Horn Sword not your own?" Yu Yuan asked, his brow furrowed.

"It's a legacy from the previous generation. My master infused the Cold Horn Sword with it using a secret method, for me to decipher its deeper meanings," Chen Qingyan said, her head bowed. "I never imagined that the sword intent of the elders would..." She trailed off, leaving her sentence unfinished.

Suddenly, Bai Gu looked up.

Sensing something amiss, Yu Yuan also looked up sharply, only to see the Soul Transformation Pool had vanished without a trace.

Simultaneously, his connection with the Soul Transformation Pool through his Yin God was severed, as was the link between his Heavenly Soul and the space beneath the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, where the words "Wisdom Extremes Bring Harm" hung in ancient black script.

Moreover, his connection to the source of the Yin Meridian had been cut.

His expression grew grim as he realized that the source of the Yin Meridian must have been sealed off after the temporary cessation of the great battle. The convenient gateway that had been specifically opened for him had been closed again, isolating him from the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area.

"What's happened?" Bai Gu's eyes shone with intelligence, the first to sense that something was amiss. "Is there a problem between you and it?"

Yu Yuan surveyed his surroundings, hesitated for a moment, but did not immediately reply.

"First it was a ghost, and now a human. Both have left my domain," Bai Gu stated icily, dismissing them.


On the Roam Ship, Ma Jianjiang of the Babel Chamber of Commerce opened his mouth to speak.

Shen Yan of the Sword Sect gazed at Chen Qingyan, indicating he was waiting for her response.

"Leave, now." Bai Gu's tone was firm and unyielding as he fixed his gaze on Shen Yan and the few members of the Sword Sect. "Stay, and you die."

Without a moment's hesitation, Ma Jianjiang's face turned ashen. Disregarding Chen Qingyan, he swiftly commandeered the Roam Ship and made his escape.

In no time, the Roam Ship vanished from sight. Bai Gu then turned his attention to Ann Ziqing, clad in purple divine armor. "What's your purpose?" he inquired of the Initial Spirit Ghost King.

"I'd like to have a word."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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