Unmatched Dominance/C82 Excellent Control
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Unmatched Dominance/C82 Excellent Control
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C82 Excellent Control

Inside the cave, Yu Yuan withdrew a white paper fan and immersed his consciousness within it. His thoughts, invisible like tendrils of smoke, danced elegantly around the strokes of the four black characters inscribed on the fan. During this time, he distinctly sensed his Heavenly Soul mending and strengthening.

Back at the pit's bottom, when he had pointed at the flickering green light that had broken free from Zhu Huan, the profound sword intent that surged through his arm was not of spiritual energy. He realized that the fatigue overwhelming him was mostly of the soul.

Of course, not having reached the Penetrating Stage, without a formed spiritual consciousness, it wasn't his soul power that had launched the attack. It was the sword soul, etched within his arm's bones, that had vanquished the alien soul. His own soul had merely served to awaken the sword soul. Still, the aftermath left his soul feeling drained and fragile.

Therefore, upon confirming that the newcomer, Lou Ling, like Zhu Huan, had been overtaken by an alien soul, he knew he needed to restore his soul's vitality as much as possible. He now regretted not accepting the soul-nourishing pill Yan Lu had offered. It would have expedited his soul's recovery.

Unexpectedly, the second intruder had arrived with alarming swiftness.

"Was there a terrible incident down below?" Yuan Tine quietly inquired, pulling Zhao Yafu aside.

He had pieced together from the conversation between Yu Yuan and Shadowhall that something ominous had transpired. They had also heard muffled combat noises and glimpsed flashes of spiritual light from above.

"Zhu Huan of Waning Moon City has been defeated by us," Zhao Yafu explained in hushed tones, "just shortly after you ascended. That Zhu Huan had been harboring a peculiar soul spirit, scheming in the shadows. If not for Brother Yu's timely discovery..."

Her words left Yuan Tine, Yu Feifei, and the rest ashen-faced, never imagining that such a perilous encounter had unfolded beneath them.

"Now, with the Lim family's Loh Ling arriving, we face another Zhu Huan," Zhao Yafu added.

This revelation drained the color from Yuan Tine and Yu Feifei's faces, leaving them visibly shaken.

Time slipped away, moment by moment.

Abruptly, Zhao Yafu dashed to the mouth of the cave, peering intently below.

Accompanying her was a group from Shadowhall, their expressions taut with concern as they too surveyed the depths.

The distance was too great for them to discern the specifics of the commotion at the pit's bottom, but the cacophony of battle, the roars, and the bursts of light were telling enough.

"It's begun."

Zhao Yafu inhaled deeply and said, "With Yan Lu, Su Yan, Zhan Tianxiang, and the newcomer Lim Zhuyun, along with Han Hui, Lee Yuan, and the rest, they should be up to the challenge."

"That Zhu Huan nearly didn't make it," fretted the girl from Shadowhall.

"Having dealt with Zhu Huan, they've gained valuable experience," Zhao Yafu reassured her. "Besides, now that they're aware of who this Lou Ling is, they'll be more prepared."

"The strategy is to outwit the unsuspecting. First, we'll obliterate her physical form to force the alien soul out, then deliver the deathblow."

"Don't worry, all should be well."

Her words offered a measure of solace to the Shadowhall contingent.

Shortly thereafter.

Yu Yuan, who had been meditating with his white paper fan, abruptly opened his eyes, and an astonishing presence burst forth from him.

He thrust his hand forward, fingers poised like a blade, and directed a stab into the distance.

From the chasm below, seven or eight eerie green lights fluttered up, only to be snuffed out almost instantly.

"Alien souls!"

"Those alien souls emerging are the dispersed soul lights!"

"Was it Yu Yuan who vanquished the alien souls?"

"Then, was it also Yu Yuan who expelled the soul from Zhu Huan?"

The trialists from Shadowhall witnessed with clarity as Yu Yuan lifted his hand, unleashing a fearsome sword intent that extinguished the green glow.

Zhao Yafu couldn't help but take note.

She hadn't realized that Yu Yuan's move in the clash with Zhu Huan was an assault on the alien soul, having assumed it was Yan Lu, Zhan Tianxiang, and Su Yan exerting their power.

"Now it makes sense."

She suddenly grasped why Yan Lu, Zhan Tianxiang, and Su Yan, the esteemed prodigies, had come to Yu Yuan's defense when Lee Yuan had confronted him. Yan Lu and Zhan Tianxiang's overtures of friendship now had a context.

"Brother Yu, you truly are the most formidable," she said with a sweet smile, approaching the now-conscious Yu Yuan. With a sense of amazement, she marveled, "How did you manage that? Those green glows were clearly soul fragments."

It was unheard of for cultivators at the Spirit Accumulating Stage, let alone those at the Yellow Court and Profound Break Stages, to wield soul power in attack, as their Spiritual Sense had not yet solidified—unless they had the aid of special artifacts.

Yet, Yu Yuan had no such artifacts. With a mere lift of his head and a point of his finger, the fragmented souls were extinguished, one after another. It was beyond comprehension!

After performing the feat once more, Yu Yuan grew even more exhausted and had no interest in offering an explanation. "I'm exhausted. I need to rest," he said.

"Oh, okay," Zhao Yafu responded, nodding earnestly.

The trial participants from Shadowhall now regarded Yu Yuan with a newfound respect.

Some time later, four figures emerged in haste from the stone pathway below. They were Yan Lu, Zhan Tianxiang, Su Yan, and Lim Zhuyun. The quartet, having just survived a fierce battle, bore grave expressions and intense gazes. Lim Zhuyun's clothes were stained with blood, though it was unclear whether it was hers or Loh Ling's.

As they ascended the stone steps, the young woman from Shadowhall couldn't contain her excitement. "Brother Zhan, I'm so relieved you're safe."

"Did any of you see a green light emerge?" Yan Lu demanded.

"Yes, we saw it," the girl quickly answered. "It appeared briefly before Yu Yuan—no, Brother Yu—snuffed it out. How he did it, though, I couldn't tell you."

Lim Zhuyun's eyes widened in astonishment as she turned to the resting Yu Yuan. She had already learned bits of the story from Su Yan, Yan Lu, and Zhan Tianxiang, including how Yu Yuan had vanquished Zhu Huan's fleeing soul. But she had struggled to believe it.

Now, with the Shadowhall girl's firsthand account, disbelief was no longer an option. Yet, how had Yu Yuan accomplished such a feat?

"I told you, with Brother Yu here, that rogue soul didn't stand a chance," Zhan Tianxiang breathed a sigh of relief. "It's good that it didn't get away. That would have been a real headache."

Yu Yuan, weakly gesturing to Yan Lu, requested, "I need that soul-nourishing pellet now."

"I've come specifically to deliver this to you," Yan Lu said without a moment's hesitation, making his way into the cave where Yu Yuan resided and presenting him with a porcelain bottle adorned with intricate designs.

Lin Zhuyun's eyes widened with even greater astonishment.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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