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C824 Fallen

Nestled amidst dense greenery stood a mountain.

Yuan Lianyao, having returned to her Yin God form, posed elegantly on the edge of a cliff, her captivating eyes gazing intently into the distance.

Her serene presence alone was a picturesque sight, leaving many from the Red Devil Sect in awe of the beauty before them.

Faang Yao of the Red Devil Sect sat in silent meditation upon a dark red boulder, embodying the stillness of a Buddha.

Behind him, Hou Tianzhao and other members of varying ranks from the Red Devil Sect occasionally glanced at Yuan Lianyao, murmuring among themselves.

Not far off, the Silver Rainbow Magic Shuttle of the Devil Palace sat quietly atop another peak, with over a dozen of its practitioners dispersed across the landscape.

At the mountain's base, a meandering stream flowed with crystal-clear water, where a massive grey raven basked in the sunlight.

Clustered around the raven were several demons of the Sixth and Seventh Levels, their chatter unceasing.

Experts from the Devil Palace, Demon Palace, and Red Devil Sect—over a hundred strong—had convened here, all with their attention fixed on a massive pit.

This pit led to Horror Land, a place shrouded in perpetual darkness and gloom.

Yuan Lianyao had come to learn that Horror Land was a vast expanse hidden deep beneath the earth, its entrance deceptively small, yet as expansive as the Luan Bird Empire's domain.

The sun blazed overhead, its fiery rays like swords of flame, causing discomfort to many.

Occasionally, a formidable ghost would emerge from the pit, only to be startled by the presence of the many experts from the Devil Palace, Demon Palace, and Red Devil Sect.

Thankfully, these visitors paid no mind to the departing spirits.

Recently, it seemed that a dozen or so ghosts had stealthily made their escape from Horror Land.

With a whoosh, Chu Yao of the Medicine God Sect appeared, his Yin God form drawing the eyes of many onlookers.

Yuan Lianyao turned to look as well.

Amidst the sea of gazes, Chu Yao spoke with an air of detachment, "Bai Gu, Luohou, and Yu Yuan from Darkmoon City are likely on Cao Jiaze's trail by now."

The crowd's expressions subtly shifted amidst a flurry of whispers.

Ahead of Chu Yao, the Babel Chamber of Commerce's Roam Ship had already docked, carrying Ma Jianjiang, Jin Xiaolie, Chen Qingyan, Shen Yan, and other practitioners from the Sword Sect.

The Initial Spirit Ghost King had safely escorted Ann Ziqing out before swiftly departing.

Through the accounts of Ma Jianjiang, Chen Qingyan, and Ann Ziqing, those from the Quietus Continent had gleaned a rough idea of the events that had transpired.

Upon hearing Chu Yao mention Yu Yuan, Bai Gu, and Luohou's search for Cao Jiaze, Yuan Lianyao instantly grasped the implication.

"He doesn't want you to get into trouble."

Faang Yao let out a soft sigh once Chu Yao's Yin God had departed. "You're aware of his intentions. While you were with him, you didn't make any unforgivable errors. It was he who acted; you were merely a bystander. That's precisely why I can vouch for you to the Devil Palace and Demon Palace."

"He's after Cao Jiaze. If you were to get involved, it would be a different story."

Yuan Lianyao, having emerged from Horror Land and integrated with her Yin God, had confided everything to Faang Yao, who then entered into discussions with the Devil Palace and Demon Palace.

He held Yuan Lianyao in high esteem.

Particularly after learning that she had endured the trials of Horror Land and her Yin God was on the cusp of reaching the Soul Wandering Stage, Faang Yao's regard for her deepened.

It hadn't been many years since she left Darkmoon City, yet Yuan Lianyao had already formed her Yin God in the Ember Waters and was now on the verge of the Soul Wandering breakthrough.

The Red Devil Sect's secret Spiritual Spell was known for its swiftness, but it was rare for someone to progress from the Penetrating Stage to Yin God, and then aim for the Soul Wandering Stage in just a few short years.

Faang Yao had to acknowledge that this woman he had welcomed into the Red Devil Sect possessed a talent that surpassed even his own.

Yuan Lianyao was not only gifted in cultivation but also eloquent and astute. She had won the favor of both Faang Yao and Zhou Cangmin, who saw her as a prime candidate for intensive cultivation. Faang Yao was determined not to let Yu Yuan's actions drag Yuan Lianyao down into the depths.

"I hope he's alright," Yuan Lianyao expressed with concern.

"Junior Sister Yuan, hehe, what's there to worry about? Didn't you hear Chu Yao? He's with the White Bone Lord and the Luohou Ghost King! With the White Bone Lord, who took down Black Staff and Cold Abyss, and Luohou by his side, who in Horror Land can stand against them?" Hou Tianzhao grinned and bellowed.

He was slightly younger than Yuan Lianyao and had joined the Red Devil Sect early on, so he didn't hesitate to call her Junior Sister, regardless of whether she liked it or not.

He had made it clear to Yuan Lianyao that he found no sense of superiority with Yu Yuan, and calling her Junior Sister gave him a certain satisfaction.

"Something just doesn't feel right," Yuan Lianyao said, furrowing her brow.

"You're right to be concerned. Taking on Cao Jiaze won't be easy," Faang Yao said gravely. "Cao Jiaze's master is waiting outside, and he seems utterly confident in his disciple. If the Profound Sky Sect has sent Cao Jiaze in, they must be quite sure of their success."

"Han Qi may not have many talents, but he's snagged a fine disciple in Cao Jiaze, which has skyrocketed his status in the Profound Sky Sect," the Raven Lord from the Demon Palace interjected lazily from a distant brook. "Cao Jiaze has entered in his true form, and Han Qi isn't the least bit worried. I'd say Yu Yuan is the one who's really in trouble."

At that point, he erupted into a tirade of curses.

He berated Yu Yuan for his foolishness, for being led astray by a deceiver, for not staying put in Luan Bird City, and for inexplicably joining forces with external demons.

The deceivers he mentioned were none other than Zu Ann and the Green Willow Demon.

Half an hour later.

Chu Yao from the Medicine God Sect, having merged with his Yin God, returned astride a golden Roc with a grave look on his face. "One of my soul threads, along with the Wood-Covering Soul Core, has perished. The Luohou Ghost King of Horror Land is none other than Luo Yue, the former leader of the Voodoo Cult!"

He was on the verge of returning to the Medicine God Sect when he abruptly realized his soul consciousness had vanished. The last piece of information he received was about Luo Yue's true identity.

"The Luohou Ghost King, it's her..."

A chilly voice echoed from within the Silver Rainbow Magic Shuttle, the Devil Envoy speaking, "Chu Yao, take extra caution with your second master. I'm aware of the deep respect she held for your first master."

"Hehehe," the Raven cackled with glee, "Who would have thought Luo Yue could ascend to the Ghost King realm after switching to the ghost path! Chu Yao, watch yourself on your journey back. Luo Yue might just sneak up on you and prevent your return to the Medicine God Sect."

Both the Devil Envoy and the Raven were well-versed in the old tales.

Perhaps that's why they weren't particularly fond of Chu Yao.

"My only concern is that she might not show up."

With a huff, Chu Yao, feeling irritable, mounted the golden Roc and took off into the sky.

Time passed.

Suddenly, a multitude of Yin Gods from the Heavenly Source Continent burst forth from what seemed like a bottomless pit. As soon as the Yin Gods were free, they unleashed a torrent of new information.

Cao Jiaze lived up to his name, having refined the Tears of Blue Devil from the Ember Waters, capturing both Ghost Kings, Luo Yue and the Devil Embryo, and swallowing Yu Yuan with the Muddy Devil Embryo.

"What? The Aura Altar of the Blue Devil Clan was seized by Cao Jiaze?"

Raven Lord of the Demon Palace shot up from his prone position, morphing into a gaunt, withered old man. His icy gaze fixed on Han Qi, he demanded, "Han Qi, if your Profound Sky Sect found Heixun in the Outland Star River and took the Aura Altar, why keep it a secret?"

The Devil Envoy from the Demon Palace inquired, "What's the status of Heixun now?"

Faang Yao's face turned pale.

Yuan Lianyao froze, murmuring in disbelief, "How could this happen?"


In the realm of the Duanchuan You Ghost.

Cao Jiaze of the Profound Sky Sect sat in solitude at the base of the Dark Mountain, without a single soul by his side.

He had dismissed all those who had come from the Heavenly Source Continent, informing them that the chaos in Horror Land was resolved and that it was time for Mingdu to disperse and return.

He compelled everyone to evacuate Horror Land.

Now, with his back against the rocky cliffs of Dark Mountain, he gazed intently at the Blood Aura Altar, born from the "Tears of Blue Devil." His focus was on the altar's foundation—the Muddy Devil Embryo.

Within the Muddy Devil Embryo, Yu Yuan's silhouette slowly became visible.

A peculiar gleam sparked in Cao Jiaze's eyes.


Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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