Unmatched Dominance/C83 Soul Forging Technique
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Unmatched Dominance/C83 Soul Forging Technique
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C83 Soul Forging Technique

Recently, she had guided the Lim family members and Lou Ling to the bottom of the pit.

Once they landed, Zhan Tianxiang began to reveal Lou Ling's true identity to everyone present.

Those who had survived Zhu Huan's trial at the pit's depths quickly caught on to Zhan Tianxiang's hints and realized that Lou Ling, like Zhu Huan, was possessed by a foreign soul.

Only she and the Lim family members were left in the dark, completely unaware.

Suddenly, a scheme targeting Lou Ling erupted without any signs.

Caught off guard, she was thrust into a vicious and bloody conflict.

In the face of the initial assault, Lou Ling seized the nearest Lim family member, using him as a human shield.

This was the same individual who had a minor dispute with Yu Yuan upon their descent.

He was obliterated in an instant by the combined forces of Yan Lu, Zhan Tianxiang, Su Yan, and others, leaving Lou Ling critically wounded and her body torn apart.

As Lim Zhuyun was about to exact vengeance on Yan Lu and the rest, Han Hui and her group intervened, revealing the harsh truth to her.

She witnessed firsthand the once timid Lou Ling's eyes flash with a green light, her combat prowess skyrocketing. The chilling and merciless aura emanating from Lou Ling confirmed the group's words.

Ultimately, Lou Ling met the same fate as Zhu Huan.

The soul, having left its host, floated upwards, seeking escape.

The Lim family member, sacrificed as expendable fodder, was the one closest to Lou Ling, a victim of ignorance.

If only she had known the truth sooner!

If Yu Yuan had dropped even the slightest hint or clue, could that family member have been spared?

Zhan Tianxiang, Yan Lu, and the others kept silent, all to lower Lou Ling's guard.

Tragically, it was her own Lim family who paid the price.

Her heart was filled with resentment towards Yan Lu, Zhan Tianxiang, Su Yan, and especially Yu Yuan.

But what could she do?

Yan Lu, Zhan Tianxiang, and Su Yan were aligned and held her in high regard, going so far as to ingratiate themselves with her betrothed.

The boy she had always despised and loathed had, unbeknownst to her, become a pivotal figure in the forbidden zone.

This seismic shift felt like a dream to her, giving rise to an overwhelming sense of unreality.

"Yu Yuan, we've realized there's more than just a couple of invaders," Su Yan arrived at the cave where the Darkmoon group was gathered, her expression grave. "We need you."

On the other side, Zhan Tianxiang furrowed his brow and added, "The silver lining is that these foreign souls can't communicate with each other across distances."

That much was clear to everyone.

If the souls inhabiting Zhu Huan and Loh Ling could communicate via soul thoughts over great distances, then Loh Ling, the second to be ensnared, wouldn't have walked right into our trap.

The soul within Loh Ling was unaware that its companion had just been jointly annihilated, which explained its composure.

Since we were able to eliminate Zhu Huan and Loh Ling, we could do the same to any other soul, as long as we could confirm its identity.

The crucial point was to prevent any of the souls from escaping.

If even one managed to flee, the rest of the invaders, the other foreign souls, would be alerted to the failure of their plan and the exposure of their identities.

Then, they wouldn't trickle in one by one; they would converge.

If multiple entities like Zhu Huan and Loh Ling were to delve into the pit, could the trialists in the forbidden area emerge victorious?

No one was confident in that!

Yu Yuan, as the linchpin in exterminating these foreign souls, was naturally the pivotal figure in this gory spectacle. He simply couldn't afford any mishaps.

"I need to restore my energy," Yu Yuan stated, clutching the pill with an icy demeanor as he glanced at Su Yan.

Feeling slighted, Su Yan protested, "We've just been through a fierce battle ourselves."

"My cultivation level is low," Yu Yuan replied.

"Right, of course. I forgot you're only in the Early Period of the Spirit Accumulating Stage," Su Yan murmured, her head bowed. Internally, she scoffed, "How can someone at the Spirit Accumulating Stage have the power to vanquish a foreign soul?"

Meanwhile, Lim Zhuyun observed Su Yan with an odd look. "Little Sister Su, you're quite patient these days."

"What choice do I have?" Su Yan responded, turning to face her with a serene and dignified air, the epitome of nobility. "After all, who else took the initiative to unmask Zhu Huan and had the courage to strike decisively, dealing a heavy blow and obliterating the fleeing soul?"

Lim Zhuyun found herself at a loss for words.

"Please, make your recovery a priority," Yan Lu urged with gravity.


Yu Yuan brought the pellet up to his gaze, examining the intricate patterns before inhaling its aromatic scent and swallowing it.

He chewed the pellet into several pieces, deliberately ingesting only one fragment.

As a piece the size of his pinky nail settled in his stomach, Yu Yuan felt an immediate reaction and addressed the group, "Kindly refrain from interrupting my cultivation."

Zhao Yafu, without a hint of politeness, stood firmly before him, her sweet smile belying her firm stance. "You can either leave or find another cave to wait in."

"I'm in no rush; I'll wait elsewhere," declared Yan Lu.

"I need to speak with him; I'll wait aside," added Su Yan.

Without a word, Lim Zhuyun abruptly left for Zhan Tianxiang's cave, intent on confronting him.

"A Fifth Grade Spirit Level Divine Recovery Pill—Yan Lu has spared no expense."

Once alone, Yu Yuan murmured to himself and retrieved the white paper fan to refocus his consciousness.

The fragment of the Divine Recovery Pill transformed into a wisp of pale blue luminescence within him, surging towards his forehead.

A cool sensation touched his brow, and in an instant, his mind sharpened, the previous weariness vanishing in mere moments.

"The Returning Spirit Pill lives up to its reputation, benefiting the three souls—Heaven, Earth, and Man."

With renewed concentration, Yu Yuan harnessed the pill's restorative power to fully immerse his spirit within the white paper fan.

After some time, he swallowed another chewed fragment of the Returning Spirit Pill.

He was acutely aware that his current level of cultivation would not withstand consuming the entire pill at once, risking the loss of its potent effects.

Piece by piece, he methodically ingested and assimilated the fragments, refining his Heavenly Soul to harness the full potential of the Returning Spirit Pill.

Time trickled by.

Yu Yuan methodically chewed and swallowed the Returning Spirit Pill in seven parts.

His spirit delved deeper within the white paper fan, to the inscription 'Soul Forging Technique.'

Suddenly, he grasped the esoteric method of refining the Heavenly Soul, known as the 'Soul Forging Technique.'

The terms "Soul Forging" and "Convergence" are homophones, suggesting the gathering of the mind, soul, and spirit for concentrated forging.

"The Soul Forging Technique indicates that this soul refining method primarily focuses on the Heavenly Soul. Can this technique eventually enable the Heavenly Soul to evolve into a Yang God? The repeated emphasis on 'Soul Forging' suggests it will cause harm. Could this imply that the Soul Arts carry other drawbacks? Where might this damage manifest?"

In the midst of his cultivation, his thoughts were in disarray.

Yet, to his amazement, his jumbled thoughts seemed to be drawn into the white paper fan, chaotically darting about within the four black characters.

As his scattered thoughts began to coalesce once more, he experienced a jolt of clarity, feeling his Heavenly Soul become more refined and his wisdom increasingly lucid.

His tumultuous thoughts, within the embrace of those four characters, appeared to undergo a purification, an elevation.


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