Unmatched Dominance/C837 A Brand New Concept!
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Unmatched Dominance/C837 A Brand New Concept!
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C837 A Brand New Concept!

Outside the Horror Land, numerous cultivators from both the Quietus and Heavenly Source Continents were intently observing the ominous, murky sea of clouds, sensing the strange stirrings within.

Recent reports indicated that Yu Yuan, Bai Gu, and Luo Yue had been ensnared by Cao Jiaze's Muddy Devil Embryo.

Not long ago, many had witnessed the shell, radiant with divine light, shattering the Realm's Crystal Wall and plummeting into the Horror Land.

"The die is cast," declared Han Qi of the Profound Sky Sect, stroking his beard with a smile as he addressed his companions. "At this point, there should be no unexpected turns."

As Cao Jiaze's mentor, Han Qi's own cultivation and talents were modest. Yet, it was his decision to take Cao Jiaze as a disciple and introduce him to the Profound Sky Sect that elevated his own standing.

Surrounding him were cultivators from the Primordial Yang Sect and various lower sects, many of whom had previously explored the palace as Yin Gods, only to be driven out by Cao Jiaze.

"The shell?" inquired someone from the Spirit Void Sect in a hushed tone.

Han Qi nodded affirmatively. "Exactly. The shell contains Mingdu's body, lost beyond the heavens. Once this body is reclaimed and merged with his soul, Mingdu will be unbeatable. Neither Bai Gu's strength nor Tian Zang's mysteries will make a difference."

"I knew it. With the three upper sects involved and Cao Jiaze himself venturing into the Horror Land, what could possibly go wrong?" flattered the Spirit Void Sect member with a smile.

Han Qi, full of pride, proclaimed, "Cao Jiaze's entry and Mingdu's ascension to a ghostly deity were inevitable."

His faith in his disciple was unwavering; from the moment Cao Jiaze joined the sect, he had been nothing but a source of pride for Han Qi.

"How could the likes of Bai Gu compete with Mingdu, with those venerable strategists at play?" mused Raven of the Demon Palace, lounging in the sunlight. "Yu Yuan, the fool, actually teamed up with Zu Ann," he muttered, cursing Yu Yuan as was his wont.

His disdain for Yu Yuan ran deep.

Raven was acutely aware of Yu Yuan's profound influence on Yu Zhu. To the Demon Palace, Yu Zhu was a surefire Demon God, and they would not be kept waiting much longer.

Yu Zhu was an invaluable gem to the Demon Palace.

Raven harbored concerns that if Yu Yuan opposed the Boundless Land, the Demon Palace might intervene and attempt to eliminate him, potentially angering Yu Zhu.

"Yu Yuan, will you be able to make it out alive?" Yuan Lianyao from the Red Devil Sect fretted with a worried expression.

Faang Yao responded coolly, "He must face the consequences of the path he's chosen. No exceptions."

Far away, Ann Ziqing of the Blood God Cult gazed absentmindedly at Horror Land.

Everyone awaited fresh news.


"Tianzang and White Bone, whom do you support?" Luo Yue asked, locking eyes with Yu Yuan, anticipating his response.

Yu Yuan remained silent. Shortly after stepping into Horror Land, White Bone had become his steadfast ally. They had joined forces to challenge the reigning ghosts and ghouls, amassing combat strength before seeking out Luo Yue.

It was thanks to White Bone that he could delve into the earth's fissure and converse with the Yin Meridian's source within the small, silver-gray realm.

White Bone had been of immense help to him.

He had even vowed to the Yin Meridian's source to strike down Mingdu City at a pivotal moment, aiding White Bone's rise to the ghostly throne.

But now, White Bone and Mingdu City had united against Tianzang!

Upon his arrival, Tianzang had proactively extended an olive branch, offering goodwill and aiding in the restoration of Yu Yuan's Qi and spiritual power. He had also, on Yu Yuan's behalf, entrusted the dazzlingly radiant shell to Luo Yue.

Though an Outland Devaputra, Tianzang stood for the Divine Soul Sect, with which Yu Yuan had significant ties.

Caught between choices, a new thought took root in his mind. He pondered whether he could establish a connection with the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, the Soul Transformation Pool, and the enigmatic space inscribed with the words ‘Extreme Wisdom Will Destroy’.


A shift in his consciousness brought a startling revelation—the isolation imposed by Mingdu City had naturally dissipated.

His Yin God instantly connected with the Soul Transformation Pool. His soul stirred, subtly detecting the activity within the Space Oddity.

Even more astonishing was his newfound sense of Yan Qiling's presence emanating from the Space Oddity marked by the words ‘Extreme Wisdom Will Destroy.’

Yan Qiling appeared to be preoccupied with something within that peculiar space.

A thread of thought stretched across the vast expanse to inquire of Yan Qiling.

Tianzang, once an Outland Devaputra, had ascended to Ghost King. Why had the Divine Soul Sect chosen him? Weren't they concerned about provoking the ire of the entire Boundless Land?

It wasn't long before a complex stream of thoughts flowed from Yan Qiling, infiltrating his Consciousness Little World and integrating with his memories.

He mulled over the information. Moments later, his form trembled slightly as he exclaimed, "Is that even possible?"

"What is it?" Luo Yue whispered.

"Over in the Luan Bird Empire, there's a half-breed, Chen Liangquan, who has risen to become the new emperor," Yu Yuan mused, his gaze drifting towards the Soul Crossing River. "Tianzang, originally an Outland Devaputra, adhered to the laws of Horror Land and pursued the path of the Ghost Dao, ultimately becoming a Ghost King right here."

"If it bestowed upon him a Styx, doesn't that acknowledge his status as a Ghost King?"

"If the title of Ghost King has been granted, why not the Ghosts as well?"

Yu Yuan countered.

"Youngest junior brother, have you lost your mind?" Luo Yue's expression was a mix of laughter and disbelief. "He's an outsider. How could an outsider assume dominion over Horror Land?"

The entrenched belief was that any beings from beyond the Boundless Land were malevolent intruders.

Since her birth and time as a Voodoo Cult disciple, Luo Yue had been indoctrinated with the notion that Outland Devaputras, foreign entities, and Starry Behemoths all sought to invade the Boundless Land and wreak havoc upon it.

The upper sects, Devil Palace, and Demon Palace, along with all other factions, had one goal: to intercept and encircle, forbidding any external forces from trespassing.

Should any slip through, the sects were duty-bound to exhaust all resources to either annihilate or incarcerate them, never allowing outsiders the liberty to roam free.

Many such convictions had long since taken root, proving arduous to alter.

Yet, the message from Yan Qiling conveyed a revolutionary perspective from the Divine Soul Sect, born from eons adrift beyond the stars.

Not all devils and aliens were inherently evil foes bent on the destruction of the Boundless Land.

The innovative Divine Soul Sect has plans to unseal the Boundless Land, a realm that has been closed off for eternity, and transform it into the central world of the cosmos. They are willing to allow devils and otherworldly beings to roam the Boundless Land, provided they adhere to the rules established by the Divine Soul Sect. These beings are permitted to seek out spiritual materials and strengthen themselves in designated areas.

However, there's a catch: they must respect the order of this world and refrain from slaughtering mortals.

The Divine Soul Sect has designated several locations for interaction and trade between these visitors and the native sects of the Boundless Land, exchanging spiritual materials, pellets, and various scarce precious metals.

The influx of numerous devils and formidable outsiders from foreign realms is due to a tacit understanding reached with the Divine Soul Sect.

The Divine Soul Sect envisions the Boundless Land as a new realm of freedom!

Chen Liangquan's ascension to emperor of the mightiest empire, despite his mixed heritage, sends a potent message.

Tianzang, once a Devil King from the outer domains who turned to the path of the Ghost King, is now on the verge of becoming an unprecedented ruler of Horror Land.

This is yet another powerful signal, broadcasting to devas and outsiders everywhere that humanity has adopted a fresh stance!

The Divine Soul Sect contends that by opening up the Boundless Land, humanity will flourish even more.

Humans are poised to become the most influential race across the galaxy! Moreover, this will enable more mortals to utilize the exceptional Galaxy Ancient Starship to expand and prosper across various star realms, heralding a new era of dazzling diversity!

Previously, the Divine Soul Sect, aligned with the current five great forces, forbade outsiders from entering the Boundless Land. Intruders faced relentless persecution, leading to either death or imprisonment.

However, in this new era, after being exiled to the far reaches of the galaxy and enduring years of drift, the Divine Soul Sect has emerged with a revolutionary ideology. With the support of certain deva groups and outsiders, they've returned to the Boundless Land with an assertive presence, demanding recognition of their philosophy from the five supreme forces.

This represents the deep-seated discord and clash between the two factions.

"That's roughly the perspective from the other side," Yu Yuan explained to Luo Yue, pondering the complexities of the situation. He gestured openly and added, "As for who's right or wrong, I'm too inexperienced to judge. But considering the stance of the three upper sects and the Demon Palace, it seems they're not in favor of the Divine Soul Sect's approach."

After Luo Yue listened, she remained silent for an extended period, seemingly unable to fully process the impact of Yu Yuan's words. They had struck her with overwhelming force.

Eventually, she spoke with a hint of bitterness, "I'm at a loss too. Based on your arguments, opening up the Boundless Land to allow the Outland Devaputra and other races to abide by our rules here might actually work. If the Divine Soul Sect truly has the power to keep them in check, then a cooperative and mutually beneficial relationship could be possible."

Yu Yuan gave a slight nod. His past life experiences as Hong Qi had taught him that the spiritual materials and herbs of the Boundless Land paled in comparison to those found across the vast galaxy. If it were possible to follow through with the Divine Soul Sect's vision—welcoming other races into the Boundless Great World for an exchange of resources and spiritual materials—it could indeed foster the prosperity of the human race.

The human race's reproductive capabilities were unrivaled by any other, yet only those who reached the Yang God Stage could venture beyond the galaxy. This was because, in the galaxy beyond, humans were the common enemy of all Devaputra Alien Races, and the weak who ventured out faced certain death.

But if humans could peacefully coexist with these outsiders, even the weaker mortals could depart on the Galaxy Ancient Starship. Wouldn't this allow humans to quickly take root in various Stars Realms, giving rise to more numerous and powerful cultivators?

Yu Yuan felt an intuition that the Divine Soul Sect's innovative philosophy might enable the human race to achieve exponential growth, far surpassing the present.

"As for the future, it's really hard to predict. However, that doesn't mean we shouldn't give it a try," Yu Yuan stated.

Libre Baskerville
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