Unmatched Dominance/C851 The Black and White Were Reversed
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Unmatched Dominance/C851 The Black and White Were Reversed
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C851 The Black and White Were Reversed

Evil Town.

The Fiend Sect's cultivators, previously concealed by the Gray Stone Hall, were now fully exposed due to its collapse. They were visibly unsettled upon hearing that their Sect Master, Yun Hao, was en route.

Chiu Muge and Lyu Geng exchanged a grave look.

Chiu Muge discreetly cast a series of sophisticated Spiritual Spells on three coloured glaze lamps, securing them within the pocket dimension of his sleeve, under strict protection.

Eyes were drawn, almost instinctively, towards the mountain range.

There, the spiritual energy roiled from the depths, a tidal surge of power rolling towards Evil Town.

Amidst this tumultuous spiritual energy, a luminous pearl shone with the dazzling brilliance of the stars.

Within the pearl, upon closer inspection, one could discern innumerable soul shadows wandering.

"The Evil Bead!"

"It must be the Sect Master!"

The sight of the pearl confirmed their realization: Lee Tihai hadn't been fabricating tales. Sect Master Yun, who was meant to be battling in the Outer Star River, had indeed secretly returned to the sect.

And they had been none the wiser.

What did Lee Tihai's knowledge imply?

It suggested that upon his return, Yun Hao had confided in Lee Tihai, indicating a deep trust in him.

This revelation left many in Evil Town feeling a pang of sour loneliness.

Most of those who hadn't ventured into the mountain's heart were the sect's underachievers, the outcasts, the fringe members of the Fiend Sect.

Lyu Geng stood as their emblem.

His dissatisfaction with Yun Hao's policies had been voiced openly at several sect assemblies, earning him Yun Hao's displeasure and resulting in menial assignments.

Even the sect's rare cultivation resources eluded him.

Lyu Geng, whose innate talent was modest, had plateaued at the early stages of the Yang God Stage.

He didn't even measure up to Lee Tihai, who had started as an independent cultivator.

Disheartened, Lyu Geng seldom visited the sect's sacred grounds, preferring to remain in Evil Town, where he mentored his kin, placing his aspirations in the next generation.

Many in Evil Town shared Lyu Geng's fate, having found little success within the sect.

Just like Chiu Muge, he possessed exceptional strength and didn't depend on his sect's resources, managing to thrive on his own. Such individuals were rare.

Perhaps that's why the Fiend Sect elders, like Lyu Geng, longed for the days when the Evil King reigned supreme.

They could never quite forget him.


Without drawing attention, Yan Qiling moved to stand beside Yu Yuan, covertly communicating a warning to keep the Evil Cauldron's power active. "Yun Hao is a late-stage cultivator of the Unrestrained Stage. If he launches a stealth attack on your Consciousness Little World, you'll struggle to fend him off."

The Evil Cauldron, a potent Soul Artifact, would shield Yu Yuan from being instantly destroyed by a mere thought from Yun Hao.

As long as the Evil Cauldron could provide even a moment's protection, Yan Qiling would have time to intervene. Yu Yuan's immediate demise wasn't a concern.


Suddenly, a stocky, middle-aged man with bold features materialized before Lee Tihai.

"Sect Master!"

"Our respects, Sect Master!"

"Sect Master, when did you return?"

Upon his appearance, everyone in Evil Town bowed in respect.

Chiu Muge and Lyu Geng also bent at the waist, showing their deference.

Within the Fiend Sect, no one dared to forgo the proper salutations to Yun Hao, lest they give him a pretext for reprimand.

"Yun Hao..."

Yu Yuan maintained his composure, coolly regarding the Fiend Sect's leader.

In his past life as the Medicine God Hong Qi, he had encountered Yun Hao.

Their acquaintance was limited; Yun Hao had simply represented the Fiend Sect in securing a deal with the Medicine God Sect for a steady supply of special pellets for the sect's disciples' cultivation.

There was no personal rapport between them.

Moreover, Hong Qi's tenure had been brief, spanning just a few decades during the zenith of the Medicine God Sect.

At that time, Yun Hao was preoccupied with advancing to the later stages of the Unrestrained Stage, either in deep seclusion or traversing the Outland Starry Sky.

Therefore, he wasn't well-acquainted with Yun Hao and lacked a deep understanding of him.

In this lifetime, born into the Yu family of Darkmoon City, he came to know they were descendants of the Evil King, and after learning some secretive truths, his perspective on Yun Hao shifted dramatically.

Yun Hao, with his commanding presence and aura of integrity, would have made anyone unaware of the truth question whether Lee Tihai's master was really him.

"What's happening?"

As soon as Yun Hao spoke, the immense Spiritual Qi rolling toward Evil Town came to an abrupt halt.

The Evil Bead shimmered in and out of visibility deep within the Spiritual Qi.

Yu Yuan found himself irresistibly drawn to the expanse of Spiritual Qi, fixating on the fleeting glimpses of the Evil Bead.

He sensed that deep within the cloud sea, inside the Evil Bead, there were thousands of Evil Devils itching to break free, all connected to the Evil Cauldron.

These Evil Devils longed to escape the confines of the Evil Bead and the cloud sea, to make their way into the Evil Cauldron.

Yet, due to their prolonged enslavement, they harbored an instinctual fear of Yun Hao. The Evil Bead held them in a vice-like grip; any attempt at movement would cause them to vanish without a trace.

Thus, the multitude of Evil Devils could only emit silent pleas for rescue.

They pinned their hopes on Yu Yuan, the current master of the Evil Cauldron, to liberate them in this realm.

"Sect Master, here's the situation," Lee Tihai began, bowing with a sycophantic grin. "The Yu family of Darkmoon turned their backs on the Boundless Land, siding with the Outland Devaputra, right? I've heard they even thwarted the schemes of the Devil Palace and Demon Palace in Horror Land, enraging Lord Zhu."

"As for me, years ago, I inadvertently captured a woman's soul—his mother's, to be precise."

"With the Soul Igniting Tracing technique, I used his mother to draw him to Evil Town, aiming to detain him and bring him before the Devil Palace for questioning."

"And then..."

Lee Tihai was about to continue when Chiu Muge cut in, "The Yu family of Darkmoon City are the progeny of the Evil King!"

Yun Hao reeled from the revelation as if hearing it for the first time. "What? The Yu family of Darkmoon City descends from my mentor?!"

Lyu Geng nodded emphatically. "Exactly!"

Yun Hao inhaled sharply, his gaze burning into Lee Tihai. "Are you aware of this?!"

Lee Tihai, familiar with Yun Hao's temperament, quickly bowed his head to distance himself from the matter. "Sect Master, I would never dare commit such an act, especially knowing the Yu family's lineage from the Evil King. I was completely in the dark until Yu Yuan approached me, revealing their ancestry."

"When Boss Chou demanded the three coloured glaze lamps, I surrendered them without question."

He spread his hands, a picture of aggrieved innocence, as he complained to Yun Hao, "But let's be clear, the Yu family is one thing, and Yu Yuan is another. Yu Yuan has been branded a traitor by the three upper sects, the Demon Palace, and the Demon Palace. We can't overlook his actions simply because of his heritage, can we?"

"If the Demon Palace and the upper sects learn of our leniency towards the Yu family's connection with the Evil King, we'd be in an indefensible position!"

Every independent cultivator who reached the Yang God Stage was no ordinary individual. Lee Tihai, who had clawed his way up to the Yang God Stage through years of cunning and ruthless tactics, had earned Yun Hao's favor for good reason.

"I beg for punishment, Sect Master! I was unaware that the Yu family was related to your esteemed teacher. For my actions, I deserve the severest of consequences!"

Lyu Geng, Chiu Muge, and all the members of the Fiend Sect cast peculiar looks at Lee Tihai.

Anyone with sense could tell that the imprisonment of Yu Yuan's mother was no mere accident.

Yet, Lee Tihai had managed to deflect all blame cleanly.

"Regardless of your prior knowledge, your careless actions have brought shame upon my teacher's family!" Yun Hao's face seethed with rage as he pointed at Lee Tihai and rebuked him fiercely. "As punishment, you will spend thirty years in seclusion at the Cliff of Repentance reflecting on your misdeeds!"

Lee Tihai nodded rapidly, contrite. "It's only right. I acknowledge my fault."

Yun Hao inhaled deeply, steadying the tumult within his heart. He extended his hand toward Chiu Muge and said, "Muge, within those three coloured glaze lamps resides the wife of my mentor's descendant. Entrust her to my care. I will find a way to heal her soul so she may safely return to the Yu family."

Chiu Muge's face flickered with indecision, and he did not respond right away.

Yun Hao did not press him, instead shifting his gaze to Yu Yuan. "Though you hail from the Yu family, you've committed far too many acts against the good of the Boundless Land. On behalf of my teacher and on behalf of half the Yu family, I hereby banish you! From this moment forth, you are no longer a member of the Yu family, nor a descendant of my mentor!"

"From now on, you are simply Yu Yuan, with no ties to the Evil King!"

No sooner had he spoken than a "Silver Rainbow Magic Shuttle" glided across the cloud sea, arriving in silence. Shrouded in darkness, a Devil Envoy emerged from within. "Now that you have no connection to the Evil King, the Devil Palace will take you back for a thorough interrogation."

Her words seamlessly followed Yun Hao's, a flawless duet.

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