Unmatched Dominance/C855 The Demonic Lord's Retreat
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Unmatched Dominance/C855 The Demonic Lord's Retreat
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C855 The Demonic Lord's Retreat

The Tenth Level Demon Gods from both the Demon Palace and the Demon Palace remained unseen, undoubtedly constrained by a powerful force.

What kind of force could bind them?

It had to be a being of equal stature, possessing comparable strength and vitality, watching over them from afar.

Perhaps from within the vast expanse of the Boundless Land or just beyond, in the nearby Outland Star River.

For entities of such caliber, the barriers between realms had become meaningless.

As Yu Yuan pondered this, he instinctively gazed up at the deep blue sky, his eyes seeming to pierce the infinite cosmos, settling on the dazzling star river.

He could almost envision the Primordial Spirit Stage cultivators of the Divine Soul Sect, the Great Demon God of the Devaputra Race, and the chieftains of alien races silently overseeing the Boundless Land.

Observing this small corner of the universe.

Much like Zu Ann, the Ancestor atop Ascension Peak, who peered into the mortal realm through the Skywatch Mirror, these towering ancient beings also cast their gaze upon the entirety of the Boundless Land.

The Demon Palace, the Devil Palace, and the peak experts of the three upper sects must have all sensed this presence.

Their absence here spoke of caution; they were wary of igniting an unpredictable divine war within the Boundless Land.

Such a conflict, involving Primordial Spirits and Demon Gods, could wreak irreversible havoc on the entire realm.

And the Boundless Great World, the foundation of the Human Race and the ancestral land of the Demon Palace, was at stake.

Neither the current sovereigns—the five supreme forces—nor the returning Divine Soul Sect, nor the promised Devaputra and other races, wished to see the Boundless Land destroyed.

Hence, an unspoken agreement was formed.

These thoughts raced through Yu Yuan's mind, lightning-fast, as he felt he was on the verge of grasping the underlying truth.

The subsequent events validated his speculation...

It began with the Devil Envoy from the Devil Palace, who appeared to have received a message in the ancient demonic tongue. Enshrouded in shadows, the envoy gave a subtle nod to Zhou You, recently freed from the Sword Prison.

Then, without uttering a single word, she boarded the Silver Rainbow Magic Shuttle and swiftly departed.

Her silent departure was a signal from the Devil Palace, a harbinger of change.

Abruptly, the clear blue sky over Evil Town and the mountains of the Heavenly Evil Sect was swallowed by darkness, transforming day into an endless night. An ominous darkness, seemingly separate from the natural world, eclipsed the sun and blanketed the land. Daylight across the vast expanse vanished in a heartbeat.

Yun Hao of the Heavenly Evil Sect was momentarily elated, his lips parting to utter a forbidden name before snapping shut in sudden realization. His eyes eagerly searched the darkened heavens.

In the mountain depths, the Heavenly Evil Sect's experts and foreign warriors from other realms fell into a hushed silence, their faces shadowed as they gazed upward at the night sky.

A suffocating presence descended from the pitch-black firmament, causing the birds and beasts within the sect's mountainous sanctuary to cower and shiver on the ground.

In that moment, Yan Qiling, Luo Yue with her basket of flowers, and the others wore grave expressions, aware that the one who stood atop the Devil Palace had turned their gaze upon them.

Only the preeminent figure of the Devil Palace could engulf miles of daylight in darkness with a mere thought. The Devil Lord, Tan Xiaotian, an ancient Primordial Spirit Stage cultivator, was a peak existence within the Boundless Land. His power was on par with the Demon Phoenix of the Demon Palace, commanding reverence from the leaders of the three upper sects.

All practitioners within the Fiend Sect bowed their heads, invoking his name with profound veneration. The oppressive force rendered the scene utterly silent; not even the insects dared to make a sound, and a deathly stillness reigned.

It felt like centuries might have passed, or perhaps it was just an instant, but the darkness eventually receded, and daylight was restored in a flash.

Yun Hao, as if guided by the Devil Lord's will, suppressed his sorrow and addressed Zhou Xun, who stood above the clouds, "The Fiend Sect shall retreat to its original domain."

Zhou Xun, still reeling from the darkness that had engulfed them, his usual smile gone, nodded blankly. "Everything that belongs to the Evil Cauldron must remain."

He hung his head, eyes fixed on the Evil Bead, and added, "That includes the Evil Demon inside."

Yun Hao's face was the picture of despair. Clenching his teeth, he managed to say, "Understood."

Zhou You gave a satisfied nod and turned to Yu Yuan. "Let's head to the Evil Sect's mountain range. As the new master of the Evil Cauldron, it stands to reason that the range is rightfully yours."

Yan Qiling offered a smile and agreed, "It should indeed be so."

Yu Yuan was taken aback.

His soul spun with dizziness, an unreal sensation, as if his three souls were still incomplete.

He was acutely aware of the implications of being swallowed by daylight's darkness.

The Demon Lord, Tan Xiaotian, had visited but failed to change the tide. Instead, he had simply informed Yun Hao, who had obediently relinquished the mountain range.

Were all the items and Evil Devils claimed by the Fiend Sect to be returned to the Evil Sect?

And he, by virtue of possessing the Evil Cauldron and being the last member of the Evil Sect, was to inherit the rights to the mountain range?

Was this the place, as Yan Qiling had mentioned, where the Divine Soul Sect would establish the first major trading hub for both the Heavens and the Vast Expanse?

As the master, would he not be entitled to a share of the profits from this immense marketplace?

Dizzy and dreamlike, Yu Yuan followed Zhou You and Yan Qiling, with Luo Yue by his side and under the strange gazes of Chi Nandou and others below, piloting the Evil Cauldron toward the mountains.

Aloft, he watched the Spiritual Qi Clouds recede and immortal birds and spirit beasts frolic with ease.

He observed the disheartened Fiend Sect elders and disciples, ordered to pack up and depart one by one.

A sudden thought struck Yu Yuan.

Yun Hao, having merged with the Evil Bead at the Unrestrained Stage within this mountain range, was now compelled to abandon it and relocate to the Fiend Sect's original forest. Wouldn't his power plummet?

"Has the Divine Soul Sect grown so powerful that even the Demon Lord steps back?" Luo Yue drifted into the Evil Cauldron, her soul form beside Yu Yuan. "Junior Brother, what stroke of fortune is this? To think that by acquiring the Evil Cauldron, you've gained it all?"

Yu Yuan grinned with the confidence of a soothsayer and proclaimed, "I must be favored by the heavens."

He was certain that his theory about the source of the Yin Meridian in Horror Land was correct.

He had lived three lifetimes, and he recognized the individual from the bronze coffin in his first life.

That recognition was the reason he could count on the assistance of Yan Qiling and others.

Chen Liangquan, Zu Ann, and all those connected to the Divine Soul Sect had offered him their support, following orders from that very individual, both overtly and covertly.

"Mr. Yan."

Drawing in a gentle breath, he turned to Yan Qiling and began, "About my mother's..."

"There's no need for concern. Her soul is merely exceedingly weak but remains intact, with nothing amiss," Yan Qiling comforted him. "The Evil Sect possesses numerous resources to aid in the restoration of her soul. Don't fret; I'll handle everything."

Shortly after, he descended upon a principal peak. "Here lies the erstwhile stronghold of the Evil Sect."

Cauldron soul Yu Yiyi was already bursting with excitement.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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