Unmatched Dominance/C859 His Momentum Was Vast
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Unmatched Dominance/C859 His Momentum Was Vast
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C859 His Momentum Was Vast

Yu Yuan's face twisted with concern as he said, "Elder, please allow me one more attempt. This time, I hope you'll contain all your power."

"Oh." Beru nodded earnestly.

Yu Yuan took a deep breath, steadying his mind, no longer relying on his Qi and blood for perception as he had before.

A tendril of his soul consciousness, like a sinuous ethereal serpent, emerged from the acupoint between his eyebrows and slithered into Beru's chest, targeting the three hearts that had nearly made him cough up blood.

The three hearts, each the size of a fist, appeared to Yu Yuan's soulful gaze as three enormous walnuts.

These hearts brimmed with copious star energy, which was now subdued, causing no disturbance.

He quickly understood that the Star Race's power stemmed from their hearts, unlike cultivators whose power resided within the Yellow Court acupoint, a microcosm of Qi and blood.

The heart was the Star Race's reservoir for power.

Out of the three hearts, two had evident star energy but were lifeless in structure, their flesh and blood vessels rigid and inert.

Only one heart continued to beat, though its life force was waning.

His soul consciousness delved deeper, detecting in Beru's third heart countless minuscule toxins, imperceptible except to the soul.

Seven varieties of toxins intermingled, ravaging Beru's tissue and life force.

Yet these toxins were unfamiliar to him, unlike any from the Boundless Land.

With a furrowed brow, Yu Yuan withdrew his soul consciousness, expressing his astonishment, "You've been poisoned?"

Beru gave a wry nod. "Yes, it's poison."


Luo Yue's eyes sparkled with intrigue. "Junior brother, this is my area of expertise. You haven't encountered the exotic poisons of the Outland Star River. Let me have a look."

"You're knowledgeable in this?" Beru asked, taken aback.

Luo Yue, manifesting in her spirit form, didn't seem to mind his skepticism. New to this place, Beru was unaware of her reputation and thus doubted her.

Yu Yuan considered that Luo Yue had once led the Voodoo Cult and had ventured to the Outland Star River. She likely knew more about this than he did. "Let her have a try," he suggested.

Beru finally consented.

In front of Beru, Luo Yue's vibrant, seven-colored soul consciousness swiftly darted into his heart once he lowered his defenses.

This Nine Stars Sage of the Star Race was visibly more anxious than when Yu Yuan's soul consciousness had infiltrated him. Yu Yuan, being of a weaker realm and without the aid of artifacts, had entered his heart with a mere wisp of soul consciousness, and Beru had no fear of any adverse outcomes.

Because Yu Yuan posed no threat to him.

Luo Yue, on the other hand, was a different story.

As a Ghost King, Luo Yue's soul consciousness could instantly transform into a razor-sharp blade. If she harbored ill intent, she could potentially inflict severe injury or even cause his premature death.

"I stand for the Star Race. It is my intention to extend goodwill in hopes of altering the course of events in the Star River," Beru recited internally, his nerves on edge. The thought of his fellow Star Race members, living within the Domain Boundary and being preyed upon by the savage Human Yang Gods and Unrestrained Stage cultivators, instilled in him a sense of duty to take risks.

"I recognize five types of poison."

After withdrawing her soul consciousness, Luo Yue's face took on an odd look as she coughed softly and continued, "Three of these poisons likely originated from our Voodoo Cult. It seems a senior from our sect has spread the poison that was used on you."

"You're from the Voodoo Cult?" Beru's face paled slightly.

Luo Yue nodded in confirmation.

Beru recoiled as if he'd seen a specter, distancing himself from Luo Yue. With a dark look, he scrutinized her for a long while before revealing, "One thousand five hundred years ago, I encountered someone from the Voodoo Cult. Indeed, some of the poison in my system came from him."

"That was long before my time. It must have been one of the elders from my sect," Luo Yue said with a shrug. "I hadn't even been born yet, so you can't hold me responsible."

Before Beru could respond, she proposed, "Let's do this: since you've been poisoned, describe to me the two unknown poisons and the circumstances under which you were poisoned. I'll do some research and, together with my junior brother, devise a plan to concoct a pellet for you."

Beru wavered, uncertain.

Just then, a figure approached and inquired about their conversation. Upon understanding, he offered a reassuring smile and said, "Please, try to trust her. We assure you she means you no harm. You've traversed the galaxy to come here, as an invited guest. You must place your faith in us."

Beru reflected briefly before responding, "Alright then."

"Let them have their discussion. Yu Yuan, step outside with me for a moment."


Shortly thereafter, Yu Yuan followed Zhou You to the summit of Evil Peak.

A square teleportation array stood in a valley between two distant mountains, originally constructed by the Fiend Sect.

Yan Qiling was directing members of the Rock Clan to stack luminous crystals.

Each crystal pulsated with distinct spatial fluctuations.

"In no more than nine days, this grand array capable of space transfer within the Boundless Land will be complete," Zhou You said, his smile beaming. "We've already established three others—one each in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, Silvermoon Empire, and Desolate Swamp. This will be the fourth!"

Yu Yuan was taken aback. "I recall that the spiritual materials for constructing a teleportation array are exceedingly rare."

The Spirit Void Sect, one of the seven lower sects, had exhausted their resources to erect just one in Spider City, earning them the status as the foremost among their peers.

On the Quietus Continent, powers like the Fiend Sect, Filthy Spirit Sect, and Voodoo Cult lacked the capability to build such arrays.

Yet now, Zhou You claimed that three had been constructed in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, Silvermoon Empire, and Desolate Swamp!

"The primary materials for the teleportation array are scarce in the Boundless Land; we've had to seek them from beyond the heavens," Zhou You explained with a casual smile. "In the Star Race's domain, however, such materials are abundant. For eons, the Star Race has fiercely protected them, keeping them hidden from us."

"But things have changed. Since the Star Race and the Divine Soul Sect reached an agreement, they've started selling us those materials."

"That's how we've been able to swiftly construct four teleportation arrays with ease."

Zhou You paused briefly.

"Many spiritual materials that are nonexistent in our world are actually stockpiled by other races in the Outland Star River. Opening trade with them would be mutually beneficial."

"In three months, a grand trade fair, open to beings from beyond and within, will take place right before your eyes!"

"Then, numerous powerful beings from the Outland Star River will converge here, bringing with them the divine substances and treasures that our human cultivators in the Boundless Land have long coveted. Many of these treasures will greatly aid both Unrestrained Stage and Primordial Spirit Stage cultivators in their pursuits, treasures they have desperately sought but never found."

"The Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, the Luan Bird Empire, the Desolate Swamp, the Silvermoon Empire, the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea, and the inhabitants and spectral beings of the Horror Land will all receive invitations from Yan Qiling."

"Yan Qiling will extend these invitations to every sect and power, with the exception of the three upper sects, the Demon Palace, and the Devil Palace!"

"It's going to be a spectacular banquet that will capture the world's attention!"

Zhou You's face lit up with fervor as he anticipated the major trading event set to take place in three months.

This was the splendid future President Lyi had imagined.

Yu Yuan was profoundly moved by the description, believing that if it came to fruition, it would be a monumental achievement without historical precedent.

Yet he harbored some concerns...

"Rest assured, our task over the next three months is to ensure the five paramount forces remain silent," Zhou You said with a cold smirk. "And to make the empires and sects across the three continents recognize the reality of the situation."

"You summoned me for what reason?" Yu Yuan inquired.

"Mr. Chen, I wish to assist you in organizing the grand formation beneath the mountains, for which we'll need the Evil Cauldron's authorization," Zhou You said with a slight smile. "With the Luan Bird Empire now stable, he will be arriving in two days."

"Chen Liangquan!"

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