Unmatched Dominance/C874 The Fight for Treasures
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Unmatched Dominance/C874 The Fight for Treasures
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C874 The Fight for Treasures

Leaving the Nimo River behind, Yu Yuan gripped the sword sheath, periodically tuning into its essence. Within the sheath, dense sword intent coiled like pythons in a deep pool. He could detect the fluctuations with his soul, yet truly grasping it proved to be an arduous task.

This sword intent, much of it harvested by Chopping Moon cultivators in the Outland Star River, was a legacy of the fallen warriors of the Sword Sect. They had left behind a remnant of their strength, an imprint of an incomplete sword Dao, lacking a complete system and thus, exceedingly challenging to master.

"The sword intent from the Optimus Nine Slashes of that particular practitioner dominates the collective intent of other Sword Sect experts," Yu Yuan realized after some contemplation.

The residual, incomplete sword intent was akin to a band of defeated soldiers, governed by the crimson glow of the sword light. When Yu Yuan executed the sword spell and unleashed the "Optimus Nine Slashes," these remnants synergized to amplify the spell's potency.

However, without being a member of the Sword Sect and lacking the specific techniques to channel the sword spirit, delving into the subtleties of this sword intent seemed unlikely. But with the "Optimus Nine Slashes," an exquisite sword spell, already etched deeply into his consciousness, he had no need to look elsewhere.

"Yang Chuhe's Water Cloud Arrow, now a sword spell, pales in comparison to the sword intent within this sheath," Qin Yun remarked, a hint of nostalgia in his voice.

As a longtime rival, Yang Chuhe's Water Cloud Arrow was outclassed by Qin Yun's own Azure Yang Arrow. Yet, with Yang Chuhe having advanced to the Middle Period of the Soul Wandering Stage and infusing the arrow with the essence of the Nimo River, its power had significantly increased.

Qin Yun had been prepared to counter the Water Cloud Arrow with one of his Azure Yang Arrows, but Yu Yuan's summoning of the sword sheath had effortlessly resolved the issue. The burst of scarlet from the Shatter Star Slash, releasing a formidable sword intent, obliterated the Water Cloud Arrow, a sight that thrilled him.

"Young Master, are these the treasures and sword doctrines of the Sword Sect?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"It's definitely connected to the Sword Sect."

As dusk fell, Yu Yuan gazed upward at the cloud-strewn sky, pondering the mysterious event that led to the Sword Sect's unparalleled Great Sword Immortal being besieged by a multitude of formidable adversaries. The sword blade, scabbard, and soul had been torn asunder, each parting ways.

He mused on the might that would be unleashed if the sword blade were to be reunited with its scabbard—his already formidable swordsmanship would become even more fearsome.

In the distance, a grand and ethereal city shimmered into view, hovering over the desolate wilderness.

Qin Yun expressed his astonishment, "Something's not right here."

Yu Yuan, snapping out of his reverie, shared the surprise. "Based on your account, after crossing the Nimo River, we should be within a hundred miles of the Seven Divine Sect, right? Is that city part of the Rainier Empire?"

"No, it's not. The Rainier Empire doesn't possess such a city!" Qin Yun stated with conviction.

"A city that materializes from nowhere, not of the Rainier Empire..." Yu Yuan stroked his chin, his brow furrowing in thought. "Could it be we've encountered someone from the Profound Sky Sect once more?"

Each Heaven Palace Seal of the Profound Sky Sect had the power to conjure a city as imposing as this.

Both Mei Qiurong and Cao Jiaze, who had wielded the Heaven Palace Seal, had mastered its transformative abilities, each revealing wondrous feats.

Beneath the darkening sky, the sudden emergence of this misty city could only point to one thing—the Heaven Palace Seal of the Profound Sky Sect.

"The Profound Sky Sect's Heaven Palace Seal?" Qin Yun's face tensed. "Master, didn't you mention that our arrival in the Rainier Empire shouldn't alert the upper sects?"

His concern was immediate.

Anyone in possession of the Heaven Palace Seal held a prestigious position within the Profound Sky Sect, be they a high-level cultivator or a sect luminary like Cao Jiaze—none were to be trifled with.

Having survived the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, encountering all manner of demonic beings and foreign dignitaries who showed deference to Yan Qiling, Qin Yun had come to see himself as part of a faction opposed to the upper sects.

Hence, his trepidation at the thought of facing the might of the upper sects' elite.

"The three major upper sects, along with the force backing Mr. Yan, have been warily eyeing each other of late," Yu Yuan said, adopting a cautious tone. "According to Mr. Yan, their recent skirmishes have all unfolded in the heavens. Both parties hail from the Boundless Land and are reluctant to clash here, lest they wreak havoc on the landscape."

Battles between experts at the Primordial Spirit Stage and the Unrestrained Stage could devastate the Boundless Land.

Thus, by unspoken agreement, the adversaries have chosen to take their battles to the skies.

"If it's not the three upper sects, then who could it be?" Qin Yun wondered, perplexed.

"A visit should shed some light on the matter," Yu Yuan replied curtly.

Clutching the Evil Cauldron and gripping the sword sheath, he felt confident that the diminutive Rainier Empire held no power that could threaten him.

Shortly thereafter, Yu Yuan and Qin Yun, aboard the Evil Cauldron, drew near their destination. Night had fallen, and a colossal, luminous pearl radiated a soft, treasured light, suspended aloft.

The ethereal city they had just glimpsed lay within that pearl.

"This object... it's the Illusion Pearl!"

Yu Yuan paused, realization dawning on him. Wasn't this the very pearl that had once lured him and Xie Binn out of Luan Bird City, the one that the Qi family renegade had used in his scheme to seize the Ice Thunder Mark?

Inside the Illusion Pearl's city of mirages, countless shadowy figures darted about, mere wraiths without soul or sentience.

A resplendent Spiritual Sword, adorned with dragon scales, rampaged through the city within the pearl like a golden dragon with five claws. The sight of that golden dragon stirred a sense of déjà vu in Yu Yuan.

Years ago, in the Absence Relic, he had encountered Wong Jinlin of the Spirit Void Sect, wielding a Spiritual Sword known as "Nether Gold." The scene was strikingly familiar.

Yet, Wong Jinlin had long since perished.

"Spirit Void Sect, one of the eight true masters, Taoist Chongxiao!" Yu Yuan's momentary stupor gave way to clarity. With a furrowed brow, he declared, "The artifact is known as the Illusion Pearl, and its master is Qi Yunhong, formerly a practitioner of the Thunder Sect who later defected. Taoist Chongxiao of the Spirit Void Sect is currently engaged in battle with him inside the Illusion Pearl."

Last time I saw him, Qi Yunhong was at the pinnacle of the Soul Wandering Stage, not yet having refined his Yang God.

Meanwhile, Wang Jinlin's master had long been a practitioner of the Yang God Stage, and by now, he's likely a cultivator in the latter half of the stage, usually stationed in Spider City. What brings him here?

With a swish, a bolt of golden lightning shot out from the illusory city, transforming into an old man wielding a sword.

"Nether Gold!" Taoist Chongxiao, with the artifact back in his grasp, let out a cold huff. The ephemeral city within the Illusion Pearl was suddenly trampled under a barrage of golden light, collapsing like a sandcastle at the mercy of the tide.

"You old cur, this isn't over!" Qi Yunhong raged, emerging from the Illusion Pearl. Moments later, he stepped out, clutching the pearl tenderly in his hand, and locked eyes with Taoist Chongxiao in fury.

"It's you!"

"Yu Yuan!"

The next instant, both Taoist Chongxiao and Qi Yunhong exclaimed in recognition, their attention snapping to Yu Yuan who had inadvertently stumbled upon the scene.

"Why are you here?" Qi Yunhong, after his initial shock, materialized beside the Evil Cauldron. He rubbed his reddened eyes and said, "Hold on, that doesn't make sense. The last I heard, you were still in Horror Land."

Qi Yunhong's sudden proximity startled Yu Yuan, who instinctively tightened his hold on his sword's scabbard.

This wild card from the Qi family was trouble even before his expulsion from the Thunder Sect. Since then, he's been a law unto himself, leaving a trail of chaos in his wake.

Yu Yuan concentrated and could see the man had elevated his presence even further.

He must have successfully ascended to the Yang God Stage...

A Yang God Stage cultivator is no easy adversary, especially one who has come in person. Yu Yuan had to stay on guard.

But Qi Yunhong didn't seem to harbor any ill will, nor did he show any intention of entering the Evil Cauldron or closing the distance between them. This realization allowed Yu Yuan to breathe a sigh of relief, prompting him to ask, "And what brings you here?"

"I was in deep seclusion nearby, solidifying my realm after a breakthrough. Somehow, this old dog sniffed me out." He gestured towards Taoist Chongxiao, a flicker of madness flashing in his dark red eyes. "Once I've recuperated, I'll slaughter every last member of the Spirit Void Sect!"

"Give me the Illusion Pearl, and the Spirit Void Sect will leave you be," Taoist Chongxiao, clutching the Nether Gold, declared. "The pearl and the Spectral Umbrella were once a matched set, divided long ago between the Thunder Sect and the Spirit Void Sect. Now that the Thunder Sect has cast you out, you've forfeited the right to wield the Illusion Pearl."

Taoist Chongxiao, the Spirit Void Sect's great hope who wielded the Spectral Umbrella, would see a significant boost in both his cultivation and combat prowess if he were to acquire the Illusion Pearl for Qu Jing.

It was through clandestine intelligence that Taoist Chongxiao learned of Qi Yunhong's presence nearby, attempting to ascend to the Yang God Stage, which prompted his pursuit.

The rumblings of Qi Yunhong's breakthrough had caught the attention of certain parties, who then informed the Spirit Void Sect.

And so, he arrived.

"The Illusion Pearl and the Spectral Umbrella were originally the possessions of the Illusion Sect, never yours to claim," Qi Yunhong sneered with a hint of derision. "Seizing treasures and artifacts from fallen sects and calling them your own, the Spirit Void Sect truly has no shame."

"To concern oneself with shame is to forsake the cultivator's path," Taoist Chongxiao replied, his demeanor unflustered. After a brief contemplation, he addressed Yu Yuan, "This matter doesn't concern you. The Seven Divine Sect awaits just beyond. You're free to leave now."

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