Unmatched Dominance/C876 Untraceable
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Unmatched Dominance/C876 Untraceable
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C876 Untraceable

In the skies above the Seven Divine Sect's domain, the "Fallen Star Eyes" shone under the bright moonlight, resembling a colossal silver warship with its elegant curves casting a soft, chilly radiance. A figure stood atop it, gazing down like a lunar deity upon Yang Chuhe below.

Adjacent to the "Fallen Star Eyes," a smaller palace crafted from numerous jade pieces floated serenely.

Old Cash, dressed like a wealthy merchant, jangled his ring-laden, plump hand as he pointed at Yang Chuhe and several Seven Divine Sect cultivators, barking, "Where is he?"

"I don't know," Yang Chuhe replied, shaking his head.

Old Cash, a solitary cultivator, was in the late stages of the Soul Wandering realm. The hovering "Jade Tower" radiated the noble essence of ancient dynasties, enough to make him feel overwhelmed.

Although Old Cash's cultivation level was slightly above his, Yang Chuhe wasn't intimidated within the boundaries of the Rainier Empire.


With a mix of reverence and bitterness, Yang Chuhe cast a glance at the "Fallen Star Eyes." The Silver Moon Sect was one of the seven subordinate sects, wasn't it? As the heir apparent to the Silver Moon Sect's leadership, why would he be mingling with a rogue cultivator like Old Cash?

What connection did Yu Yuan have with him?

Internally grumbling, Yang Chuhe's gaze shifted to Liu Xu, the Crown Prince, brimming with confusion.

Liu Xu stepped forward, ignoring Old Cash, and looked skyward with a longing expression as he called out, "Yu Yuan and Qin Yun encountered my master at the Nimo River half a month ago, leading to a confrontation. Since then, they've vanished without a trace."

"If you doubt my words, feel free to scour the Rainier Empire for any sign of them."

At Liu Xu's words, several Seven Divine Sect cultivators instinctively cradled their heads in frustration.

They thought, Your Highness, even if you're eager to please Lau Ying and the Silver Moon Sect, isn't this a bit too accommodating, allowing them to conduct searches within the empire? Have you forgotten the backing of the Primordial Yang Sect?

"We've already looked for them. We came to you because our search turned up nothing."

From within the radiant "Fallen Star Eyes" above, Lau Ying's voice, tinged with concern yet melodious, floated down, "Never mind, I'll continue the search myself."

"Miss Lau, feel free to do as you wish," Liu Xu said with a foolish chuckle. "If you're weary, you're welcome to rest in the city."

Without a word, Lau Ying summoned the power of the Fallen Star Eyes and soared into the heavens.

Almost simultaneously, Yan Qiling stood beneath the sinister visage of the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area's evil statue. Employing secret arts shrouded in shadow, he spied upon the events unfolding within the Seven Divine Sect.

Lau Ying, through the Fallen Star Eyes, could fix her gaze upon the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area. In turn, the malevolent statue leveraged the same power to observe her surroundings.

"After vanishing without a trace for half a month, Lau Ying has scoured the entire Rainier Empire with the Fallen Star Eyes and found nothing," Yan Qiling mused, stroking his chin with a sense of foreboding. "In just one more month, an unprecedented, galaxy-wide festival will commence, and the young man who's pivotal to it all has abruptly gone missing..."

He had extended his reach into the Rainier Empire through clandestine networks. The feedback from several covert operatives there echoed Lau Ying's fruitless findings.

——Yu Yuan and Qin Yun had mysteriously vanished without a trace.

"Perhaps it's time to make a report."

Concentrating, Yan Qiling released strands of his soul's essence from his brow, which coalesced into a tiny azure-black blossom that settled upon the benevolent face of the evil statue.

The azure-black flower unfurled amidst the statue's eerie countenance, and a thread of soul consciousness pierced the celestial barrier, reaching beyond the stars.

After a while, the flower spoke as if with human lips, "Understood. There's no need for concern."

As the voice echoed, the sinister bloom ignited, enveloped in flames of the same hue. With its message delivered, the flower was reduced to ash, leaving no trace behind.

Yan Qiling exhaled in relief. As he was about to engage with some foreign visitors to hash out further details, a secret pulse in his left temple began to pound insistently.

"Kin Rourou has awakened."

He immediately understood that Yu Yuan's birth mother had achieved the harmonization of soul and body within the Medicine Sect.


Against the backdrop of the pitch-black night, Yu Yuan gripped the sword sheath as though it were a tangible Spiritual Sword. His gaze, icy and incisive, cut through the void to the distant emptiness, "It's you, isn't it, Chu Jing?"

"Qu Jing?!" Qin Yun's face paled in shock.

Qu Jing of the Spirit Void Sect was the undeniable heir to the Sect Master position. The last time Qin Yun had heard news of him in Spider City, he was deeply shaken to learn that Qu Jing had advanced to the late stage of the Yin God Stage.

Not long before, in Luan Bird City, Qu Jing had appeared to be merely at the early stage of the Yin God Stage.

Qin Yun had been astounded then, marveling at the rapid pace of Qu Jing's breakthroughs.

The space teleportation array in Spider City, a creation of the Spirit Void Sect, was under the long-term supervision of Taoist Chongxiao. With many of the sect's cultivators coming and going, it was inevitable that news about the Spirit Void Sect would slip out.

Thus, Qin Yun was aware of the battle between Qu Jing and Yu Yuan, and it seemed... Qu Jing's Spectral Umbrella had suffered some damage.

What was the situation now? Could this bizarre little realm truly be Qu Jing's doing?

"The Qi Yunhong we've encountered three times likely met with misfortune. His Illusion Pearl must have ended up with Qu Jing, and after merging with the Spectral Umbrella, it seems to have propelled Qu Jing's realm and strength to new heights," Yu Yuan articulated his speculation with clarity. "Of course, Qu Jing alone couldn't have wrested the Spectral Umbrella from Qi Yunhong's grasp."

"The Taoist Chongxiao we've seen must be Qu Jing's accomplice. And it's likely that other Taoists have also joined forces with Taoist Chongxiao, adding to the pressure on Qi Yunhong."

After a moment of contemplation, Yu Yuan raised his voice, "Stop lurking in the shadows. If your Spirit Void Sect has acted and dragged me into this, then quit playing hide-and-seek."

The world around them remained eerily quiet, with no response.

It was then that Qin Yun fully grasped the oddity of their surroundings. This realm was familiar, yet the Rainier Empire, known for its perennial heat, was never this silent.

In the dead of night, there should have been the chorus of insects and the buzz of flies.

Instead, as it stood, within dozens of miles, his soul sense detected not a trace of life.

Hiss! Hiss! Hiss!

Suddenly, streaks of crimson lightning sliced through the pitch-black night, transforming the landscape into a sinister, dark red world.

Crimson lightning, the harbinger of soul annihilation, cascaded slowly from the heavens, streak by vivid streak.

"Soul Igniting Lightning!"

Yu Yuan's brow furrowed as he instantly recognized the lightning above as the signature of Qi Yunhong, the outcast of the Thunder Sect.

From Xie Binn, he had learned that some Thunder Sect cultivators had harnessed this very Soul Igniting Lightning from an enigmatic pool within the Outer Star River, having since severed ties with the sect to forge their own path.

Yan Qiling had hinted at dealings between these renegades, deemed sinners by the Thunder Sect, and the Divine Soul Sect.

Favored by these individuals, Qi Yunhong had once wielded the Soul Igniting Lightning...

During the assault on Luan Bird City, Ann Ziqing had stripped Qi Yunhong of his Soul Igniting Lightning, integrating it into the Ice Thunder Mark and significantly enhancing its potency.

Now, the resurgence of numerous Soul Igniting Lightning bolts indicated that the Thunder Sect's distant experts had once again bestowed their power upon Qi Yunhong.

Regrettably, Qi Yunhong failed to safeguard the Soul Igniting Lightning and suffered its backlash.

Amidst the thick swarm of Soul Igniting Lightning, which descended to the level of the Evil Cauldron, one could barely discern a crystalline human figure.

Draped in "Flame Soul Electricity," his vitality had waned to the brink, as if stirring a single fingertip was a herculean task.

"Yu Yuan..."

The visage of Qi Yunhong, ensnared by his own Flame Soul Electricity, was devoid of madness, replaced by a tortured soul yearning for death. "What brings you here?"

"Is he the one you spoke of?" Qin Yun called out.

"Yes," Yu Yuan affirmed with a nod. "He's different from the previous three encounters. He appears... genuine, a freshly solidified Yang God."

"Qi Yunhong, what has befallen you?" Yu Yuan demanded.

"The Spirit Void Sect," Qi Yunhong replied through a grimace of agony. "As I was forging my Yang God, they ambushed me. Chu Jing, Taoist Chongxiao, and Taoist Tianjing struck at the very moment my Yang God came into being. That was my most vulnerable time; I stood no chance and thus met this fate. They even seized the Illusion Pearl."

Qi Yunhong, ensnared by the Flame Soul Electricity, soared toward the Evil Cauldron—his fourth attempt.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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