Unmatched Dominance/C888 Bloodline Awakened
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Unmatched Dominance/C888 Bloodline Awakened
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C888 Bloodline Awakened

As the dreamscapes faded away, Lulu gradually came to consciousness.

She was still somewhat groggy, as if during her slumber, she had glimpsed a radiant orb of life approaching her.

The orb cast its light upon her, scattering the shadows of her nightmares and dissolving her fears and unease.

She awoke enveloped in a sense of warmth and security.

"Who could it be? I was so out of it, always wandering through those horrifying dreams. Waking moments were few and far between. And even when I did wake up, it was just to grab a quick bite before my mind fogged over again."

Lulu was quietly perplexed.

"My dear, are you truly awake?"

At that moment, Wen Xin, accompanied by Yu Yuan, entered the more spacious carriage.

The sight of Lulu's eyes opening seemed to smooth away the years from the old lady's face. She hurried over and took the girl's wrist, feeling for her pulse. "Excellent, her breathing is a bit weak, but her mind seems to be clearing!"

Yu Yuan, who had come in with them, was taken aback by the sudden change in her demeanor, finding it a bit unsettling.

His attention then shifted to the girl in the green dress.

Accustomed to stunning beauties, he found Lulu's features not of the catastrophic kind, but rather, she possessed a quiet, understated beauty, like a delicate jade in a modest setting, which was quite soothing to behold.

Before he could take a closer look, the Life Altar within him began to rotate silently, casting a crimson glow.

"A natural sense of kinship..."

Usually, the Life Altar was ravenous, greedily craving vast amounts of Qi and blood. Never before had Yu Yuan felt such comfort.

It was Lulu, unremarkable and unassuming, who stirred this sense of closeness within him, a feeling that stemmed from the Life Altar itself...

Yu Yuan gently closed his eyes and imagined himself in a dense, verdant forest, inhaling the crisp scent of foliage. He sensed the world teeming with life, a rejuvenation of all things.

Upon opening his eyes and taking a closer look at the girl before him, he noticed her elongated, slightly pointed ears and green-tinted pupils.


He was suddenly reminded of the Dark Elfkind, the otherworldly beings he had observed atop Evil Peak, using the Evil Devils as his lens.

The Dark Elfkind were known for their lithe figures and striking beauty, with elongated, pointed ears, green-tinted eyes, hair, and even their skin varying in shades of green.

The Dark Elfkind, known in the Outland Star River as the Dark Night Elves, were innately adept at the secret arts of the soul.

Yu Yuan's knowledge of the Dark Elfkind's origins and wonders was limited, as his time on Evil Peak was brief and he had not formally interacted with any of their kind.

Yet the young girl before him...

"What's her name?" Yu Yuan inquired gently.

"Lulu," replied the old woman leaning on a Dragon Head Staff, visibly cheered by the girl's awakening. "Kid, don't wander off. Stay put in this carriage. Rest assured, aligning with the Wen family will be to your advantage!"

"Third Grandma, has our family... abandoned us?" Lulu murmured.

Upon hearing this, Wen Xin's expression grew somber. "Don't spout such nonsense. The family has its own predicaments. We remain part of the Wen family; it's just that we need to step away for a while."

"Young ones, take the time to talk," Wen Xin suggested, though she doubted Yu Yuan could truly be of help to Lulu. Nevertheless, since Lulu had suddenly awakened and felt comforted by Yu Yuan's proximity, she was willing to indulge the girl's wishes.

After all, Yu Yuan hadn't embarked on the path of cultivation, so there was little cause for concern.

"I understand you're bored, so let him keep you company. I'll be right next door. If you need anything, just lift the curtain and call out—I'll hear you."

With those words and a cautionary glance at Yu Yuan, Wen Xin stepped out.

"I'm Lee Qi, from the Silvermoon Empire. I've studied the Dao of Herbs at the Medicine Sect," Yu Yuan reiterated, "And you..."

"You're quite intimidating," Lulu said, scooting to the back of the carriage to make more room for him. "But I know you won't hurt me."

"Intimidating?" Yu Yuan touched his nose, puzzled. "I haven't even begun my cultivation journey. But you, you've reached the Profound Break Stage already, haven't you?"

"That's right. Grandma might not see it, but I do," Lulu said with a playful stick of her tongue and a sly sparkle in her eyes. "There's an incredibly strong force inside you! I can sense it."

Yu Yuan felt a tremor of surprise.

He realized Lulu was referring to the "Life Altar" within his Qi and blood.

"I've just ascended to the Profound Break Stage, and my body started acting up," Lulu said, her head bowed in distress. "My blood's color changed, and I've been feeling disoriented. Plus, there's something inside me that's been trying to consume me. Strangely enough, I ended up devouring it in my dreams..."

Her words came out in fits and starts, as if she were recounting a dream.

In Yu Yuan's presence, Lulu felt an instinctive sense of calm, trusting that he would never harm her. With this trust, she opened up to him without any reservations.

If Wen Xin were here to hear Lulu's candid revelations, she would likely be livid to the point of spitting blood.

From Lulu's fragmented account, Yu Yuan understood that upon her advancement to the Profound Break Stage and the opening of her Qi and blood microcosm, her blood and heart underwent a profound transformation.

The entity that had resided within her since childhood was the soul of a green dragon.

The dragon had attempted to consume her, but instead, she had vanquished its soul in her dreams. She had been in the process of assimilating the dragon soul and had reached an impasse with her previous cultivation practices, unable to proceed further.

After pondering for a moment, Yu Yuan nodded and said, "I think I've got a handle on the situation."

"What is it?" Lulu inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"Reaching the Profound Break Stage, you unlocked your Qi and blood, awakening a non-human bloodline," Yu Yuan deduced. "It was likely then that the color of your blood, eyes, and pupils shifted. The dragon soul within you sensed the anomaly and eagerly tried to consume you, only to be eradicated by your newly awakened bloodline."

"The reason you can't continue your cultivation is that your original Spiritual Spell was designed for humans."

"With your bloodline now awakened, you're no longer purely human. Persisting in your previous cultivation practices is now detrimental to you. Furthermore, you haven't fully assimilated the dragon soul. Your multitude of issues stem from not yet recognizing who you are now."

Yu Yuan was confident in his assessment, which was almost certainly on the mark.

The young woman before him, Lulu, shared a secret kinship with the enigmatic Chen Liangquan and many others from the Boundless Land. She was of mixed heritage, part human and part Dark Elfkind.

Lulu's lineage, a blend of human and Dark Elfkind blood, had remained concealed until now.

It wasn't until Lulu reached the Profound Break Stage and her life force and Qi unfolded, triggering her bloodline's awakening, that she experienced astonishing transformations in every aspect.

Unfortunately, she remained oblivious to her own condition.

"An otherworldly bloodline? I'm not purely human..."

Lulu was bewildered, murmuring to herself in a state of denial, seemingly unable to come to terms with the reality.

She had assumed her ailments were due to poison or illness, perhaps inflicted by the green dragon.

She attributed all the abnormalities to the dragon soul that had been embedded within her since childhood, never considering any other possibilities.

Yu Yuan's revelation completely shattered her previous understanding, leaving her utterly dumbfounded.

"It appears you truly know nothing. Never mind, I'll speak with your Third Aunt. I suspect she'll have insights into the issue," Yu Yuan said as he pulled back the carriage curtain and cleared his throat with a loud cough. "Senior, your presence is requested once more."

No sooner had he spoken than he saw Wen Xin, leaning on her Dragon Head Staff, her expression grave as she stood in solemn anticipation.

The other practitioners from the carriages disembarked one by one.

Observing Wen Xin's stance, Yu Yuan surmised that the Dragon Servitors, having failed in their initial assassination attempt, must have swiftly regrouped for a second offensive.

This time, with preparations in place, Wen Xin's chances of an easy escape seemed slim.

Libre Baskerville
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